local upload = require "upload" local content_length=tonumber(ngx.req.get_headers()['content-length']) local method=ngx.req.get_method() if whiteip() then elseif blockip() then elseif denycc() then elseif ngx.var.http_Acunetix_Aspect then ngx.exit(444) elseif ngx.var.http_X_Scan_Memo then ngx.exit(444) elseif whiteurl() then elseif ua() then elseif url() then elseif args() then elseif cookie() then elseif PostCheck then if method=="POST" then local boundary = get_boundary() if boundary then local form = upload:new(500) if not form then return end form:set_timeout(1000) -- 1 sec while true do local typ, res, err = form:read() if not typ then return end if typ=="body" then body(res) end if typ == "eof" then break end end -- local typ, res, err = form:read() -- body(res) else ngx.req.read_body() local args = ngx.req.get_post_args() if not args then return end for key, val in pairs(args) do if type(val) == "table" then data=table.concat(val, ", ") else data=val end if data and type(data) ~= "boolean" and body(data) then return true end end end end else return end