Even more confs!
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
export default () => {
const config = {};
config.proxy_http_version = '1.1';
config.proxy_cache_bypass = '$http_upgrade';
config['proxy_set_header Upgrade'] = '$http_upgrade';
config['proxy_set_header Connection'] = '"upgrade"';
config['proxy_set_header Host'] = '$host';
config['proxy_set_header X-Real-IP'] = '$remote_addr';
config['proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For'] = '$proxy_add_x_forwarded_for';
config['proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto'] = '$scheme';
config['proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host'] = '$host';
config['proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Port'] = '$server_port';
// Done!
return config;
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
export default (domains, global) => {
const config = {};
config['# default uwsgi_params'] = '';
config.include = 'uwsgi_params';
config['# uwsgi settings'] = '';
config.uwsgi_pass = (global.python.pythonServer.computed[0] === '/' ? 'unix:' : '')
+ global.python.pythonServer.computed;
config['uwsgi_param Host'] = '$host';
config['uwsgi_param X-Real-IP'] = '$remote_addr';
config['uwsgi_param X-Forwarded-For'] = '$proxy_add_x_forwarded_for';
config['uwsgi_param X-Forwarded-Proto'] = '$http_x_forwarded_proto';
// Done!
return config;
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
import commonHsts from '../util/common_hsts';
export default (domains, global) => {
const config = {};
config['# security headers'] = '';
config['add_header X-Frame-Options'] = '"SAMEORIGIN" always';
config['add_header X-XSS-Protection'] = '"1; mode=block" always';
config['add_header X-Content-Type-Options'] = '"nosniff" always';
config['add_header Referrer-Policy'] = `"${global.security.referrerPolicy.computed}" always`;
if (global.security.contentSecurityPolicy.computed)
config['add_header Content-Security-Policy'] = `"${global.security.contentSecurityPolicy.computed}" always`;
// Every domain has HSTS enabled, and they all have same hstsSubdomains/hstsPreload settings
if (commonHsts(domains)) {
const commonHSTSSubdomains = domains.length && domains[0].https.hstsSubdomains.computed;
const commonHSTSPreload = domains.length && domains[0].https.hstsPreload.computed;
config['add_header Strict-Transport-Security'] = `"max-age=31536000${commonHSTSSubdomains ? '; includeSubDomains' : ''}${commonHSTSPreload ? '; preload' : ''}" always`;
config['# . files'] = '';
config['location ~ /\\.(?!well-known)'] = {
deny: 'all',
// Done!
return config;
@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
import { getSslCertificate, getSslCertificateKey } from '../util/get_ssl_certificate';
import commonHsts from '../util/common_hsts';
import securityConf from './security.conf';
export default (domain, domains, global) => {
// Use kv so we can use the same key multiple times
const config = [];
// Build the server config on its own before adding it to the parent config
const serverConfig = [];
const ipv4Pre = domain.server.listenIpv4.computed === '*' ? '' : `${domain.server.listenIpv4.computed}:`;
// Not HTTPS or not force HTTPS
if (!domain.https.https.computed || !domain.https.forceHttps.computed) {
serverConfig.push(['listen', `${ipv4Pre}80`]);
// v6
if (domain.server.listenIpv6.computed)
serverConfig.push(['listen', `[${domain.server.listenIpv6.computed}]:80`]);
if (domain.https.https.computed) {
serverConfig.push(['listen', `${ipv4Pre}443 ssl${domain.https.http2.computed ? ' http2' : ''}`]);
// v6
if (domain.server.listenIpv6.computed)
`[${domain.server.listenIpv6.computed}]:443 ssl${domain.https.http2.computed ? ' http2' : ''}`]);
`${domain.server.wwwSubdomain.computed ? 'www.' : ''}${domain.server.domain.computed}`]);
// PHP or Django
if (domain.php.php.computed || (domain.python.python.computed && domain.python.djangoRules.computed)) {
serverConfig.push(['set', `$base ${domain.server.path.computed}`]);
// root
if (domain.routing.root.computed)
serverConfig.push(['root', `$base${domain.server.documentRoot.computed}`]);
// Not PHP and not Django and root
if (!domain.php.php.computed
&& (!domain.python.python.computed || !domain.python.djangoRules.computed)
&& domain.routing.root.computed)
serverConfig.push(['root', `${domain.server.path.computed}${domain.server.documentRoot.computed}`]);
if (domain.https.https.computed) {
serverConfig.push(['# SSL', '']);
serverConfig.push(['ssl_certificate', getSslCertificate(domain, global)]);
serverConfig.push(['ssl_certificate_key', getSslCertificateKey(domain, global)]);
// Let's encrypt
if (domain.https.certType.computed === 'letsEncrypt')
if (!commonHsts(domains) && domain.https.hsts.computed) {
serverConfig.push(['# HSTS', '']);
serverConfig.push(['add_header Strict-Transport-Security',
`'"max-age=31536000${domain.https.hstsSubdomains.computed ? '; includeSubDomains' : ''}${domain.https.hstsPreload.computed ? '; preload' : ''}" always'`]);
// Security
if (global.tools.modularizedStructure.computed) {
// Modularized
serverConfig.push(['# security', '']);
serverConfig.push(['include', 'nginxconfig.io/security.conf']);
} else {
// Unified
serverConfig.push(...Object.entries(securityConf(domains, global)));
// Access log or error log for domain
// TODO: this & beyond
// Add the server config to the parent config now its built
config.push(['server', serverConfig]);
return config;
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
export default (domains, global) => {
const config = {};
config['# WordPress: allow TinyMCE'] = '';
config['location = /wp-includes/js/tinymce/wp-tinymce.php'] = {
include: 'nginxconfig.io/php_fastcgi.conf',
config['# WordPress: deny wp-content, wp-includes php files'] = '';
config['~* ^/(?:wp-content|wp-includes)/.*\\.php$'] = {
deny: 'all',
config['# WordPress: deny wp-content/uploads nasty stuff'] = '';
config['location ~* ^/wp-content/uploads/.*\\.(?:s?html?|php|js|swf)$'] = {
deny: 'all',
config['# WordPress: deny wp-content/plugins (except earlier rules)'] = '';
config['location ~ ^/wp-content/plugins'] = {
deny: 'all',
config['# WordPress: deny scripts and styles concat'] = '';
config['location ~* \\/wp-admin\\/load-(?:scripts|styles)\\.php'] = {
deny: 'all',
config['# WordPress: deny general stuff'] = '';
config['location ~* ^/(?:xmlrpc\\.php|wp-links-opml\\.php|wp-config\\.php|wp-config-sample\\.php|wp-comments-post\\.php|readme\\.html|license\\.txt)$'] = {
deny: 'all',
if (global.security.limitReq.computed) {
config['# WordPress: throttle wp-login.php'] = '';
config['location = /wp-login.php'] = {
limit_req: 'zone=login burst=2 nodelay',
include: 'nginxconfig.io/php_fastcgi.conf',
// Done!
return config;
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
export default domains => {
return domains.every(d => d.https.hsts.computed)
&& (
domains.every(d => d.https.hstsSubdomains.computed)
|| domains.every(d => !d.https.hstsSubdomains.computed)
&& (
domains.every(d => d.https.hstsPreload.computed)
|| domains.every(d => !d.https.hstsPreload.computed)
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
export const getSslCertificate = (domain, global) => {
if (domain.https.certType.computed === 'letsEncrypt')
if (domain.https.sslCertificate.computed)
return domain.https.sslCertificate.computed;
return `${global.nginx.nginxConfigDirectory.computed.replace(/\/+$/, '')}/ssl/${domain.server.domain.computed}.crt`;
export const getSslCertificateKey = (domain, global) => {
if (domain.https.certType.computed === 'letsEncrypt')
if (domain.https.sslCertificateKey.computed)
return domain.https.sslCertificateKey.computed;
return `${global.nginx.nginxConfigDirectory.computed.replace(/\/+$/, '')}/ssl/${domain.server.domain.computed}.key`;
Reference in New Issue