
lyswhut 2021-05-15 20:39:53 +08:00
parent 336b40a102
commit bdf7f903e9
6 changed files with 188 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -5,3 +5,4 @@
- 修复在当前正常播放的列表中使用稍后播放功能时,播放完后稍后播放的歌曲后不会恢复原来播放位置播放的问题
- 修复kw部分歌单无法打开的问题
- 修复wy源的歌曲音质匹配问题
- 修复mg源歌单标签、排行榜歌曲列表无法加载的问题

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@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ export const tokenRequest = async(url, options = {}) => {
const requestObj = httpFetch(url, options)
requestObj.promise = requestObj.promise.then(resp => {
// console.log(resp)
if (resp.statusCode == 200) {
kw_token.token = matchToken(resp.headers)

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { apis } from '../api-source'
import leaderboard from './leaderboard'
import leaderboard from './leaderboard2'
import songList from './songList'
import musicSearch from './musicSearch'
import pic from './pic'

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@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
import { httpFetch } from '../../request'
import { formatPlayTime } from '../../index'
// import { sizeFormate } from '../../index'
// import jshtmlencode from 'js-htmlencode'
// const boardList = [{ id: 'mg__27553319', name: '咪咕尖叫新歌榜', bangid: '27553319' }, { id: 'mg__27186466', name: '咪咕尖叫热歌榜', bangid: '27186466' }, { id: 'mg__27553408', name: '咪咕尖叫原创榜', bangid: '27553408' }, { id: 'mg__23189800', name: '咪咕港台榜', bangid: '23189800' }, { id: 'mg__23189399', name: '咪咕内地榜', bangid: '23189399' }, { id: 'mg__19190036', name: '咪咕欧美榜', bangid: '19190036' }, { id: 'mg__23189813', name: '咪咕日韩榜', bangid: '23189813' }, { id: 'mg__23190126', name: '咪咕彩铃榜', bangid: '23190126' }, { id: 'mg__15140045', name: '咪咕KTV榜', bangid: '15140045' }, { id: 'mg__15140034', name: '咪咕网络榜', bangid: '15140034' }, { id: 'mg__23217754', name: 'MV榜', bangid: '23217754' }, { id: 'mg__23218151', name: '新专辑榜', bangid: '23218151' }, { id: 'mg__21958042', name: 'iTunes榜', bangid: '21958042' }, { id: 'mg__21975570', name: 'billboard榜', bangid: '21975570' }, { id: 'mg__22272815', name: '台湾Hito中文榜', bangid: '22272815' }, { id: 'mg__22272904', name: '中国TOP排行榜', bangid: '22272904' }, { id: 'mg__22272943', name: '韩国Melon榜', bangid: '22272943' }, { id: 'mg__22273437', name: '英国UK榜', bangid: '22273437' }]
const boardList = [
{ id: 'mg__jianjiao_newsong', bangid: 'jianjiao_newsong', name: '尖叫新歌榜' },
{ id: 'mg__jianjiao_hotsong', bangid: 'jianjiao_hotsong', name: '尖叫热歌榜' },
{ id: 'mg__jianjiao_original', bangid: 'jianjiao_original', name: '尖叫原创榜' },
{ id: 'mg__migumusic', bangid: 'migumusic', name: '音乐榜' },
{ id: 'mg__movies', bangid: 'movies', name: '影视榜' },
{ id: 'mg__mainland', bangid: 'mainland', name: '内地榜' },
{ id: 'mg__hktw', bangid: 'hktw', name: '港台榜' },
{ id: 'mg__eur_usa', bangid: 'eur_usa', name: '欧美榜' },
{ id: 'mg__jpn_kor', bangid: 'jpn_kor', name: '日韩榜' },
{ id: 'mg__coloring', bangid: 'coloring', name: '彩铃榜' },
{ id: 'mg__ktv', bangid: 'ktv', name: 'KTV榜' },
{ id: 'mg__network', bangid: 'network', name: '网络榜' },
{ id: 'mg__newalbum', bangid: 'newalbum', name: '新专辑榜' },
{ id: 'mg__mv', bangid: 'mv', name: 'MV榜' },
{ id: 'mg__itunes', bangid: 'itunes', name: '美国iTunes榜' },
{ id: 'mg__billboard', bangid: 'billboard', name: '美国billboard榜' },
{ id: 'mg__hito', bangid: 'hito', name: 'Hito中文榜' },
{ id: 'mg__mnet', bangid: 'mnet', name: '韩国Melon榜' },
{ id: 'mg__uk', bangid: 'uk', name: '英国UK榜' },
export default {
limit: 10000,
getUrl(id, page) {
return `https://music.migu.cn/v3/music/top/${id}`
// return `http://m.music.migu.cn/migu/remoting/cms_list_tag?nid=${id}&pageSize=${this.limit}&pageNo=${page - 1}`
successCode: '000000',
requestBoardsObj: null,
requestObj: null,
regExps: {
listData: /var listData = (\{.+\})<\/script>/,
getData(url) {
if (this.requestObj) this.requestObj.cancelHttp()
this.requestObj = httpFetch(url)
return this.requestObj.promise
getSinger(singers) {
let arr = []
singers.forEach(singer => {
return arr.join('、')
getIntv(interval) {
let intvArr = interval.split(':')
let intv = 0
let unit = 1
while (intvArr.length) {
intv += (intvArr.pop()) * unit
unit *= 60
return parseInt(intv)
formateIntv() {
filterData(rawData) {
// console.log(JSON.stringify(rawData))
// console.log(rawData)
let ids = new Set()
const list = []
rawData.forEach(item => {
if (ids.has(item.copyrightId)) return
const types = []
const _types = {}
const size = null
types.push({ type: '128k', size })
_types['128k'] = { size }
if (item.hq) {
const size = null
types.push({ type: '320k', size })
_types['320k'] = { size }
if (item.sq) {
const size = null
types.push({ type: 'flac', size })
_types.flac = { size }
singer: this.getSinger(item.singers),
name: item.name,
albumName: item.album.albumName,
albumId: item.album.albumId,
songmid: item.copyrightId,
songId: item.id,
copyrightId: item.copyrightId,
source: 'mg',
interval: item.duration ? formatPlayTime(this.getIntv(item.duration)) : null,
img: item.mediumPic ? `https:${item.mediumPic}` : null,
lrc: null,
// lrcUrl: item.lrcUrl,
otherSource: null,
typeUrl: {},
return list
filterBoardsData(rawList) {
// console.log(rawList)
let list = []
for (const board of rawList) {
if (board.template != 'group1') continue
for (const item of board.itemList) {
if ((item.template != 'row1' && item.template != 'grid1' && !item.actionUrl) || !item.actionUrl.includes('rank-info')) continue
let data = item.displayLogId.param
id: 'mg__' + data.rankId,
name: data.rankName,
bangid: String(data.rankId),
return list
async getBoards(retryNum = 0) {
// if (++retryNum > 3) return Promise.reject(new Error('try max num'))
// let response
// try {
// response = await this.getBoardsData()
// } catch (error) {
// return this.getBoards(retryNum)
// }
// // console.log(response.body.data.contentItemList)
// if (response.statusCode !== 200 || response.body.code !== this.successCode) return this.getBoards(retryNum)
// const list = this.filterBoardsData(response.body.data.contentItemList)
// // console.log(list)
// // console.log(JSON.stringify(list))
// this.list = list
// return {
// list,
// source: 'mg',
// }
this.list = boardList
return {
list: boardList,
source: 'mg',
getList(bangid, page, retryNum = 0) {
if (++retryNum > 3) return Promise.reject(new Error('try max num'))
return this.getData(this.getUrl(bangid, page)).then(({ statusCode, body }) => {
if (statusCode !== 200) return this.getList(bangid, page, retryNum)
let listData = body.match(this.regExps.listData)
if (!listData) return this.getList(bangid, page, retryNum)
const datas = JSON.parse(RegExp.$1)
// console.log(datas)
listData = this.filterData(datas.songs.items)
return {
total: datas.songs.itemTotal,
list: this.filterData(datas.songs.items),
limit: this.limit,
source: 'mg',

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ export const httpFetch = (url, options = { method: 'get' }) => {
export const cancelHttp = requestObj => {
// console.log(requestObj)
if (!requestObj) return
console.log('cancel:', requestObj)
// console.log('cancel:', requestObj)
if (!requestObj.abort) return