
lyswhut 2023-02-19 17:12:19 +08:00
parent 067ca91c4d
commit 5544a469c4
2 changed files with 44 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ export default {
for (const childItem of item.group) {
const key = item.audio_id + item.hash
if (ids.has(key)) return
if (ids.has(key)) continue

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@ -105,8 +105,8 @@ const parseTools = {
return {
lyricLines: lrcLines,
lxlyricLines: lxlrcLines,
lyric: lrcLines.join('\n'),
lxlyric: lxlrcLines.join('\n'),
parseHeaderInfo(str) {
@ -125,13 +125,40 @@ const parseTools = {
fixTimeTag(lrcLines, targetLrcLines) {
const timeTagRxp = /^\[[\d:.]+\]/
return targetLrcLines.map((line, index) => {
const timeTag = timeTagRxp.exec(lrcLines[index])
if (!timeTag) return line
return line.replace(timeTagRxp, timeTag[0])
getIntv(interval) {
let [m, s, ms] = interval.split(/:|\./)
return parseInt(m) * 3600000 + parseInt(s) * 1000 + parseInt(ms)
fixTimeTag(lrc, targetlrc) {
let lrcLines = lrc.split('\n')
const targetlrcLines = targetlrc.split('\n')
const timeRxp = /^\[([\d:.]+)\]/
let temp = []
let newLrc = []
targetlrcLines.forEach((line) => {
const result = timeRxp.exec(line)
if (!result) return
const words = line.replace(timeRxp, '')
if (!words.trim()) return
const t1 = this.getIntv(result[1])
while (lrcLines.length) {
const lrcLine = lrcLines.shift()
const lrcLineResult = timeRxp.exec(lrcLine)
if (!lrcLineResult) continue
const t2 = this.getIntv(lrcLineResult[1])
if (Math.abs(t1 - t2) < 100) {
const lrc = line.replace(timeRxp, lrcLineResult[0]).trim()
if (!lrc) continue
lrcLines = [...temp, ...lrcLines]
temp = []
return newLrc.join('\n')
parse(ylrc, ytlrc, yrlrc, lrc, tlrc, rlrc) {
const info = {
@ -147,24 +174,24 @@ const parseTools = {
if (ytlrc) {
const lines = this.parseHeaderInfo(ytlrc)
if (lines) {
if (lines.length == result.lyricLines.length) {
info.tlyric = this.fixTimeTag(result.lyricLines, lines).join('\n')
} else info.tlyric = lines.join('\n')
// if (lines.length == result.lyricLines.length) {
info.tlyric = this.fixTimeTag(result.lyric, lines.join('\n'))
// } else info.tlyric = lines.join('\n')
if (yrlrc) {
const lines = this.parseHeaderInfo(yrlrc)
if (lines) {
if (lines.length == result.lyricLines.length) {
info.rlyric = this.fixTimeTag(result.lyricLines, lines).join('\n')
} else info.rlyric = lines.join('\n')
// if (lines.length == result.lyricLines.length) {
info.rlyric = this.fixTimeTag(result.lyric, lines.join('\n'))
// } else info.rlyric = lines.join('\n')
const timeRxp = /^\[[\d:.]+\]/
const headers = lines.filter(l => timeRxp.test(l)).join('\n')
info.lyric = `${headers}\n${result.lyricLines.join('\n')}`
info.lxlyric = result.lxlyricLines.join('\n')
info.lyric = `${headers}\n${result.lyric}`
info.lxlyric = result.lxlyric
return info