
lyswhut 2022-11-12 14:52:21 +08:00
parent e526c244f3
commit 52c4a77934
2 changed files with 149 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
- 桌面歌词新增歌词对齐方式、是否不允许歌词换行、歌词颜色、滚动对齐方式、歌词间距设置
- 桌面歌词新增歌曲频谱显示得益于主窗口与桌面歌词进程通信的改进可以将此功能以CPU使用率“相对较低”的方式带到桌面歌词中
- 添加kg源罗马音歌词的支持
- 支持打开波点音乐歌单(需在酷我源打开)
### 优化(界面/交互/功能)

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@ -223,9 +223,157 @@ export default {
return this.getListDetailDigest5Music(detailId, page, retryNum)
filterBDListDetail(rawList) {
return rawList.map(item => {
let types = []
let _types = {}
for (let info of item.audios) {
info.size = info.size?.toLocaleUpperCase()
switch (info.bitrate) {
case '4000':
types.push({ type: 'flac24bit', size: info.size })
_types.flac24bit = {
size: info.size,
case '2000':
types.push({ type: 'flac', size: info.size })
_types.flac = {
size: info.size,
case '320':
types.push({ type: '320k', size: info.size })
_types['320k'] = {
size: info.size,
case '192':
case '128':
types.push({ type: '128k', size: info.size })
_types['128k'] = {
size: info.size,
return {
singer: item.artists.map(s => s.name).join('、'),
name: item.name,
albumName: item.album,
albumId: item.albumId,
songmid: item.id,
source: 'kw',
interval: formatPlayTime(item.duration),
img: item.albumPic,
releaseDate: item.releaseDate,
lrc: null,
otherSource: null,
typeUrl: {},
getReqId() {
function t() {
return (65536 * (1 + Math.random()) | 0).toString(16).substring(1)
return t() + t() + t() + t() + t() + t() + t() + t()
async getListDetailMusicListByBDListInfo(id, source) {
const { body: infoData } = await httpFetch(`https://bd-api.kuwo.cn/api/service/playlist/info/${id}?reqId=${this.getReqId()}&source=${source}`, {
headers: {
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.198 Safari/537.36',
plat: 'h5',
}).promise.catch(() => ({ code: 0 }))
if (infoData.code != 200) return null
return {
name: infoData.data.name,
img: infoData.data.pic,
desc: infoData.data.description,
author: infoData.data.creatorName,
play_count: infoData.data.playNum,
async getListDetailMusicListByBDUserPub(id) {
const { body: infoData } = await httpFetch(`https://bd-api.kuwo.cn/api/ucenter/users/pub/${id}?reqId=${this.getReqId()}`, {
headers: {
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.198 Safari/537.36',
plat: 'h5',
}).promise.catch(() => ({ code: 0 }))
if (infoData.code != 200) return null
// console.log(infoData)
return {
name: infoData.data.userInfo.nickname + '喜欢的音乐',
img: infoData.data.userInfo.headImg,
desc: '',
author: infoData.data.userInfo.nickname,
play_count: '',
async getListDetailMusicListByBDList(id, source, page, tryNum = 0) {
const { body: listData } = await httpFetch(`https://bd-api.kuwo.cn/api/service/playlist/${id}/musicList?reqId=${this.getReqId()}&source=${source}&pn=${page}&rn=${this.limit_song}`, {
headers: {
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.198 Safari/537.36',
plat: 'h5',
}).promise.catch(() => {
if (tryNum > 2) return Promise.reject(new Error('try max num'))
return this.getListDetailMusicListByBDList(id, source, page, ++tryNum)
if (listData.code !== 200) return Promise.reject(new Error('failed'))
return {
list: this.filterBDListDetail(listData.data.list),
limit: listData.data.pageSize,
total: listData.data.total,
source: 'kw',
async getListDetailMusicListByBD(id, page) {
const uid = /uid=(\d+)/.exec(id)?.[1]
const listId = /playlistId=(\d+)/.exec(id)?.[1]
const source = /source=(\d+)/.exec(id)?.[1]
if (!listId) return Promise.reject(new Error('failed'))
const task = [this.getListDetailMusicListByBDList(listId, source, page)]
switch (source) {
case '4':
task.push(this.getListDetailMusicListByBDListInfo(listId, source))
case '5':
task.push(this.getListDetailMusicListByBDUserPub(uid ?? listId))
const [listData, info] = await Promise.all(task)
listData.info = info ?? {
name: '',
img: '',
desc: '',
author: '',
play_count: '',
// console.log(listData)
return listData
// 获取歌曲列表内的音乐
getListDetail(id, page, retryNum = 0) {
// console.log(id)
// https://h5app.kuwo.cn/m/bodian/collection.html?uid=000&playlistId=000&source=5&ownerId=000
// https://h5app.kuwo.cn/m/bodian/collection.html?uid=000&playlistId=000&source=4&ownerId=
if (/\/bodian\//.test(id)) return this.getListDetailMusicListByBD(id, page)
if ((/[?&:/]/.test(id))) id = id.replace(this.regExps.listDetailLink, '$1')
else if (/^digest-/.test(id)) {
let [digest, _id] = id.split('__')