
lyswhut 2021-07-21 15:33:41 +08:00
parent 724c6be85b
commit 3a5cb3f7c2
2 changed files with 76 additions and 59 deletions

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@ -1,26 +1,3 @@
### 新增
- 添加 win arm64 架构的安装包构建
- 新增“添加歌曲到列表时的位置”设置,可选项为列表的“顶部”与“底部”
### 优化
- 优化网络请求,尝试去解决无法连接服务器的问题
- 优化mg源打开歌单的链接兼容
### 修复
- 修复mg源搜索失效的问题
### 移除
- 因wy源的歌单列表已没有“最新”排序的选项所以现跟随移除wy源歌单列表按“最新”排序的按钮
### 变更
- 添加歌曲到列表时从原来的底部改为顶部,若你想要将你的列表歌曲顺序反转以适应这一变更,可先按住`shift`键的情况下点击列表的最后一首歌然后再点击列表的第一首歌完成倒序选中最后随便右击列表的任意一首歌在弹出的菜单中选择调整顺序在弹出框输入1后确定即可反转列表。
### 其他
- 更新electron到v13.1.7
- 修复导入kg歌单最多只能加载100、500首歌曲的问题。注现在可以加载1000+首歌曲的歌单但出于未知原因会导致部分歌曲无法加载可能是无版权导致的目前酷狗码仍然最多只能加载500首歌

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@ -165,7 +165,9 @@ export default {
: result.body.err_code
) !== 0)
) return this.createHttp(url, options, ++retryNum)
return result.body.data || result.body.info
if (result.body.data) return result.body.data
if (Array.isArray(result.body.info)) return result.body
return result.body.info
createTask(hashs) {
@ -183,9 +185,9 @@ export default {
let list = hashs
let tasks = []
while (list.length) {
tasks.push(Object.assign({ data: list.slice(0, 20) }, data))
if (list.length < 20) break
list = list.slice(20)
tasks.push(Object.assign({ data: list.slice(0, 100) }, data))
if (list.length < 100) break
list = list.slice(100)
let url = 'http://kmr.service.kugou.com/v2/album_audio/audio'
return tasks.map(task => this.createHttp(url, {
@ -267,6 +269,68 @@ export default {
deDuplication(datas) {
let ids = new Set()
return datas.filter(({ hash }) => {
if (ids.has(hash)) return false
return true
async getUserListDetailByLink({ info }, link) {
let listInfo = info['0']
let total = listInfo.count
let tasks = []
let page = 0
while (total) {
const limit = total > 90 ? 90 : total
total -= limit
page += 1
tasks.push(this.createHttp(link.replace(/pagesize=\d+/, 'pagesize=' + limit).replace(/page=\d+/, 'page=' + page), {
headers: {
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 9_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/601.1.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0 Mobile/13B143 Safari/601.1',
Referer: link,
}).then(data => data.list.info))
let result = await Promise.all(tasks).then(([...datas]) => datas.flat())
result = await Promise.all(this.createTask(this.deDuplication(result).map(item => ({ hash: item.hash })))).then(([...datas]) => datas.flat())
// console.log(result)
return {
list: this.filterData2(result) || [],
limit: this.listDetailLimit,
total: listInfo.count,
source: 'kg',
info: {
name: listInfo.name,
img: listInfo.pic && listInfo.pic.replace('{size}', 240),
// desc: body.result.info.list_desc,
author: listInfo.list_create_username,
// play_count: this.formatPlayCount(listInfo.count),
createGetListDetail2Task(id, total) {
let tasks = []
let page = 0
while (total) {
const limit = total > 300 ? 300 : total
total -= limit
page += 1
tasks.push(this.createHttp('https://mobiles.kugou.com/api/v5/special/song_v2?appid=1058&global_specialid=' + id + '&specialid=0&plat=0&version=8000&page=' + page + '&pagesize=' + limit + '&srcappid=2919&clientver=20000&clienttime=1586163263991&mid=1586163263991&uuid=1586163263991&dfid=-&signature=' + toMD5('NVPh5oo715z5DIWAeQlhMDsWXXQV4hwtappid=1058clienttime=1586163263991clientver=20000dfid=-global_specialid=' + id + 'mid=1586163263991page=' + page + 'pagesize=' + limit + 'plat=0specialid=0srcappid=2919uuid=1586163263991version=8000NVPh5oo715z5DIWAeQlhMDsWXXQV4hwt'), {
headers: {
mid: '1586163263991',
Referer: 'https://m3ws.kugou.com/share/index.php',
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 11_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/604.1.38 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/11.0 Mobile/15A372 Safari/604.1',
dfid: '-',
clienttime: '1586163263991',
}).then(data => data.info))
return Promise.all(tasks).then(([...datas]) => datas.flat())
async getUserListDetail2(global_collection_id) {
let id = global_collection_id
if (id.length > 1000) throw new Error('get list error')
@ -279,22 +343,14 @@ export default {
clienttime: '1586163242519',
let songInfo = await this.createHttp('https://mobiles.kugou.com/api/v5/special/song_v2?appid=1058&global_specialid=' + id + '&specialid=0&plat=0&version=8000&pagesize=' + info.songcount + '&srcappid=2919&clientver=20000&clienttime=1586163263991&mid=1586163263991&uuid=1586163263991&dfid=-&signature=' + toMD5('NVPh5oo715z5DIWAeQlhMDsWXXQV4hwtappid=1058clienttime=1586163263991clientver=20000dfid=-global_specialid=' + id + 'mid=1586163263991pagesize=' + info.songcount + 'plat=0specialid=0srcappid=2919uuid=1586163263991version=8000NVPh5oo715z5DIWAeQlhMDsWXXQV4hwt'), {
headers: {
mid: '1586163263991',
Referer: 'https://m3ws.kugou.com/share/index.php',
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 11_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/604.1.38 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/11.0 Mobile/15A372 Safari/604.1',
dfid: '-',
clienttime: '1586163263991',
let result = await Promise.all(this.createTask(songInfo.info.map(item => ({ hash: item.hash })))).then(([...datas]) => datas.flat())
const songInfo = await this.createGetListDetail2Task(id, info.songcount)
let result = await Promise.all(this.createTask(this.deDuplication(songInfo).map(item => ({ hash: item.hash })))).then(([...datas]) => datas.flat())
// console.log(info, songInfo)
return {
list: this.filterData2(result) || [],
page: 1,
limit: songInfo.total,
total: songInfo.total,
limit: this.listDetailLimit,
total: info.songcount,
source: 'kg',
info: {
name: info.specialname,
@ -333,10 +389,9 @@ export default {
// console.log(body, location)
if (statusCode > 400) return this.getUserListDetail(link, page, ++retryNum)
if (location) {
// console.log(location)
if (location.includes('global_collection_id')) return this.getUserListDetail2(location.replace(/^.*?global_collection_id=(\w+)(?:&.*$|#.*$|$)/, '$1'))
if (location.includes('chain=')) return this.getUserListDetail3(location.replace(/^.*?chain=(\w+)(?:&.*$|#.*$|$)/, '$1'), page)
// console.log('location', location)
if (location.includes('.html')) {
if (location.includes('zlist.html')) {
let link = location.replace(/^(.*)zlist\.html/, 'https://m3ws.kugou.com/zlist/list')
@ -348,27 +403,12 @@ export default {
return this.getUserListDetail(link, page, ++retryNum)
} else return this.getUserListDetail3(location.replace(/.+\/(\w+).html(?:\?.*|&.*$|#.*$|$)/, '$1'), page)
// console.log('location', location)
return this.getUserListDetail(link, page, ++retryNum)
if (typeof body == 'string') return this.getUserListDetail2(body.replace(/^[\s\S]+?"global_collection_id":"(\w+)"[\s\S]+?$/, '$1'))
if (body.errcode !== 0) return this.getUserListDetail(link, page, ++retryNum)
let listInfo = body.info['0']
let result = body.list.info.map(item => ({ hash: item.hash }))
result = await Promise.all(this.createTask(result)).then(([...datas]) => datas.flat())
return {
list: this.filterData2(result) || [],
limit: this.listDetailLimit,
total: listInfo.count,
source: 'kg',
info: {
name: listInfo.name,
img: listInfo.pic && listInfo.pic.replace('{size}', 240),
// desc: body.result.info.list_desc,
author: listInfo.list_create_username,
// play_count: this.formatPlayCount(listInfo.count),
return this.getUserListDetailByLink(body, link)
getListDetail(id, page, tryNum = 0) { // 获取歌曲列表内的音乐