@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
- 优化列表同步代码逻辑
- 优化开关评论时的动画性能
- 优化进入、离开播放详情页的性能
- 大幅优化我的列表、下载、歌单、排行榜列表性能,现在即使同一列表内的歌曲很多时也不会卡顿了
### 修复
@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ const defaultSetting = {
list: {
isShowAlbumName: true,
isShowSource: true,
prevSelectListId: 'default',
isSaveScrollLocation: true,
addMusicLocationType: 'top',
@ -153,8 +153,8 @@ exports.initSetting = isShowErrorAlert => {
// 迁移列表滚动位置设置 ~0.18.3
if (setting.list.scroll) {
let scroll = setting.list.scroll
electronStore_list.set('defaultList.location', scroll.locations.default || 0)
electronStore_list.set('loveList.location', scroll.locations.love || 0)
// electronStore_list.set('defaultList.location', scroll.locations.default || 0)
// electronStore_list.set('loveList.location', scroll.locations.love || 0)
electronStore_config.set('setting.list.isSaveScrollLocation', scroll.enable)
delete setting.list.scroll
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ import music from './utils/music'
import { throttle, openUrl, compareVer, getPlayList, parseUrlParams, saveSetting } from './utils'
import { base as eventBaseName, sync as eventSyncName } from './event/names'
import apiSourceInfo from './utils/music/api-source-info'
import { initListPosition, initListPrevSelectId } from '@renderer/utils/data'
@ -338,6 +339,8 @@ export default {
return Promise.all([
this.initMyList(), // 初始化播放列表
this.initSearchHistoryList(), // 初始化搜索历史列表
initListPosition(), // 列表位置记录
initListPrevSelectId(), // 上次选中的列表记录
// this.initDownloadList() // 初始化下载列表
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
@import './reset.less';
@import './animate.less';
@import './layout.less';
*, *::after, *::before {
-webkit-user-drag: none;
@ -72,6 +74,45 @@ table {
.list {
width: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
color: @color-theme_2-font;
.list-item {
height: 100%;
display: flex;
flex-flow: row nowrap;
align-items: center;
// border-top: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12);
transition: background-color 0.2s ease;
border-bottom: 1px solid @color-theme_2-line;
box-sizing: border-box;
&:hover {
background-color: @color-theme_2-hover;
&.active {
background-color: @color-theme_2-active;
&.selected {
background-color: @color-theme_2-hover;
.list-item-cell {
flex: none;
padding: 0 6px;
position: relative;
transition: 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1);
font-size: 13px;
line-height: 16px;
vertical-align: middle;
box-sizing: border-box;
&.auto {
flex: auto;
.badge {
display: inline-block;
@ -240,6 +281,22 @@ each(@themes, {
.list {
color: ~'@{color-@{value}-theme_2-font}';
.list-item {
border-bottom-color: ~'@{color-@{value}-theme_2-line}';
&:hover {
background-color: ~'@{color-@{value}-theme_2-hover}';
&.active {
background-color: ~'@{color-@{value}-theme_2-active}';
&.selected {
background-color: ~'@{color-@{value}-theme_2-hover}';
input, textarea {
&::placeholder {
color: ~'@{color-@{value}-theme_2-font-label}';
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ div(:class="$style.aside")
//- dt {{$t('core.aside.my_music')}}
router-link(:active-class="$style.active" :tips="$t('core.aside.my_list')" :to="`list?id=${setting.list.prevSelectListId || defaultList.id}`")
router-link(:active-class="$style.active" to="list" :tips="$t('core.aside.my_list')")
svg(version='1.1' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' xlink='http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink' viewBox='0 0 444.87 391.18' space='preserve')
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
svg(version='1.1' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' xlink='http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink' height='100%' viewBox='0 0 451.847 451.847' space='preserve')
ul.list.scroll(:class="$style.list" :style="listStyles" ref="dom_list")
ul.selection-list.scroll(:class="$style.list" :style="listStyles" ref="dom_list")
li(v-for="item in list" :class="(itemKey ? item[itemKey] : item) == value ? $style.active : null" @click="handleClick(item)" :tips="itemName ? item[itemName] : item") {{itemName ? item[itemName] : item}}
@ -13,7 +13,31 @@ div(:class="$style.songList")
th.nobreak(:style="{ width: rowWidth.r5 }") {{$t('material.song_list.time')}}
th.nobreak(:style="{ width: rowWidth.r6 }") {{$t('material.song_list.action')}}
div.scroll(v-show="list.length" :class="$style.tbody" ref="dom_scrollContent")
div(v-if="list.length" :class="$style.content" ref="dom_listContent")
material-virtualized-list(:list="list" key-name="songmid" ref="list" :item-height="37"
containerClass="scroll" contentClass="list" @contextmenu.native.capture="handleContextMenu")
template(#default="{ item, index }")
div.list-item(@click="handleDoubleClick($event, index)" @contextmenu="handleListItemRigthClick($event, index)"
:class="[{ selected: selectedIndex == index }, { active: selectdList.includes(item) }]")
div.list-item-cell.nobreak.center(:style="{ width: rowWidth.r1 }" style="padding-left: 3px; padding-right: 3px;" :class="$style.noSelect" @click.stop) {{index + 1}}
div.list-item-cell.auto(:style="{ width: rowWidth.r2 }" :tips="item.name + ((item._types.ape || item._types.flac || item._types.wav) ? ` - ${$t('material.song_list.lossless')}` : item._types['320k'] ? ` - ${$t('material.song_list.high_quality')}` : '')")
span.select {{item.name}}
span.badge.badge-theme-success(:class="[$style.labelQuality, $style.noSelect]" v-if="item._types.ape || item._types.flac || item._types.wav") {{$t('material.song_list.lossless')}}
span.badge.badge-theme-info(:class="[$style.labelQuality, $style.noSelect]" v-else-if="item._types['320k']") {{$t('material.song_list.high_quality')}}
div.list-item-cell(:style="{ width: rowWidth.r3 }")
span.select {{item.singer}}
div.list-item-cell(:style="{ width: rowWidth.r4 }")
span.select {{item.albumName}}
div.list-item-cell(:style="{ width: rowWidth.r5 }")
span(:class="[$style.time, $style.noSelect]") {{item.interval || '--/--'}}
div.list-item-cell(:style="{ width: rowWidth.r6 }" style="padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0;")
material-list-buttons(:index="index" :class="$style.btns"
:remove-btn="false" @btn-click="handleListBtnClick"
material-pagination(:count="total" :limit="limit" :page="page" @btn-click="handleTogglePage")
//- div.scroll(v-show="list.length" :class="$style.tbody" ref="dom_scrollContent")
tbody(@contextmenu.capture="handleContextMenu" ref="dom_tbody")
tr(v-for='(item, index) in list' :key='item.songmid' @contextmenu="handleListItemRigthClick($event, index)" @click="handleDoubleClick($event, index)")
@ -175,7 +199,9 @@ export default {
isModDown: false,
lastSelectIndex: 0,
selectedIndex: -1,
listMenu: {
rightClickItemIndex: -1,
isShowItemMenu: false,
itemMenuControl: {
play: true,
@ -233,7 +259,7 @@ export default {
handleDoubleClick(event, index) {
if (event.target.classList.contains('select')) return
if (this.listMenu.rightClickItemIndex > -1) return
this.handleSelectData(event, index)
@ -264,14 +290,8 @@ export default {
this.selectdList = this.list.slice(lastSelectIndex, clickIndex + 1)
if (isNeedReverse) this.selectdList.reverse()
let nodes = this.$refs.dom_tbody.childNodes
do {
} while (lastSelectIndex <= clickIndex)
} else {
this.lastSelectIndex = clickIndex
@ -281,10 +301,8 @@ export default {
let index = this.selectdList.indexOf(item)
if (index < 0) {
} else {
this.selectdList.splice(index, 1)
} else if (this.selectdList.length) {
@ -293,12 +311,6 @@ export default {
removeAllSelect() {
this.selectdList = []
let dom_tbody = this.$refs.dom_tbody
if (!dom_tbody) return
let nodes = dom_tbody.querySelectorAll('.active')
for (const node of nodes) {
if (node.parentNode == dom_tbody) node.classList.remove('active')
handleListBtnClick(info) {
this.emitEvent('listBtnClick', info)
@ -306,10 +318,6 @@ export default {
handleSelectAllData() {
this.selectdList = [...this.list]
let nodes = this.$refs.dom_tbody.childNodes
for (const node of nodes) {
this.$emit('input', [...this.selectdList])
handleTogglePage(page) {
@ -327,12 +335,12 @@ export default {
handleContextMenu(event) {
if (!event.target.classList.contains('select')) return
let classList = this.$refs.dom_scrollContent.classList
let classList = this.$refs.dom_listContent.classList
window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
let str = window.getSelection().toString()
str = str.trim()
str = str.split(/\n\n/).map(s => s.replace(/\n/g, ' ')).join('\n').trim()
if (!str.length) return
@ -344,23 +352,27 @@ export default {
this.listMenu.itemMenuControl.sourceDetail = !!musicSdk[this.list[index].source].getMusicDetailPageUrl
// this.listMenu.itemMenuControl.play =
// this.listMenu.itemMenuControl.playLater =
this.listMenu.itemMenuControl.download =
let dom_selected = this.$refs.dom_tbody.querySelector('tr.selected')
if (dom_selected) dom_selected.classList.remove('selected')
let dom_td = event.target.closest('td')
this.listMenu.itemMenuControl.download = this.assertApiSupport(this.list[index].source)
let dom_container = event.target.closest('.' + this.$style.songList)
const getOffsetValue = (target, x = 0, y = 0) => {
if (target === dom_container) return { x, y }
if (!target) return { x: 0, y: 0 }
x += target.offsetLeft
y += target.offsetTop
return getOffsetValue(target.offsetParent, x, y)
this.listMenu.rightClickItemIndex = index
this.listMenu.menuLocation.x = dom_td.offsetLeft + event.offsetX
this.listMenu.menuLocation.y = dom_td.offsetParent.offsetTop + dom_td.offsetTop + event.offsetY - this.$refs.dom_scrollContent.scrollTop
this.selectedIndex = index
let { x, y } = getOffsetValue(event.target)
this.listMenu.menuLocation.x = x + event.offsetX
this.listMenu.menuLocation.y = y + event.offsetY - this.$refs.list.getScrollTop()
this.$nextTick(() => {
this.listMenu.isShowItemMenu = true
hideListMenu() {
let dom_selected = this.$refs.dom_tbody && this.$refs.dom_tbody.querySelector('tr.selected')
if (dom_selected) dom_selected.classList.remove('selected')
this.selectedIndex = -1
this.listMenu.isShowItemMenu = false
this.listMenu.rightClickItemIndex = -1
@ -406,24 +418,7 @@ export default {
flex: auto;
min-height: 0;
position: relative;
.tbody {
height: 100%;
overflow-y: auto;
td {
font-size: 12px;
:global(.badge) {
margin-left: 3px;
&:first-child {
// padding-left: 10px;
font-size: 11px;
color: @color-theme_2-font-label;
:global(.badge) {
opacity: .85;
&.copying {
.no-select {
@ -431,6 +426,24 @@ export default {
:global(.list) {
height: 100%;
overflow-y: auto;
:global(.list-item-cell) {
font-size: 12px !important;
:global(.badge) {
margin-left: 3px;
&:first-child {
// padding-left: 10px;
font-size: 11px !important;
color: @color-theme_2-font-label !important;
:global(.badge) {
opacity: .85;
.pagination {
text-align: center;
padding: 15px 0;
@ -456,10 +469,10 @@ export default {
each(@themes, {
:global(#container.@{value}) {
.tbody {
td {
:global(.list) {
:global(.list-item-cell) {
&:first-child {
color: ~'@{color-@{value}-theme_2-font-label}';
color: ~'@{color-@{value}-theme_2-font-label}' !important;
@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
<component :is="containerEl" :class="containerClass" ref="dom_scrollContainer" style="height: 100%; overflow: auto; position: relative; display: block;">
<component :is="contentEl" :class="contentClass" :style="contentStyle">
<div v-for="item in views" :key="item.key" :style="item.style">
<slot name="default" v-bind="{ item: item.item, index: item.index }" />
<slot name="footer" />
const easeInOutQuad = (t, b, c, d) => {
t /= d / 2
if (t < 1) return (c / 2) * t * t + b
return (-c / 2) * (t * (t - 2) - 1) + b
const handleScroll = (element, to, duration = 300, callback = () => {}, onCancel = () => {}) => {
if (!element) return callback()
const start = element.scrollTop || element.scrollY || 0
let cancel = false
if (to > start) {
let maxScrollTop = element.scrollHeight - element.clientHeight
if (to > maxScrollTop) to = maxScrollTop
} else if (to < start) {
if (to < 0) to = 0
} else return callback()
const change = to - start
const increment = 10
if (!change) return callback()
let currentTime = 0
let val
let cancelCallback
const animateScroll = () => {
currentTime += increment
val = parseInt(easeInOutQuad(currentTime, start, change, duration))
if (element.scrollTo) {
element.scrollTo(0, val)
} else {
element.scrollTop = val
if (currentTime < duration) {
if (cancel) {
setTimeout(animateScroll, increment)
} else {
return (callback) => {
cancelCallback = callback
cancel = true
export default {
name: 'VirtualizedList',
props: {
containerEl: {
type: String,
default: 'div',
containerClass: {
type: String,
default: 'virtualized-list',
contentEl: {
type: String,
default: 'div',
contentClass: {
type: String,
default: 'virtualized-list-content',
outsideNum: {
type: Number,
default: 10,
itemHeight: {
type: Number,
required: true,
keyName: {
type: String,
require: true,
list: {
type: Array,
require: true,
data() {
return {
views: [],
isWaitingUpdate: false,
startIndex: -1,
endIndex: -1,
scrollTop: 0,
cachedList: [],
cancelScroll: null,
isScrolling: false,
scrollToValue: 0,
computed: {
contentStyle() {
return {
display: 'block',
height: this.list.length * this.itemHeight + 'px',
watch: {
itemHeight() {
list() {
this.cachedList = Array(this.list.length)
this.startIndex = -1
this.endIndex = -1
mounted() {
this.$refs.dom_scrollContainer.addEventListener('scroll', this.onScroll, false)
this.cachedList = Array(this.list.length)
this.startIndex = -1
this.endIndex = -1
beforeDestroy() {
if (this.cancelScroll) this.cancelScroll()
methods: {
onScroll(event) {
if (this.isWaitingUpdate) return
this.isWaitingUpdate = true
window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
this.isWaitingUpdate = false
this.$emit('scroll', event)
createList(startIndex, endIndex) {
const cache = this.cachedList.slice(startIndex, endIndex)
const list = this.list.slice(startIndex, endIndex).map((item, i) => {
if (cache[i]) return cache[i]
const top = (startIndex + i) * this.itemHeight
const index = startIndex + i
return this.cachedList[index] = {
style: { position: 'absolute', left: 0, right: 0, top: top + 'px', height: this.itemHeight + 'px' },
key: item[this.keyName],
return list
updateView() {
const currentScrollTop = this.$refs.dom_scrollContainer.scrollTop
const currentStartIndex = Math.floor(currentScrollTop / this.itemHeight)
const currentEndIndex = currentStartIndex + Math.ceil(this.$refs.dom_scrollContainer.clientHeight / this.itemHeight)
const continuous = currentStartIndex <= this.endIndex && currentEndIndex >= this.startIndex
const currentStartRenderIndex = Math.max(Math.floor(currentScrollTop / this.itemHeight) - this.outsideNum, 0)
const currentEndRenderIndex = currentStartIndex + Math.ceil(this.$refs.dom_scrollContainer.clientHeight / this.itemHeight) + this.outsideNum
// console.log(continuous)
// debugger
if (continuous) {
if (Math.abs(currentScrollTop - this.scrollTop) < this.itemHeight * 5) return
// console.log('update')
if (currentScrollTop > this.scrollTop) { // scroll down
// console.log('scroll down')
const list = this.createList(currentStartRenderIndex, currentEndRenderIndex)
this.views.push(...list.slice(list.indexOf(this.views[this.views.length - 1]) + 1))
// if (this.views.length > 100) {
this.$nextTick(() => {
this.views.splice(0, this.views.indexOf(list[0]))
// }
} else if (currentScrollTop < this.scrollTop) { // scroll up
// console.log('scroll up')
this.views = this.createList(currentStartRenderIndex, currentEndRenderIndex)
} else return
} else {
this.views = this.createList(currentStartRenderIndex, currentEndRenderIndex)
this.startIndex = currentStartIndex
this.endIndex = currentEndIndex
this.scrollTop = currentScrollTop
scrollTo(scrollTop, animate = false) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
if (this.cancelScroll) {
} else {
}).then(() => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (animate) {
this.isScrolling = true
this.scrollToValue = scrollTop
this.cancelScroll = handleScroll(this.$refs.dom_scrollContainer, scrollTop, 300, () => {
this.cancelScroll = null
this.isScrolling = false
}, () => {
this.cancelScroll = null
this.isScrolling = false
} else {
this.$refs.dom_scrollContainer.scrollTop = scrollTop
scrollToIndex(index, offset = 0, animate = false, callback = () => {}) {
return this.scrollTo(Math.max(index * this.itemHeight + offset, 0), animate, callback)
getScrollTop() {
return this.isScrolling ? this.scrollToValue : this.$refs.dom_scrollContainer.scrollTop
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import Vue from 'vue'
import { sync } from 'vuex-router-sync'
// import { sync } from 'vuex-router-sync'
import './event'
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import { getSetting } from './utils'
import languageList from '@renderer/lang/languages.json'
import { rendererSend, NAMES } from '../common/ipc'
sync(store, router)
// sync(store, router)
Vue.config.productionTip = false
Vue.config.devtools = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development'
@ -9,9 +9,7 @@ for (const source of music.sources) {
// state
const state = {
boards: sourceList,
const listInfo = {
list: [],
total: 0,
page: 1,
@ -19,6 +17,11 @@ const state = {
key: null,
// state
const state = {
boards: sourceList,
// getters
const getters = {
sources(state, getters, rootState, { sourceNames }) {
@ -27,16 +30,6 @@ const getters = {
boards(state) {
return state.boards
list(state) {
return state.list
info(state) {
return {
total: state.total,
limit: state.limit,
page: state.page,
// actions
@ -47,7 +40,6 @@ const actions = {
// let tabId = rootState.setting.leaderboard.tabId
// let key = `${source}${tabId}${page}`
// if (state.list.length && state.key == key) return true
// commit('clearList')
if (state.boards[source].length) return
return music[source].leaderboard.getBoards().then(result => commit('setBoardsList', { boards: result, source }))
@ -56,14 +48,22 @@ const actions = {
let tabId = rootState.setting.leaderboard.tabId
let [source, bangId] = tabId.split('__')
let key = `${source}${tabId}${page}`
if (state.list.length && state.key == key) return Promise.resolve()
if (listInfo.list.length && listInfo.key == key) return Promise.resolve(listInfo)
// commit('clearList')
// return (
// cache.has(key)
// ? Promise.resolve(cache.get(key))
// : music[source].leaderboard.getList(bangId, page)
// ).then(result => commit('setList', { result, key }))
return music[source].leaderboard.getList(bangId, page).then(result => commit('setList', { result, key }))
return music[source].leaderboard.getList(bangId, page).then(result => {
cache.set(key, result)
listInfo.list = result.list
listInfo.total = result.total
listInfo.limit = result.limit
listInfo.page = result.page
listInfo.key = key
return listInfo
getListAll({ state, rootState }, id) {
// console.log(source, id)
@ -96,18 +96,6 @@ const mutations = {
setBoardsList(state, { boards, source }) {
state.boards[source] = boards.list
setList(state, { result, key }) {
state.list = result.list
state.total = result.total
state.limit = result.limit
state.page = result.page
state.key = key
cache.set(key, result)
clearList(state) {
state.list = []
state.total = 0
export default {
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import musicSdk from '../../utils/music'
import { clearLyric, clearMusicUrl } from '../../utils'
import { sync as eventSyncName } from '@renderer/event/names'
import { removeListPosition, setListPrevSelectId } from '@renderer/utils/data'
let allList = {}
window.allList = allList
@ -340,6 +341,7 @@ const mutations = {
if (index < 0) return
let list = state.userList.splice(index, 1)[0]
setUserListName(state, { id, name, isSync }) {
if (!isSync) {
@ -380,9 +382,6 @@ const mutations = {
state.userList.splice(index, 1)
state.userList.splice(index + 1, 0, targetList)
setListScroll(state, { id, location }) {
if (allList[id]) allList[id].location = location
setMusicPosition(state, { id, position, list, isSync }) {
if (!isSync) {
window.eventHub.$emit(eventSyncName.send_action_list, {
@ -418,6 +417,9 @@ const mutations = {
setOtherSource(state, { musicInfo, otherSource }) {
musicInfo.otherSource = otherSource
setPrevSelectListId(state, val) {
export default {
@ -61,9 +61,6 @@ export default {
setMediaDeviceId(state, val) {
state.setting.player.mediaDeviceId = val
setPrevSelectListId(state, val) {
state.setting.list.prevSelectListId = val
setDesktopLyricConfig(state, config) {
state.setting.desktopLyric = Object.assign(state.setting.desktopLyric, config)
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
import { rendererSend, rendererInvoke, NAMES } from '../../common/ipc'
import { throttle } from './index'
let listPosition = {}
let listPrevSelectId
const saveListPosition = throttle(() => {
rendererSend(NAMES.mainWindow.save_data, {
path: 'listPosition',
data: listPosition,
}, 1000)
export const initListPosition = () => {
return rendererInvoke(NAMES.mainWindow.get_data, 'listPosition').then(data => {
if (!data) data = {}
listPosition = data
export const getListPosition = id => listPosition[id] || 0
export const setListPosition = (id, position) => {
listPosition[id] = position || 0
export const removeListPosition = id => {
delete listPosition[id]
const saveListPrevSelectId = throttle(() => {
rendererSend(NAMES.mainWindow.save_data, {
path: 'listPrevSelectId',
data: listPrevSelectId,
}, 200)
export const initListPrevSelectId = () => {
return rendererInvoke(NAMES.mainWindow.get_data, 'listPrevSelectId').then(id => {
listPrevSelectId = id
export const getListPrevSelectId = () => listPrevSelectId
export const setListPrevSelectId = id => {
listPrevSelectId = id
@ -14,21 +14,22 @@ div(:class="$style.download")
th.nobreak(style="width: 22%;") {{$t('view.download.status')}}
th.nobreak(style="width: 10%;") {{$t('view.download.quality')}}
th.nobreak(style="width: 13%;") {{$t('view.download.action')}}
div.scroll(v-if="list.length" :class="$style.tbody" ref="dom_scrollContent")
tr(v-for='(item, index) in showList' :key='item.key' @contextmenu="handleListItemRigthClick($event, index)" @click="handleDoubleClick($event, index)" :class="playListIndex === index ? $style.active : ''")
td.nobreak.center(style="width: 5%; padding-left: 3px; padding-right: 3px;" @click.stop) {{index + 1}}
span.select {{item.musicInfo.name}} - {{item.musicInfo.singer}}
td.break(style="width: 20%;") {{item.progress.progress}}%
td.break(style="width: 22%;") {{item.statusText}}
td.break(style="width: 10%;") {{item.type && item.type.toUpperCase()}}
td(style="width: 13%; padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0;")
material-list-buttons(:index="index" :download-btn="false" :file-btn="item.status != downloadStatus.ERROR" remove-btn
:start-btn="!item.isComplate && item.status != downloadStatus.WAITING && (item.status != downloadStatus.RUN)"
:pause-btn="!item.isComplate && (item.status == downloadStatus.RUN || item.status == downloadStatus.WAITING)" :list-add-btn="false"
:play-btn="item.status == downloadStatus.COMPLETED" :search-btn="item.status == downloadStatus.ERROR" @btn-click="handleListBtnClick")
div(v-if="list.length" :class="$style.content" ref="dom_listContent")
material-virtualized-list(:list="showList" key-name="key" ref="list" :item-height="37" #default="{ item, index }"
containerClass="scroll" contentClass="list")
div.list-item(@click="handleDoubleClick($event, index)" @contextmenu="handleListItemRigthClick($event, index)"
:class="[{[$style.active]: playListIndex == index }, { selected: selectedIndex == index }, { active: selectedData.includes(item) }]")
div.list-item-cell.nobreak.center(style="width: 5%; padding-left: 3px; padding-right: 3px;" @click.stop) {{index + 1}}
span.select {{item.musicInfo.name}} - {{item.musicInfo.singer}}
div.list-item-cell(style="width: 20%;") {{item.progress.progress}}%
div.list-item-cell(style="width: 22%;") {{item.statusText}}
div.list-item-cell(style="width: 10%;") {{item.type && item.type.toUpperCase()}}
div.list-item-cell(style="width: 13%; padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0;")
material-list-buttons(:index="index" :download-btn="false" :file-btn="item.status != downloadStatus.ERROR" remove-btn
:start-btn="!item.isComplate && item.status != downloadStatus.WAITING && (item.status != downloadStatus.RUN)"
:pause-btn="!item.isComplate && (item.status == downloadStatus.RUN || item.status == downloadStatus.WAITING)" :list-add-btn="false"
:play-btn="item.status == downloadStatus.COMPLETED" :search-btn="item.status == downloadStatus.ERROR" @btn-click="handleListBtnClick")
material-menu(:menus="listItemMenu" :location="listMenu.menuLocation" item-name="name" :isShow="listMenu.isShowItemMenu" @menu-click="handleListItemMenuClick")
div(:class="$style.noItem" v-else)
@ -52,8 +53,10 @@ export default {
isShiftDown: false,
isModDown: false,
selectedIndex: -1,
lastSelectIndex: 0,
listMenu: {
rightClickItemIndex: -1,
isShowItemMenu: false,
itemMenuControl: {
play: true,
@ -217,7 +220,7 @@ export default {
handleDoubleClick(event, index) {
if (event.target.classList.contains('select')) return
if (this.listMenu.rightClickItemIndex > -1) return
this.handleSelectData(event, index)
@ -248,14 +251,8 @@ export default {
this.selectedData = this.showList.slice(lastSelectIndex, clickIndex + 1)
if (isNeedReverse) this.selectedData.reverse()
let nodes = this.$refs.dom_tbody.childNodes
do {
} while (lastSelectIndex <= clickIndex)
} else {
this.lastSelectIndex = clickIndex
@ -265,21 +262,13 @@ export default {
let index = this.selectedData.indexOf(item)
if (index < 0) {
} else {
this.selectedData.splice(index, 1)
} else if (this.selectedData.length) this.removeAllSelect()
removeAllSelect() {
this.selectedData = []
let dom_tbody = this.$refs.dom_tbody
if (!dom_tbody) return
let nodes = dom_tbody.querySelectorAll('.active')
for (const node of nodes) {
if (node.parentNode == dom_tbody) node.classList.remove('active')
handleClick(index) {
const key = this.showList[index].key
@ -323,11 +312,6 @@ export default {
handleSelectAllData() {
this.selectedData = [...this.showList]
let nodes = this.$refs.dom_tbody.childNodes
for (const node of nodes) {
// async handleFlowBtnClick(action) {
// let selectedData = [...this.selectedData]
@ -363,13 +347,19 @@ export default {
handleListItemRigthClick(event, index) {
this.listMenu.itemMenuControl.sourceDetail = !!musicSdk[this.showList[index].musicInfo.source].getMusicDetailPageUrl
let dom_selected = this.$refs.dom_tbody.querySelector('tr.selected')
if (dom_selected) dom_selected.classList.remove('selected')
let dom_td = event.target.closest('td')
let dom_container = event.target.closest('.' + this.$style.download)
const getOffsetValue = (target, x = 0, y = 0) => {
if (target === dom_container) return { x, y }
if (!target) return { x: 0, y: 0 }
x += target.offsetLeft
y += target.offsetTop
return getOffsetValue(target.offsetParent, x, y)
this.listMenu.rightClickItemIndex = index
this.listMenu.menuLocation.x = dom_td.offsetLeft + event.offsetX
this.listMenu.menuLocation.y = dom_td.offsetTop + event.offsetY - this.$refs.dom_scrollContent.scrollTop
this.selectedIndex = index
let { x, y } = getOffsetValue(event.target)
this.listMenu.menuLocation.x = x + event.offsetX
this.listMenu.menuLocation.y = y + event.offsetY - this.$refs.list.getScrollTop()
let item = this.showList[index]
if (item.isComplate) {
@ -397,8 +387,7 @@ export default {
hideListMenu() {
let dom_selected = this.$refs.dom_tbody && this.$refs.dom_tbody.querySelector('tr.selected')
if (dom_selected) dom_selected.classList.remove('selected')
this.selectedIndex = -1
this.listMenu.isShowItemMenu = false
this.listMenu.rightClickItemIndex = -1
@ -524,18 +513,18 @@ export default {
// padding-left: 10px;
.tbody {
:global(.list) {
flex: auto;
overflow-y: auto;
td {
font-size: 12px;
:global(.list-item-cell) {
font-size: 12px !important;
&:first-child {
// padding-left: 10px;
font-size: 11px;
color: @color-theme_2-font-label;
font-size: 11px !important;
color: @color-theme_2-font-label !important;
tr {
:global(.list-item) {
&.active {
color: @color-btn;
@ -544,17 +533,17 @@ export default {
each(@themes, {
:global(#container.@{value}) {
.tbody {
tr {
&.active {
color: ~'@{color-@{value}-btn}';
td {
:global(.list) {
:global(.list-item-cell) {
&:first-child {
color: ~'@{color-@{value}-theme_2-font-label}';
:global(.list-item) {
&.active {
color: ~'@{color-@{value}-btn}' !important;
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
@contextmenu="handleListsItemRigthClick($event, index)")
span(:class="$style.listsLabel") {{item.name}}
material-song-list(v-model="selectedData" ref="songList" :hideListsMenu="hideListsMenu" :rowWidth="{r1: '5%', r2: 'auto', r3: '22%', r4: '22%', r5: '9%', r6: '15%'}" @action="handleSongListAction" :source="source" :page="page" :limit="info.limit" :total="info.total" :noItem="$t('material.song_list.loding_list')" :list="list")
material-song-list(v-model="selectedData" ref="songList" :hideListsMenu="hideListsMenu" :rowWidth="{r1: '5%', r2: 'auto', r3: '22%', r4: '22%', r5: '9%', r6: '15%'}" @action="handleSongListAction" :source="source" :page="page" :limit="listInfo.limit" :total="listInfo.total" :noItem="$t('material.song_list.loding_list')" :list="list")
material-download-modal(:show="isShowDownload" :musicInfo="musicInfo" @select="handleAddDownload" @close="isShowDownload = false")
material-download-multiple-modal(:show="isShowDownloadMultiple" :list="selectedData" @select="handleAddDownloadMultiple" @close="isShowDownloadMultiple = false")
material-list-add-modal(:show="isShowListAdd" :musicInfo="musicInfo" @close="isShowListAdd = false")
@ -56,11 +56,18 @@ export default {
y: 0,
listInfo: {
list: [],
total: 0,
page: 1,
limit: 30,
key: null,
computed: {
...mapGetters('leaderboard', ['sources', 'boards', 'list', 'info']),
...mapGetters('leaderboard', ['sources', 'boards', 'info']),
...mapGetters('list', ['defaultList']),
boardList() {
return this.source && this.boards[this.source] ? this.boards[this.source] : []
@ -79,13 +86,22 @@ export default {
list() {
return this.listInfo.list
watch: {
tabId(n, o) {
this.setLeaderboard({ tabId: n })
if (!n || (!o && this.page !== 1)) return
this.getList(1).then(() => {
this.page = this.info.page
this.listInfo.list = []
this.getList(1).then(listInfo => {
this.listInfo.list = listInfo.list
this.listInfo.total = listInfo.total
this.listInfo.limit = listInfo.limit
this.listInfo.page = listInfo.page
this.listInfo.key = listInfo.key
this.page = listInfo.page
source(n, o) {
@ -102,7 +118,7 @@ export default {
mounted() {
this.source = this.setting.leaderboard.source
this.tabId = this.setting.leaderboard.tabId
this.page = this.info.page
this.page = this.listInfo.page
methods: {
@ -206,8 +222,14 @@ export default {
handleTogglePage(page) {
this.getList(page).then(() => {
this.page = this.info.page
this.listInfo.list = []
this.getList(page).then(listInfo => {
this.listInfo.list = listInfo.list
this.listInfo.total = listInfo.total
this.listInfo.limit = listInfo.limit
this.listInfo.page = listInfo.page
this.listInfo.key = listInfo.key
this.page = listInfo.page
handleAddDownload(type) {
@ -381,7 +403,7 @@ export default {
transition: opacity .3s ease;
:global(.list) {
:global(.selection-list) {
max-height: 500px;
box-shadow: 0 1px 8px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.2);
li {
@ -465,7 +487,7 @@ each(@themes, {
:global(.label) {
color: ~'@{color-@{value}-theme_2-font}' !important;
:global(.list) {
:global(.selection-list) {
li {
background-color: ~'@{color-@{value}-theme_2-background_2}';
&:hover {
@ -36,35 +36,26 @@
th.nobreak(style="width: 22%;") {{$t('view.list.album')}}
th.nobreak(style="width: 9%;") {{$t('view.list.time')}}
th.nobreak(style="width: 15%;") {{$t('view.list.action')}}
div(v-if="delayShow && list.length" :class="$style.content")
div.scroll(:class="$style.tbody" @scroll="handleScroll" ref="dom_scrollContent")
tbody(@contextmenu.capture="handleContextMenu" ref="dom_tbody")
tr(v-for='(item, index) in list' :key='item.songmid' :id="'mid_' + item.songmid" @contextmenu="handleListItemRigthClick($event, index)"
@click="handleDoubleClick($event, index)" :class="[isPlayList && playInfo.playIndex === index ? $style.active : '', assertApiSupport(item.source) ? null : $style.disabled]")
td.nobreak.center(style="width: 5%; padding-left: 3px; padding-right: 3px;" :class="$style.noSelect" @click.stop) {{index + 1}}
span.select {{item.name}}
span(:class="[$style.labelSource, $style.noSelect]" v-if="isShowSource") {{item.source}}
//- span.badge.badge-light(v-if="item._types['128k']") 128K
//- span.badge.badge-light(v-if="item._types['192k']") 192K
//- span.badge.badge-secondary(v-if="item._types['320k']") 320K
//- span.badge.badge-theme-info(v-if="item._types.ape") APE
//- span.badge.badge-theme-success(v-if="item._types.flac") FLAC
td.break(style="width: 22%;")
span.select {{item.singer}}
td.break(style="width: 22%;")
span.select {{item.albumName}}
td(style="width: 9%;")
span(:class="[$style.time, $style.noSelect]") {{item.interval || '--/--'}}
td(style="width: 15%; padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0;")
material-list-buttons(:index="index" @btn-click="handleListBtnClick" :download-btn="assertApiSupport(item.source)")
//- button.btn-info(type='button' v-if="item._types['128k'] || item._types['192k'] || item._types['320k'] || item._types.flac" @click.stop='openDownloadModal(index)') 下载
//- button.btn-secondary(type='button' v-if="item._types['128k'] || item._types['192k'] || item._types['320k']" @click.stop='testPlay(index)') 试听
//- button.btn-secondary(type='button' @click.stop='handleRemove(index)') 删除
//- button.btn-success(type='button' v-if="(item._types['128k'] || item._types['192k'] || item._types['320k']) && userInfo" @click.stop='showListModal(index)') +
div(v-if="list.length" :class="$style.content" ref="dom_listContent")
material-virtualized-list(:list="list" key-name="songmid" ref="list" #default="{ item, index }" :item-height="37"
@scroll="handleScroll" containerClass="scroll" contentClass="list" @contextmenu.native.capture="handleContextMenu")
div.list-item(@click="handleDoubleClick($event, index)"
:class="[{ [$style.active]: isPlayList && playInfo.playIndex === index }, { selected: selectedIndex == index }, { active: selectdListDetailData.includes(item) }, { [$style.disabled]: !assertApiSupport(item.source) }]"
@contextmenu="handleListItemRigthClick($event, index)")
div.list-item-cell.nobreak.center(style="flex: 0 0 5%; padding-left: 3px; padding-right: 3px;" :class="$style.noSelect" @click.stop) {{index + 1}}
span.select {{item.name}}
span(:class="[$style.labelSource, $style.noSelect]" v-if="isShowSource") {{item.source}}
div.list-item-cell.break(style="flex: 0 0 22%;")
span.select {{item.singer}}
div.list-item-cell.break(style="flex: 0 0 22%;")
span.select {{item.albumName}}
div.list-item-cell(style="flex: 0 0 9%;")
span(:class="[$style.time, $style.noSelect]") {{item.interval || '--/--'}}
div.list-item-cell(style="flex: 0 0 15%; padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0;")
material-list-buttons(:index="index" @btn-click="handleListBtnClick" :download-btn="assertApiSupport(item.source)")
div(:class="$style.noItem" v-else)
p(v-text="list.length ? $t('view.list.loding_list') : $t('view.list.no_item')")
material-download-modal(:show="isShowDownload" :musicInfo="musicInfo" @select="handleAddDownload" @close="isShowDownload = false")
material-download-multiple-modal(:show="isShowDownloadMultiple" :list="selectdListDetailData" @select="handleAddDownloadMultiple" @close="isShowDownloadMultiple = false")
//- material-flow-btn(:show="isShowEditBtn" :play-btn="false" @btn-click="handleFlowBtnClick")
@ -79,8 +70,11 @@
import { mapMutations, mapGetters, mapActions } from 'vuex'
import { throttle, scrollTo, clipboardWriteText, assertApiSupport, openUrl, openSaveDir, saveLxConfigFile, selectDir, readLxConfigFile, filterFileName } from '../utils'
import { clipboardWriteText, assertApiSupport, openUrl, openSaveDir, saveLxConfigFile, selectDir, readLxConfigFile, filterFileName } from '../utils'
import musicSdk from '../utils/music'
import { setListPosition, getListPosition, getListPrevSelectId } from '@renderer/utils/data'
export default {
name: 'List',
data() {
@ -151,6 +145,7 @@ export default {
isVisibleMusicSearch: false,
fetchingListStatus: {},
selectedListInfo: {},
selectedIndex: -1,
computed: {
@ -322,7 +317,7 @@ export default {
this.$nextTick(() => {
this.listId = to.query.id
this.$nextTick(() => {
this.restoreScroll(this.$route.query.scrollIndex, false)
this.isShowDownload = false
@ -348,28 +343,22 @@ export default {
// }
// },
beforeRouteLeave(to, from, next) {
this.setListScroll({ id: this.listId, location: (this.list.length && this.$refs.dom_scrollContent.scrollTop) || 0 })
setListPosition(this.listId, (this.list.length && this.$refs.list.getScrollTop()) || 0)
created() {
this.listId = this.$route.query.id || this.defaultList.id
this.listId = this.$route.query.id || getListPrevSelectId() || this.defaultList.id
this.handleSaveScroll = throttle((listId, location) => {
this.setListScroll({ id: listId, location })
}, 1000)
mounted() {
this.restoreScroll(this.$route.query.scrollIndex, false)
beforeDestroy() {
this.setListScroll({ id: this.listId, location: (this.list.length && this.$refs.dom_scrollContent.scrollTop) || 0 })
setListPosition(this.listId, (this.list.length && this.$refs.list.getScrollTop()) || 0)
methods: {
...mapMutations('list', [
@ -378,9 +367,9 @@ export default {
...mapActions('songList', ['getListDetailAll']),
...mapActions('leaderboard', {
@ -429,21 +418,8 @@ export default {
this.keyEvent.isModDown = false
handleDelayShow() {
if (this.list.length > 150) {
this.delayTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
this.delayTimeout = null
this.delayShow = true
this.restoreScroll(this.$route.query.scrollIndex, false)
}, 200)
} else {
this.delayShow = true
this.restoreScroll(this.$route.query.scrollIndex, false)
handleScroll(e) {
this.handleSaveScroll(this.listId, e.target.scrollTop)
handleScroll() {
setListPosition(this.listId, this.$refs.list.getScrollTop())
clearDelayTimeout() {
if (this.delayTimeout) {
@ -452,22 +428,15 @@ export default {
handleScrollList(index, isAnimation, callback = () => {}) {
let location = this.getMusicLocation(index) - 150
if (location < 0) location = 0
if (isAnimation) {
scrollTo(this.$refs.dom_scrollContent, location, 300, callback)
} else {
this.$refs.dom_scrollContent.scrollTo(0, location)
this.$refs.list.scrollToIndex(index, -150, isAnimation).then(callback)
restoreScroll(index, isAnimation) {
if (!this.list.length) return
if (index == null) {
let location = this.listData.location || 0
let location = getListPosition(this.listData.id) || 0
if (this.setting.list.isSaveScrollLocation && location) {
this.$nextTick(() => {
this.$refs.dom_scrollContent.scrollTo(0, location)
@ -484,7 +453,7 @@ export default {
handleDoubleClick(event, index) {
if (event.target.classList.contains('select')) return
if (this.listMenu.rightClickItemIndex > -1) return
this.handleSelectListDetailData(event, index)
@ -517,13 +486,7 @@ export default {
this.selectdListDetailData = this.list.slice(lastSelectIndex, clickIndex + 1)
if (isNeedReverse) this.selectdListDetailData.reverse()
let nodes = this.$refs.dom_tbody.childNodes
do {
} while (lastSelectIndex <= clickIndex)
} else {
this.lastSelectIndex = clickIndex
@ -533,69 +496,67 @@ export default {
let index = this.selectdListDetailData.indexOf(item)
if (index < 0) {
} else {
this.selectdListDetailData.splice(index, 1)
} else if (this.selectdListDetailData.length) this.removeAllSelectListDetail()
handleSelectListData(event, clickIndex) {
if (this.focusTarget != 'list' && this.selectdListData.length) this.removeAllSelectList()
// handleSelectListData(event, clickIndex) {
// if (this.focusTarget != 'list' && this.selectdListData.length) this.removeAllSelectList()
if (this.keyEvent.isShiftDown) {
if (this.selectdListData.length) {
let lastSelectIndex = this.list.indexOf(this.selectdListData[this.selectdListData.length - 1])
if (lastSelectIndex == clickIndex) return this.removeAllSelectList()
let isNeedReverse = false
if (clickIndex < lastSelectIndex) {
let temp = lastSelectIndex
lastSelectIndex = clickIndex
clickIndex = temp
isNeedReverse = true
this.selectdListData = this.list.slice(lastSelectIndex, clickIndex + 1)
if (isNeedReverse) this.selectdListData.reverse()
let nodes = this.$refs.dom_tbody.childNodes
do {
} while (lastSelectIndex <= clickIndex)
} else {
} else if (this.keyEvent.isModDown) {
let item = this.list[clickIndex]
let index = this.selectdListData.indexOf(item)
if (index < 0) {
} else {
this.selectdListData.splice(index, 1)
} else if (this.selectdListData.length) this.removeAllSelectList()
// if (this.keyEvent.isShiftDown) {
// if (this.selectdListData.length) {
// let lastSelectIndex = this.list.indexOf(this.selectdListData[this.selectdListData.length - 1])
// if (lastSelectIndex == clickIndex) return this.removeAllSelectList()
// this.removeAllSelectList()
// let isNeedReverse = false
// if (clickIndex < lastSelectIndex) {
// let temp = lastSelectIndex
// lastSelectIndex = clickIndex
// clickIndex = temp
// isNeedReverse = true
// }
// this.selectdListData = this.list.slice(lastSelectIndex, clickIndex + 1)
// if (isNeedReverse) this.selectdListData.reverse()
// // let nodes = this.$refs.dom_tbody.childNodes
// // do {
// // nodes[lastSelectIndex].classList.add('active')
// // lastSelectIndex++
// // } while (lastSelectIndex <= clickIndex)
// } else {
// // event.currentTarget.classList.add('active')
// this.selectdListData.push(this.list[clickIndex])
// }
// } else if (this.keyEvent.isModDown) {
// let item = this.list[clickIndex]
// let index = this.selectdListData.indexOf(item)
// if (index < 0) {
// this.selectdListData.push(item)
// // event.currentTarget.classList.add('active')
// } else {
// this.selectdListData.splice(index, 1)
// // event.currentTarget.classList.remove('active')
// }
// } else if (this.selectdListData.length) this.removeAllSelectList()
// },
removeAllSelectListDetail() {
this.selectdListDetailData = []
let dom_tbody = this.$refs.dom_tbody
if (!dom_tbody) return
let nodes = dom_tbody.querySelectorAll('.active')
for (const node of nodes) {
if (node.parentNode == dom_tbody) node.classList.remove('active')
removeAllSelectList() {
this.selectdListData = []
let dom_list = this.$refs.dom_lists_list
if (!dom_list) return
let nodes = dom_list.querySelectorAll('.selected')
for (const node of nodes) {
if (node.parentNode == dom_list) node.classList.remove('selected')
// let dom_tbody = this.$refs.dom_tbody
// if (!dom_tbody) return
// let nodes = dom_tbody.querySelectorAll('.active')
// for (const node of nodes) {
// if (node.parentNode == dom_tbody) node.classList.remove('active')
// }
// removeAllSelectList() {
// this.selectdListData = []
// let dom_list = this.$refs.dom_lists_list
// if (!dom_list) return
// let nodes = dom_list.querySelectorAll('.selected')
// for (const node of nodes) {
// if (node.parentNode == dom_list) node.classList.remove('selected')
// }
// },
testPlay(index) {
// if (!this.assertApiSupport(this.list[index].source)) return
this.setPlayList({ list: this.listData, index })
@ -635,10 +596,10 @@ export default {
handleSelectAllData() {
this.selectdListDetailData = [...this.list]
let nodes = this.$refs.dom_tbody.childNodes
for (const node of nodes) {
// let nodes = this.$refs.dom_tbody.childNodes
// for (const node of nodes) {
// node.classList.add('active')
// }
// asyncSetArray(this.selectdListDetailData, isSelect ? [...this.list] : [])
handleAddDownloadMultiple(type) {
@ -680,12 +641,12 @@ export default {
handleContextMenu(event) {
if (!event.target.classList.contains('select')) return
let classList = this.$refs.dom_scrollContent.classList
let classList = this.$refs.dom_listContent.classList
window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
let str = window.getSelection().toString()
str = str.trim()
str = str.split(/\n\n/).map(s => s.replace(/\n/g, ' ')).join('\n').trim()
if (!str.length) return
@ -732,13 +693,6 @@ export default {
handleListsNewAfterLeave() {
this.listsData.isNewLeave = false
setListsScroll() {
let target = this.$refs.dom_lists_list.querySelector('.' + this.$style.active)
if (!target) return
let offsetTop = target.offsetTop
let location = offsetTop - 150
if (location > 0) this.$refs.dom_lists_list.scrollTop = location
handleListToggle(id) {
if (id == this.listId) return
@ -778,16 +732,21 @@ export default {
this.listMenu.itemMenuControl.sourceDetail = !!musicSdk[this.list[index].source].getMusicDetailPageUrl
// this.listMenu.itemMenuControl.play =
// this.listMenu.itemMenuControl.playLater =
this.listMenu.itemMenuControl.download =
let dom_selected = this.$refs.dom_tbody.querySelector('tr.selected')
if (dom_selected) dom_selected.classList.remove('selected')
let dom_td = event.target.closest('td')
this.listMenu.itemMenuControl.download = this.assertApiSupport(this.list[index].source)
let dom_container = event.target.closest('.' + this.$style.container)
// let dom_listItemCell = event.target.closest('.list-item-cell')
const getOffsetValue = (target, x = 0, y = 0) => {
if (target === dom_container) return { x, y }
if (!target) return { x: 0, y: 0 }
x += target.offsetLeft
y += target.offsetTop
return getOffsetValue(target.offsetParent, x, y)
this.listMenu.rightClickItemIndex = index
this.listMenu.menuLocation.x = dom_td.offsetLeft + event.offsetX
this.listMenu.menuLocation.y = dom_td.offsetTop + event.offsetY - this.$refs.dom_scrollContent.scrollTop
this.selectedIndex = index
let { x, y } = getOffsetValue(event.target)
this.listMenu.menuLocation.x = x + event.offsetX
this.listMenu.menuLocation.y = y + event.offsetY - this.$refs.list.getScrollTop()
this.$nextTick(() => {
this.listMenu.isShowItemMenu = true
@ -842,8 +801,7 @@ export default {
hideListMenu() {
let dom_selected = this.$refs.dom_tbody && this.$refs.dom_tbody.querySelector('tr.selected')
if (dom_selected) dom_selected.classList.remove('selected')
this.selectedIndex = -1
this.listMenu.isShowItemMenu = false
this.listMenu.rightClickItemIndex = -1
@ -946,10 +904,9 @@ export default {
case 'listClick':
if (index < 0) return
this.handleScrollList(index, true, () => {
let dom = document.getElementById('mid_' + this.list[index].songmid)
this.selectedIndex = index
setTimeout(() => {
this.selectedIndex = -1
if (isPlay) this.testPlay(index)
}, 600)
@ -1240,6 +1197,11 @@ export default {
// }
// }
// }
&.copying {
.no-select {
display: none;
.thead {
flex: none;
@ -1248,28 +1210,20 @@ export default {
// padding-left: 10px;
.tbody {
:global(.list) {
flex: auto;
overflow-y: auto;
tr {
:global(.list-item) {
&.active {
color: @color-btn;
td {
font-size: 12px;
:global(.list-item-cell) {
font-size: 12px !important;
&:first-child {
// padding-left: 10px;
font-size: 11px;
color: @color-theme_2-font-label;
&.copying {
.no-select {
display: none;
font-size: 11px !important;
color: @color-theme_2-font-label !important;
@ -1280,6 +1234,7 @@ export default {
font-size: .8em;
line-height: 1;
opacity: .75;
display: inline-block;
.disabled {
@ -1325,15 +1280,15 @@ each(@themes, {
.listsNew {
background-color: ~'@{color-@{value}-theme_2-hover}';
.tbody {
tr {
:global(.list) {
:global(.list-item) {
&.active {
color: ~'@{color-@{value}-btn}';
td {
:global(.list-item-cell) {
&:first-child {
color: ~'@{color-@{value}-theme_2-font-label}';
color: ~'@{color-@{value}-theme_2-font-label}' !important;
@ -842,12 +842,11 @@ export default {
// 兼容0.6.2及以前版本的列表数据
if (listData.type === 'defautlList') return this.setList({ id: 'default', list: listData.data.list, name: '试听列表', location: 0 })
if (listData.type === 'defautlList') return this.setList({ id: 'default', list: listData.data.list, name: '试听列表' })
if (listData.type !== 'playList') return
for (const list of listData.data) {
if (list.location == null) list.location = 0
@ -879,10 +878,9 @@ export default {
if (allData.type !== 'allData') return
// 兼容0.6.2及以前版本的列表数据
if (allData.defaultList) return this.setList({ id: 'default', list: allData.defaultList.list, name: '试听列表', location: 0 })
if (allData.defaultList) return this.setList({ id: 'default', list: allData.defaultList.list, name: '试听列表' })
for (const list of allData.playList) {
if (list.location == null) list.location = 0
Reference in New Issue