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<!DOCTYPE html> |
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<title>表格操作 - layui</title> |
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<style> |
body{padding: 20px; /*overflow-y: scroll;*/} |
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<body> |
<div class="layui-btn-container"> |
<a href="table.html" class="layui-btn layui-btn-primary">表格综合</a> |
<a href="table-test.html" class="layui-btn">表格测试</a> |
<a href="table-static.html" class="layui-btn">静态表格</a> |
</div> |
<table class="layui-table" lay-data="{url:'json/table/demo2.json', page: true, limit: 6}" lay-filter="appendtest"> |
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<tr> |
<th lay-data="{checkbox:true, fixed:'left'}" rowspan="2"></th> |
<th lay-data="{field:'username', width:80}" rowspan="2">联系人</th> |
<th lay-data="{field:'amount', width:120}" rowspan="2">金额</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
</table> |
<script type="text/html" id="barDemo"> |
<a class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs" lay-event="edit">编辑</a> |
<a class="layui-btn layui-btn-danger layui-btn-xs" lay-event="del">删除</a> |
</script> |
<script type="text/html" id="usernameTpl"> |
<a href="" class="layui-table-link">{{d.username || ''}}</a> |
</script> |
<script type="text/html" id="switchTpl"> |
<input type="checkbox" name="yyy" lay-skin="switch" lay-text="女|男"> |
</script> |
<script type="text/html" id="cityTpl"> |
<select lay-ignore> |
<option value="浙江杭州">浙江杭州</option> |
<option value="江西南昌">江西南昌</option> |
<option value="湖北武汉">湖北武汉</option> |
</select> |
</script> |
<script type="text/html" id="checkboxTpl"> |
<input type="checkbox" name="" title="锁定" checked> |
</script> |
<script type="text/html" id="LAY_table_tpl_email"> |
<span {{# if(!d.activate){ }}style="color:#999"{{# } }}>{{ d.email }}</span> |
</script> |
<table id="test2" lay-filter="test2"></table> |
<div style="display: none1;"> |
<table class="layui-table" lay-data="{width:800, height: 300, url:'json/table/demo2.json', page: true, limit: 6}"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th lay-data="{checkbox:true, fixed:'left'}" rowspan="2"></th> |
<th lay-data="{field:'username', width:80}" rowspan="2">联系人</th> |
<th lay-data="{field:'amount', width:120}" rowspan="2">金额</th> |
<th lay-data="{align:'center'}" colspan="3">地址</th> |
<th lay-data="{fixed: 'right', width: 155, align: 'center', toolbar: '#barDemo'}" rowspan="2">操作</th> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<th lay-data="{field:'province', width:130}">省</th> |
<th lay-data="{field:'city', width:130}">市</th> |
<th lay-data="{field:'zone', width:200}">区</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
</table> |
<table class="layui-table" lay-data="{url:'json/table/demo2.json', page: true, limit: 6}"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th lay-data="{field:'username'}" rowspan="3">联系人</th> |
<th lay-data="{field:'amount', width:120,hide:1}" rowspan="3">金额</th> |
<th lay-data="{align:'center'}" colspan="5">地址1</th> |
<th lay-data="{align:'center'}" colspan="2">地址2</th> |
<th lay-data="{fixed: 'right', width: 120, align: 'center', toolbar: '#barDemo'}" rowspan="3">操作</th> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<th lay-data="{field:'province', width:120,hide:1}" rowspan="2">省</th> |
<th lay-data="{field:'city', width:80,hide:1}" rowspan="2">市</th> |
<th lay-data="{align:'center'}" colspan="2">详细</th> |
<th lay-data="{field:'zone'}" rowspan="2">区</th> |
<th lay-data="{field:'province', width:80}" rowspan="2">省</th> |
<th lay-data="{field:'city', width:80}" rowspan="2">市</th> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<th lay-data="{field:'address', width:120,hide:1}">小区</th> |
<th lay-data="{field:'house', width:150,hide:1}">单元</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
</table> |
<table id="demo"></table> |
<div class="layui-btn-group"> |
<button class="layui-btn" data-type="parseTable">转化为数据表格</button> |
</div> |
<table class="layui-table" lay-skin="line" lay-filter="parse-table-demo"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th lay-data="{checkbox:true}"></th> |
<th lay-data="{field:'username', width:200}">昵称</th> |
<th lay-data="{field:'joinTime', width:150}">加入时间</th> |
<th lay-data="{field:'sign'}">签名</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td></td> |
<td>贤心1</td> |
<td>2016-11-28</td> |
<td>人生就像是一场修行a</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td></td> |
<td>贤心2</td> |
<td>2016-11-29</td> |
<td>人生就像是一场修行b</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td></td> |
<td>贤心3</td> |
<td>2016-11-30</td> |
<td>人生就像是一场修行c</td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<table class="layui-table" lay-filter="parse-table-demo"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<td rowspan="2" lay-data="{field:'louceng'}">楼层</td> |
<td colspan="2">1单元</td> |
<td colspan="2">2单元</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td lay-data="{field:'men1', width:80}">1门</td> |
<td lay-data="{field:'men2', width:80}">2门</td> |
<td lay-data="{field:'men3', width:80}">1门</td> |
<td lay-data="{field:'men4', width:80}">2门</td> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td>3楼</td> |
<td>301</td> |
<td>302</td> |
<td>301</td> |
<td>302</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>2楼</td> |
<td>201</td> |
<td>202</td> |
<td>201</td> |
<td>202</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>1楼</td> |
<td>101</td> |
<td>102</td> |
<td>101</td> |
<td>102</td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
</div> |
<script src="../src/layui.js" src1="//www.layuicdn.com/layui-v2.0.1/layui.js" charset="utf-8"></script> |
<script> |
layui.use(['table', 'dropdown'], function(){ |
var table = layui.table |
,$ = layui.$ |
,laytpl = layui.laytpl |
,dropdown = layui.dropdown; |
//全局设定某参数 |
table.set({ |
where: { |
token: '全局的 token' |
,access: '全局的 access' |
} |
//,defaultToolbar: ['filter'] |
,limit: 30 |
//,url: 'list' |
//,height: 300 |
}); |
table.render({ |
elem: '#test2' |
,url: 'json/table/demo1.json' |
,contentType: 'application/json' |
,page: { //详细参数可参考 laypage 组件文档 |
curr: 5 |
,groups: 1 |
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,last: false |
,layout: ['limit', 'prev', 'page', 'next', 'count'] //自定义分页布局 |
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,cellMinWidth: 80 |
//,skin: 'line' |
,toolbar: true |
,cols: [[ |
{field: 'id', hide: true} |
,{field: 'username', title: '用户名'} |
,{field: 'email', title: '邮箱'} |
,{title:'操作', align:'center', toolbar: '#barDemo'} |
/* |
{type:'numbers'} |
,{field:'id', title:'ID', unresize: true, sort: true} |
,{field:'username', title:'用户名', templet: '#usernameTpl'} |
,{field:'email', title:'邮箱'} |
,{xfield:'sex', title:'性别', templet: '#switchTpl', minWidth: 85, align:'center'} |
,{field:'lock', title:'是否锁定', templet: '#checkboxTpl', minWidth: 110, align:'center'} |
,{field:'city', title:'城市'} |
*/ |
]] |
}); |
//触发表格行点击 |
table.on('tr', function(obj){ |
console.log(obj) |
}); |
//触发表格复选框选择 |
table.on('checkbox(test)', function(obj){ |
console.log(obj) |
}); |
//触发表格单选框选择 |
table.on('radio(test)', function(obj){ |
console.log(obj) |
}); |
//触发表格单选框选择 |
table.on('rowDouble(test)', function(obj){ |
console.log(obj); |
}); |
//触发单元格编辑 |
table.on('edit(test)', function(obj){ |
var value = obj.value //得到修改后的值 |
,data = obj.data //得到所在行所有键值 |
,field = obj.field; //得到字段 |
console.log(obj) |
}); |
//触发行工具事件 |
table.on('tool(test)', function(obj){ |
var data = obj.data; |
//console.log(obj) |
if(obj.event === 'del'){ |
layer.confirm('真的删除行么', function(index){ |
obj.del(); |
layer.close(index); |
}); |
} else if(obj.event === 'edit'){ |
layer.prompt({ |
formType: 2 |
,value: data.email |
}, function(value, index){ |
obj.update({ |
email: value |
}); |
layer.close(index); |
}); |
} |
}); |
//return; |
//直接赋值数据 |
table.render({ |
elem: '#demo' |
//,width: 900 |
//,height: 274 |
,cols: [[ //标题栏 |
{type: 'checkbox', LAY_CHECKED: true} |
,{field: 'id', title: 'ID', width: 80, sort: true} |
,{type: 'space', width: 100} //空列 |
,{field: 'username', title: '用户名', width: 120} |
,{field: 'email', title: '邮箱', width: 150} |
,{field: 'sign', title: '签名', width: 150} |
,{field: 'sex', title: '性别', width: 80} |
,{field: 'city', title: '城市', width: 100} |
// ,{field: 'experience', title: '积分', width: 80, sort: true} |
,{field: 'experience', title: '积分', width: 80, sort: true, totalRow: true, totalRowDecimalScale: 20} |
]] |
,data: [{ |
"id": "10001" |
,"username": "杜甫" |
,"email": "xianxin@layui.com" |
,"sex": "男" |
,"city": "浙江杭州" |
,"sign": "人生恰似一场修行" |
,"experience": "116" |
,"ip": "" |
,"logins": "108" |
,"joinTime": "2016-10-14" |
}, { |
"id": "10002" |
,"username": "李白" |
,"email": "xianxin@layui.com" |
,"sex": "男" |
,"city": "浙江杭州" |
,"sign": "人生恰似一场修行" |
,"experience": "12" |
,"ip": "" |
,"logins": "106" |
,"joinTime": "2016-10-14" |
,"LAY_CHECKED": true |
}, { |
"id": "10003" |
,"username": "王勃" |
,"email": "xianxin@layui.com" |
,"sex": "男" |
,"city": "浙江杭州" |
,"sign": "人生恰似一场修行" |
,"experience": "65" |
,"ip": "" |
,"logins": "106" |
,"joinTime": "2016-10-14" |
}, { |
"id": "10004" |
,"username": "贤心" |
,"email": "xianxin@layui.com" |
,"sex": "男" |
,"city": "浙江杭州" |
,"sign": "人生恰似一场修行" |
,"experience": "666" |
,"ip": "" |
,"logins": "106" |
,"joinTime": "2016-10-14" |
}, { |
"id": "10005" |
,"username": "贤心" |
,"email": "xianxin@layui.com" |
,"sex": "男" |
,"city": "浙江杭州" |
,"sign": "人生恰似一场修行" |
,"experience": "86" |
,"ip": "" |
,"logins": "106" |
,"joinTime": "2016-10-14" |
}, { |
"id": "10006" |
,"username": "贤心" |
,"email": "xianxin@layui.com" |
,"sex": "男" |
,"city": "浙江杭州" |
,"sign": "人生恰似一场修行" |
,"experience": "12" |
,"ip": "" |
,"logins": "106" |
,"joinTime": "2016-10-14" |
}, { |
"id": "10007" |
,"username": "贤心" |
,"email": "xianxin@layui.com" |
,"sex": "男" |
,"city": "浙江杭州" |
,"sign": "人生恰似一场修行" |
,"experience": "16" |
,"ip": "" |
,"logins": "106" |
,"joinTime": "2016-10-14" |
}, { |
"id": "10008" |
,"username": "贤心" |
,"email": "xianxin@layui.com" |
,"sex": "男" |
,"city": "浙江杭州" |
,"sign": "人生恰似一场修行" |
,"experience": "106" |
,"ip": "" |
,"logins": "106" |
,"joinTime": "2016-10-14" |
}] |
,skin: 'row' //表格风格 |
,even: true |
//,size: 'lg' //尺寸 |
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,limit: 3 //每页默认显示的数量 |
,totalRow: true |
//,loading: false //请求数据时,是否显示loading |
}); |
var $ = layui.jquery, active = { |
parseTable: function(){ |
table.init('parse-table-demo', { |
limit: 3 |
}); |
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,add: function(){ |
table.addRow('test') |
} |
}; |
$('i').on('click', function(){ |
var type = $(this).data('type'); |
active[type] ? active[type].call(this) : ''; |
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$('.layui-btn').on('click', function(){ |
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active[type] ? active[type].call(this) : ''; |
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