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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters!

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters that may be confused with others in your current locale. If your use case is intentional and legitimate, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to highlight these characters.

/** lay 基础 DOM 操作 | MIT Licensed */
;!function(window){ //gulp build: lay-header
"use strict";
var MOD_NAME = 'lay' //模块名
,document = window.document
,lay = function(selector){
return new LAY(selector);
,LAY = function(selector){
var index = 0
,nativeDOM = typeof selector === 'object' ? [selector] : (
this.selector = selector
,document.querySelectorAll(selector || null)
for(; index < nativeDOM.length; index++){
lay 对象操作
LAY.prototype = [];
LAY.prototype.constructor = LAY;
lay.extend = function(){
var ai = 1
,args = arguments
,clone = function(target, obj){
target = target || (layui.type(obj) === 'array' ? [] : {}); //目标对象
for(var i in obj){
target[i] = (obj[i] && obj[i].constructor === Object)
? clone(target[i], obj[i])
: obj[i];
return target;
args[0] = typeof args[0] === 'object' ? args[0] : {};
length = args.length
for(; ai < length; ai++){
if(typeof args[ai] === 'object'){
clone(args[0], args[ai]);
return args[0];
//lay 模块版本
lay.v = '1.0.8';
//ie版本 = function(){
var agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
return (!!window.ActiveXObject || "ActiveXObject" in window) ? (
(agent.match(/msie\s(\d+)/) || [])[1] || '11' //由于 ie11 并没有 msie 的标识
) : false;
* 获取 layui 常见方法,以便用于组件单独版
lay.layui = layui || {};
lay.getPath = layui.cache.dir; //获取当前 JS 所在目录
lay.stope = layui.stope; //中止冒泡
lay.each = function(){ //遍历
layui.each.apply(layui, arguments);
return this;
lay.digit = function(num, length){
if(!(typeof num === 'string' || typeof num === 'number')) return '';
var str = '';
num = String(num);
length = length || 2;
for(var i = num.length; i < length; i++){
str += '0';
return num < Math.pow(10, length) ? str + num : num;
lay.elem = function(elemName, attr){
var elem = document.createElement(elemName);
lay.each(attr || {}, function(key, value){
elem.setAttribute(key, value);
return elem;
lay.hasScrollbar = function(){
return document.body.scrollHeight > (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight);
lay.position = function(elem, elemView, obj){
if(!elemView) return;
obj = obj || {};
//如果绑定的是 document 或 body 元素,则直接获取鼠标坐标
if(elem === document || elem === lay('body')[0]){
obj.clickType = 'right';
var rect = obj.clickType === 'right' ? function(){
var e = obj.e || window.event || {};
return {
left: e.clientX
,top: e.clientY
,right: e.clientX
,bottom: e.clientY
}() : elem.getBoundingClientRect()
,elemWidth = elemView.offsetWidth //控件的宽度
,elemHeight = elemView.offsetHeight //控件的高度
,scrollArea = function(type){
type = type ? 'scrollLeft' : 'scrollTop';
return document.body[type] | document.documentElement[type];
,winArea = function(type){
return document.documentElement[type ? 'clientWidth' : 'clientHeight']
}, margin = 5, left = rect.left, top = rect.bottom;
if(obj.align === 'center'){
left = left - (elemWidth - elem.offsetWidth)/2;
} else if(obj.align === 'right'){
left = left - elemWidth + elem.offsetWidth;
if(left + elemWidth + margin > winArea('width')){
left = winArea('width') - elemWidth - margin; //如果超出右侧,则将面板向右靠齐
if(left < margin) left = margin;
if(top + elemHeight + margin > winArea()){
if( > elemHeight + margin){
top = - elemHeight - margin*2; //顶部有足够的区域显示
} else {
if(obj.clickType === 'right'){
top = winArea() - elemHeight - margin*2;
if(top < 0) top = 0; //不能溢出窗口顶部
} else {
top = margin; // 位置计算逻辑完备性处理
var position = obj.position;
if(position) = position;
//设置坐标 = left + (position === 'fixed' ? 0 : scrollArea(1)) + 'px'; = top + (position === 'fixed' ? 0 : scrollArea()) + 'px';
var rect1 = elemView.getBoundingClientRect();
if(!obj.SYSTEM_RELOAD && (rect1.bottom + margin) > winArea()){
obj.SYSTEM_RELOAD = true;
lay.position(elem, elemView, obj);
}, 50);
// 获取元素上的属性配置项
lay.options = function(elem, opts){
opts = typeof opts === 'object' ? opts : {attr: opts};
var othis = lay(elem);
var attrName = opts.attr || 'lay-options';
try {
return new Function('return '+ (othis.attr(attrName) || '{}'))();
} catch(ev) {
hint.error(opts.errorText || 'parseerror: '+ ev, 'error');
return {};
//元素是否属于顶级元素document 或 body
lay.isTopElem = function(elem){
var topElems = [document, lay('body')[0]]
,matched = false;
lay.each(topElems, function(index, item){
if(item === elem){
return matched = true
return matched;
LAY.addStr = function(str, new_str){
str = str.replace(/\s+/, ' ');
new_str = new_str.replace(/\s+/, ' ').split(' ');
lay.each(new_str, function(ii, item){
if(!new RegExp('\\b'+ item + '\\b').test(str)){
str = str + ' ' + item;
return str.replace(/^\s|\s$/, '');
LAY.removeStr = function(str, new_str){
str = str.replace(/\s+/, ' ');
new_str = new_str.replace(/\s+/, ' ').split(' ');
lay.each(new_str, function(ii, item){
var exp = new RegExp('\\b'+ item + '\\b')
str = str.replace(exp, '');
return str.replace(/\s+/, ' ').replace(/^\s|\s$/, '');
LAY.prototype.find = function(selector){
var that = this;
var index = 0, arr = []
,isObject = typeof selector === 'object';
this.each(function(i, item){
var nativeDOM = isObject ? item.contains(selector) : item.querySelectorAll(selector || null);
for(; index < nativeDOM.length; index++){
that.selector = (that.selector ? that.selector + ' ' : '') + selector
lay.each(arr, function(i, item){
return that;
LAY.prototype.each = function(fn){
return, this, fn);
LAY.prototype.addClass = function(className, type){
return this.each(function(index, item){
item.className = LAY[type ? 'removeStr' : 'addStr'](item.className, className)
//移除 css 类
LAY.prototype.removeClass = function(className){
return this.addClass(className, true);
//是否包含 css 类
LAY.prototype.hasClass = function(className){
var has = false;
this.each(function(index, item){
if(new RegExp('\\b'+ className +'\\b').test(item.className)){
has = true;
return has;
//添加或获取 css style
LAY.prototype.css = function(key, value){
var that = this
,parseValue = function(v){
return isNaN(v) ? v : (v +'px');
return (typeof key === 'string' && value === undefined) ? function(){
if(that.length > 0) return that[0].style[key];
}() : that.each(function(index, item){
typeof key === 'object' ? lay.each(key, function(thisKey, thisValue){[thisKey] = parseValue(thisValue);
}) :[key] = parseValue(value);
LAY.prototype.width = function(value){
var that = this;
return value === undefined ? function(){
if(that.length > 0) return that[0].offsetWidth; //此处还需做兼容
}() : that.each(function(index, item){
that.css('width', value);
LAY.prototype.height = function(value){
var that = this;
return value === undefined ? function(){
if(that.length > 0) return that[0].offsetHeight; //此处还需做兼容
}() : that.each(function(index, item){
that.css('height', value);
LAY.prototype.attr = function(key, value){
var that = this;
return value === undefined ? function(){
if(that.length > 0) return that[0].getAttribute(key);
}() : that.each(function(index, item){
item.setAttribute(key, value);
LAY.prototype.removeAttr = function(key){
return this.each(function(index, item){
//设置或获取 HTML 内容
LAY.prototype.html = function(html){
var that = this;
return html === undefined ? function(){
if(that.length > 0) return that[0].innerHTML;
}() : this.each(function(index, item){
item.innerHTML = html;
LAY.prototype.val = function(value){
var that = this;
return value === undefined ? function(){
if(that.length > 0) return that[0].value;
}() : this.each(function(index, item){
item.value = value;
LAY.prototype.append = function(elem){
return this.each(function(index, item){
typeof elem === 'object'
? item.appendChild(elem)
: item.innerHTML = item.innerHTML + elem;
LAY.prototype.remove = function(elem){
return this.each(function(index, item){
elem ? item.removeChild(elem) : item.parentNode.removeChild(item);
LAY.prototype.on = function(eventName, fn){
return this.each(function(index, item){
item.attachEvent ? item.attachEvent('on' + eventName, function(e){ = e.srcElement;, e);
}) : item.addEventListener(eventName, fn, false);
//解除事件 = function(eventName, fn){
return this.each(function(index, item){
? item.detachEvent('on'+ eventName, fn)
: item.removeEventListener(eventName, fn, false);
//暴露 lay 到全局作用域
window.lay = lay;
//如果在 layui 体系中
if(window.layui && layui.define){
layui.define(function(exports){ //layui 加载
exports(MOD_NAME, lay);
}(window, window.document);