feat: 新增 component 组件构建器

贤心 2025-01-20 10:24:03 +08:00
parent ba3ffa0085
commit fa73499d58
1 changed files with 244 additions and 0 deletions

src/modules/component.js Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
* component
* Layui 2 组件构建器
layui.define(['jquery', 'lay'], function(exports) {
"use strict";
var $ = layui.$;
var lay = layui.lay;
// export
exports('component', function(settings) {
// 默认设置
settings = $.extend(true, {
isRenderWithoutElem: false, // 渲染是否无需指定目标元素
isRenderOnEvent: true, // 渲染是否仅由事件触发。--- 推荐根据组件类型始终显式设置对应值
isDeepReload: false // 是否默认为深度重载
}, settings);
// 组件名
var MOD_NAME = settings.name;
var MOD_INDEX = 'layui_'+ MOD_NAME +'_index'; // 组件索引名
var MOD_ID = 'lay-' + MOD_NAME + '-id'; // 用于记录组件实例 id 的属性名
// 组件基础对外接口
var component = {
config: settings.global || {},
index: layui[MOD_NAME] ? (layui[MOD_NAME].index + 10000) : 0,
// 通用常量集,一般存放固定字符,如类名等
CONST: $.extend(true, {
CLASS_THIS: 'layui-this',
CLASS_SHOW: 'layui-show',
CLASS_HIDE: 'layui-hide',
CLASS_HIDEV: 'layui-hide-v',
CLASS_DISABLED: 'layui-disabled',
CLASS_NONE: 'layui-none'
}, settings.CONST),
// 设置全局项
set: function(options) {
var that = this;
$.extend(true, that.config, options);
return that;
// 事件
on: function(events, callback) {
return layui.onevent.call(this, MOD_NAME, events, callback);
// 扩展对外接口
$.extend(true, component, settings.exports);
// 操作当前实例
var instance = function() {
var that = this;
var options = that.config;
var id = options.id;
// 实例对象
var inst = {
config: options,
id: id,
// 重置实例
reload: function(options) {
that.reload.call(that, options);
// 扩展实例对象
if (typeof settings.inst === 'function') {
$.extend(true, inst, settings.inst.call(that));
// 返回实例对象
return inst;
// 构造器
var Class = function(options) {
var that = this;
that.index = ++component.index; // 每创建一个实例,下标自增
// 扩展配置项:传入选项 -> 全局选项 -> 默认选项 = 当前选项
that.config = $.extend(true, {}, that.config, component.config, options);
// 初始化之前的回调
if (typeof settings.beforeInit === 'function') {
settings.beforeInit.call(that, that.config);
// 初始化
// 默认配置
Class.prototype.config = settings.config;
// 重载实例
Class.prototype.reload = function(options, type) {
var that = this;
$.extend(settings.isDeepReload, that.config, options);
that.init(true, type);
// 初始化准备(若由事件触发渲染,则必经此步)
Class.prototype.init = function(rerender, type){
var that = this;
var options = that.config;
var elem = $(options.elem);
// 若 elem 非唯一,则拆分为多个实例
if (elem.length > 1) {
layui.each(elem, function() {
component.render($.extend({}, options, {
elem: this
return that;
// 合并 lay-options 属性上的配置信息
$.extend(true, options, lay.options(elem[0]));
// 若重复执行 render则视为 reload 处理
if (!rerender && elem.attr(MOD_ID)) {
var newThat = instance.getThis(elem.attr(MOD_ID));
if (!newThat) return;
return newThat.reload(options, type);
options.elem = $(options.elem);
// 初始化 id 属性 - 优先取 options.id > 元素 id > 自增索引
options.id = lay.hasOwn(options, 'id') ? options.id : (
elem.attr('id') || that.index
// 记录当前实例对象
instance.that[options.id] = that;
// 渲染之前的回调
if (typeof settings.beforeRender === 'function') {
settings.beforeRender.call(that, options);
// 执行渲染
var render = function() {
component.cache.id[options.id] = null; // 记录所有实例 id用于批量操作如 resize
elem.attr(MOD_ID, options.id); // 目标元素已渲染过的标记
that.render(rerender); // 渲染核心
// 若绑定元素不存在
if (!elem[0]) {
return settings.isRenderWithoutElem ? render() : null; // 渲染是否无需指定目标元素
// 执行渲染 - 是否初始即渲染组件
if((settings.isRenderOnEvent && options.show) || !settings.isRenderOnEvent) {
// 事件
typeof settings.events === 'function' && that.events();
// 组件必传项
Class.prototype.render = settings.render; // 渲染
Class.prototype.events = settings.events; // 事件
// 元素操作缓存
Class.prototype.cache = function(key, value) {
var that = this;
var options = that.config;
var elem = options.elem;
if (!elem) return;
var CACHE_NAME = 'lay_'+ MOD_NAME + '_cache';
var cache = elem.data(CACHE_NAME) || {};
if (value === undefined) return cache[key];
cache[key] = value;
elem.data(CACHE_NAME, cache);
// 缓存所有实例对象
instance.that = {};
// 获取当前实例对象
instance.getThis = component.getThis = function(id) {
if (id === undefined) {
throw new Error('ID argument required');
return instance.that[id];
// 组件缓存
component.cache = {
id: {}
// 用于扩展原型
component.Class = Class;
// 完整重载实例
component.reload = function(id, options) {
var that = instance.getThis(id);
if (!that) return;
return instance.call(that);
// 仅刷新视图 --- 待统一整理
/* component.refresh = function(id) {
var that = instance.getThis(id);
if (!that) return;
} */
// 仅更新数据 --- 待统一整理
/* component.update = function(id) {
var that = instance.getThis(id);
if (!that) return;
} */
// 核心入口
component.render = function(options) {
var inst = new Class(options);
return instance.call(inst);
return component;