mirror of https://github.com/layui/layui
优化 layer 代码书写规范
@ -6,12 +6,15 @@
;!function(window, undefined){
"use strict";
var isLayui = window.layui && layui.define, $, win, ready = {
var isLayui = window.layui && layui.define;
var $;
var win;
var ready = {
getPath: function(){
var jsPath = document.currentScript ? document.currentScript.src : function(){
var js = document.scripts
,last = js.length - 1
var js = document.scripts;
var last = js.length - 1;
var src;
for(var i = last; i > 0; i--){
if(js[i].readyState === 'interactive'){
src = js[i].src;
@ -19,8 +22,8 @@ var isLayui = window.layui && layui.define, $, win, ready = {
return src || js[last].src;
,GLOBAL = window.LAYUI_GLOBAL || {};
var GLOBAL = window.LAYUI_GLOBAL || {};
return GLOBAL.layer_dir || jsPath.substring(0, jsPath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
config: {
@ -32,29 +35,29 @@ var isLayui = window.layui && layui.define, $, win, ready = {
minStackArr: [],
btn: ['确定', '取消'],
// 五种原始层模式
type: ['dialog', 'page', 'iframe', 'loading', 'tips'],
// 获取节点的 style 属性值
getStyle: function(node, name){
var style = node.currentStyle ? node.currentStyle : window.getComputedStyle(node, null);
return style[style.getPropertyValue ? 'getPropertyValue' : 'getAttribute'](name);
//载入 CSS 依赖
// 载入 CSS 依赖
link: function(href, fn, cssname){
// 未设置路径,则不主动加载 css
if(!layer.path) return;
var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]
,link = document.createElement('link');
var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
var link = document.createElement('link');
if(typeof fn === 'string') cssname = fn;
var app = (cssname || href).replace(/\.|\//g, '');
var id = 'layuicss-'+ app
,STATUS_NAME = 'creating'
,timeout = 0;
var id = 'layuicss-'+ app;
var STATUS_NAME = 'creating'
var timeout = 0;
link.rel = 'stylesheet';
link.href = layer.path + href;
@ -66,21 +69,21 @@ var isLayui = window.layui && layui.define, $, win, ready = {
if(typeof fn !== 'function') return;
//轮询 css 是否加载完毕
// 轮询 css 是否加载完毕
(function poll(status) {
var delay = 100
,getLinkElem = document.getElementById(id); //获取动态插入的 link 元素
var delay = 100;
var getLinkElem = document.getElementById(id); // 获取动态插入的 link 元素
//如果轮询超过指定秒数,则视为请求文件失败或 css 文件不符合规范
// 如果轮询超过指定秒数,则视为请求文件失败或 css 文件不符合规范
if(++timeout > 10 * 1000 / delay){
return window.console && console.error(app +'.css: Invalid');
//css 加载就绪
// css 加载就绪
if(parseInt(ready.getStyle(getLinkElem, 'width')) === 1989){
//如果参数来自于初始轮询(即未加载就绪时的),则移除 link 标签状态
// 如果参数来自于初始轮询(即未加载就绪时的),则移除 link 标签状态
if(status === STATUS_NAME) getLinkElem.removeAttribute('lay-status');
//如果 link 标签的状态仍为「创建中」,则继续进入轮询,直到状态改变,则执行回调
// 如果 link 标签的状态仍为「创建中」,则继续进入轮询,直到状态改变,则执行回调
getLinkElem.getAttribute('lay-status') === STATUS_NAME ? setTimeout(poll, delay) : fn();
} else {
getLinkElem.setAttribute('lay-status', STATUS_NAME);
@ -89,19 +92,19 @@ var isLayui = window.layui && layui.define, $, win, ready = {
}, delay);
//parseInt(ready.getStyle(document.getElementById(id), 'width')) === 1989 ? fn() : setTimeout(poll, 1000);
// parseInt(ready.getStyle(document.getElementById(id), 'width')) === 1989 ? fn() : setTimeout(poll, 1000);
// 默认内置方法。
var layer = {
v: '3.6.0',
ie: function(){ //ie 版本
v: '3.7.0',
ie: function(){ // ie 版本
var agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
return (!!window.ActiveXObject || "ActiveXObject" in window) ? (
(agent.match(/msie\s(\d+)/) || [])[1] || '11' //由于 ie11 并没有 msie 的标识
(agent.match(/msie\s(\d+)/) || [])[1] || '11' // 由于 ie11 并没有 msie 的标识
) : false;
index: (window.layer && window.layer.v) ? 100000 : 0,
@ -112,12 +115,12 @@ var layer = {
layer.path = ready.config.path || layer.path;
typeof options.extend === 'string' && (options.extend = [options.extend]);
// 如果设置了路径,则加载样式
if(ready.config.path) layer.ready();
if(!options.extend) return this;
//加载 css
// 加载 css
? layui.addcss('modules/layer/' + options.extend)
: ready.link('css/' + options.extend);
@ -140,7 +143,7 @@ var layer = {
return this;
// 各种快捷引用
alert: function(content, options, yes){
var type = typeof options === 'function';
if(type) yes = options;
@ -164,7 +167,7 @@ var layer = {
}, type ? {} : options));
msg: function(content, options, end){ //最常用提示层
msg: function(content, options, end){ // 最常用提示层
var type = typeof options === 'function', rskin = ready.config.skin;
var skin = (rskin ? rskin + ' ' + rskin + '-msg' : '')||'layui-layer-msg';
var anim = doms.anim.length - 1;
@ -222,7 +225,7 @@ var Class = function(setings){
that.index = ++layer.index;
that.config.maxWidth = $(win).width() - 15*2; //初始最大宽度:当前屏幕宽,左右留 15px 边距
that.config.maxWidth = $(win).width() - 15*2; // 初始最大宽度:当前屏幕宽,左右留 15px 边距
that.config = $.extend({}, that.config, ready.config, setings);
document.body ? creat() : setTimeout(function(){
@ -231,7 +234,7 @@ var Class = function(setings){
Class.pt = Class.prototype;
// 缓存常用字符
var doms = ['layui-layer', '.layui-layer-title', '.layui-layer-main', '.layui-layer-dialog', 'layui-layer-iframe', 'layui-layer-content', 'layui-layer-btn', 'layui-layer-close'];
// 内置动画类
@ -278,7 +281,7 @@ Class.pt.config = {
tips: 2
// 容器
Class.pt.vessel = function(conType, callback){
var that = this, times = that.index, config = that.config;
var zIndex = config.zIndex + times, titype = typeof config.title === 'object';
@ -454,7 +457,7 @@ Class.pt.creat = function(){
// 建立容器
that.vessel(conType, function(html, titleHTML, moveElem){
conType ? function(){
@ -475,7 +478,7 @@ Class.pt.creat = function(){
config.scrollbar || doms.html.css('overflow', 'hidden').attr('layer-full', times);
// 遮罩
'background-color': config.shade[1] || '#000'
,'opacity': config.shade[0] || config.shade
@ -483,10 +486,10 @@ Class.pt.creat = function(){
config.type == 2 && layer.ie == 6 && that.layero.find('iframe').attr('src', content[0]);
// 坐标自适应浏览器窗口尺寸
config.type == 4 ? that.tips() : function(){
//首次弹出时,若 css 尚未加载,则等待 css 加载完毕后,重新设定尺寸
// 首次弹出时,若 css 尚未加载,则等待 css 加载完毕后,重新设定尺寸
parseInt(ready.getStyle(document.getElementById(doms.MOVE), 'z-index')) || function(){
that.layero.css('visibility', 'hidden');
@ -534,22 +537,22 @@ Class.pt.resize = function(){
config.type == 4 && that.tips();
// 自适应
Class.pt.auto = function(index){
var that = this, config = that.config, layero = $('#'+ doms[0] + index);
if(config.area[0] === '' && config.maxWidth > 0){
// 适配 ie7
if(layer.ie && layer.ie < 8 && config.btn){
layero.outerWidth() > config.maxWidth && layero.width(config.maxWidth);
var area = [layero.innerWidth(), layero.innerHeight()]
,titHeight = layero.find(doms[1]).outerHeight() || 0
,btnHeight = layero.find('.'+doms[6]).outerHeight() || 0
,setHeight = function(elem){
var area = [layero.innerWidth(), layero.innerHeight()];
var titHeight = layero.find(doms[1]).outerHeight() || 0;
var btnHeight = layero.find('.'+doms[6]).outerHeight() || 0;
var setHeight = function(elem){
elem = layero.find(elem);
elem.height(area[1] - titHeight - btnHeight - 2*(parseFloat(elem.css('padding-top'))|0));
@ -576,7 +579,7 @@ Class.pt.auto = function(index){
return that;
// 计算坐标
Class.pt.offset = function(){
var that = this, config = that.config, layero = that.layero;
var area = [layero.outerWidth(), layero.outerHeight()];
@ -589,24 +592,24 @@ Class.pt.offset = function(){
that.offsetLeft = config.offset[1]||that.offsetLeft;
} else if(config.offset !== 'auto'){
if(config.offset === 't'){ //上
if(config.offset === 't'){ // 上
that.offsetTop = 0;
} else if(config.offset === 'r'){ //右
} else if(config.offset === 'r'){ // 右
that.offsetLeft = win.width() - area[0];
} else if(config.offset === 'b'){ //下
} else if(config.offset === 'b'){ // 下
that.offsetTop = win.height() - area[1];
} else if(config.offset === 'l'){ //左
} else if(config.offset === 'l'){ // 左
that.offsetLeft = 0;
} else if(config.offset === 'lt'){ //左上角
} else if(config.offset === 'lt'){ // 左上
that.offsetTop = 0;
that.offsetLeft = 0;
} else if(config.offset === 'lb'){ //左下角
} else if(config.offset === 'lb'){ // 左下
that.offsetTop = win.height() - area[1];
that.offsetLeft = 0;
} else if(config.offset === 'rt'){ //右上角
} else if(config.offset === 'rt'){ // 右上
that.offsetTop = 0;
that.offsetLeft = win.width() - area[0];
} else if(config.offset === 'rb'){ //右下角
} else if(config.offset === 'rb'){ // 右下
that.offsetTop = win.height() - area[1];
that.offsetLeft = win.width() - area[0];
} else {
@ -639,7 +642,7 @@ Class.pt.offset = function(){
// Tips
Class.pt.tips = function(){
var that = this, config = that.config, layero = that.layero;
var layArea = [layero.outerWidth(), layero.outerHeight()], follow = $(config.follow);
@ -663,20 +666,20 @@ Class.pt.tips = function(){
goal.where = [function(){ //上
// 辨别 tips 的方位
goal.where = [function(){ // 上
goal.tipTop = goal.top - layArea[1] - 10;
tipsG.removeClass('layui-layer-TipsB').addClass('layui-layer-TipsT').css('border-right-color', config.tips[1]);
}, function(){ //右
}, function(){ // 右
goal.tipLeft = goal.left + goal.width + 10;
goal.tipTop = goal.top;
tipsG.removeClass('layui-layer-TipsL').addClass('layui-layer-TipsR').css('border-bottom-color', config.tips[1]);
}, function(){ //下
}, function(){ // 下
goal.tipTop = goal.top + goal.height + 10;
tipsG.removeClass('layui-layer-TipsT').addClass('layui-layer-TipsB').css('border-right-color', config.tips[1]);
}, function(){ //左
}, function(){ // 左
goal.tipLeft = goal.left - layArea[0] - 10;
goal.tipTop = goal.top;
tipsG.removeClass('layui-layer-TipsR').addClass('layui-layer-TipsL').css('border-bottom-color', config.tips[1]);
@ -704,31 +707,31 @@ Class.pt.tips = function(){
// 拖拽层
Class.pt.move = function(){
var that = this
,config = that.config
,_DOC = $(document)
,layero = that.layero
,moveElem = layero.find(config.move)
,resizeElem = layero.find('.layui-layer-resize');
var that = this;
var config = that.config;
var _DOC = $(document);
var layero = that.layero;
var moveElem = layero.find(config.move);
var resizeElem = layero.find('.layui-layer-resize');
// 给指定元素添加拖动光标
if(config.move) moveElem.css('cursor', 'move');
// 按下拖动元素
moveElem.on('mousedown', function(e){
if (e.button) {return;} // 不是左键不处理
var othis = $(this)
,dict = {};
var othis = $(this);
var dict = {};
dict.layero = layero;
dict.config = config;
dict.offset = [
e.clientX - parseFloat(layero.css('left'))
,e.clientY - parseFloat(layero.css('top'))
e.clientX - parseFloat(layero.css('left')),
e.clientY - parseFloat(layero.css('top'))
othis.data(DATA_NAME[0], dict);
@ -739,10 +742,10 @@ Class.pt.move = function(){
// 按下右下角拉伸
resizeElem.on('mousedown', function(e){
var othis = $(this)
,dict = {};
var othis = $(this);
var dict = {};
dict.layero = layero;
@ -762,52 +765,52 @@ Class.pt.move = function(){
// 拖动元素,避免多次调用实例造成事件叠加
if(ready.docEvent) return that;
_DOC.on('mousemove', function(e){
// 拖拽移动
var dict = ready.eventMoveElem.data(DATA_NAME[0]) || {}
,layero = dict.layero
,config = dict.config;
var X = e.clientX - dict.offset[0]
,Y = e.clientY - dict.offset[1]
,fixed = layero.css('position') === 'fixed';
var X = e.clientX - dict.offset[0];
var Y = e.clientY - dict.offset[1];
var fixed = layero.css('position') === 'fixed';
dict.stX = fixed ? 0 : win.scrollLeft();
dict.stY = fixed ? 0 : win.scrollTop();
// 控制元素不被拖出窗口外
var setRig = win.width() - layero.outerWidth() + dict.stX
,setBot = win.height() - layero.outerHeight() + dict.stY;
var setRig = win.width() - layero.outerWidth() + dict.stX;
var setBot = win.height() - layero.outerHeight() + dict.stY;
X < dict.stX && (X = dict.stX);
X > setRig && (X = setRig);
Y < dict.stY && (Y = dict.stY);
Y > setBot && (Y = setBot);
// 拖动时跟随鼠标位置
left: X
,top: Y
left: X,
top: Y
// Resize
var dict = ready.eventResizeElem.data(DATA_NAME[1]) || {}
,config = dict.config;
var dict = ready.eventResizeElem.data(DATA_NAME[1]) || {};
var config = dict.config;
var X = e.clientX - dict.offset[0]
,Y = e.clientY - dict.offset[1];
var X = e.clientX - dict.offset[0];
var Y = e.clientY - dict.offset[1];
// 拉伸宽高
layer.style(dict.index, {
width: dict.area[0] + X
,height: dict.area[1] + Y
@ -817,8 +820,8 @@ Class.pt.move = function(){
}).on('mouseup', function(e){
var dict = ready.eventMoveElem.data(DATA_NAME[0]) || {}
,config = dict.config;
var dict = ready.eventMoveElem.data(DATA_NAME[0]) || {};
var config = dict.config;
delete ready.eventMoveElem;
@ -832,7 +835,7 @@ Class.pt.move = function(){
ready.docEvent = true; //已给 document 执行全局事件
ready.docEvent = true; // 已给 document 执行全局事件
return that;
@ -850,7 +853,7 @@ Class.pt.callback = function(){
layer.ie == 6 && that.IE6(layero);
// 按钮
layero.find('.'+ doms[6]).children('a').on('click', function(){
var index = $(this).index();
if(index === 0){
@ -867,29 +870,29 @@ Class.pt.callback = function(){
// 取消
function cancel(){
var close = config.cancel && config.cancel(that.index, layero, that);
close === false || layer.close(that.index);
// 右上角关闭回调
layero.find('.'+ doms[7]).on('click', cancel);
// 点遮罩关闭
that.shadeo.on('click', function(){
// 最小化
layero.find('.layui-layer-min').on('click', function(){
var min = config.min && config.min(layero, that.index, that);
min === false || layer.min(that.index, config);
// 全屏/还原
layero.find('.layui-layer-max').on('click', function(){
@ -905,7 +908,7 @@ Class.pt.callback = function(){
config.end && (ready.end[that.index] = config.end);
//for ie6 恢复select
// for ie6 恢复 select
ready.reselect = function(){
$.each($('select'), function(index , value){
var sthis = $(this);
@ -917,7 +920,7 @@ ready.reselect = function(){
Class.pt.IE6 = function(layero){
// 隐藏select
$('select').each(function(index , value){
var sthis = $(this);
@ -927,11 +930,11 @@ Class.pt.IE6 = function(layero){
// 需依赖原型的对外方法
Class.pt.openLayer = function(){
var that = this;
// 置顶当前窗口
layer.zIndex = that.config.zIndex;
layer.setTop = function(layero){
var setZindex = function(){
@ -972,18 +975,18 @@ ready.rescollbar = function(index){
window.layer = layer;
// 获取子 iframe 的 DOM
layer.getChildFrame = function(selector, index){
index = index || $('.'+doms[4]).attr('times');
return $('#'+ doms[0] + index).find('iframe').contents().find(selector);
// 得到当前 iframe 层的索引,子 iframe 时使用
layer.getFrameIndex = function(name){
return $('#'+ name).parents('.'+doms[4]).attr('times');
// iframe 层自适应宽高
layer.iframeAuto = function(index){
if(!index) return;
var heg = layer.getChildFrame('html', index).outerHeight();
@ -994,7 +997,7 @@ layer.iframeAuto = function(index){
layero.find('iframe').css({height: heg});
//重置iframe url
// 重置 iframe url
layer.iframeSrc = function(index, url){
$('#'+ doms[0] + index).find('iframe').attr('src', url);
@ -1156,13 +1159,13 @@ layer.full = function(index){
}, 100);
// 改变 title
layer.title = function(name, index){
var title = $('#'+ doms[0] + (index || layer.index)).find(doms[1]);
//关闭 layer 总方法
// 关闭 layer 总方法
layer.close = function(index, callback){
var layero = function(){
var closest = $('.'+ doms[0]).find('#'+ index).closest('.'+ doms[0]);
@ -1257,7 +1260,7 @@ layer.close = function(index, callback){
// 关闭所有层
layer.closeAll = function(type, callback){
if(typeof type === 'function'){
callback = type;
@ -1279,17 +1282,18 @@ layer.closeLast = function(type){
layer.close($('.layui-layer-'+ type +':last').attr("times"));
拓展模块,layui 开始合并在一起
* 拓展模块,layui 开始合并在一起
var cache = layer.cache||{}, skin = function(type){
var cache = layer.cache || {};
var skin = function(type){
return (cache.skin ? (' ' + cache.skin + ' ' + cache.skin + '-'+type) : '');
// 仿系统 prompt
layer.prompt = function(options, yes){
var style = '', placeholder = '';
options = options || {};
@ -1312,18 +1316,18 @@ layer.prompt = function(options, yes){
delete options.success;
return layer.open($.extend({
type: 1
,btn: ['确定','取消']
,content: content
,skin: 'layui-layer-prompt' + skin('prompt')
,maxWidth: win.width()
,success: function(layero){
type: 1,
btn: ['确定','取消'],
content: content,
skin: 'layui-layer-prompt' + skin('prompt'),
maxWidth: win.width(),
success: function(layero){
prompt = layero.find('.layui-layer-input');
prompt.val(options.value || '').focus();
typeof success === 'function' && success(layero);
,resize: false
,yes: function(index){
resize: false,
yes: function(index){
var value = prompt.val();
if(value.length > (options.maxlength||500)) {
layer.tips('最多输入'+ (options.maxlength || 500) +'个字数', prompt, {tips: 1});
@ -1334,7 +1338,7 @@ layer.prompt = function(options, yes){
}, options));
// tab 层
layer.tab = function(options){
options = options || {};
@ -1383,17 +1387,17 @@ layer.tab = function(options){
}, options));
// 相册层
layer.photos = function(options, loop, key){
var dict = {};
options = options || {};
if(!options.photos) return;
//若 photos 并非选择器或 jQuery 对象,则为普通 object
var isObject = !(typeof options.photos === 'string' || options.photos instanceof $)
,photos = isObject ? options.photos : {}
,data = photos.data || []
,start = photos.start || 0;
// 若 photos 并非选择器或 jQuery 对象,则为普通 object
var isObject = !(typeof options.photos === 'string' || options.photos instanceof $);
var photos = isObject ? options.photos : {};
var data = photos.data || [];
var start = photos.start || 0;
dict.imgIndex = (start|0) + 1;
options.img = options.img || 'img';
@ -1401,8 +1405,8 @@ layer.photos = function(options, loop, key){
var success = options.success;
delete options.success;
//如果 options.photos 不是一个对象
if(!isObject){ //页面直接获取
// 若 options.photos 不是一个对象
if(!isObject){ // 页面直接获取
var parent = $(options.photos), pushData = function(){
data = [];
@ -1434,14 +1438,14 @@ layer.photos = function(options, loop, key){
}), true);
// 不直接弹出
if(!loop) return;
} else if (data.length === 0){
return layer.msg('没有图片');
// 上一张
dict.imgprev = function(key){
if(dict.imgIndex < 1){
@ -1450,7 +1454,7 @@ layer.photos = function(options, loop, key){
// 下一张
dict.imgnext = function(key,errorMsg){
if(dict.imgIndex > data.length){
@ -1460,7 +1464,7 @@ layer.photos = function(options, loop, key){
// 方向键
dict.keyup = function(event){
var code = event.keyCode;
@ -1475,7 +1479,7 @@ layer.photos = function(options, loop, key){
// 切换
dict.tabimg = function(key){
if(data.length <= 1) return;
photos.start = dict.imgIndex - 1;
@ -1483,7 +1487,7 @@ layer.photos = function(options, loop, key){
return layer.photos(options, true, key);
// 一些动作
dict.event = function(){
@ -1506,7 +1510,7 @@ layer.photos = function(options, loop, key){
$(document).on('keyup', dict.keyup);
// 图片预加载
function loadImage(url, callback, error) {
var img = new Image();
img.src = url;
@ -1533,10 +1537,10 @@ layer.photos = function(options, loop, key){
var alt = data[start].alt || '';
// 切换图片时不出现动画
if(key) options.anim = -1;
// 弹出图片层
dict.index = layer.open($.extend({
type: 1,
id: 'layui-layer-photos',
@ -1544,10 +1548,10 @@ layer.photos = function(options, loop, key){
var imgarea = [img.width, img.height];
var winarea = [$(window).width() - 100, $(window).height() - 100];
//如果 实际图片的宽或者高比 屏幕大(那么进行缩放)
// 若实际图片的宽或者高比 屏幕大(那么进行缩放)
if(!options.full && (imgarea[0]>winarea[0]||imgarea[1]>winarea[1])){
var wh = [imgarea[0]/winarea[0],imgarea[1]/winarea[1]];//取宽度缩放比例、高度缩放比例
if(wh[0] > wh[1]){//取缩放比例最大的进行缩放
var wh = [imgarea[0]/winarea[0],imgarea[1]/winarea[1]];// 取宽度缩放比例、高度缩放比例
if(wh[0] > wh[1]){// 取缩放比例最大的进行缩放
imgarea[0] = imgarea[0]/wh[0];
imgarea[1] = imgarea[1]/wh[0];
} else if(wh[0] < wh[1]){
@ -1620,7 +1624,7 @@ layer.photos = function(options, loop, key){
// 主入口
ready.run = function(_$){
$ = _$;
win = $(window);
@ -1631,22 +1635,22 @@ ready.run = function(_$){
// 加载方式
window.layui && layui.define ? (
,layui.define('jquery', function(exports){ //layui 加载
layui.define('jquery', function(exports){ // layui
layer.path = layui.cache.dir;
// export api
window.layer = layer;
exports('layer', layer);
) : (
(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) ? define(['jquery'], function(){ //requirejs 加载
(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) ? define(['jquery'], function(){ // requirejs
return layer;
}) : function(){ //普通 script 标签加载
}) : function(){ // 普通 script 标签引入
Reference in New Issue