Merge pull request #1123 from layui/2.x

改进 table 组件大量核心
贤心 2022-08-25 17:06:57 +08:00 committed by GitHub
commit 686dcdf7aa
No known key found for this signature in database
6 changed files with 321 additions and 237 deletions

View File

@ -70,9 +70,9 @@
<table id="test" lay-filter="test"></table>
<table id="test"></table>
<script src="../src/layui.js" src1=""></script>
<script src="../src/layui.js" src1=""></script>
if(!off) return;
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ layui.use(['table', 'dropdown'], function(){
//,className: '.demo-table-view'
//,size: 'lg'
//,size: 'sm'
//,skin: 'line'
//,loading: false
@ -148,6 +148,7 @@ layui.use(['table', 'dropdown'], function(){
//,escape: false
,editTrigger: 'dblclick'
//,cellMaxWidth: 320
,cols: !1 ? test_cols : [[
{type: 'checkbox', fixed: 'left'}
//,{type: 'numbers', fixed: 'left'}
@ -155,7 +156,7 @@ layui.use(['table', 'dropdown'], function(){
,{field:'username', title:'用户名', width:120, edit: function(d){
return !d.LAY_DISABLED;
}, templet: '#usernameTpl'}
,{field:'email', minWidth: 160, title:'邮箱 <i class="layui-icon layui-icon-email"></i>', hide: 0, edit: 'text', templet: function(d){
,{field:'email', minWidth: 160, maxWidth: 320, title:'邮箱 <i class="layui-icon layui-icon-email"></i>', hide: 0, edit: 'text', templet: function(d){
return '<em>'+ layui.util.escape( +'</em>'
,{field:'sex', title:'性别', width:80, edit: 'text', sort: true, escape: false}
@ -445,13 +446,38 @@ layui.use(['table', 'dropdown'], function(){
// 单元格编辑事件
table.on('edit(test)', function(obj){
var field = obj.field //得到字段
,value = obj.value //得到修改后的值
,data =; //得到所在行所有键值
var field = obj.field // 得到字段
var value = obj.value // 得到修改后的值
var oldValue = obj.oldValue // 得到修改前的值 -- v2.8.0 新增
var data =; // 得到当前编辑所在行的数据
// 值的校验
if(field === 'email'){
if(!/^([a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-])+\@(([a-zA-Z0-9\-])+\.)+([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,4})+$/.test(obj.value)){'输入的邮箱格式不正确,请重新编辑', this, {tips: 1});
return obj.reedit(); // 重新编辑 -- v2.8.0 新增
// 编辑后续操作,如提交更新请求,以完成真实的数据更新
// …
layer.msg('编辑成功', {icon: 1});
// 其他更新操作
var update = {};
update[field] = value;
obj.update(update, true); // 参数 true 为新版新增功能,详见文档
obj.update(update, true); // 参数 true 为 v2.7.4 新增功能,即同步更新其他包含自定义模板并可能存在关联的列视图
// 列拖拽宽度后的事件 -- v2.8.0 新增
table.on('colResized(test)', function(obj){
// 列拖拽宽度后的事件 -- v2.8.0 新增
table.on('colToggled(test)', function(obj){

View File

@ -4,11 +4,9 @@
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0">
<title>表格操作 - layui</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../src/css/layui.css">
body{padding: 32px; /*overflow-y: scroll;*/}
body{padding: 32px; /*overflow-y: scroll;*/}
@ -19,46 +17,15 @@
<a href="table-static.html" class="layui-btn">静态表格</a>
<table class="layui-table" lay-data="{url:'json/table/demo2.json', page: true, limit: 6}" lay-filter="appendtest">
<th lay-data="{checkbox:true, fixed:'left'}" rowspan="2"></th>
<th lay-data="{field:'username', width:80}" rowspan="2">联系人</th>
<th lay-data="{field:'amount', width:120}" rowspan="2">金额</th>
<script type="text/html" id="barDemo">
<a class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs" lay-event="edit">编辑</a>
<a class="layui-btn layui-btn-danger layui-btn-xs" lay-event="del">删除</a>
<script type="text/html" id="usernameTpl">
<a href="" class="layui-table-link">{{d.username || ''}}</a>
<script type="text/html" id="switchTpl">
<input type="checkbox" name="yyy" lay-skin="switch" lay-text="女|男">
<script type="text/html" id="cityTpl">
<select lay-ignore>
<option value="浙江杭州">浙江杭州</option>
<option value="江西南昌">江西南昌</option>
<option value="湖北武汉">湖北武汉</option>
<script type="text/html" id="checkboxTpl">
<input type="checkbox" name="" title="锁定" checked>
<script type="text/html" id="LAY_table_tpl_email">
<span {{# if(!d.activate){ }}style="color:#999"{{# } }}>{{ }}</span>
<table id="test2" lay-filter="test2"></table>
<table id="test"></table>
<table id="test-data"></table>
<table id="test-arr"></table>
<table id="test-json"></table>
<div style="display: none1;">
<table class="layui-table" lay-data="{width:800, height: 300, url:'json/table/demo2.json', page: true, limit: 6, toolbar: true}">
@ -67,13 +34,15 @@
<th lay-data="{checkbox:true, fixed:'left'}" rowspan="2"></th>
<th lay-data="{field:'username', width:80}" rowspan="2">联系人</th>
<th lay-data="{field:'amount', width:120}" rowspan="2">金额</th>
<th lay-data="{align:'center'}" colspan="3">地址</th>
<th lay-data="{align:'center'}" colspan="5">地址</th>
<th lay-data="{fixed: 'right', width: 155, align: 'center', toolbar: '#barDemo'}" rowspan="2">操作</th>
<th lay-data="{field:'province', width:130}"></th>
<th lay-data="{field:'city', width:130}"></th>
<th lay-data="{field:'zone', width:200}"></th>
<th lay-data="{field:'address', width:120}">小区</th>
<th lay-data="{field:'house', width:150}">单元</th>
@ -102,9 +71,6 @@
<table id="demo"></table>
<div class="layui-btn-group">
<button class="layui-btn" data-type="parseTable">转化为数据表格</button>
@ -180,18 +146,18 @@
<script src="../src/layui.js" src1=""></script>
<script src="../src/layui.js" src1=""></script>
layui.use('table', function(){
var $ = layui.$;
var table = layui.table;
// 常规示例
elem: '#test2'
elem: '#test'
,url: 'json/table/demo1.json'
,contentType: 'application/json'
,page: { //详细参数可参考 laypage 组件文档
//,contentType: 'application/json' // 参数为 json 格式传递
,page: !0 || { //详细参数可参考 laypage 组件文档
curr: 5
,groups: 1
,first: false
@ -208,15 +174,6 @@ layui.use('table', function(){
,{field: 'username', title: '用户名'}
,{field: 'email', title: '邮箱'}
,{title:'操作', align:'center', toolbar: '#barDemo'}
,{field:'id', title:'ID', unresize: true, sort: true}
,{field:'username', title:'用户名', templet: '#usernameTpl'}
,{field:'email', title:'邮箱'}
,{xfield:'sex', title:'性别', templet: '#switchTpl', minWidth: 85, align:'center'}
,{field:'lock', title:'是否锁定', templet: '#checkboxTpl', minWidth: 110, align:'center'}
,{field:'city', title:'城市'}
@ -224,21 +181,22 @@ layui.use('table', function(){
// 直接赋值数据
elem: '#demo'
elem: '#test-data'
//,width: 900
//,height: 274
,toolbar: true
,cols: [[ //标题栏
//{type: 'space'},
{type: 'checkbox', LAY_CHECKED: true},
{field: 'id', title: 'ID', width: 80, sort: true},
{type: 'space', width: 100}, //空列
{field: 'username', title: '用户名', width: 120},
{field: 'email', title: '邮箱', width: 150},
{field: 'sign', title: '签名', minWidth: 150},
{field: 'sex', title: '性别', width: 80},
{field: 'city', title: '城市', width: 100},
//{field: 'experience', title: '积分', width: 80, sort: true},
{field: 'experience', title: '积分', width: 80, sort: true, totalRow: '{{= parseInt(d.TOTAL_NUMS) }}'}
,{field:'ip', title:'IP', width: 120, align: 'right'}
,{field:'joinTime', title:'加入时间', width: 120}
,data: [{
"id": "10001"
@ -341,7 +299,20 @@ layui.use('table', function(){
,totalRow: true
//,loading: false //请求数据时是否显示loading
// 渲染数组成员非对象的内容v2.8.0 新增)
elem: '#test-arr',
data: ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i'],
page: true,
limit: 3,
cols: [[
{type: 'numbers', title: '序号'},
{field: 'LAY_KEY', title: '内容'}
var $ = layui.jquery, active = {
parseTable: function(){

View File

@ -874,7 +874,8 @@ a cite{font-style: normal; *cursor:pointer;}
.layui-table-view .layui-table[lay-size="sm"] .layui-table-cell{height: 30px; line-height: 20px; padding-top: 5px; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px;}
/* 数据表格 */
.layui-table[lay-data]{display: none;}
.layui-table[lay-options]{display: none;}
.layui-table-box{position: relative; overflow: hidden;}
.layui-table-view{margin: 10px 0;}
.layui-table-view .layui-table{position: relative; width: auto; margin: 0; border: 0; border-collapse: separate;}
@ -888,7 +889,7 @@ a cite{font-style: normal; *cursor:pointer;}
.layui-table-view .layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin="primary"] i{width: 18px; height: 18px;}
.layui-table-view .layui-form-radio{line-height: 0; padding: 0;}
.layui-table-view .layui-form-radio>i{margin: 0; font-size: 20px;}
.layui-table-init{position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; text-align: center; z-index: 110;}
.layui-table-init{position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; text-align: center; z-index: 199;}
.layui-table-init .layui-icon{position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 50%; margin: -15px 0 0 -15px; font-size: 30px; color: #c2c2c2;}
.layui-table-header{border-width: 0; border-bottom-width: 1px; overflow: hidden;}
.layui-table-header .layui-table{margin-bottom: -1px;}
@ -902,7 +903,7 @@ a cite{font-style: normal; *cursor:pointer;}
.layui-table-tool-temp{padding-right: 120px;}
.layui-table-tool-self{position: absolute; right: 17px; top: 10px;}
.layui-table-tool .layui-table-tool-self .layui-inline[lay-event]{margin: 0 0 0 10px;}
.layui-table-tool-panel{position: absolute; top: 29px; left: -1px; padding: 5px 0; min-width: 150px; min-height: 40px; border: 1px solid #d2d2d2; text-align: left; overflow-y: auto; background-color: #fff; box-shadow: 0 2px 4px rgba(0,0,0,.12);}
.layui-table-tool-panel{position: absolute; top: 29px; left: -1px; z-index: 399; padding: 5px 0; min-width: 150px; min-height: 40px; border: 1px solid #d2d2d2; text-align: left; overflow-y: auto; background-color: #fff; box-shadow: 0 2px 4px rgba(0,0,0,.12);}
.layui-table-tool-panel li{padding: 0 10px; line-height: 30px; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-transition: .5s all; transition: .5s all;}
.layui-table-tool-panel li .layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin="primary"]{width: 100%;}
.layui-table-tool-panel li:hover{background-color: #F6F6F6;}
@ -944,13 +945,13 @@ a cite{font-style: normal; *cursor:pointer;}
.layui-table-fixed-r .layui-table-header{position: relative; overflow: visible;}
.layui-table-mend{position: absolute; right: -49px; top: 0; height: 100%; width: 50px;}
.layui-table-tool{position: relative; z-index: 890; width: 100%; min-height: 50px; line-height: 30px; padding: 10px 15px; border-width: 0; border-bottom-width: 1px; /*box-shadow: 0 1px 8px 0 rgb(0 0 0 / 8%);*/}
.layui-table-tool{position: relative; width: 100%; min-height: 50px; line-height: 30px; padding: 10px 15px; border-width: 0; border-bottom-width: 1px; /*box-shadow: 0 1px 8px 0 rgb(0 0 0 / 8%);*/}
.layui-table-tool .layui-btn-container{margin-bottom: -10px;}
.layui-table-total{margin-bottom: -1px; border-width: 0; border-top-width: 1px; overflow: hidden;}
.layui-table-page{z-index: 880; border-width: 0; border-top-width: 1px; margin-bottom: -1px; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden;}
.layui-table-page{border-width: 0; border-top-width: 1px; margin-bottom: -1px; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden;}
.layui-table-page>div{height: 26px;}
.layui-table-page .layui-laypage{margin: 0;}
.layui-table-page .layui-laypage a,
@ -972,7 +973,7 @@ a cite{font-style: normal; *cursor:pointer;}
.layui-table-view select[lay-ignore]{display: inline-block;}
.layui-table-patch .layui-table-cell{padding: 0; width: 30px;}
.layui-table-edit{position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 900; min-width: 100%; min-height: 100%; padding: 5px 14px; border-radius: 0; box-shadow: 1px 1px 20px rgba(0,0,0,.15); background-color: #fff;}
.layui-table-edit{position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 189; min-width: 100%; min-height: 100%; padding: 5px 14px; border-radius: 0; box-shadow: 1px 1px 20px rgba(0,0,0,.15); background-color: #fff;}
.layui-table-edit:focus{border-color: #5FB878!important;}
input.layui-input.layui-table-edit{height: 100%;}
select.layui-table-edit{padding: 0 0 0 10px; border-color: #d2d2d2;}

View File

@ -202,14 +202,17 @@
lay.options = function(elem, attr){
var othis = lay(elem)
,attrName = attr || 'lay-options';
// 获取元素上的属性配置项
lay.options = function(elem, opts){
opts = typeof opts === 'object' ? opts : {attr: opts};
var othis = lay(elem);
var attrName = opts.attr || 'lay-options';
try {
return new Function('return '+ (othis.attr(attrName) || '{}'))();
} catch(ev) {
hint.error('parseerror'+ ev, 'error');
hint.error(opts.errorText || 'parseerror: '+ ev, 'error');
return {};

View File

@ -38,10 +38,10 @@
return that;
// 主体 CSS 等待事件
,ready: function(fn){
var cssname = 'laydate', ver = ''
,path = (isLayui ? 'modules/laydate/' : 'theme/') + 'default/laydate.css?v='+ laydate.v + ver;
,path = (isLayui ? 'modules/' : 'css/') + 'laydate.css?v='+ laydate.v + ver;
isLayui ? layui.addcss(path, fn, cssname) :, fn, cssname);
return this;

View File

@ -3,10 +3,11 @@
* 表格组件
layui.define(['laytpl', 'laypage', 'form', 'util'], function(exports){
layui.define(['lay', 'laytpl', 'laypage', 'form', 'util'], function(exports){
"use strict";
var $ = layui.$;
var lay = layui.lay;
var laytpl = layui.laytpl;
var laypage = layui.laypage;
var layer = layui.layer;
@ -19,7 +20,8 @@ layui.define(['laytpl', 'laypage', 'form', 'util'], function(exports){
var table = {
config: { // 全局配置项
checkName: 'LAY_CHECKED' // 是否选中状态的字段名
,indexName: 'LAY_TABLE_INDEX' // 初始下标索引名,用于恢复排序
,indexName: 'LAY_TABLE_INDEX' // 初始下标索引名,用于恢复当前页表格排序
,numbersName: 'LAY_INDEX' //序号
,disabledName: 'LAY_DISABLED'
,cache: {} // 数据缓存
@ -127,6 +129,7 @@ layui.define(['laytpl', 'laypage', 'form', 'util'], function(exports){
,ELEM_SORT = '.layui-table-sort'
,ELEM_EDIT = 'layui-table-edit'
,ELEM_HOVER = 'layui-table-hover'
,ELEM_GROUP = 'laytable-cell-group'
,ELEM_COL_SPECIAL = 'layui-table-col-special'
@ -154,7 +157,7 @@ layui.define(['laytpl', 'laypage', 'form', 'util'], function(exports){
return '';
,'{{# var isSort = !(item2.colGroup) && item2.sort; }}'
,'<th data-field="{{= item2.field||i2 }}" data-key="{{=d.index}}-{{=i1}}-{{=i2}}" {{# if( item2.parentKey){ }}data-parentkey="{{= item2.parentKey }}"{{# } }} {{# if(item2.minWidth){ }}data-minwidth="{{=item2.minWidth}}"{{# } }} '+ rowCols +' {{# if(item2.unresize || item2.colGroup){ }}data-unresize="true"{{# } }} class="{{# if(item2.hide){ }}layui-hide{{# } }}{{# if(isSort){ }} layui-unselect{{# } }}{{# if(!item2.field){ }} layui-table-col-special{{# } }}"{{# if(item2.title){ }} title="{{ layui.$(\'<div>\' + item2.title + \'</div>\').text() }}"{{# } }}>'
,'<th data-field="{{= item2.field||i2 }}" data-key="{{=d.index}}-{{=i1}}-{{=i2}}" {{# if( item2.parentKey){ }}data-parentkey="{{= item2.parentKey }}"{{# } }} {{# if(item2.minWidth){ }}data-minwidth="{{=item2.minWidth}}"{{# } }} {{# if(item2.maxWidth){ }}data-maxwidth="{{=item2.maxWidth}}"{{# } }} '+ rowCols +' {{# if(item2.unresize || item2.colGroup){ }}data-unresize="true"{{# } }} class="{{# if(item2.hide){ }}layui-hide{{# } }}{{# if(isSort){ }} layui-unselect{{# } }}{{# if(!item2.field){ }} layui-table-col-special{{# } }}"{{# if(item2.title){ }} title="{{ layui.$(\'<div>\' + item2.title + \'</div>\').text() }}"{{# } }}>'
,'<div class="layui-table-cell laytable-cell-'
,'{{# if(item2.colGroup){ }}'
@ -291,6 +294,7 @@ layui.define(['laytpl', 'laypage', 'form', 'util'], function(exports){
,loading: true // 请求数据时,是否显示 loading
,escape: true // 是否开启 HTML 编码功能,即转义 html 原文
,cellMinWidth: 60 // 所有单元格默认最小宽度
,cellMaxWidth: Number.MAX_VALUE // 所有单元格默认最大宽度
,editTrigger: 'click' // 单元格编辑的事件触发方式
,defaultToolbar: ['filter', 'exports', 'print'] // 工具栏右侧图标
,autoSort: true // 是否前端自动排序。如果否,则需自主排序(通常为服务端处理好排序)
@ -306,7 +310,11 @@ layui.define(['laytpl', 'laypage', 'form', 'util'], function(exports){
options.elem = $(options.elem);
options.where = options.where || {}; = || options.elem.attr('id') || that.index;
// 初始化 id 属性 - 优先取 options > 元素 id > 自增索引 = 'id' in options ? : (
options.elem.attr('id') || that.index
options.request = $.extend({
@ -335,6 +343,11 @@ layui.define(['laytpl', 'laypage', 'form', 'util'], function(exports){
if(!options.elem[0]) return that;
// 若元素未设 lay-filter 属性,则取实例 id 值
// 仅重载数据
if(type === 'reloadData'){
// 请求数据
@ -353,8 +366,12 @@ layui.define(['laytpl', 'laypage', 'form', 'util'], function(exports){
that.parentDiv = parentDiv.join("-");
options.height = $(that.parentDiv).height() - that.parentHeightGap;
// 初始化索引
options.index = that.index;
that.key = || options.index;
@ -387,9 +404,6 @@ layui.define(['laytpl', 'laypage', 'form', 'util'], function(exports){
,index: that.index //索引
options.index = that.index;
that.key = || options.index;
hasRender[0] && hasRender.remove(); //如果已经渲染则Rerender
@ -494,7 +508,7 @@ layui.define(['laytpl', 'laypage', 'form', 'util'], function(exports){
item2.key = i1 + '-' + i2;
item2.key = [options.index, i1, i2].join('-');
item2.hide = item2.hide || false;
item2.colspan = item2.colspan || 0;
item2.rowspan = item2.rowspan || 0;
@ -513,7 +527,7 @@ layui.define(['laytpl', 'laypage', 'form', 'util'], function(exports){
if (item22.HAS_PARENT || (childIndex >= 1 && childIndex == (item2.colspan || 1))) return;
item22.HAS_PARENT = true;
item22.parentKey = i1 + '-' + i2;
item22.parentKey = [options.index, i1, i2].join('-') // i1 + '-' + i2;
childIndex = childIndex + parseInt(item22.colspan > 1 ? item22.colspan : 1);
initChildCols(indexChild, options.cols[indexChild], i22, item22);
@ -606,12 +620,12 @@ layui.define(['laytpl', 'laypage', 'form', 'util'], function(exports){
var that = this
,options = that.config
,parentTh = that.layHeader.find('th[data-key="'+ options.index +'-'+ parentKey +'"]') //获取父列元素
,parentTh = that.layHeader.find('th[data-key="'+ parentKey +'"]') //获取父列元素
,parentColspan = parseInt(parentTh.attr('colspan')) || 0;
var arrParentKey = parentKey.split('-')
,getThisCol = options.cols[arrParentKey[0]][arrParentKey[1]];
,getThisCol = options.cols[arrParentKey[1]][arrParentKey[2]];
hide ? parentColspan-- : parentColspan++;
@ -627,12 +641,12 @@ layui.define(['laytpl', 'laypage', 'form', 'util'], function(exports){
// 多级表头补丁
Class.prototype.setColsPatch = function(){
var that = this
,options = that.config
var that = this;
var options = that.config;
// 同步表头父列的相关值
layui.each(options.cols, function(i1, item1){
layui.each(item1, function(i2, item2){
@ -642,35 +656,41 @@ layui.define(['laytpl', 'laypage', 'form', 'util'], function(exports){
// 设置表头的宽度
Class.prototype.setGroupWidth = function (thElem) {
// 设置合表头的最大宽度
Class.prototype.setGroupWidth = function(th){
var that = this;
var options = that.config;
var parentKey;
if (options.cols.length > 1) {
for (var i = thElem ? thElem.closest('tr').index() - 1 : options.cols.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// 自下向上处理合并表头的宽度
parentKey = thElem ? thElem.attr('data-parentkey') : '';
layui.each(that.layHeader.first().find('tr').eq(i).find('>th' + (parentKey && '[data-key="' + that.index + '-' + parentKey + '"]') + '>div.laytable-cell-group'), function (i1, item1) {
item1 = $(item1);
var width = 0;
var key = item1.parent().attr('data-key');
layui.each(that.layHeader.first().find('th[data-parentkey="' + key.substr(key.indexOf('-') + 1) + '"]'), function (i2, item2) {
item2 = $(item2);
if (item2.hasClass(HIDE)) {
width += item2.children('div.layui-table-cell').outerWidth();
thElem && (thElem = item1.parent());
if(options.cols.length <= 1) return;
// 获取表头组合
var groups = that.layHeader.find((
// 根据当前活动的表头 parentkey 属性查找其组合表头
th ? ('th[data-key='+'parentkey') +']>') : ''
) + '.' + ELEM_GROUP).get().reverse(); // 若无指向当前活动表头,则自下而上获取所有组合表头
layui.each(groups, function(){
var othis = $(this);
var key = othis.parent().data('key');
var maxWidth = 0;
that.layHeader.eq(0).find('th[data-parentkey='+ key +']').width(function(i, width){
var oTh = $(this);
if(oTh.hasClass(HIDE)) return;
width > 0 && (maxWidth += width);
// 给组合表头赋值最大宽度
if(maxWidth) othis.css('max-width', maxWidth);
// 若当前活动的组合表头仍存在上级,则继续向上设置
if(th && othis.parent().data('parentkey')){
// 动态分配列宽
Class.prototype.setColsWidth = function(){
var that = this;
var options = that.config;
@ -692,11 +712,12 @@ layui.define(['laytpl', 'laypage', 'form', 'util'], function(exports){
// 计算自动分配的宽度
var getAutoWidth = function(back){
// 遍历所有列
layui.each(options.cols, function(i1, item1){
layui.each(item1, function(i2, item2){
var width = 0
,minWidth = item2.minWidth || options.cellMinWidth; //最小宽度
var width = 0;
var minWidth = item2.minWidth || options.cellMinWidth; // 最小宽度
var maxWidth = item2.maxWidth || options.cellMaxWidth; // 最大宽度
item1.splice(i2, 1);
@ -710,16 +731,22 @@ layui.define(['laytpl', 'laypage', 'form', 'util'], function(exports){
if(/\d+%$/.test(width)){ // 列宽为百分比
width = Math.floor((parseFloat(width) / 100) * cntrWidth);
width < minWidth && (width = minWidth);
width > maxWidth && (width = maxWidth);
} else if(!width){ // 列宽未填写
item2.width = width = 0;
} else {
// 设置了宽度校验是否小于最小宽度,这里是否要判断
item2.type === 'normal' && width < minWidth && (item2.width = width = minWidth);
} else if(item2.type === 'normal'){
// 若 width 小于 minWidth 则将 width 值自动设为 minWidth 的值
width < minWidth && (item2.width = width = minWidth);
// 若 width 大于 maxWidth 则将 width 值自动设为 maxWidth 的值
width > maxWidth && (item2.width = width = maxWidth);
} else if(autoWidth && autoWidth < minWidth){
width = minWidth;
} else if(autoWidth && autoWidth > maxWidth){
width = maxWidth;
if(item2.hide) width = 0;
@ -728,7 +755,7 @@ layui.define(['laytpl', 'laypage', 'form', 'util'], function(exports){
// 如果未填充满,则将剩余宽度平分
(cntrWidth > countWidth && autoColNums) && (
(cntrWidth > countWidth && autoColNums > 0) && (
autoWidth = (cntrWidth - countWidth) / autoColNums
@ -737,30 +764,36 @@ layui.define(['laytpl', 'laypage', 'form', 'util'], function(exports){
getAutoWidth(true); // 重新检测分配的宽度是否低于最小列宽
// 记录自动列数
that.autoColNums = autoColNums;
that.autoColNums = autoColNums = autoColNums > 0 ? autoColNums : 0;
// 设置列宽
that.eachCols(function(i3, item3){
var minWidth = item3.minWidth || options.cellMinWidth;
var maxWidth = item3.maxWidth || options.cellMaxWidth;
if(item3.colGroup || item3.hide) return;
// 给未分配宽的列平均分配宽
if(item3.width === 0){
that.getCssRule(options.index +'-'+ item3.key, function(item){ = Math.floor(autoWidth >= minWidth ? autoWidth : minWidth) + 'px';
that.getCssRule(item3.key, function(item){ = Math.floor(function(){
if(autoWidth < minWidth) return minWidth;
if(autoWidth > maxWidth) return maxWidth;
return autoWidth;
}()) + 'px';
// 给设定百分比的列分配列宽
else if(/\d+%$/.test(item3.width)){
that.getCssRule(options.index +'-'+ item3.key, function(item){
that.getCssRule(item3.key, function(item){ = Math.floor((parseFloat(item3.width) / 100) * cntrWidth) + 'px';
// 因为有可能设置的width小于minWidth被调整过这里重新设置一遍确保最新
// 给拥有普通 width 值的列分配最新列宽
else {
that.getCssRule(options.index +'-'+ item3.key, function(item){
that.getCssRule(item3.key, function(item){ = item3.width + 'px';
@ -770,7 +803,7 @@ layui.define(['laytpl', 'laypage', 'form', 'util'], function(exports){
var patchNums = that.layMain.width() - that.getScrollWidth(that.layMain[0])
- that.layMain.children('table').outerWidth();
if(that.autoColNums && patchNums >= -colNums && patchNums <= colNums){
if(that.autoColNums > 0 && patchNums >= -colNums && patchNums <= colNums){
var getEndTh = function(th){
var field;
th = th || that.layHeader.eq(0).find('thead th:last-child')
@ -787,7 +820,7 @@ layui.define(['laytpl', 'laypage', 'form', 'util'], function(exports){
var width = || th.outerWidth(); = (parseFloat(width) + patchNums) + 'px';
//二次校验,如果仍然出现横向滚动条(通常是 1px 的误差导致)
// 二次校验,如果仍然出现横向滚动条(通常是 1px 的误差导致)
if(that.layMain.height() - that.layMain.prop('clientHeight') > 0){ = (parseFloat( - 1) + 'px';
@ -977,7 +1010,7 @@ layui.define(['laytpl', 'laypage', 'form', 'util'], function(exports){
Class.prototype.col = function(key){
try {
key = key.split('-');
return this.config.cols[key[1]][key[2]];
return this.config.cols[key[1]][key[2]] || {};
} catch(e){
return {};
@ -1013,20 +1046,29 @@ layui.define(['laytpl', 'laypage', 'form', 'util'], function(exports){
layui.each(data, function(i1, item1){
var tds = [], tds_fixed = [], tds_fixed_r = []
,numbers = i1 + options.limit*(curr - 1) + 1; //序号
,numbers = i1 + options.limit*(curr - 1) + 1; // 序号
// 数组值是否为 object如果不是则自动转为 object
if(typeof item1 !== 'object'){
data[i1] = item1 = {LAY_KEY: item1};
try {
table.cache[that.key][i1] = item1;
} catch(e) {}
//若数据项为空数组,则不往下执行(因为删除数据时,会将原有数据设置为 []
if(layui.type(item1) === 'array' && item1.length === 0) return;
item1[table.config.indexName] = i1;
// 加入序号保留字段
item1[table.config.numbersName] = numbers;
// 记录下标索引,用于恢复排序
if(!sort) item1[table.config.indexName] = i1;
that.eachCols(function(i3, item3){
var field = item3.field || i3;
var key = options.index + '-' + item3.key;
var key = item3.key;
var content = item1[field];
if(content === undefined || content === null) content = '';
@ -1040,6 +1082,7 @@ layui.define(['laytpl', 'laypage', 'form', 'util'], function(exports){
if(item3.toolbar) attr.push('data-off="true"'); //行工具列关闭单元格事件
if(item3.event) attr.push('lay-event="'+ item3.event +'"'); //自定义事件
if(item3.minWidth) attr.push('data-minwidth="'+ item3.minWidth +'"'); //单元格最小宽度
if(item3.maxWidth) attr.push('data-maxwidth="'+ item3.maxWidth +'"'); //单元格最大宽度
return attr.join(' ');
}() +' class="'+ function(){ //追加样式
var classNames = [];
@ -1059,8 +1102,7 @@ layui.define(['laytpl', 'laypage', 'form', 'util'], function(exports){
}() +'>'
+ function(){
var tplData = $.extend(true, {
LAY_INDEX: numbers
,LAY_COL: item3
LAY_COL: item3
}, item1)
,checkName = table.config.checkName
,disabledName = table.config.disabledName;
@ -1265,10 +1307,11 @@ layui.define(['laytpl', 'laypage', 'form', 'util'], function(exports){
// td 容器
var td = ['<td data-field="'+ field +'" data-key="'+ options.index + '-'+ item3.key +'" '+ function(){
var td = ['<td data-field="'+ field +'" data-key="'+ item3.key +'" '+ function(){
var attr = [];
if(item3.align) attr.push('align="'+ item3.align +'"'); // 对齐方式
if(item3.minWidth) attr.push('data-minwidth="'+ item3.minWidth +'"'); // 单元格最小宽度
if(item3.maxWidth) attr.push('data-maxwidth="'+ item3.maxWidth +'"'); // 单元格最小宽度
return attr.join(' ');
}() +' class="'+ function(){ // 追加样式
var classNames = [];
@ -1277,9 +1320,9 @@ layui.define(['laytpl', 'laypage', 'form', 'util'], function(exports){
return classNames.join(' ');
}() +'">'
,'<div class="layui-table-cell laytable-cell-'+ function(){ // 返回对应的CSS类标识
var str = (options.index + '-' + item3.key);
return item3.type === 'normal' ? str
: (str + ' laytable-cell-' + item3.type);
var key = item3.key;
return item3.type === 'normal' ? key
: (key + ' laytable-cell-' + item3.type);
}() +'"'+ function(){
var attr = [];
if( attr.push('style="'+ +'"'); // 自定义单元格样式
@ -1309,7 +1352,7 @@ layui.define(['laytpl', 'laypage', 'form', 'util'], function(exports){
Class.prototype.getColElem = function(parent, key){
var that = this
,options = that.config;
return parent.eq(0).find('.laytable-cell-'+ (options.index + '-' + key) + ':eq(0)');
return parent.eq(0).find('.laytable-cell-'+ key + ':eq(0)');
@ -1405,7 +1448,9 @@ layui.define(['laytpl', 'laypage', 'form', 'util'], function(exports){
field: field
,type: type
};, MOD_NAME, 'sort('+ filter +')', options.initSort);, MOD_NAME, 'sort('+ filter +')', $.extend({
config: options
}, options.initSort));
@ -1470,10 +1515,11 @@ layui.define(['laytpl', 'laypage', 'form', 'util'], function(exports){
// 获取 cssRule
Class.prototype.getCssRule = function(key, callback){
var that = this
,style = that.elem.find('style')[0]
,sheet = style.sheet || style.styleSheet || {}
,rules = sheet.cssRules || sheet.rules;
var that = this;
var style = that.elem.find('style')[0];
var sheet = style.sheet || style.styleSheet || {};
var rules = sheet.cssRules || sheet.rules;
layui.each(rules, function(i, item){
if(item.selectorText === ('.laytable-cell-'+ key)){
return callback(item), true;
@ -1635,30 +1681,33 @@ layui.define(['laytpl', 'laypage', 'form', 'util'], function(exports){
,done: function(){
form.on('checkbox(LAY_TABLE_TOOL_COLS)', function(obj){
var othis = $(obj.elem)
,checked = this.checked
,key ='key')
,parentKey ='parentkey');
layui.each(options.cols, function(i1, item1){
layui.each(item1, function(i2, item2){
if(i1+ '-'+ i2 === key){
var hide = item2.hide;
var othis = $(obj.elem);
var checked = this.checked;
var key ='key');
var col = that.col(key);
var hide = col.hide;
var parentKey ='parentkey');
// 同步勾选列的 hide 值和隐藏样式
item2.hide = !checked;
that.elem.find('*[data-key="'+ options.index +'-'+ key +'"]')
[checked ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass'](HIDE);
// 根据列的显示隐藏,同步多级表头的父级相关属性值
if(hide != item2.hide){
that.setParentCol(!checked, parentKey);
// 重新适配尺寸
if(!col.key) return;
// 同步勾选列的 hide 值和隐藏样式
col.hide = !checked;
that.elem.find('*[data-key="'+ key +'"]')[
checked ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass'
// 根据列的显示隐藏,同步多级表头的父级相关属性值
if(hide != col.hide){
that.setParentCol(!checked, parentKey);
// 重新适配尺寸
// 列筛选(显示或隐藏)后的事件, MOD_NAME, 'colToggled('+ filter +')', {
col: col,
config: options
@ -1703,7 +1752,7 @@ layui.define(['laytpl', 'laypage', 'form', 'util'], function(exports){
html.find('th.layui-table-patch').remove(); //移除补丁
// 移除表头特殊列
html.find('thead>tr>th.'+ ELEM_COL_SPECIAL).filter(function(i, thElem){
return !$(thElem).children('.laytable-cell-group').length; // 父级表头除外
return !$(thElem).children('.'+ ELEM_GROUP).length; // 父级表头除外
html.find('tbody>tr>td.'+ ELEM_COL_SPECIAL).remove(); // 移除表体特殊列
@ -1757,6 +1806,7 @@ layui.define(['laytpl', 'laypage', 'form', 'util'], function(exports){
dict.rule = item;
dict.ruleWidth = parseFloat(width);
dict.minWidth ='minwidth') || options.cellMinWidth;
dict.maxWidth ='maxwidth') || options.cellMaxWidth;
// 临时记录当前拖拽信息
@ -1779,7 +1829,11 @@ layui.define(['laytpl', 'laypage', 'form', 'util'], function(exports){
var id = thisTable.eventMoveElem.closest('.' + ELEM_VIEW).attr('lay-id');
var thatTable = thisTable.that[id];
if(!thatTable) return;
if(setWidth < dict.minWidth) setWidth = dict.minWidth;
if(setWidth > dict.maxWidth) setWidth = dict.maxWidth; = setWidth + 'px';
@ -1787,16 +1841,32 @@ layui.define(['laytpl', 'laypage', 'form', 'util'], function(exports){
}).on('mouseup', function(e){
var id = thisTable.eventMoveElem.closest('.' + ELEM_VIEW).attr('lay-id');
var th = thisTable.eventMoveElem; // 当前触发拖拽的 th 元素
var id = th.closest('.' + ELEM_VIEW).attr('lay-id');
var thatTable = thisTable.that[id];
if(!thatTable) return;
var key ='key');
var col = thatTable.col(key);
// 重置过度信息
dict = {};
_BODY.css('cursor', '');
// 清除当前拖拽信息
delete thisTable.eventMoveElem;
// 列拖拽宽度后的事件
thatTable.getCssRule(key, function(item){
col.width = parseFloat(;[0], MOD_NAME, 'colResized('+ filter +')', {
col: col,
config: thatTable.config
@ -1849,6 +1919,7 @@ layui.define(['laytpl', 'laypage', 'form', 'util'], function(exports){
return $.extend({
tr: tr //行元素
,config: options
,data: table.clearCacheKey(data) //当前行数据
,del: function(){ //删除行数据
table.cache[that.key][index] = [];
@ -1977,41 +2048,9 @@ layui.define(['laytpl', 'laypage', 'form', 'util'], function(exports){
// 单元格编辑
that.layBody.on('change', '.'+ELEM_EDIT, function(){
var othis = $(this);
var value = this.value;
var field = othis.parent().data('field');
var index = othis.parents('tr').eq(0).data('index');
var data = table.cache[that.key][index];
var oldValue = data[field];
data[field] = value; // 更新缓存中的值, MOD_NAME, 'edit('+ filter +')',, {
value: value
,field: field
,oldValue: oldValue
}).on('blur', '.'+ELEM_EDIT, function(){
var othis = $(this);
var td = othis.parent();
var key ='key');
var index = othis.closest('tr').data('index');
var data = table.cache[that.key][index];
return, {
item3: that.col(key)
,content: value
,tplData: data
}(othis[0].value));'content', othis[0].value);
// 单元格事件
that.layBody.on(options.editTrigger, 'td', function(e){
var othis = $(this);
// 渲染单元格编辑状态
var renderGridEdit = function(othis, e){
othis = $(othis);
if('off')) return; // 不触发事件
@ -2041,9 +2080,52 @@ layui.define(['laytpl', 'laypage', 'form', 'util'], function(exports){
input[0].value ='content') || data[field] || elemCell.text();
othis.find('.'+ELEM_EDIT)[0] || othis.append(input);
e && layui.stope(e);
// 单元格编辑 - 输入框内容被改变的事件
that.layBody.on('change', '.'+ ELEM_EDIT, function(){
var othis = $(this);
var td = othis.parent();
var value = this.value;
var field = othis.parent().data('field');
var index = othis.closest('tr').data('index');
var data = table.cache[that.key][index];
var params =[0], {
value: value
,field: field
,oldValue: data[field] // 编辑前的值
,td: td
,reedit: function(){ // 重新编辑
// 重新渲染为编辑状态
// 将字段缓存的值恢复到编辑之前的值
var obj = {};
obj[field] = params.oldValue;
// 更新缓存中的值
var obj = {}; //变更的键值
obj[field] = value;
// 执行 API 编辑事件[0], MOD_NAME, 'edit('+ filter +')', params);
}).on('blur', '.'+ ELEM_EDIT, function(){ // 单元格编辑 - 恢复非编辑状态事件
$(this).remove(); // 移除编辑状态
// 单元格触发编辑的事件
that.layBody.on(options.editTrigger, 'td', function(e){
renderGridEdit(this, e)
}).on('mouseenter', 'td', function(){
}).on('mouseleave', 'td', function(){
@ -2165,20 +2247,21 @@ layui.define(['laytpl', 'laypage', 'form', 'util'], function(exports){
table.init = function(filter, settings){
settings = settings || {};
var that = this
,inst = null
,elemTable = filter ? $('table[lay-filter="'+ filter +'"]') : $(ELEM + '[lay-data]')
,errorTips = 'Table element property lay-data configuration item has a syntax error: ';
var that = this;
var inst = null;
var elemTable = filter
? $('table[lay-filter="'+ filter +'"]')
: $(ELEM + '[lay-data],'+ ELEM + '[lay-options]');
var errorTips = 'Table element property lay-data configuration item has a syntax error: ';
var othis = $(this), tableData = othis.attr('lay-data');
try {
tableData = new Function('return '+ tableData)();
} catch(e) {
hint.error(errorTips + tableData, 'error')
var othis = $(this);
var attrData = othis.attr('lay-data');
var tableData = lay.options(this, {
attr: attrData ? 'lay-data' : null,
errorText: errorTips + (attrData || othis.attr('lay-options'))
var cols = [], options = $.extend({
elem: this
@ -2195,13 +2278,12 @@ layui.define(['laytpl', 'laypage', 'form', 'util'], function(exports){
options.cols[i] = [];
var th = $(this), itemData = th.attr('lay-data');
itemData = new Function('return '+ itemData)();
} catch(e){
return hint.error(errorTips + itemData)
var th = $(this);
var attrData = th.attr('lay-data');
var itemData = lay.options(this, {
attr: attrData ? 'lay-data' : null,
errorText: errorTips + (attrData || th.attr('lay-options'))
var row = $.extend({
title: th.text()
@ -2483,6 +2565,7 @@ layui.define(['laytpl', 'laypage', 'form', 'util'], function(exports){
data = $.extend({}, data);
delete data[table.config.checkName];
delete data[table.config.indexName];
delete data[table.config.numbersName];
delete data[table.config.disabledName];
return data;