更新 table 测试用例

贤心 2023-06-16 09:46:01 +08:00
parent a3cb588615
commit 2b862e5be9
1 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ layui.use(['table', 'dropdown'], function(){
,{field:'sign', title:'签名', minWidth: 200, style:'color: #5FB878', edit: 'textarea'} ,{field:'sign', title:'签名', minWidth: 200, style:'color: #5FB878', edit: 'textarea'}
,{field: 'experience', title: '积分', width: 100, sort: true, align:'center', totalRow: !1 ? true : '{{= d.TOTAL_NUMS }} 分 😊', templet: '<div><a href="" class="layui-table-link">{{= d[d.LAY_COL.field] }}</a></div>'} ,{field: 'experience', title: '积分', width: 100, sort: true, align:'center', totalRow: !1 ? true : '{{= d.TOTAL_NUMS }} 分 😊', templet: '<div><a href="" class="layui-table-link">{{= d[d.LAY_COL.field] }}</a></div>'}
,{field:'ip', title:'IP', width: 120, align: 'right'} ,{field:'ip', title:'IP', width: 120, align: 'right'}
,{field:'checkin', title:'打卡', width: 100, sort: true, totalRow: '{{= parseInt(d.TOTAL_NUMS) }} 次'} ,{field:'checkin', title:'打卡', width: 100, sort: true, totalRow: '{{= d.TOTAL_ROW.checkin }} 次'}
,{field:'joinTime', title:'加入时间', width: 120} ,{field:'joinTime', title:'加入时间', width: 120}
,{fixed: 'right', title:'操作', toolbar: '#barDemo', width: 180} ,{fixed: 'right', title:'操作', toolbar: '#barDemo', width: 180}
]] ]]