mirror of https://github.com/layui/laydate
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ gulp.task('other', task.other); //移动一些配件
gulp.task('clearZip', function(cb){ //清理
return del(['./release/zip/*'], cb);
return del(['./release/zip/layDate-v'+ pkg.version], cb);
gulp.task('r', ['clearZip'], function(){
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"name": "layui-laydate",
"realname": "layDate",
"version": "5.1.0",
"version": "5.2.0",
"description": "日期与时间组件",
"main": "src/laydate.js",
"license": "MIT",
@ -165,6 +165,109 @@
lay.hasScrollbar = function(){
return document.body.scrollHeight > (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight);
lay.position = function(elem, elemView, obj){
if(!elemView) return;
obj = obj || {};
//如果绑定的是 document 或 body 元素,则直接获取鼠标坐标
if(elem === document || elem === lay('body')[0]){
obj.clickType = 'right';
var rect = obj.clickType === 'right' ? function(){
var e = obj.e || window.event || {};
return {
left: e.clientX
,top: e.clientY
,right: e.clientX
,bottom: e.clientY
}() : elem.getBoundingClientRect()
,elemWidth = elemView.offsetWidth //控件的宽度
,elemHeight = elemView.offsetHeight //控件的高度
,scrollArea = function(type){
type = type ? 'scrollLeft' : 'scrollTop';
return document.body[type] | document.documentElement[type];
,winArea = function(type){
return document.documentElement[type ? 'clientWidth' : 'clientHeight']
}, margin = 5, left = rect.left, top = rect.bottom;
if(left + elemWidth + margin > winArea('width')){
left = winArea('width') - elemWidth - margin; //如果超出右侧,则将面板向右靠齐
if(top + elemHeight + margin > winArea()){
if(rect.top > elemHeight + margin){
top = rect.top - elemHeight - margin*2; //顶部有足够的区域显示
} else {
if(obj.clickType === 'right'){
top = winArea() - elemHeight - margin*2;
if(top < 0) top = 0; //不能溢出窗口顶部
var position = obj.position;
if(position) elemView.style.position = position;
elemView.style.left = left + (position === 'fixed' ? 0 : scrollArea(1)) + 'px';
elemView.style.top = top + (position === 'fixed' ? 0 : scrollArea()) + 'px';
var rect1 = elemView.getBoundingClientRect();
if(!obj.SYSTEM_RELOAD && (rect1.bottom + margin) > winArea()){
obj.SYSTEM_RELOAD = true;
lay.position(elem, elemView, obj);
}, 50);
lay.options = function(elem, attr){
var othis = lay(elem)
,attrName = attr || 'lay-options';
try {
return new Function('return '+ (othis.attr(attrName) || '{}'))();
} catch(ev) {
hint.error('parseerror:'+ ev, 'error');
return {};
//元素是否属于顶级元素(document 或 body)
lay.isTopElem = function(elem){
var topElems = [document, lay('body')[0]]
,matched = false;
lay.each(topElems, function(index, item){
if(item === elem){
return matched = true
return matched;
LAY.addStr = function(str, new_str){
str = str.replace(/\s+/, ' ');
@ -227,12 +330,12 @@
//移除 css 类
LAY.prototype.removeClass = function(className){
return this.addClass(className, true);
//是否包含 css 类
LAY.prototype.hasClass = function(className){
var has = false;
this.each(function(index, item){
@ -243,6 +346,41 @@
return has;
//添加或获取 css style
LAY.prototype.css = function(key, value){
var that = this
,parseValue = function(v){
return isNaN(v) ? v : (v +'px');
return (typeof key === 'string' && value === undefined) ? function(){
if(that.length > 0) return that[0].style[key];
}() : that.each(function(index, item){
typeof key === 'object' ? lay.each(key, function(thisKey, thisValue){
item.style[thisKey] = parseValue(thisValue);
}) : item.style[key] = parseValue(value);
LAY.prototype.width = function(value){
var that = this;
return value === undefined ? function(){
if(that.length > 0) return that[0].offsetWidth; //此处还需做兼容
}() : that.each(function(index, item){
that.css('width', value);
LAY.prototype.height = function(value){
var that = this;
return value === undefined ? function(){
if(that.length > 0) return that[0].offsetHeight; //此处还需做兼容
}() : that.each(function(index, item){
that.css('height', value);
LAY.prototype.attr = function(key, value){
var that = this;
@ -343,7 +481,7 @@
,laydate = {
v: '5.1.0'
v: '5.2.0'
,config: {} //全局配置项
,index: (window.laydate && window.laydate.v) ? 100000 : 0
,path: ready.getPath
@ -377,7 +515,7 @@
,MOD_NAME = 'laydate', ELEM = '.layui-laydate', THIS = 'layui-this', SHOW = 'layui-show', HIDE = 'layui-hide', DISABLED = 'laydate-disabled', TIPS_OUT = '开始时间不能早于结束时间<br>请重新选择', LIMIT_YEAR = [100, 200000]
,MOD_NAME = 'laydate', ELEM = '.layui-laydate', THIS = 'layui-this', SHOW = 'layui-show', HIDE = 'layui-hide', DISABLED = 'laydate-disabled', LIMIT_YEAR = [100, 200000]
,ELEM_STATIC = 'layui-laydate-static', ELEM_LIST = 'layui-laydate-list', ELEM_SELECTED = 'laydate-selected', ELEM_HINT = 'layui-laydate-hint', ELEM_PREV = 'laydate-day-prev', ELEM_NEXT = 'laydate-day-next', ELEM_FOOTER = 'layui-laydate-footer', ELEM_CONFIRM = '.laydate-btns-confirm', ELEM_TIME_TEXT = 'laydate-time-text', ELEM_TIME_BTN = '.laydate-btns-time'
@ -409,8 +547,8 @@
,isInitValue: true //用于控制是否自动向元素填充初始值(需配合 value 参数使用)
,min: '1900-1-1' //有效最小日期,年月日必须用“-”分割,时分秒必须用“:”分割。注意:它并不是遵循 format 设定的格式。
,max: '2099-12-31' //有效最大日期,同上
,trigger: 'focus' //呼出控件的事件
,show: false //是否直接显示,如果设置true,则默认直接显示控件
,trigger: 'click' //呼出控件的事件
,show: false //是否直接显示,如果设置 true,则默认直接显示控件
,showBottom: true //是否显示底部栏
,btns: ['clear', 'now', 'confirm'] //右下角显示的按钮,会按照数组顺序排列
,lang: 'cn' //语言,只支持cn/en,即中文和英文
@ -441,6 +579,9 @@
,clear: '清空'
,now: '现在'
,timeout: '结束时间不能早于开始时间<br>请重新选择'
,invalidDate: '不在有效日期或时间范围内'
,formatError: ['日期格式不合法<br>必须遵循下述格式:<br>', '<br>已为你重置']
,en: {
weeks: ['Su', 'Mo', 'Tu', 'We', 'Th', 'Fr', 'Sa']
@ -455,6 +596,9 @@
,clear: 'Clear'
,now: 'Now'
,timeout: 'End time cannot be less than start Time<br>Please re-select'
,invalidDate: 'Invalid date'
,formatError: ['The date format error<br>Must be followed:<br>', '<br>It has been reset']
return text[options.lang] || text['cn'];
@ -482,11 +626,20 @@
if(options.range === true) options.range = '-';
if(options.format === format.date){
options.format = format[options.type];
//若 type 设置非法,则初始化为 date 类型
window.console && console.error && console.error('laydate type error:\''+ options.type + '\' is not supported')
options.type = 'date';
//根据不同 type,初始化默认 format
if(options.format === format.date){
options.format = format[options.type] || format.date;
that.format = options.format.match(new RegExp(dateType + '|.', 'g')) || [];
@ -768,6 +921,8 @@
var that = this
,options = that.config
,elem = lay('#'+ (prev || that.elemID));
if(!elem[0]) return that;
@ -780,39 +935,11 @@
Class.prototype.position = function(){
var that = this
,options = that.config
,elem = that.bindElem || options.elem[0]
,rect = elem.getBoundingClientRect() //绑定元素的坐标
,elemWidth = that.elem.offsetWidth //控件的宽度
,elemHeight = that.elem.offsetHeight //控件的高度
,scrollArea = function(type){
type = type ? 'scrollLeft' : 'scrollTop';
return document.body[type] | document.documentElement[type];
,winArea = function(type){
return document.documentElement[type ? 'clientWidth' : 'clientHeight']
}, margin = 5, left = rect.left, top = rect.bottom;
if(left + elemWidth + margin > winArea('width')){
left = winArea('width') - elemWidth - margin;
if(top + elemHeight + margin > winArea()){
top = rect.top > elemHeight //顶部是否有足够区域显示完全
? rect.top - elemHeight
: winArea() - elemHeight;
top = top - margin*2;
that.elem.style.position = options.position;
that.elem.style.left = left + (options.position === 'fixed' ? 0 : scrollArea(1)) + 'px';
that.elem.style.top = top + (options.position === 'fixed' ? 0 : scrollArea()) + 'px';
,options = that.config;
lay.position(that.bindElem || options.elem[0], that.elem, {
position: options.position
return that;
@ -867,6 +994,7 @@
var that = this
,thisDate = new Date()
,options = that.config
,lang = that.lang()
,dateTime = options.dateTime = options.dateTime || that.systemDate()
,thisMaxDate, error
@ -959,9 +1087,9 @@
initDate(dateTime, value)
} else {
that.hint('日期格式不合法<br>必须遵循下述格式:<br>'+ (
that.hint(lang.formatError[0] + (
options.range ? (options.format + ' '+ options.range +' ' + options.format) : options.format
) + '<br>已为你重置');
) + lang.formatError[1]);
error = true;
} else if(value && value.constructor === Date){ //如果值为日期对象时
@ -1050,8 +1178,8 @@
,tds = lay(that.table[index]).find('td')
,elemYM = lay(that.elemHeader[index][2]).find('span');
if(dateTime.year < LIMIT_YEAR[0]) dateTime.year = LIMIT_YEAR[0], that.hint('最低只能支持到公元'+ LIMIT_YEAR[0] +'年');
if(dateTime.year > LIMIT_YEAR[1]) dateTime.year = LIMIT_YEAR[1], that.hint('最高只能支持到公元'+ LIMIT_YEAR[1] +'年');
if(dateTime.year < LIMIT_YEAR[0]) dateTime.year = LIMIT_YEAR[0], that.hint(lang.invalidDate);
if(dateTime.year > LIMIT_YEAR[1]) dateTime.year = LIMIT_YEAR[1], that.hint(lang.invalidDate);
@ -1372,6 +1500,7 @@
Class.prototype.setBtnStatus = function(tips, start, end){
var that = this
,options = that.config
,lang = that.lang()
,isOut, elemBtn = lay(that.footer).find(ELEM_CONFIRM);
if(options.range && options.type !== 'time'){
start = start || options.dateTime;
@ -1385,7 +1514,7 @@
if(tips && isOut) that.hint(
typeof tips === 'string' ? TIPS_OUT.replace(/日期/g, tips) : TIPS_OUT
typeof tips === 'string' ? lang.timeout.replace(/日期/g, tips) : lang.timeout
@ -1448,52 +1577,6 @@
return this;
Class.prototype.stampRange = function(){
var that = this
,options = that.config
,dateTime = options.dateTime
,startTime, endTime
,tds = lay(that.elem).find('td');
if(options.range && !that.endDate) lay(that.footer).find(ELEM_CONFIRM).addClass(DISABLED);
if(!that.endDate) return;
startTime = that.newDate({
year: dateTime.year
,month: dateTime.month
,date: dateTime.date
endTime = that.newDate({
year: that.endDate.year
,month: that.endDate.month
,date: that.endDate.date
if(startTime > endTime) return that.hint(TIPS_OUT);
lay.each(tds, function(i, item){
var ymd = lay(item).attr('lay-ymd').split('-')
,thisTime = that.newDate({
year: ymd[0]
,month: ymd[1] - 1
,date: ymd[2]
lay(item).removeClass(ELEM_SELECTED + ' ' + THIS);
if(thisTime === startTime || thisTime === endTime){
lay(item).hasClass(ELEM_PREV) || lay(item).hasClass(ELEM_NEXT)
if(thisTime > startTime && thisTime < endTime){
Class.prototype.done = function(param, type){
var that = this
@ -1557,6 +1640,7 @@
Class.prototype.tool = function(btn, type){
var that = this
,options = that.config
,lang = that.lang()
,dateTime = options.dateTime
,isStatic = options.position === 'static'
,active = {
@ -1605,12 +1689,11 @@
,confirm: function(){
if(!that.endDate) return that.hint('请先选择日期范围');
if(lay(btn).hasClass(DISABLED)) return that.hint(
options.type === 'time' ? TIPS_OUT.replace(/日期/g, '时间') : TIPS_OUT
options.type === 'time' ? lang.timeout.replace(/日期/g, '时间') : lang.timeout
} else {
if(lay(btn).hasClass(DISABLED)) return that.hint('不在有效日期或时间范围内');
if(lay(btn).hasClass(DISABLED)) return that.hint(lang.invalidDate);
@ -1771,6 +1854,11 @@
bind && (that.bindElem = this);
elem.on('blur', function(){
if(!options.elem[0] || options.elem[0].eventHandler) return;
@ -1788,7 +1876,7 @@
}).on('keydown', function(e){
if(e.keyCode === 13){
if(lay('#'+ that.elemID)[0] && that.elemID === Class.thisElem){
if(lay('#'+ that.elemID)[0] && that.elemID === Class.thisElemDate){
@ -1840,4 +1928,5 @@
@ -1,20 +1,3 @@
/** 图标字体 **/
@font-face {font-family: 'laydate-icon';
src: url('./font/iconfont.eot');
src: url('./font/iconfont.eot#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
url('./font/iconfont.svg#iconfont') format('svg'),
url('./font/iconfont.woff') format('woff'),
url('./font/iconfont.ttf') format('truetype');
font-family:"laydate-icon" !important;
font-size: 16px;
font-style: normal;
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
@Name: laydata
@ -29,21 +12,19 @@ html #layuicss-laydate{display: none; position: absolute; width: 1989px;}
/* 主体结构 */
.layui-laydate, .layui-laydate *{box-sizing: border-box;}
.layui-laydate{position: absolute; z-index: 66666666; margin: 5px 0; border-radius: 2px; font-size: 14px; -webkit-animation-duration: 0.3s; animation-duration: 0.3s; -webkit-animation-fill-mode: both; animation-fill-mode: both;}
.layui-laydate{position: absolute; z-index: 66666666; margin: 5px 0; border-radius: 2px; font-size: 14px; -webkit-animation-duration: 0.2s; animation-duration: 0.2s; -webkit-animation-fill-mode: both; animation-fill-mode: both;}
.layui-laydate-main{width: 272px;}
.layui-laydate-header *,
.layui-laydate-content td,
.layui-laydate-list li{transition-duration: .3s; -webkit-transition-duration: .3s;}
@-webkit-keyframes laydate-upbit{ /* 微微往上滑入 */
from {-webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 20px, 0); opacity: 0.3;}
to {-webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); opacity: 1;}
/* 微微往下滑入 */
@keyframes laydate-downbit {
0% {opacity: 0.3; transform: translate3d(0, -5px, 0);}
100% {opacity: 1; transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);}
@keyframes laydate-upbit{
from {transform: translate3d(0, 20px, 0); opacity: 0.3;}
to {transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); opacity: 1;}
.layui-laydate{-webkit-animation-name: laydate-upbit; animation-name: laydate-upbit;}
.layui-laydate{animation-name: laydate-downbit;}
.layui-laydate-static{ position: relative; z-index: 0; display: inline-block; margin: 0; -webkit-animation: none; animation: none;}
/* 展开年月列表时 */
@ -166,3 +147,21 @@ html #layuicss-laydate{display: none; position: absolute; width: 1989px;}
.laydate-theme-grid .laydate-year-list>li{height: 43px; line-height: 43px;}
.laydate-theme-grid .laydate-month-list>li{height: 71px; line-height: 71px;}
/** 图标字体 **/
@font-face {font-family: 'laydate-icon';
src: url('./font/iconfont.eot');
src: url('./font/iconfont.eot#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
url('./font/iconfont.svg#iconfont') format('svg'),
url('./font/iconfont.woff') format('woff'),
url('./font/iconfont.ttf') format('truetype');
font-family:"laydate-icon" !important;
font-size: 16px;
font-style: normal;
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
Reference in New Issue