mirror of https://github.com/k3s-io/k3s
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// Copyright 2012 Kamil Kisiel. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by the MIT
// license which can be found in the LICENSE file.
Package sqlstruct provides some convenience functions for using structs with
the Go standard library's database/sql package.
The package matches struct field names to SQL query column names. A field can
also specify a matching column with "sql" tag, if it's different from field
name. Unexported fields or fields marked with `sql:"-"` are ignored, just like
with "encoding/json" package.
For example:
type T struct {
F1 string
F2 string `sql:"field2"`
F3 string `sql:"-"`
rows, err := db.Query(fmt.Sprintf("SELECT %s FROM tablename", sqlstruct.Columns(T{})))
for rows.Next() {
var t T
err = sqlstruct.Scan(&t, rows)
err = rows.Err() // get any errors encountered during iteration
Aliased tables in a SQL statement may be scanned into a specific structure identified
by the same alias, using the ColumnsAliased and ScanAliased functions:
type User struct {
Id int `sql:"id"`
Username string `sql:"username"`
Email string `sql:"address"`
Name string `sql:"name"`
HomeAddress *Address `sql:"-"`
type Address struct {
Id int `sql:"id"`
City string `sql:"city"`
Street string `sql:"address"`
var user User
var address Address
sql := `
SELECT %s, %s FROM users AS u
INNER JOIN address AS a ON a.id = u.address_id
WHERE u.username = ?
sql = fmt.Sprintf(sql, sqlstruct.ColumnsAliased(*user, "u"), sqlstruct.ColumnsAliased(*address, "a"))
rows, err := db.Query(sql, "gedi")
if err != nil {
defer rows.Close()
if rows.Next() {
err = sqlstruct.ScanAliased(&user, rows, "u")
if err != nil {
err = sqlstruct.ScanAliased(&address, rows, "a")
if err != nil {
user.HomeAddress = address
fmt.Printf("%+v", *user)
// output: "{Id:1 Username:gedi Email:gediminas.morkevicius@gmail.com Name:Gedas HomeAddress:0xc21001f570}"
fmt.Printf("%+v", *user.HomeAddress)
// output: "{Id:2 City:Vilnius Street:Plento 34}"
package sqlstruct
import (
// NameMapper is the function used to convert struct fields which do not have sql tags
// into database column names.
// The default mapper converts field names to lower case. If instead you would prefer
// field names converted to snake case, simply assign sqlstruct.ToSnakeCase to the variable:
// sqlstruct.NameMapper = sqlstruct.ToSnakeCase
// Alternatively for a custom mapping, any func(string) string can be used instead.
var NameMapper func(string) string = strings.ToLower
// A cache of fieldInfos to save reflecting every time. Inspried by encoding/xml
var finfos map[reflect.Type]fieldInfo
var finfoLock sync.RWMutex
// TagName is the name of the tag to use on struct fields
var TagName = "sql"
// fieldInfo is a mapping of field tag values to their indices
type fieldInfo map[string][]int
func init() {
finfos = make(map[reflect.Type]fieldInfo)
// Rows defines the interface of types that are scannable with the Scan function.
// It is implemented by the sql.Rows type from the standard library
type Rows interface {
Scan(...interface{}) error
Columns() ([]string, error)
// getFieldInfo creates a fieldInfo for the provided type. Fields that are not tagged
// with the "sql" tag and unexported fields are not included.
func getFieldInfo(typ reflect.Type) fieldInfo {
finfo, ok := finfos[typ]
if ok {
return finfo
finfo = make(fieldInfo)
n := typ.NumField()
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
f := typ.Field(i)
tag := f.Tag.Get(TagName)
// Skip unexported fields or fields marked with "-"
if f.PkgPath != "" || tag == "-" {
// Handle embedded structs
if f.Anonymous && f.Type.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
for k, v := range getFieldInfo(f.Type) {
finfo[k] = append([]int{i}, v...)
// Use field name for untagged fields
if tag == "" {
tag = f.Name
tag = NameMapper(tag)
finfo[tag] = []int{i}
finfos[typ] = finfo
return finfo
// Scan scans the next row from rows in to a struct pointed to by dest. The struct type
// should have exported fields tagged with the "sql" tag. Columns from row which are not
// mapped to any struct fields are ignored. Struct fields which have no matching column
// in the result set are left unchanged.
func Scan(dest interface{}, rows Rows) error {
return doScan(dest, rows, "")
// ScanAliased works like scan, except that it expects the results in the query to be
// prefixed by the given alias.
// For example, if scanning to a field named "name" with an alias of "user" it will
// expect to find the result in a column named "user_name".
// See ColumnAliased for a convenient way to generate these queries.
func ScanAliased(dest interface{}, rows Rows, alias string) error {
return doScan(dest, rows, alias)
// Columns returns a string containing a sorted, comma-separated list of column names as
// defined by the type s. s must be a struct that has exported fields tagged with the "sql" tag.
func Columns(s interface{}) string {
return strings.Join(cols(s), ", ")
// ColumnsAliased works like Columns except it prefixes the resulting column name with the
// given alias.
// For each field in the given struct it will generate a statement like:
// alias.field AS alias_field
// It is intended to be used in conjunction with the ScanAliased function.
func ColumnsAliased(s interface{}, alias string) string {
names := cols(s)
aliased := make([]string, 0, len(names))
for _, n := range names {
aliased = append(aliased, alias+"."+n+" AS "+alias+"_"+n)
return strings.Join(aliased, ", ")
func cols(s interface{}) []string {
v := reflect.ValueOf(s)
fields := getFieldInfo(v.Type())
names := make([]string, 0, len(fields))
for f := range fields {
names = append(names, f)
return names
func doScan(dest interface{}, rows Rows, alias string) error {
destv := reflect.ValueOf(dest)
typ := destv.Type()
if typ.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || typ.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Struct {
panic(fmt.Errorf("dest must be pointer to struct; got %T", destv))
fieldInfo := getFieldInfo(typ.Elem())
elem := destv.Elem()
var values []interface{}
cols, err := rows.Columns()
if err != nil {
return err
for _, name := range cols {
if len(alias) > 0 {
name = strings.Replace(name, alias+"_", "", 1)
idx, ok := fieldInfo[strings.ToLower(name)]
var v interface{}
if !ok {
// There is no field mapped to this column so we discard it
v = &sql.RawBytes{}
} else {
v = elem.FieldByIndex(idx).Addr().Interface()
values = append(values, v)
return rows.Scan(values...)
// ToSnakeCase converts a string to snake case, words separated with underscores.
// It's intended to be used with NameMapper to map struct field names to snake case database fields.
func ToSnakeCase(src string) string {
thisUpper := false
prevUpper := false
buf := bytes.NewBufferString("")
for i, v := range src {
if v >= 'A' && v <= 'Z' {
thisUpper = true
} else {
thisUpper = false
if i > 0 && thisUpper && !prevUpper {
prevUpper = thisUpper
return strings.ToLower(buf.String())