
1341 lines
50 KiB

Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package apiserver
import (
goopenapispec "github.com/go-openapi/spec"
apiextensionshelpers "k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver/pkg/apihelpers"
apiextensionsinternal "k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver/pkg/apis/apiextensions"
apiextensionsv1 "k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver/pkg/apis/apiextensions/v1"
structuralschema "k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver/pkg/apiserver/schema"
structuraldefaulting "k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver/pkg/apiserver/schema/defaulting"
schemaobjectmeta "k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver/pkg/apiserver/schema/objectmeta"
structuralpruning "k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver/pkg/apiserver/schema/pruning"
apiservervalidation "k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver/pkg/apiserver/validation"
informers "k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver/pkg/client/informers/externalversions/apiextensions/v1"
listers "k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver/pkg/client/listers/apiextensions/v1"
apiequality "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/equality"
apierrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/errors"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
utilruntime "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/runtime"
utilwaitgroup "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/waitgroup"
apirequest "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/endpoints/request"
genericregistry "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/registry/generic/registry"
genericfilters "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/server/filters"
utilfeature "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/util/feature"
utilopenapi "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/util/openapi"
// crdHandler serves the `/apis` endpoint.
// This is registered as a filter so that it never collides with any explicitly registered endpoints
type crdHandler struct {
versionDiscoveryHandler *versionDiscoveryHandler
groupDiscoveryHandler *groupDiscoveryHandler
customStorageLock sync.Mutex
// customStorage contains a crdStorageMap
// atomic.Value has a very good read performance compared to sync.RWMutex
// see https://gist.github.com/dim/152e6bf80e1384ea72e17ac717a5000a
// which is suited for most read and rarely write cases
customStorage atomic.Value
crdLister listers.CustomResourceDefinitionLister
hasSynced func() bool
delegate http.Handler
restOptionsGetter generic.RESTOptionsGetter
admission admission.Interface
establishingController *establish.EstablishingController
// MasterCount is used to implement sleep to improve
// CRD establishing process for HA clusters.
masterCount int
converterFactory *conversion.CRConverterFactory
// so that we can do create on update.
authorizer authorizer.Authorizer
// request timeout we should delay storage teardown for
requestTimeout time.Duration
// minRequestTimeout applies to CR's list/watch calls
minRequestTimeout time.Duration
// staticOpenAPISpec is used as a base for the schema of CR's for the
// purpose of managing fields, it is how CR handlers get the structure
// of TypeMeta and ObjectMeta
staticOpenAPISpec *goopenapispec.Swagger
// The limit on the request size that would be accepted and decoded in a write request
// 0 means no limit.
maxRequestBodyBytes int64
// crdInfo stores enough information to serve the storage for the custom resource
type crdInfo struct {
// spec and acceptedNames are used to compare against if a change is made on a CRD. We only update
// the storage if one of these changes.
spec *apiextensionsv1.CustomResourceDefinitionSpec
acceptedNames *apiextensionsv1.CustomResourceDefinitionNames
// Deprecated per version
deprecated map[string]bool
// Warnings per version
warnings map[string][]string
// Storage per version
storages map[string]customresource.CustomResourceStorage
// Request scope per version
requestScopes map[string]*handlers.RequestScope
// Scale scope per version
scaleRequestScopes map[string]*handlers.RequestScope
// Status scope per version
statusRequestScopes map[string]*handlers.RequestScope
// storageVersion is the CRD version used when storing the object in etcd.
storageVersion string
waitGroup *utilwaitgroup.SafeWaitGroup
// crdStorageMap goes from customresourcedefinition to its storage
type crdStorageMap map[types.UID]*crdInfo
func NewCustomResourceDefinitionHandler(
versionDiscoveryHandler *versionDiscoveryHandler,
groupDiscoveryHandler *groupDiscoveryHandler,
crdInformer informers.CustomResourceDefinitionInformer,
delegate http.Handler,
restOptionsGetter generic.RESTOptionsGetter,
admission admission.Interface,
establishingController *establish.EstablishingController,
serviceResolver webhook.ServiceResolver,
authResolverWrapper webhook.AuthenticationInfoResolverWrapper,
masterCount int,
authorizer authorizer.Authorizer,
requestTimeout time.Duration,
minRequestTimeout time.Duration,
staticOpenAPISpec *goopenapispec.Swagger,
maxRequestBodyBytes int64) (*crdHandler, error) {
ret := &crdHandler{
versionDiscoveryHandler: versionDiscoveryHandler,
groupDiscoveryHandler: groupDiscoveryHandler,
customStorage: atomic.Value{},
crdLister: crdInformer.Lister(),
hasSynced: crdInformer.Informer().HasSynced,
delegate: delegate,
restOptionsGetter: restOptionsGetter,
admission: admission,
establishingController: establishingController,
masterCount: masterCount,
authorizer: authorizer,
requestTimeout: requestTimeout,
minRequestTimeout: minRequestTimeout,
staticOpenAPISpec: staticOpenAPISpec,
maxRequestBodyBytes: maxRequestBodyBytes,
AddFunc: ret.createCustomResourceDefinition,
UpdateFunc: ret.updateCustomResourceDefinition,
DeleteFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
crConverterFactory, err := conversion.NewCRConverterFactory(serviceResolver, authResolverWrapper)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ret.converterFactory = crConverterFactory
return ret, nil
// watches are expected to handle storage disruption gracefully,
// both on the server-side (by terminating the watch connection)
// and on the client side (by restarting the watch)
var longRunningFilter = genericfilters.BasicLongRunningRequestCheck(sets.NewString("watch"), sets.NewString())
// possiblyAcrossAllNamespacesVerbs contains those verbs which can be per-namespace and across all
// namespaces for namespaces resources. I.e. for these an empty namespace in the requestInfo is fine.
var possiblyAcrossAllNamespacesVerbs = sets.NewString("list", "watch")
func (r *crdHandler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
ctx := req.Context()
requestInfo, ok := apirequest.RequestInfoFrom(ctx)
if !ok {
apierrors.NewInternalError(fmt.Errorf("no RequestInfo found in the context")),
Codecs, schema.GroupVersion{Group: requestInfo.APIGroup, Version: requestInfo.APIVersion}, w, req,
if !requestInfo.IsResourceRequest {
pathParts := splitPath(requestInfo.Path)
// only match /apis/<group>/<version>
// only registered under /apis
if len(pathParts) == 3 {
if !r.hasSynced() {
responsewriters.ErrorNegotiated(serverStartingError(), Codecs, schema.GroupVersion{Group: requestInfo.APIGroup, Version: requestInfo.APIVersion}, w, req)
r.versionDiscoveryHandler.ServeHTTP(w, req)
// only match /apis/<group>
if len(pathParts) == 2 {
if !r.hasSynced() {
responsewriters.ErrorNegotiated(serverStartingError(), Codecs, schema.GroupVersion{Group: requestInfo.APIGroup, Version: requestInfo.APIVersion}, w, req)
r.groupDiscoveryHandler.ServeHTTP(w, req)
r.delegate.ServeHTTP(w, req)
crdName := requestInfo.Resource + "." + requestInfo.APIGroup
crd, err := r.crdLister.Get(crdName)
if apierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
if !r.hasSynced() {
responsewriters.ErrorNegotiated(serverStartingError(), Codecs, schema.GroupVersion{Group: requestInfo.APIGroup, Version: requestInfo.APIVersion}, w, req)
r.delegate.ServeHTTP(w, req)
if err != nil {
apierrors.NewInternalError(fmt.Errorf("error resolving resource")),
Codecs, schema.GroupVersion{Group: requestInfo.APIGroup, Version: requestInfo.APIVersion}, w, req,
// if the scope in the CRD and the scope in request differ (with exception of the verbs in possiblyAcrossAllNamespacesVerbs
// for namespaced resources), pass request to the delegate, which is supposed to lead to a 404.
namespacedCRD, namespacedReq := crd.Spec.Scope == apiextensionsv1.NamespaceScoped, len(requestInfo.Namespace) > 0
if !namespacedCRD && namespacedReq {
r.delegate.ServeHTTP(w, req)
if namespacedCRD && !namespacedReq && !possiblyAcrossAllNamespacesVerbs.Has(requestInfo.Verb) {
r.delegate.ServeHTTP(w, req)
if !apiextensionshelpers.HasServedCRDVersion(crd, requestInfo.APIVersion) {
r.delegate.ServeHTTP(w, req)
// There is a small chance that a CRD is being served because NamesAccepted condition is true,
// but it becomes "unserved" because another names update leads to a conflict
// and EstablishingController wasn't fast enough to put the CRD into the Established condition.
// We accept this as the problem is small and self-healing.
if !apiextensionshelpers.IsCRDConditionTrue(crd, apiextensionsv1.NamesAccepted) &&
!apiextensionshelpers.IsCRDConditionTrue(crd, apiextensionsv1.Established) {
r.delegate.ServeHTTP(w, req)
terminating := apiextensionshelpers.IsCRDConditionTrue(crd, apiextensionsv1.Terminating)
crdInfo, err := r.getOrCreateServingInfoFor(crd.UID, crd.Name)
if apierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
r.delegate.ServeHTTP(w, req)
if err != nil {
apierrors.NewInternalError(fmt.Errorf("error resolving resource")),
Codecs, schema.GroupVersion{Group: requestInfo.APIGroup, Version: requestInfo.APIVersion}, w, req,
if !hasServedCRDVersion(crdInfo.spec, requestInfo.APIVersion) {
r.delegate.ServeHTTP(w, req)
deprecated := crdInfo.deprecated[requestInfo.APIVersion]
for _, w := range crdInfo.warnings[requestInfo.APIVersion] {
warning.AddWarning(req.Context(), "", w)
verb := strings.ToUpper(requestInfo.Verb)
resource := requestInfo.Resource
subresource := requestInfo.Subresource
scope := metrics.CleanScope(requestInfo)
supportedTypes := []string{
if utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.ServerSideApply) {
supportedTypes = append(supportedTypes, string(types.ApplyPatchType))
var handlerFunc http.HandlerFunc
subresources, err := apiextensionshelpers.GetSubresourcesForVersion(crd, requestInfo.APIVersion)
if err != nil {
apierrors.NewInternalError(fmt.Errorf("could not properly serve the subresource")),
Codecs, schema.GroupVersion{Group: requestInfo.APIGroup, Version: requestInfo.APIVersion}, w, req,
switch {
case subresource == "status" && subresources != nil && subresources.Status != nil:
handlerFunc = r.serveStatus(w, req, requestInfo, crdInfo, terminating, supportedTypes)
case subresource == "scale" && subresources != nil && subresources.Scale != nil:
handlerFunc = r.serveScale(w, req, requestInfo, crdInfo, terminating, supportedTypes)
case len(subresource) == 0:
handlerFunc = r.serveResource(w, req, requestInfo, crdInfo, terminating, supportedTypes)
apierrors.NewNotFound(schema.GroupResource{Group: requestInfo.APIGroup, Resource: requestInfo.Resource}, requestInfo.Name),
Codecs, schema.GroupVersion{Group: requestInfo.APIGroup, Version: requestInfo.APIVersion}, w, req,
if handlerFunc != nil {
handlerFunc = metrics.InstrumentHandlerFunc(verb, requestInfo.APIGroup, requestInfo.APIVersion, resource, subresource, scope, metrics.APIServerComponent, deprecated, "", handlerFunc)
handler := genericfilters.WithWaitGroup(handlerFunc, longRunningFilter, crdInfo.waitGroup)
handler.ServeHTTP(w, req)
func (r *crdHandler) serveResource(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, requestInfo *apirequest.RequestInfo, crdInfo *crdInfo, terminating bool, supportedTypes []string) http.HandlerFunc {
requestScope := crdInfo.requestScopes[requestInfo.APIVersion]
storage := crdInfo.storages[requestInfo.APIVersion].CustomResource
switch requestInfo.Verb {
case "get":
return handlers.GetResource(storage, storage, requestScope)
case "list":
forceWatch := false
return handlers.ListResource(storage, storage, requestScope, forceWatch, r.minRequestTimeout)
case "watch":
forceWatch := true
return handlers.ListResource(storage, storage, requestScope, forceWatch, r.minRequestTimeout)
case "create":
if terminating {
err := apierrors.NewMethodNotSupported(schema.GroupResource{Group: requestInfo.APIGroup, Resource: requestInfo.Resource}, requestInfo.Verb)
err.ErrStatus.Message = fmt.Sprintf("%v not allowed while custom resource definition is terminating", requestInfo.Verb)
responsewriters.ErrorNegotiated(err, Codecs, schema.GroupVersion{Group: requestInfo.APIGroup, Version: requestInfo.APIVersion}, w, req)
return nil
return handlers.CreateResource(storage, requestScope, r.admission)
case "update":
return handlers.UpdateResource(storage, requestScope, r.admission)
case "patch":
return handlers.PatchResource(storage, requestScope, r.admission, supportedTypes)
case "delete":
allowsOptions := true
return handlers.DeleteResource(storage, allowsOptions, requestScope, r.admission)
case "deletecollection":
checkBody := true
return handlers.DeleteCollection(storage, checkBody, requestScope, r.admission)
apierrors.NewMethodNotSupported(schema.GroupResource{Group: requestInfo.APIGroup, Resource: requestInfo.Resource}, requestInfo.Verb),
Codecs, schema.GroupVersion{Group: requestInfo.APIGroup, Version: requestInfo.APIVersion}, w, req,
return nil
func (r *crdHandler) serveStatus(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, requestInfo *apirequest.RequestInfo, crdInfo *crdInfo, terminating bool, supportedTypes []string) http.HandlerFunc {
requestScope := crdInfo.statusRequestScopes[requestInfo.APIVersion]
storage := crdInfo.storages[requestInfo.APIVersion].Status
switch requestInfo.Verb {
case "get":
return handlers.GetResource(storage, nil, requestScope)
case "update":
return handlers.UpdateResource(storage, requestScope, r.admission)
case "patch":
return handlers.PatchResource(storage, requestScope, r.admission, supportedTypes)
apierrors.NewMethodNotSupported(schema.GroupResource{Group: requestInfo.APIGroup, Resource: requestInfo.Resource}, requestInfo.Verb),
Codecs, schema.GroupVersion{Group: requestInfo.APIGroup, Version: requestInfo.APIVersion}, w, req,
return nil
func (r *crdHandler) serveScale(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, requestInfo *apirequest.RequestInfo, crdInfo *crdInfo, terminating bool, supportedTypes []string) http.HandlerFunc {
requestScope := crdInfo.scaleRequestScopes[requestInfo.APIVersion]
storage := crdInfo.storages[requestInfo.APIVersion].Scale
switch requestInfo.Verb {
case "get":
return handlers.GetResource(storage, nil, requestScope)
case "update":
return handlers.UpdateResource(storage, requestScope, r.admission)
case "patch":
return handlers.PatchResource(storage, requestScope, r.admission, supportedTypes)
apierrors.NewMethodNotSupported(schema.GroupResource{Group: requestInfo.APIGroup, Resource: requestInfo.Resource}, requestInfo.Verb),
Codecs, schema.GroupVersion{Group: requestInfo.APIGroup, Version: requestInfo.APIVersion}, w, req,
return nil
// createCustomResourceDefinition removes potentially stale storage so it gets re-created
func (r *crdHandler) createCustomResourceDefinition(obj interface{}) {
crd := obj.(*apiextensionsv1.CustomResourceDefinition)
defer r.customStorageLock.Unlock()
// this could happen if the create event is merged from create-update events
// updateCustomResourceDefinition removes potentially stale storage so it gets re-created
func (r *crdHandler) updateCustomResourceDefinition(oldObj, newObj interface{}) {
oldCRD := oldObj.(*apiextensionsv1.CustomResourceDefinition)
newCRD := newObj.(*apiextensionsv1.CustomResourceDefinition)
defer r.customStorageLock.Unlock()
// Add CRD to the establishing controller queue.
// For HA clusters, we want to prevent race conditions when changing status to Established,
// so we want to be sure that CRD is Installing at least for 5 seconds before Establishing it.
// TODO: find a real HA safe checkpointing mechanism instead of an arbitrary wait.
if !apiextensionshelpers.IsCRDConditionTrue(newCRD, apiextensionsv1.Established) &&
apiextensionshelpers.IsCRDConditionTrue(newCRD, apiextensionsv1.NamesAccepted) {
if r.masterCount > 1 {
r.establishingController.QueueCRD(newCRD.Name, 5*time.Second)
} else {
r.establishingController.QueueCRD(newCRD.Name, 0)
if oldCRD.UID != newCRD.UID {
storageMap := r.customStorage.Load().(crdStorageMap)
oldInfo, found := storageMap[newCRD.UID]
if !found {
if apiequality.Semantic.DeepEqual(&newCRD.Spec, oldInfo.spec) && apiequality.Semantic.DeepEqual(&newCRD.Status.AcceptedNames, oldInfo.acceptedNames) {
klog.V(6).Infof("Ignoring customresourcedefinition %s update because neither spec, nor accepted names changed", oldCRD.Name)
klog.V(4).Infof("Updating customresourcedefinition %s", newCRD.Name)
// removeStorage_locked removes the cached storage with the given uid as key from the storage map. This function
// updates r.customStorage with the cleaned-up storageMap and tears down the old storage.
// NOTE: Caller MUST hold r.customStorageLock to write r.customStorage thread-safely.
func (r *crdHandler) removeStorage_locked(uid types.UID) {
storageMap := r.customStorage.Load().(crdStorageMap)
if oldInfo, ok := storageMap[uid]; ok {
// Copy because we cannot write to storageMap without a race
// as it is used without locking elsewhere.
storageMap2 := storageMap.clone()
// Remove from the CRD info map and store the map
delete(storageMap2, uid)
// Tear down the old storage
go r.tearDown(oldInfo)
// removeDeadStorage removes REST storage that isn't being used
func (r *crdHandler) removeDeadStorage() {
allCustomResourceDefinitions, err := r.crdLister.List(labels.Everything())
if err != nil {
defer r.customStorageLock.Unlock()
storageMap := r.customStorage.Load().(crdStorageMap)
// Copy because we cannot write to storageMap without a race
storageMap2 := make(crdStorageMap)
for _, crd := range allCustomResourceDefinitions {
if _, ok := storageMap[crd.UID]; ok {
storageMap2[crd.UID] = storageMap[crd.UID]
for uid, crdInfo := range storageMap {
if _, ok := storageMap2[uid]; !ok {
klog.V(4).Infof("Removing dead CRD storage for %s/%s", crdInfo.spec.Group, crdInfo.spec.Names.Kind)
go r.tearDown(crdInfo)
// Wait up to a minute for requests to drain, then tear down storage
func (r *crdHandler) tearDown(oldInfo *crdInfo) {
requestsDrained := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
defer close(requestsDrained)
// Allow time for in-flight requests with a handle to the old info to register themselves
// Wait for in-flight requests to drain
select {
case <-time.After(r.requestTimeout * 2):
klog.Warningf("timeout waiting for requests to drain for %s/%s, tearing down storage", oldInfo.spec.Group, oldInfo.spec.Names.Kind)
case <-requestsDrained:
for _, storage := range oldInfo.storages {
// destroy only the main storage. Those for the subresources share cacher and etcd clients.
// GetCustomResourceListerCollectionDeleter returns the ListerCollectionDeleter of
// the given crd.
func (r *crdHandler) GetCustomResourceListerCollectionDeleter(crd *apiextensionsv1.CustomResourceDefinition) (finalizer.ListerCollectionDeleter, error) {
info, err := r.getOrCreateServingInfoFor(crd.UID, crd.Name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return info.storages[info.storageVersion].CustomResource, nil
// getOrCreateServingInfoFor gets the CRD serving info for the given CRD UID if the key exists in the storage map.
// Otherwise the function fetches the up-to-date CRD using the given CRD name and creates CRD serving info.
func (r *crdHandler) getOrCreateServingInfoFor(uid types.UID, name string) (*crdInfo, error) {
storageMap := r.customStorage.Load().(crdStorageMap)
if ret, ok := storageMap[uid]; ok {
return ret, nil
defer r.customStorageLock.Unlock()
// Get the up-to-date CRD when we have the lock, to avoid racing with updateCustomResourceDefinition.
// If updateCustomResourceDefinition sees an update and happens later, the storage will be deleted and
// we will re-create the updated storage on demand. If updateCustomResourceDefinition happens before,
// we make sure that we observe the same up-to-date CRD.
crd, err := r.crdLister.Get(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
storageMap = r.customStorage.Load().(crdStorageMap)
if ret, ok := storageMap[crd.UID]; ok {
return ret, nil
storageVersion, err := apiextensionshelpers.GetCRDStorageVersion(crd)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Scope/Storages per version.
requestScopes := map[string]*handlers.RequestScope{}
storages := map[string]customresource.CustomResourceStorage{}
statusScopes := map[string]*handlers.RequestScope{}
scaleScopes := map[string]*handlers.RequestScope{}
deprecated := map[string]bool{}
warnings := map[string][]string{}
equivalentResourceRegistry := runtime.NewEquivalentResourceRegistry()
structuralSchemas := map[string]*structuralschema.Structural{}
for _, v := range crd.Spec.Versions {
val, err := apiextensionshelpers.GetSchemaForVersion(crd, v.Name)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("the server could not properly serve the CR schema")
if val == nil {
internalValidation := &apiextensionsinternal.CustomResourceValidation{}
if err := apiextensionsv1.Convert_v1_CustomResourceValidation_To_apiextensions_CustomResourceValidation(val, internalValidation, nil); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed converting CRD validation to internal version: %v", err)
s, err := structuralschema.NewStructural(internalValidation.OpenAPIV3Schema)
if crd.Spec.PreserveUnknownFields == false && err != nil {
// This should never happen. If it does, it is a programming error.
utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("failed to convert schema to structural: %v", err))
return nil, fmt.Errorf("the server could not properly serve the CR schema") // validation should avoid this
if crd.Spec.PreserveUnknownFields == false {
// we don't own s completely, e.g. defaults are not deep-copied. So better make a copy here.
s = s.DeepCopy()
if err := structuraldefaulting.PruneDefaults(s); err != nil {
// This should never happen. If it does, it is a programming error.
utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("failed to prune defaults: %v", err))
return nil, fmt.Errorf("the server could not properly serve the CR schema") // validation should avoid this
structuralSchemas[v.Name] = s
openAPIModels, err := buildOpenAPIModelsForApply(r.staticOpenAPISpec, crd)
if err != nil {
utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("error building openapi models for %s: %v", crd.Name, err))
openAPIModels = nil
var typeConverter fieldmanager.TypeConverter = fieldmanager.DeducedTypeConverter{}
if openAPIModels != nil {
typeConverter, err = fieldmanager.NewTypeConverter(openAPIModels, crd.Spec.PreserveUnknownFields)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
safeConverter, unsafeConverter, err := r.converterFactory.NewConverter(crd)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, v := range crd.Spec.Versions {
// In addition to Unstructured objects (Custom Resources), we also may sometimes need to
// decode unversioned Options objects, so we delegate to parameterScheme for such types.
parameterScheme := runtime.NewScheme()
parameterScheme.AddUnversionedTypes(schema.GroupVersion{Group: crd.Spec.Group, Version: v.Name},
parameterCodec := runtime.NewParameterCodec(parameterScheme)
resource := schema.GroupVersionResource{Group: crd.Spec.Group, Version: v.Name, Resource: crd.Status.AcceptedNames.Plural}
kind := schema.GroupVersionKind{Group: crd.Spec.Group, Version: v.Name, Kind: crd.Status.AcceptedNames.Kind}
equivalentResourceRegistry.RegisterKindFor(resource, "", kind)
typer := newUnstructuredObjectTyper(parameterScheme)
creator := unstructuredCreator{}
validationSchema, err := apiextensionshelpers.GetSchemaForVersion(crd, v.Name)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("the server could not properly serve the CR schema")
var internalValidationSchema *apiextensionsinternal.CustomResourceValidation
if validationSchema != nil {
internalValidationSchema = &apiextensionsinternal.CustomResourceValidation{}
if err := apiextensionsv1.Convert_v1_CustomResourceValidation_To_apiextensions_CustomResourceValidation(validationSchema, internalValidationSchema, nil); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to convert CRD validation to internal version: %v", err)
validator, _, err := apiservervalidation.NewSchemaValidator(internalValidationSchema)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var statusSpec *apiextensionsinternal.CustomResourceSubresourceStatus
var statusValidator *validate.SchemaValidator
subresources, err := apiextensionshelpers.GetSubresourcesForVersion(crd, v.Name)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("the server could not properly serve the CR subresources")
if subresources != nil && subresources.Status != nil {
equivalentResourceRegistry.RegisterKindFor(resource, "status", kind)
statusSpec = &apiextensionsinternal.CustomResourceSubresourceStatus{}
if err := apiextensionsv1.Convert_v1_CustomResourceSubresourceStatus_To_apiextensions_CustomResourceSubresourceStatus(subresources.Status, statusSpec, nil); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed converting CRD status subresource to internal version: %v", err)
// for the status subresource, validate only against the status schema
if internalValidationSchema != nil && internalValidationSchema.OpenAPIV3Schema != nil && internalValidationSchema.OpenAPIV3Schema.Properties != nil {
if statusSchema, ok := internalValidationSchema.OpenAPIV3Schema.Properties["status"]; ok {
openapiSchema := &spec.Schema{}
if err := apiservervalidation.ConvertJSONSchemaPropsWithPostProcess(&statusSchema, openapiSchema, apiservervalidation.StripUnsupportedFormatsPostProcess); err != nil {
return nil, err
statusValidator = validate.NewSchemaValidator(openapiSchema, nil, "", strfmt.Default)
var scaleSpec *apiextensionsinternal.CustomResourceSubresourceScale
if subresources != nil && subresources.Scale != nil {
equivalentResourceRegistry.RegisterKindFor(resource, "scale", autoscalingv1.SchemeGroupVersion.WithKind("Scale"))
scaleSpec = &apiextensionsinternal.CustomResourceSubresourceScale{}
if err := apiextensionsv1.Convert_v1_CustomResourceSubresourceScale_To_apiextensions_CustomResourceSubresourceScale(subresources.Scale, scaleSpec, nil); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed converting CRD status subresource to internal version: %v", err)
columns, err := getColumnsForVersion(crd, v.Name)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("the server could not properly serve the CR columns")
table, err := tableconvertor.New(columns)
if err != nil {
klog.V(2).Infof("The CRD for %v has an invalid printer specification, falling back to default printing: %v", kind, err)
storages[v.Name] = customresource.NewStorage(
schema.GroupVersionKind{Group: crd.Spec.Group, Version: v.Name, Kind: crd.Status.AcceptedNames.ListKind},
crd.Spec.Scope == apiextensionsv1.NamespaceScoped,
RESTOptionsGetter: r.restOptionsGetter,
converter: safeConverter,
decoderVersion: schema.GroupVersion{Group: crd.Spec.Group, Version: v.Name},
encoderVersion: schema.GroupVersion{Group: crd.Spec.Group, Version: storageVersion},
structuralSchemas: structuralSchemas,
structuralSchemaGK: kind.GroupKind(),
preserveUnknownFields: crd.Spec.PreserveUnknownFields,
selfLinkPrefix := ""
switch crd.Spec.Scope {
case apiextensionsv1.ClusterScoped:
selfLinkPrefix = "/" + path.Join("apis", crd.Spec.Group, v.Name) + "/" + crd.Status.AcceptedNames.Plural + "/"
case apiextensionsv1.NamespaceScoped:
selfLinkPrefix = "/" + path.Join("apis", crd.Spec.Group, v.Name, "namespaces") + "/"
clusterScoped := crd.Spec.Scope == apiextensionsv1.ClusterScoped
// CRDs explicitly do not support protobuf, but some objects returned by the API server do
negotiatedSerializer := unstructuredNegotiatedSerializer{
typer: typer,
creator: creator,
converter: safeConverter,
structuralSchemas: structuralSchemas,
structuralSchemaGK: kind.GroupKind(),
preserveUnknownFields: crd.Spec.PreserveUnknownFields,
var standardSerializers []runtime.SerializerInfo
for _, s := range negotiatedSerializer.SupportedMediaTypes() {
if s.MediaType == runtime.ContentTypeProtobuf {
standardSerializers = append(standardSerializers, s)
requestScopes[v.Name] = &handlers.RequestScope{
Namer: handlers.ContextBasedNaming{
SelfLinker: meta.NewAccessor(),
ClusterScoped: clusterScoped,
SelfLinkPathPrefix: selfLinkPrefix,
Serializer: negotiatedSerializer,
ParameterCodec: parameterCodec,
StandardSerializers: standardSerializers,
Creater: creator,
Convertor: safeConverter,
Defaulter: unstructuredDefaulter{parameterScheme, structuralSchemas, kind.GroupKind()},
Typer: typer,
UnsafeConvertor: unsafeConverter,
EquivalentResourceMapper: equivalentResourceRegistry,
Resource: schema.GroupVersionResource{Group: crd.Spec.Group, Version: v.Name, Resource: crd.Status.AcceptedNames.Plural},
Kind: kind,
// a handler for a specific group-version of a custom resource uses that version as the in-memory representation
HubGroupVersion: kind.GroupVersion(),
MetaGroupVersion: metav1.SchemeGroupVersion,
TableConvertor: storages[v.Name].CustomResource,
Authorizer: r.authorizer,
MaxRequestBodyBytes: r.maxRequestBodyBytes,
if utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.ServerSideApply) {
reqScope := *requestScopes[v.Name]
reqScope.FieldManager, err = fieldmanager.NewDefaultCRDFieldManager(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
requestScopes[v.Name] = &reqScope
// override scaleSpec subresource values
// shallow copy
scaleScope := *requestScopes[v.Name]
scaleConverter := scale.NewScaleConverter()
scaleScope.Subresource = "scale"
scaleScope.Serializer = serializer.NewCodecFactory(scaleConverter.Scheme())
scaleScope.Kind = autoscalingv1.SchemeGroupVersion.WithKind("Scale")
scaleScope.Namer = handlers.ContextBasedNaming{
SelfLinker: meta.NewAccessor(),
ClusterScoped: clusterScoped,
SelfLinkPathPrefix: selfLinkPrefix,
SelfLinkPathSuffix: "/scale",
// TODO(issues.k8s.io/82046): We can't effectively track ownership on scale requests yet.
scaleScope.FieldManager = nil
scaleScopes[v.Name] = &scaleScope
// override status subresource values
// shallow copy
statusScope := *requestScopes[v.Name]
if utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.ServerSideApply) {
statusScope.FieldManager, err = fieldmanager.NewDefaultCRDFieldManager(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
statusScope.Subresource = "status"
statusScope.Namer = handlers.ContextBasedNaming{
SelfLinker: meta.NewAccessor(),
ClusterScoped: clusterScoped,
SelfLinkPathPrefix: selfLinkPrefix,
SelfLinkPathSuffix: "/status",
statusScopes[v.Name] = &statusScope
if v.Deprecated {
deprecated[v.Name] = true
if utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.WarningHeaders) {
if v.DeprecationWarning != nil {
warnings[v.Name] = append(warnings[v.Name], *v.DeprecationWarning)
} else {
warnings[v.Name] = append(warnings[v.Name], defaultDeprecationWarning(v.Name, crd.Spec))
ret := &crdInfo{
spec: &crd.Spec,
acceptedNames: &crd.Status.AcceptedNames,
storages: storages,
requestScopes: requestScopes,
scaleRequestScopes: scaleScopes,
statusRequestScopes: statusScopes,
deprecated: deprecated,
warnings: warnings,
storageVersion: storageVersion,
waitGroup: &utilwaitgroup.SafeWaitGroup{},
// Copy because we cannot write to storageMap without a race
// as it is used without locking elsewhere.
storageMap2 := storageMap.clone()
storageMap2[crd.UID] = ret
return ret, nil
func defaultDeprecationWarning(deprecatedVersion string, crd apiextensionsv1.CustomResourceDefinitionSpec) string {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s %s is deprecated", crd.Group, deprecatedVersion, crd.Names.Kind)
var servedNonDeprecatedVersions []string
for _, v := range crd.Versions {
if v.Served && !v.Deprecated && version.CompareKubeAwareVersionStrings(deprecatedVersion, v.Name) < 0 {
servedNonDeprecatedVersions = append(servedNonDeprecatedVersions, v.Name)
if len(servedNonDeprecatedVersions) == 0 {
return msg
sort.Slice(servedNonDeprecatedVersions, func(i, j int) bool {
return version.CompareKubeAwareVersionStrings(servedNonDeprecatedVersions[i], servedNonDeprecatedVersions[j]) > 0
msg += fmt.Sprintf("; use %s/%s %s", crd.Group, servedNonDeprecatedVersions[0], crd.Names.Kind)
return msg
type unstructuredNegotiatedSerializer struct {
typer runtime.ObjectTyper
creator runtime.ObjectCreater
converter runtime.ObjectConvertor
structuralSchemas map[string]*structuralschema.Structural // by version
structuralSchemaGK schema.GroupKind
preserveUnknownFields bool
func (s unstructuredNegotiatedSerializer) SupportedMediaTypes() []runtime.SerializerInfo {
return []runtime.SerializerInfo{
MediaType: "application/json",
MediaTypeType: "application",
MediaTypeSubType: "json",
EncodesAsText: true,
Serializer: json.NewSerializer(json.DefaultMetaFactory, s.creator, s.typer, false),
PrettySerializer: json.NewSerializer(json.DefaultMetaFactory, s.creator, s.typer, true),
StreamSerializer: &runtime.StreamSerializerInfo{
EncodesAsText: true,
Serializer: json.NewSerializer(json.DefaultMetaFactory, s.creator, s.typer, false),
Framer: json.Framer,
MediaType: "application/yaml",
MediaTypeType: "application",
MediaTypeSubType: "yaml",
EncodesAsText: true,
Serializer: json.NewYAMLSerializer(json.DefaultMetaFactory, s.creator, s.typer),
MediaType: "application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf",
MediaTypeType: "application",
MediaTypeSubType: "vnd.kubernetes.protobuf",
Serializer: protobuf.NewSerializer(s.creator, s.typer),
StreamSerializer: &runtime.StreamSerializerInfo{
Serializer: protobuf.NewRawSerializer(s.creator, s.typer),
Framer: protobuf.LengthDelimitedFramer,
func (s unstructuredNegotiatedSerializer) EncoderForVersion(encoder runtime.Encoder, gv runtime.GroupVersioner) runtime.Encoder {
return versioning.NewCodec(encoder, nil, s.converter, Scheme, Scheme, Scheme, gv, nil, "crdNegotiatedSerializer")
func (s unstructuredNegotiatedSerializer) DecoderToVersion(decoder runtime.Decoder, gv runtime.GroupVersioner) runtime.Decoder {
d := schemaCoercingDecoder{delegate: decoder, validator: unstructuredSchemaCoercer{structuralSchemas: s.structuralSchemas, structuralSchemaGK: s.structuralSchemaGK, preserveUnknownFields: s.preserveUnknownFields}}
return versioning.NewCodec(nil, d, runtime.UnsafeObjectConvertor(Scheme), Scheme, Scheme, unstructuredDefaulter{
delegate: Scheme,
structuralSchemas: s.structuralSchemas,
structuralSchemaGK: s.structuralSchemaGK,
}, nil, gv, "unstructuredNegotiatedSerializer")
type UnstructuredObjectTyper struct {
Delegate runtime.ObjectTyper
UnstructuredTyper runtime.ObjectTyper
func newUnstructuredObjectTyper(Delegate runtime.ObjectTyper) UnstructuredObjectTyper {
return UnstructuredObjectTyper{
Delegate: Delegate,
UnstructuredTyper: crdserverscheme.NewUnstructuredObjectTyper(),
func (t UnstructuredObjectTyper) ObjectKinds(obj runtime.Object) ([]schema.GroupVersionKind, bool, error) {
// Delegate for things other than Unstructured.
if _, ok := obj.(runtime.Unstructured); !ok {
return t.Delegate.ObjectKinds(obj)
return t.UnstructuredTyper.ObjectKinds(obj)
func (t UnstructuredObjectTyper) Recognizes(gvk schema.GroupVersionKind) bool {
return t.Delegate.Recognizes(gvk) || t.UnstructuredTyper.Recognizes(gvk)
type unstructuredCreator struct{}
func (c unstructuredCreator) New(kind schema.GroupVersionKind) (runtime.Object, error) {
ret := &unstructured.Unstructured{}
return ret, nil
type unstructuredDefaulter struct {
delegate runtime.ObjectDefaulter
structuralSchemas map[string]*structuralschema.Structural // by version
structuralSchemaGK schema.GroupKind
func (d unstructuredDefaulter) Default(in runtime.Object) {
// Delegate for things other than Unstructured, and other GKs
u, ok := in.(runtime.Unstructured)
if !ok || u.GetObjectKind().GroupVersionKind().GroupKind() != d.structuralSchemaGK {
structuraldefaulting.Default(u.UnstructuredContent(), d.structuralSchemas[u.GetObjectKind().GroupVersionKind().Version])
type CRDRESTOptionsGetter struct {
StorageConfig storagebackend.Config
StoragePrefix string
EnableWatchCache bool
DefaultWatchCacheSize int
EnableGarbageCollection bool
DeleteCollectionWorkers int
CountMetricPollPeriod time.Duration
func (t CRDRESTOptionsGetter) GetRESTOptions(resource schema.GroupResource) (generic.RESTOptions, error) {
ret := generic.RESTOptions{
StorageConfig: &t.StorageConfig,
Decorator: generic.UndecoratedStorage,
EnableGarbageCollection: t.EnableGarbageCollection,
DeleteCollectionWorkers: t.DeleteCollectionWorkers,
ResourcePrefix: resource.Group + "/" + resource.Resource,
CountMetricPollPeriod: t.CountMetricPollPeriod,
if t.EnableWatchCache {
ret.Decorator = genericregistry.StorageWithCacher()
return ret, nil
// clone returns a clone of the provided crdStorageMap.
// The clone is a shallow copy of the map.
func (in crdStorageMap) clone() crdStorageMap {
if in == nil {
return nil
out := make(crdStorageMap, len(in))
for key, value := range in {
out[key] = value
return out
// crdConversionRESTOptionsGetter overrides the codec with one using the
// provided custom converter and custom encoder and decoder version.
type crdConversionRESTOptionsGetter struct {
converter runtime.ObjectConvertor
encoderVersion schema.GroupVersion
decoderVersion schema.GroupVersion
structuralSchemas map[string]*structuralschema.Structural // by version
structuralSchemaGK schema.GroupKind
preserveUnknownFields bool
func (t crdConversionRESTOptionsGetter) GetRESTOptions(resource schema.GroupResource) (generic.RESTOptions, error) {
ret, err := t.RESTOptionsGetter.GetRESTOptions(resource)
if err == nil {
d := schemaCoercingDecoder{delegate: ret.StorageConfig.Codec, validator: unstructuredSchemaCoercer{
// drop invalid fields while decoding old CRs (before we haven't had any ObjectMeta validation)
dropInvalidMetadata: true,
repairGeneration: true,
structuralSchemas: t.structuralSchemas,
structuralSchemaGK: t.structuralSchemaGK,
preserveUnknownFields: t.preserveUnknownFields,
c := schemaCoercingConverter{delegate: t.converter, validator: unstructuredSchemaCoercer{
structuralSchemas: t.structuralSchemas,
structuralSchemaGK: t.structuralSchemaGK,
preserveUnknownFields: t.preserveUnknownFields,
ret.StorageConfig.Codec = versioning.NewCodec(
delegate: Scheme,
structuralSchemaGK: t.structuralSchemaGK,
structuralSchemas: t.structuralSchemas,
return ret, err
// schemaCoercingDecoder calls the delegate decoder, and then applies the Unstructured schema validator
// to coerce the schema.
type schemaCoercingDecoder struct {
delegate runtime.Decoder
validator unstructuredSchemaCoercer
var _ runtime.Decoder = schemaCoercingDecoder{}
func (d schemaCoercingDecoder) Decode(data []byte, defaults *schema.GroupVersionKind, into runtime.Object) (runtime.Object, *schema.GroupVersionKind, error) {
obj, gvk, err := d.delegate.Decode(data, defaults, into)
if err != nil {
return nil, gvk, err
if u, ok := obj.(*unstructured.Unstructured); ok {
if err := d.validator.apply(u); err != nil {
return nil, gvk, err
return obj, gvk, nil
// schemaCoercingConverter calls the delegate converter and applies the Unstructured validator to
// coerce the schema.
type schemaCoercingConverter struct {
delegate runtime.ObjectConvertor
validator unstructuredSchemaCoercer
var _ runtime.ObjectConvertor = schemaCoercingConverter{}
func (v schemaCoercingConverter) Convert(in, out, context interface{}) error {
if err := v.delegate.Convert(in, out, context); err != nil {
return err
if u, ok := out.(*unstructured.Unstructured); ok {
if err := v.validator.apply(u); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (v schemaCoercingConverter) ConvertToVersion(in runtime.Object, gv runtime.GroupVersioner) (runtime.Object, error) {
out, err := v.delegate.ConvertToVersion(in, gv)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if u, ok := out.(*unstructured.Unstructured); ok {
if err := v.validator.apply(u); err != nil {
return nil, err
return out, nil
func (v schemaCoercingConverter) ConvertFieldLabel(gvk schema.GroupVersionKind, label, value string) (string, string, error) {
return v.delegate.ConvertFieldLabel(gvk, label, value)
// unstructuredSchemaCoercer adds to unstructured unmarshalling what json.Unmarshal does
// in addition for native types when decoding into Golang structs:
// - validating and pruning ObjectMeta
// - generic pruning of unknown fields following a structural schema
// - removal of non-defaulted non-nullable null map values.
type unstructuredSchemaCoercer struct {
dropInvalidMetadata bool
repairGeneration bool
structuralSchemas map[string]*structuralschema.Structural
structuralSchemaGK schema.GroupKind
preserveUnknownFields bool
func (v *unstructuredSchemaCoercer) apply(u *unstructured.Unstructured) error {
// save implicit meta fields that don't have to be specified in the validation spec
kind, foundKind, err := unstructured.NestedString(u.UnstructuredContent(), "kind")
if err != nil {
return err
apiVersion, foundApiVersion, err := unstructured.NestedString(u.UnstructuredContent(), "apiVersion")
if err != nil {
return err
objectMeta, foundObjectMeta, err := schemaobjectmeta.GetObjectMeta(u.Object, v.dropInvalidMetadata)
if err != nil {
return err
// compare group and kind because also other object like DeleteCollection options pass through here
gv, err := schema.ParseGroupVersion(apiVersion)
if err != nil {
return err
if gv.Group == v.structuralSchemaGK.Group && kind == v.structuralSchemaGK.Kind {
if !v.preserveUnknownFields {
// TODO: switch over pruning and coercing at the root to schemaobjectmeta.Coerce too
structuralpruning.Prune(u.Object, v.structuralSchemas[gv.Version], false)
structuraldefaulting.PruneNonNullableNullsWithoutDefaults(u.Object, v.structuralSchemas[gv.Version])
if err := schemaobjectmeta.Coerce(nil, u.Object, v.structuralSchemas[gv.Version], false, v.dropInvalidMetadata); err != nil {
return err
// fixup missing generation in very old CRs
if v.repairGeneration && objectMeta.Generation == 0 {
objectMeta.Generation = 1
// restore meta fields, starting clean
if foundKind {
if foundApiVersion {
if foundObjectMeta {
if err := schemaobjectmeta.SetObjectMeta(u.Object, objectMeta); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// hasServedCRDVersion returns true if the given version is in the list of CRD's versions and the Served flag is set.
func hasServedCRDVersion(spec *apiextensionsv1.CustomResourceDefinitionSpec, version string) bool {
for _, v := range spec.Versions {
if v.Name == version {
return v.Served
return false
// serverStartingError returns a ServiceUnavailble error with a retry-after time
func serverStartingError() error {
err := apierrors.NewServiceUnavailable("server is starting")
if err.ErrStatus.Details == nil {
err.ErrStatus.Details = &metav1.StatusDetails{}
if err.ErrStatus.Details.RetryAfterSeconds == 0 {
err.ErrStatus.Details.RetryAfterSeconds = int32(10)
return err
// buildOpenAPIModelsForApply constructs openapi models from any validation schemas specified in the custom resource,
// and merges it with the models defined in the static OpenAPI spec.
// Returns nil models if the ServerSideApply feature is disabled, or the static spec is nil, or an error is encountered.
func buildOpenAPIModelsForApply(staticOpenAPISpec *goopenapispec.Swagger, crd *apiextensionsv1.CustomResourceDefinition) (proto.Models, error) {
if !utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.ServerSideApply) {
return nil, nil
if staticOpenAPISpec == nil {
return nil, nil
specs := []*goopenapispec.Swagger{}
for _, v := range crd.Spec.Versions {
// Defaults are not pruned here, but before being served.
s, err := builder.BuildSwagger(crd, v.Name, builder.Options{V2: false, StripValueValidation: true, StripNullable: true, AllowNonStructural: true})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
specs = append(specs, s)
mergedOpenAPI, err := builder.MergeSpecs(staticOpenAPISpec, specs...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
models, err := utilopenapi.ToProtoModels(mergedOpenAPI)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return models, nil