mirror of https://github.com/k3s-io/k3s
390 lines
8.6 KiB
390 lines
8.6 KiB
package compile
// This file defines functions to read and write a compile.Program to a file.
// It is the client's responsibility to avoid version skew between the
// compiler used to produce a file and the interpreter that consumes it.
// The version number is provided as a constant.
// Incompatible protocol changes should also increment the version number.
// Encoding
// Program:
// "sky!" [4]byte # magic number
// str uint32le # offset of <strings> section
// version varint # must match Version
// filename string
// numloads varint
// loads []Ident
// numnames varint
// names []string
// numconsts varint
// consts []Constant
// numglobals varint
// globals []Ident
// toplevel Funcode
// numfuncs varint
// funcs []Funcode
// <strings> []byte # concatenation of all referenced strings
// EOF
// Funcode:
// id Ident
// code []byte
// pclinetablen varint
// pclinetab []varint
// numlocals varint
// locals []Ident
// numcells varint
// cells []int
// numfreevars varint
// freevar []Ident
// maxstack varint
// numparams varint
// numkwonlyparams varint
// hasvarargs varint (0 or 1)
// haskwargs varint (0 or 1)
// Ident:
// filename string
// line, col varint
// Constant: # type data
// type varint # 0=string string
// data ... # 1=int varint
// # 2=float varint (bits as uint64)
// # 3=bigint string (decimal ASCII text)
// The encoding starts with a four-byte magic number.
// The next four bytes are a little-endian uint32
// that provides the offset of the string section
// at the end of the file, which contains the ordered
// concatenation of all strings referenced by the
// program. This design permits the decoder to read
// the first and second parts of the file into different
// memory allocations: the first (the encoded program)
// is transient, but the second (the strings) persists
// for the life of the Program.
// Within the encoded program, all strings are referred
// to by their length. As the encoder and decoder process
// the entire file sequentially, they are in lock step,
// so the start offset of each string is implicit.
// Program.Code is represented as a []byte slice to permit
// modification when breakpoints are set. All other strings
// are represented as strings. They all (unsafely) share the
// same backing byte slice.
// Aside from the str field, all integers are encoded as varints.
import (
debugpkg "runtime/debug"
const magic = "!sky"
// Encode encodes a compiled Starlark program.
func (prog *Program) Encode() []byte {
var e encoder
e.p = append(e.p, magic...)
e.p = append(e.p, "????"...) // string data offset; filled in later
for _, name := range prog.Names {
for _, c := range prog.Constants {
switch c := c.(type) {
case string:
case int64:
case float64:
case *big.Int:
for _, fn := range prog.Functions {
// Patch in the offset of the string data section.
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(e.p[4:8], uint32(len(e.p)))
return append(e.p, e.s...)
type encoder struct {
p []byte // encoded program
s []byte // strings
tmp [binary.MaxVarintLen64]byte
func (e *encoder) int(x int) {
func (e *encoder) int64(x int64) {
n := binary.PutVarint(e.tmp[:], x)
e.p = append(e.p, e.tmp[:n]...)
func (e *encoder) uint64(x uint64) {
n := binary.PutUvarint(e.tmp[:], x)
e.p = append(e.p, e.tmp[:n]...)
func (e *encoder) string(s string) {
e.s = append(e.s, s...)
func (e *encoder) bytes(b []byte) {
e.s = append(e.s, b...)
func (e *encoder) binding(bind Binding) {
func (e *encoder) bindings(binds []Binding) {
for _, bind := range binds {
func (e *encoder) function(fn *Funcode) {
e.binding(Binding{fn.Name, fn.Pos})
for _, x := range fn.pclinetab {
for _, index := range fn.Cells {
func b2i(b bool) int {
if b {
return 1
} else {
return 0
// DecodeProgram decodes a compiled Starlark program from data.
func DecodeProgram(data []byte) (_ *Program, err error) {
if len(data) < len(magic) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("not a compiled module: no magic number")
if got := string(data[:4]); got != magic {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("not a compiled module: got magic number %q, want %q",
got, magic)
defer func() {
if x := recover(); x != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("internal error while decoding program: %v", x)
offset := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(data[4:8])
d := decoder{
p: data[8:offset],
s: append([]byte(nil), data[offset:]...), // allocate a copy, which will persist
if v := d.int(); v != Version {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("version mismatch: read %d, want %d", v, Version)
filename := d.string()
d.filename = &filename
loads := d.bindings()
names := make([]string, d.int())
for i := range names {
names[i] = d.string()
// constants
constants := make([]interface{}, d.int())
for i := range constants {
var c interface{}
switch d.int() {
case 0:
c = d.string()
case 1:
c = d.int64()
case 2:
c = math.Float64frombits(d.uint64())
case 3:
c, _ = new(big.Int).SetString(d.string(), 10)
constants[i] = c
globals := d.bindings()
toplevel := d.function()
funcs := make([]*Funcode, d.int())
for i := range funcs {
funcs[i] = d.function()
prog := &Program{
Loads: loads,
Names: names,
Constants: constants,
Globals: globals,
Functions: funcs,
Toplevel: toplevel,
toplevel.Prog = prog
for _, f := range funcs {
f.Prog = prog
if len(d.p)+len(d.s) > 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("internal error: unconsumed data during decoding")
return prog, nil
type decoder struct {
p []byte // encoded program
s []byte // strings
filename *string // (indirect to avoid keeping decoder live)
func (d *decoder) int() int {
return int(d.int64())
func (d *decoder) int64() int64 {
x, len := binary.Varint(d.p[:])
d.p = d.p[len:]
return x
func (d *decoder) uint64() uint64 {
x, len := binary.Uvarint(d.p[:])
d.p = d.p[len:]
return x
func (d *decoder) string() (s string) {
if slice := d.bytes(); len(slice) > 0 {
// Avoid a memory allocation for each string
// by unsafely aliasing slice.
type string struct {
data *byte
len int
ptr := (*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&s))
ptr.data = &slice[0]
ptr.len = len(slice)
return s
func (d *decoder) bytes() []byte {
len := d.int()
r := d.s[:len:len]
d.s = d.s[len:]
return r
func (d *decoder) binding() Binding {
name := d.string()
line := int32(d.int())
col := int32(d.int())
return Binding{Name: name, Pos: syntax.MakePosition(d.filename, line, col)}
func (d *decoder) bindings() []Binding {
bindings := make([]Binding, d.int())
for i := range bindings {
bindings[i] = d.binding()
return bindings
func (d *decoder) ints() []int {
ints := make([]int, d.int())
for i := range ints {
ints[i] = d.int()
return ints
func (d *decoder) bool() bool { return d.int() != 0 }
func (d *decoder) function() *Funcode {
id := d.binding()
doc := d.string()
code := d.bytes()
pclinetab := make([]uint16, d.int())
for i := range pclinetab {
pclinetab[i] = uint16(d.int())
locals := d.bindings()
cells := d.ints()
freevars := d.bindings()
maxStack := d.int()
numParams := d.int()
numKwonlyParams := d.int()
hasVarargs := d.int() != 0
hasKwargs := d.int() != 0
return &Funcode{
// Prog is filled in later.
Pos: id.Pos,
Name: id.Name,
Doc: doc,
Code: code,
pclinetab: pclinetab,
Locals: locals,
Cells: cells,
Freevars: freevars,
MaxStack: maxStack,
NumParams: numParams,
NumKwonlyParams: numKwonlyParams,
HasVarargs: hasVarargs,
HasKwargs: hasKwargs,