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Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package clientcmd
import (
clientcmdapi "github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes/pkg/client/clientcmd/api"
// ConfigOverrides holds values that should override whatever information is pulled from the actual Config object. You can't
// simply use an actual Config object, because Configs hold maps, but overrides are restricted to "at most one"
type ConfigOverrides struct {
AuthInfo clientcmdapi.AuthInfo
ClusterInfo clientcmdapi.Cluster
Context clientcmdapi.Context
CurrentContext string
// ConfigOverrideFlags holds the flag names to be used for binding command line flags. Notice that this structure tightly
// corresponds to ConfigOverrides
type ConfigOverrideFlags struct {
AuthOverrideFlags AuthOverrideFlags
ClusterOverrideFlags ClusterOverrideFlags
ContextOverrideFlags ContextOverrideFlags
CurrentContext FlagInfo
// AuthOverrideFlags holds the flag names to be used for binding command line flags for AuthInfo objects
type AuthOverrideFlags struct {
AuthPath FlagInfo
ClientCertificate FlagInfo
ClientKey FlagInfo
Token FlagInfo
Username FlagInfo
Password FlagInfo
// ContextOverrideFlags holds the flag names to be used for binding command line flags for Cluster objects
type ContextOverrideFlags struct {
ClusterName FlagInfo
AuthInfoName FlagInfo
Namespace FlagInfo
// ClusterOverride holds the flag names to be used for binding command line flags for Cluster objects
type ClusterOverrideFlags struct {
APIServer FlagInfo
APIVersion FlagInfo
CertificateAuthority FlagInfo
InsecureSkipTLSVerify FlagInfo
type FlagInfo struct {
LongName string
ShortName string
Default string
Description string
const (
FlagClusterName = "cluster"
FlagAuthInfoName = "user"
FlagContext = "context"
FlagNamespace = "namespace"
FlagAPIServer = "server"
FlagAPIVersion = "api-version"
FlagAuthPath = "auth-path"
FlagInsecure = "insecure-skip-tls-verify"
FlagCertFile = "client-certificate"
FlagKeyFile = "client-key"
FlagCAFile = "certificate-authority"
FlagEmbedCerts = "embed-certs"
FlagBearerToken = "token"
FlagUsername = "username"
FlagPassword = "password"
// RecommendedAuthOverrideFlags is a convenience method to return recommended flag names prefixed with a string of your choosing
func RecommendedAuthOverrideFlags(prefix string) AuthOverrideFlags {
return AuthOverrideFlags{
AuthPath: FlagInfo{prefix + FlagAuthPath, "", "", "Path to the auth info file. If missing, prompt the user. Only used if using https."},
ClientCertificate: FlagInfo{prefix + FlagCertFile, "", "", "Path to a client key file for TLS."},
ClientKey: FlagInfo{prefix + FlagKeyFile, "", "", "Path to a client key file for TLS."},
Token: FlagInfo{prefix + FlagBearerToken, "", "", "Bearer token for authentication to the API server."},
Username: FlagInfo{prefix + FlagUsername, "", "", "Username for basic authentication to the API server."},
Password: FlagInfo{prefix + FlagPassword, "", "", "Password for basic authentication to the API server."},
// RecommendedClusterOverrideFlags is a convenience method to return recommended flag names prefixed with a string of your choosing
func RecommendedClusterOverrideFlags(prefix string) ClusterOverrideFlags {
return ClusterOverrideFlags{
APIServer: FlagInfo{prefix + FlagAPIServer, "", "", "The address and port of the Kubernetes API server"},
APIVersion: FlagInfo{prefix + FlagAPIVersion, "", "", "The API version to use when talking to the server"},
CertificateAuthority: FlagInfo{prefix + FlagCAFile, "", "", "Path to a cert. file for the certificate authority."},
InsecureSkipTLSVerify: FlagInfo{prefix + FlagInsecure, "", "false", "If true, the server's certificate will not be checked for validity. This will make your HTTPS connections insecure."},
// RecommendedConfigOverrideFlags is a convenience method to return recommended flag names prefixed with a string of your choosing
func RecommendedConfigOverrideFlags(prefix string) ConfigOverrideFlags {
return ConfigOverrideFlags{
AuthOverrideFlags: RecommendedAuthOverrideFlags(prefix),
ClusterOverrideFlags: RecommendedClusterOverrideFlags(prefix),
ContextOverrideFlags: RecommendedContextOverrideFlags(prefix),
CurrentContext: FlagInfo{prefix + FlagContext, "", "", "The name of the kubeconfig context to use"},
// RecommendedContextOverrideFlags is a convenience method to return recommended flag names prefixed with a string of your choosing
func RecommendedContextOverrideFlags(prefix string) ContextOverrideFlags {
return ContextOverrideFlags{
ClusterName: FlagInfo{prefix + FlagClusterName, "", "", "The name of the kubeconfig cluster to use"},
AuthInfoName: FlagInfo{prefix + FlagAuthInfoName, "", "", "The name of the kubeconfig user to use"},
Namespace: FlagInfo{prefix + FlagNamespace, "", "", "If present, the namespace scope for this CLI request."},
// BindAuthInfoFlags is a convenience method to bind the specified flags to their associated variables
func BindAuthInfoFlags(authInfo *clientcmdapi.AuthInfo, flags *pflag.FlagSet, flagNames AuthOverrideFlags) {
bindStringFlag(flags, &authInfo.AuthPath, flagNames.AuthPath)
bindStringFlag(flags, &authInfo.ClientCertificate, flagNames.ClientCertificate)
bindStringFlag(flags, &authInfo.ClientKey, flagNames.ClientKey)
bindStringFlag(flags, &authInfo.Token, flagNames.Token)
bindStringFlag(flags, &authInfo.Username, flagNames.Username)
bindStringFlag(flags, &authInfo.Password, flagNames.Password)
// BindClusterFlags is a convenience method to bind the specified flags to their associated variables
func BindClusterFlags(clusterInfo *clientcmdapi.Cluster, flags *pflag.FlagSet, flagNames ClusterOverrideFlags) {
bindStringFlag(flags, &clusterInfo.Server, flagNames.APIServer)
bindStringFlag(flags, &clusterInfo.APIVersion, flagNames.APIVersion)
bindStringFlag(flags, &clusterInfo.CertificateAuthority, flagNames.CertificateAuthority)
bindBoolFlag(flags, &clusterInfo.InsecureSkipTLSVerify, flagNames.InsecureSkipTLSVerify)
// BindOverrideFlags is a convenience method to bind the specified flags to their associated variables
func BindOverrideFlags(overrides *ConfigOverrides, flags *pflag.FlagSet, flagNames ConfigOverrideFlags) {
BindAuthInfoFlags(&overrides.AuthInfo, flags, flagNames.AuthOverrideFlags)
BindClusterFlags(&overrides.ClusterInfo, flags, flagNames.ClusterOverrideFlags)
BindContextFlags(&overrides.Context, flags, flagNames.ContextOverrideFlags)
bindStringFlag(flags, &overrides.CurrentContext, flagNames.CurrentContext)
// BindFlags is a convenience method to bind the specified flags to their associated variables
func BindContextFlags(contextInfo *clientcmdapi.Context, flags *pflag.FlagSet, flagNames ContextOverrideFlags) {
bindStringFlag(flags, &contextInfo.Cluster, flagNames.ClusterName)
bindStringFlag(flags, &contextInfo.AuthInfo, flagNames.AuthInfoName)
bindStringFlag(flags, &contextInfo.Namespace, flagNames.Namespace)
func bindStringFlag(flags *pflag.FlagSet, target *string, flagInfo FlagInfo) {
// you can't register a flag without a long name
if len(flagInfo.LongName) > 0 {
flags.StringVarP(target, flagInfo.LongName, flagInfo.ShortName, flagInfo.Default, flagInfo.Description)
func bindBoolFlag(flags *pflag.FlagSet, target *bool, flagInfo FlagInfo) {
// you can't register a flag without a long name
if len(flagInfo.LongName) > 0 {
// try to parse Default as a bool. If it fails, assume false
boolVal, err := strconv.ParseBool(flagInfo.Default)
if err != nil {
boolVal = false
flags.BoolVarP(target, flagInfo.LongName, flagInfo.ShortName, boolVal, flagInfo.Description)