mirror of https://github.com/k3s-io/k3s
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315 lines
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Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package e2e_node
import (
client "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned"
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo"
. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
const (
consistentCheckTimeout = time.Second * 10
retryTimeout = time.Minute * 5
pollInterval = time.Second * 5
type testStatus struct {
Name string
RestartPolicy api.RestartPolicy
Phase api.PodPhase
State ContainerState
RestartCountOper string
RestartCount int32
Ready bool
var _ = Describe("Container runtime Conformance Test", func() {
var cl *client.Client
BeforeEach(func() {
// Setup the apiserver client
cl = client.NewOrDie(&restclient.Config{Host: *apiServerAddress})
Describe("container runtime conformance blackbox test", func() {
var testCContainers []ConformanceContainer
namespace := "runtime-conformance"
BeforeEach(func() {
testCContainers = []ConformanceContainer{}
Context("when start a container that exits successfully", func() {
It("it should run with the expected status [Conformance]", func() {
testContainer := api.Container{
Image: ImageRegistry[busyBoxImage],
VolumeMounts: []api.VolumeMount{
MountPath: "/restart-count",
Name: "restart-count",
ImagePullPolicy: api.PullIfNotPresent,
testVolumes := []api.Volume{
Name: "restart-count",
VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{
HostPath: &api.HostPathVolumeSource{
Path: os.TempDir(),
testCount := int32(3)
testStatuses := []testStatus{
{"terminate-cmd-rpa", api.RestartPolicyAlways, api.PodRunning, ContainerStateWaiting | ContainerStateRunning | ContainerStateTerminated, ">", testCount, false},
{"terminate-cmd-rpof", api.RestartPolicyOnFailure, api.PodSucceeded, ContainerStateTerminated, "==", testCount, false},
{"terminate-cmd-rpn", api.RestartPolicyNever, api.PodSucceeded, ContainerStateTerminated, "==", 0, false},
for _, testStatus := range testStatuses {
tmpFile, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "restartCount")
defer os.Remove(tmpFile.Name())
// It fails in the first three runs and succeeds after that.
tmpCmd := fmt.Sprintf("echo 'hello' >> /restart-count/%s ; test $(wc -l /restart-count/%s| awk {'print $1'}) -ge %d", path.Base(tmpFile.Name()), path.Base(tmpFile.Name()), testCount+1)
testContainer.Name = testStatus.Name
testContainer.Command = []string{"sh", "-c", tmpCmd}
terminateContainer := ConformanceContainer{
Container: testContainer,
Client: cl,
RestartPolicy: testStatus.RestartPolicy,
Volumes: testVolumes,
NodeName: *nodeName,
Namespace: namespace,
err = terminateContainer.Create()
testCContainers = append(testCContainers, terminateContainer)
Eventually(func() api.PodPhase {
_, phase, _ := terminateContainer.GetStatus()
return phase
}, retryTimeout, pollInterval).ShouldNot(Equal(api.PodPending))
var status api.ContainerStatus
By("it should get the expected 'RestartCount'")
Eventually(func() int32 {
status, _, _ = terminateContainer.GetStatus()
return status.RestartCount
}, retryTimeout, pollInterval).Should(BeNumerically(testStatus.RestartCountOper, testStatus.RestartCount))
By("it should get the expected 'Ready' status")
By("it should get the expected 'State'")
Expect(GetContainerState(status.State) & testStatus.State).NotTo(Equal(0))
By("it should be possible to delete [Conformance]")
err = terminateContainer.Delete()
Eventually(func() bool {
isPresent, err := terminateContainer.Present()
return err == nil && !isPresent
}, retryTimeout, pollInterval).Should(BeTrue())
Context("when start a container that keeps running", func() {
It("it should run with the expected status [Conformance]", func() {
testContainer := api.Container{
Image: ImageRegistry[busyBoxImage],
Command: []string{"sh", "-c", "while true; do echo hello; sleep 1; done"},
ImagePullPolicy: api.PullIfNotPresent,
testStatuses := []testStatus{
{"loop-cmd-rpa", api.RestartPolicyAlways, api.PodRunning, ContainerStateRunning, "==", 0, true},
{"loop-cmd-rpof", api.RestartPolicyOnFailure, api.PodRunning, ContainerStateRunning, "==", 0, true},
{"loop-cmd-rpn", api.RestartPolicyNever, api.PodRunning, ContainerStateRunning, "==", 0, true},
for _, testStatus := range testStatuses {
testContainer.Name = testStatus.Name
runningContainer := ConformanceContainer{
Container: testContainer,
Client: cl,
RestartPolicy: testStatus.RestartPolicy,
NodeName: *nodeName,
Namespace: namespace,
err := runningContainer.Create()
testCContainers = append(testCContainers, runningContainer)
Eventually(func() api.PodPhase {
_, phase, _ := runningContainer.GetStatus()
return phase
}, retryTimeout, pollInterval).Should(Equal(api.PodRunning))
var status api.ContainerStatus
var phase api.PodPhase
Consistently(func() api.PodPhase {
status, phase, err = runningContainer.GetStatus()
return phase
}, consistentCheckTimeout, pollInterval).Should(Equal(testStatus.Phase))
By("it should get the expected 'RestartCount'")
Expect(status.RestartCount).To(BeNumerically(testStatus.RestartCountOper, testStatus.RestartCount))
By("it should get the expected 'Ready' status")
By("it should get the expected 'State'")
Expect(GetContainerState(status.State) & testStatus.State).NotTo(Equal(0))
By("it should be possible to delete [Conformance]")
err = runningContainer.Delete()
Eventually(func() bool {
isPresent, err := runningContainer.Present()
return err == nil && !isPresent
}, retryTimeout, pollInterval).Should(BeTrue())
Context("when start a container that exits failure", func() {
It("it should run with the expected status [Conformance]", func() {
testContainer := api.Container{
Image: ImageRegistry[busyBoxImage],
Command: []string{"false"},
ImagePullPolicy: api.PullIfNotPresent,
testStatuses := []testStatus{
{"fail-cmd-rpa", api.RestartPolicyAlways, api.PodRunning, ContainerStateWaiting | ContainerStateRunning | ContainerStateTerminated, ">", 0, false},
{"fail-cmd-rpof", api.RestartPolicyOnFailure, api.PodRunning, ContainerStateTerminated, ">", 0, false},
{"fail-cmd-rpn", api.RestartPolicyNever, api.PodFailed, ContainerStateTerminated, "==", 0, false},
for _, testStatus := range testStatuses {
testContainer.Name = testStatus.Name
failureContainer := ConformanceContainer{
Container: testContainer,
Client: cl,
RestartPolicy: testStatus.RestartPolicy,
NodeName: *nodeName,
Namespace: namespace,
err := failureContainer.Create()
testCContainers = append(testCContainers, failureContainer)
Eventually(func() api.PodPhase {
_, phase, _ := failureContainer.GetStatus()
return phase
}, retryTimeout, pollInterval).ShouldNot(Equal(api.PodPending))
var status api.ContainerStatus
By("it should get the expected 'RestartCount'")
Eventually(func() int32 {
status, _, _ = failureContainer.GetStatus()
return status.RestartCount
}, retryTimeout, pollInterval).Should(BeNumerically(testStatus.RestartCountOper, testStatus.RestartCount))
By("it should get the expected 'Ready' status")
By("it should get the expected 'State'")
Expect(GetContainerState(status.State) & testStatus.State).NotTo(Equal(0))
By("it should be possible to delete [Conformance]")
err = failureContainer.Delete()
Eventually(func() bool {
isPresent, err := failureContainer.Present()
return err == nil && !isPresent
}, retryTimeout, pollInterval).Should(BeTrue())
Context("when running a container with invalid image", func() {
It("it should run with the expected status [Conformance]", func() {
testContainer := api.Container{
Image: "foo.com/foo/foo",
Command: []string{"false"},
ImagePullPolicy: api.PullIfNotPresent,
testStatus := testStatus{"invalid-image-rpa", api.RestartPolicyAlways, api.PodPending, ContainerStateWaiting, "==", 0, false}
testContainer.Name = testStatus.Name
invalidImageContainer := ConformanceContainer{
Container: testContainer,
Client: cl,
RestartPolicy: testStatus.RestartPolicy,
NodeName: *nodeName,
Namespace: namespace,
err := invalidImageContainer.Create()
testCContainers = append(testCContainers, invalidImageContainer)
var status api.ContainerStatus
var phase api.PodPhase
Consistently(func() api.PodPhase {
if status, phase, err = invalidImageContainer.GetStatus(); err != nil {
return api.PodPending
} else {
return phase
}, consistentCheckTimeout, pollInterval).Should(Equal(testStatus.Phase))
By("it should get the expected 'RestartCount'")
Expect(status.RestartCount).To(BeNumerically(testStatus.RestartCountOper, testStatus.RestartCount))
By("it should get the expected 'Ready' status")
By("it should get the expected 'State'")
Expect(GetContainerState(status.State) & testStatus.State).NotTo(Equal(0))
By("it should be possible to delete [Conformance]")
err = invalidImageContainer.Delete()
Eventually(func() bool {
isPresent, err := invalidImageContainer.Present()
return err == nil && !isPresent
}, retryTimeout, pollInterval).Should(BeTrue())
AfterEach(func() {
for _, cc := range testCContainers {