
515 lines
14 KiB

// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package kio
import (
type TreeStructure string
const (
// TreeStructurePackage configures TreeWriter to generate the tree structure off of the
// Resources packages.
TreeStructurePackage TreeStructure = "directory"
// TreeStructureOwners configures TreeWriter to generate the tree structure off of the
// Resource owners.
TreeStructureGraph TreeStructure = "owners"
var GraphStructures = []string{string(TreeStructureGraph), string(TreeStructurePackage)}
// TreeWriter prints the package structured as a tree.
// TODO(pwittrock): test this package better. it is lower-risk since it is only
// used for printing rather than updating or editing.
type TreeWriter struct {
Writer io.Writer
Root string
Fields []TreeWriterField
Structure TreeStructure
OpenAPIFileName string
// TreeWriterField configures a Resource field to be included in the tree
type TreeWriterField struct {
Name string
SubName string
func (p TreeWriter) packageStructure(nodes []*yaml.RNode) error {
indexByPackage := p.index(nodes)
// create the new tree
tree := treeprint.New()
// add each package to the tree
treeIndex := map[string]treeprint.Tree{}
keys := p.sort(indexByPackage)
for _, pkg := range keys {
// create a branch for this package -- search for the parent package and create
// the branch under it -- requires that the keys are sorted
branch := tree
for parent, subTree := range treeIndex {
if strings.HasPrefix(pkg, parent) {
// found a package whose path is a prefix to our own, use this
// package if a closer one isn't found
branch = subTree
// don't break, continue searching for more closely related ancestors
// create a new branch for the package
createOk := pkg != "." // special edge case logic for tree on current working dir
if createOk {
branch = branch.AddBranch(branchName(p.Root, pkg, p.OpenAPIFileName))
// cache the branch for this package
treeIndex[pkg] = branch
// print each resource in the package
for i := range indexByPackage[pkg] {
var err error
if _, err = p.doResource(indexByPackage[pkg][i], "", branch); err != nil {
return err
_, err := io.WriteString(p.Writer, tree.String())
return err
// branchName takes the root directory and relative path to the directory
// and returns the branch name
func branchName(root, dirRelPath, openAPIFileName string) string {
name := filepath.Base(dirRelPath)
_, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(root, dirRelPath, openAPIFileName))
if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
// add Pkg: prefix indicating that it is a separate package as it has
// openAPIFile
return fmt.Sprintf("Pkg: %s", name)
return name
// Write writes the ascii tree to p.Writer
func (p TreeWriter) Write(nodes []*yaml.RNode) error {
switch p.Structure {
case TreeStructurePackage:
return p.packageStructure(nodes)
case TreeStructureGraph:
return p.graphStructure(nodes)
// If any resource has an owner reference, default to the graph structure. Otherwise, use package structure.
for _, node := range nodes {
if owners, _ := node.Pipe(yaml.Lookup("metadata", "ownerReferences")); owners != nil {
return p.graphStructure(nodes)
return p.packageStructure(nodes)
// node wraps a tree node, and any children nodes
type node struct {
p TreeWriter
children []*node
func (a node) Len() int { return len(a.children) }
func (a node) Swap(i, j int) { a.children[i], a.children[j] = a.children[j], a.children[i] }
func (a node) Less(i, j int) bool {
return compareNodes(a.children[i].RNode, a.children[j].RNode)
// Tree adds this node to the root
func (a node) Tree(root treeprint.Tree) error {
branch := root
var err error
// generate a node for the Resource
if a.RNode != nil {
branch, err = a.p.doResource(a.RNode, "Resource", root)
if err != nil {
return err
// attach children to the branch
for _, n := range a.children {
if err := n.Tree(branch); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// graphStructure writes the tree using owners for structure
func (p TreeWriter) graphStructure(nodes []*yaml.RNode) error {
resourceToOwner := map[string]*node{}
root := &node{}
// index each of the nodes by their owner
for _, n := range nodes {
ownerVal, err := ownerToString(n)
if err != nil {
return err
var owner *node
if ownerVal == "" {
// no owner -- attach to the root
owner = root
} else {
// owner found -- attach to the owner
var found bool
owner, found = resourceToOwner[ownerVal]
if !found {
// initialize the owner if not found
resourceToOwner[ownerVal] = &node{p: p}
owner = resourceToOwner[ownerVal]
nodeVal, err := nodeToString(n)
if err != nil {
return err
val, found := resourceToOwner[nodeVal]
if !found {
// initialize the node if not found -- may have already been initialized if it
// is the owner of another node
resourceToOwner[nodeVal] = &node{p: p}
val = resourceToOwner[nodeVal]
val.RNode = n
owner.children = append(owner.children, val)
for k, v := range resourceToOwner {
if v.RNode == nil {
return fmt.Errorf(
"owner '%s' not found in input, but found as an owner of input objects", k)
// print the tree
tree := treeprint.New()
if err := root.Tree(tree); err != nil {
return err
_, err := io.WriteString(p.Writer, tree.String())
return err
// nodeToString generates a string to identify the node -- matches ownerToString format
func nodeToString(node *yaml.RNode) (string, error) {
meta, err := node.GetMeta()
if err != nil {
return "", err
return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s/%s", meta.Kind, meta.Namespace, meta.Name), nil
// ownerToString generate a string to identify the owner -- matches nodeToString format
func ownerToString(node *yaml.RNode) (string, error) {
meta, err := node.GetMeta()
if err != nil {
return "", err
namespace := meta.Namespace
owners, err := node.Pipe(yaml.Lookup("metadata", "ownerReferences"))
if err != nil {
return "", err
if owners == nil {
return "", nil
elements, err := owners.Elements()
if err != nil {
return "", err
if len(elements) == 0 {
return "", err
owner := elements[0]
var kind, name string
if value := owner.Field("kind"); !value.IsNilOrEmpty() {
kind = value.Value.YNode().Value
if value := owner.Field("name"); !value.IsNilOrEmpty() {
name = value.Value.YNode().Value
return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s/%s", kind, namespace, name), nil
// index indexes the Resources by their package
func (p TreeWriter) index(nodes []*yaml.RNode) map[string][]*yaml.RNode {
// index the ResourceNodes by package
indexByPackage := map[string][]*yaml.RNode{}
for i := range nodes {
meta, err := nodes[i].GetMeta()
if err != nil || meta.Kind == "" {
// not a resource
pkg := filepath.Dir(meta.Annotations[kioutil.PathAnnotation])
indexByPackage[pkg] = append(indexByPackage[pkg], nodes[i])
return indexByPackage
func compareNodes(i, j *yaml.RNode) bool {
metai, _ := i.GetMeta()
metaj, _ := j.GetMeta()
pi := metai.Annotations[kioutil.PathAnnotation]
pj := metaj.Annotations[kioutil.PathAnnotation]
// compare file names
if filepath.Base(pi) != filepath.Base(pj) {
return filepath.Base(pi) < filepath.Base(pj)
// compare namespace
if metai.Namespace != metaj.Namespace {
return metai.Namespace < metaj.Namespace
// compare name
if metai.Name != metaj.Name {
return metai.Name < metaj.Name
// compare kind
if metai.Kind != metaj.Kind {
return metai.Kind < metaj.Kind
// compare apiVersion
if metai.APIVersion != metaj.APIVersion {
return metai.APIVersion < metaj.APIVersion
return true
// sort sorts the Resources in the index in display order and returns the ordered
// keys for the index
// Packages are sorted by package name
// Resources within a package are sorted by: [filename, namespace, name, kind, apiVersion]
func (p TreeWriter) sort(indexByPackage map[string][]*yaml.RNode) []string {
var keys []string
for k := range indexByPackage {
pkgNodes := indexByPackage[k]
sort.Slice(pkgNodes, func(i, j int) bool { return compareNodes(pkgNodes[i], pkgNodes[j]) })
keys = append(keys, k)
// return the package names sorted lexicographically
return keys
func (p TreeWriter) doResource(leaf *yaml.RNode, metaString string, branch treeprint.Tree) (treeprint.Tree, error) {
meta, _ := leaf.GetMeta()
if metaString == "" {
path := meta.Annotations[kioutil.PathAnnotation]
path = filepath.Base(path)
metaString = path
value := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", meta.Kind, meta.Name)
if len(meta.Namespace) > 0 {
value = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s/%s", meta.Kind, meta.Namespace, meta.Name)
fields, err := p.getFields(leaf)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
n := branch.AddMetaBranch(metaString, value)
for i := range fields {
field := fields[i]
// do leaf node
if len(field.matchingElementsAndFields) == 0 {
n.AddNode(fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", field.name, field.value))
// do nested nodes
b := n.AddBranch(field.name)
for j := range field.matchingElementsAndFields {
elem := field.matchingElementsAndFields[j]
b := b.AddBranch(elem.name)
for k := range elem.matchingElementsAndFields {
field := elem.matchingElementsAndFields[k]
b.AddNode(fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", field.name, field.value))
return n, nil
// getFields looks up p.Fields from leaf and structures them into treeFields.
// TODO(pwittrock): simplify this function
func (p TreeWriter) getFields(leaf *yaml.RNode) (treeFields, error) {
fieldsByName := map[string]*treeField{}
// index nested and non-nested fields
for i := range p.Fields {
f := p.Fields[i]
seq, err := leaf.Pipe(&f)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if seq == nil {
if fieldsByName[f.Name] == nil {
fieldsByName[f.Name] = &treeField{name: f.Name}
// non-nested field -- add directly to the treeFields list
if f.SubName == "" {
// non-nested field -- only 1 element
val, err := yaml.String(seq.Content()[0], yaml.Trim, yaml.Flow)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fieldsByName[f.Name].value = val
// nested-field -- create a parent elem, and index by the 'match' value
if fieldsByName[f.Name].subFieldByMatch == nil {
fieldsByName[f.Name].subFieldByMatch = map[string]treeFields{}
index := fieldsByName[f.Name].subFieldByMatch
for j := range seq.Content() {
elem := seq.Content()[j]
matches := f.Matches[elem]
str, err := yaml.String(elem, yaml.Trim, yaml.Flow)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// map the field by the name of the element
// index the subfields by the matching element so we can put all the fields for the
// same element under the same branch
matchKey := strings.Join(matches, "/")
index[matchKey] = append(index[matchKey], &treeField{name: f.SubName, value: str})
// iterate over collection of all queried fields in the Resource
for _, field := range fieldsByName {
// iterate over collection of elements under the field -- indexed by element name
for match, subFields := range field.subFieldByMatch {
// create a new element for this collection of fields
// note: we will convert name to an index later, but keep the match for sorting
elem := &treeField{name: match}
field.matchingElementsAndFields = append(field.matchingElementsAndFields, elem)
// iterate over collection of queried fields for the element
for i := range subFields {
// add to the list of fields for this element
elem.matchingElementsAndFields = append(elem.matchingElementsAndFields, subFields[i])
// clear this cached data
field.subFieldByMatch = nil
// put the fields in a list so they are ordered
fieldList := treeFields{}
for _, v := range fieldsByName {
fieldList = append(fieldList, v)
// sort the fields
for i := range fieldList {
field := fieldList[i]
// sort the elements under this field
for i := range field.matchingElementsAndFields {
element := field.matchingElementsAndFields[i]
// sort the elements under a list field by their name
// set the name of the element to its index
element.name = fmt.Sprintf("%d", i)
return fieldList, nil
// treeField wraps a field node
type treeField struct {
// name is the name of the node
name string
// value is the value of the node -- may be empty
value string
// matchingElementsAndFields is a slice of fields that go under this as a branch
matchingElementsAndFields treeFields
// subFieldByMatch caches matchingElementsAndFields indexed by the name of the matching elem
subFieldByMatch map[string]treeFields
// treeFields wraps a slice of treeField so they can be sorted
type treeFields []*treeField
func (nodes treeFields) Len() int { return len(nodes) }
func (nodes treeFields) Less(i, j int) bool {
iIndex, iFound := yaml.FieldOrder[nodes[i].name]
jIndex, jFound := yaml.FieldOrder[nodes[j].name]
if iFound && jFound {
return iIndex < jIndex
if iFound {
return true
if jFound {
return false
if nodes[i].name != nodes[j].name {
return nodes[i].name < nodes[j].name
if nodes[i].value != nodes[j].value {
return nodes[i].value < nodes[j].value
return false
func (nodes treeFields) Swap(i, j int) { nodes[i], nodes[j] = nodes[j], nodes[i] }