
663 lines
16 KiB

// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package resmap
import (
kyaml "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/yaml"
// resWrangler implements ResMap.
type resWrangler struct {
// Resource list maintained in load (append) order.
// This is important for transformers, which must
// be performed in a specific order, and for users
// who for whatever reasons wish the order they
// specify in kustomizations to be maintained and
// available as an option for final YAML rendering.
rList []*resource.Resource
func newOne() *resWrangler {
result := &resWrangler{}
return result
// Clear implements ResMap.
func (m *resWrangler) Clear() {
m.rList = nil
// DropEmpties quickly drops empty resources.
// It doesn't use Append, which checks for Id collisions.
func (m *resWrangler) DropEmpties() {
var rList []*resource.Resource
for _, r := range m.rList {
if !r.IsNilOrEmpty() {
rList = append(rList, r)
m.rList = rList
// Size implements ResMap.
func (m *resWrangler) Size() int {
return len(m.rList)
func (m *resWrangler) indexOfResource(other *resource.Resource) int {
for i, r := range m.rList {
if r == other {
return i
return -1
// Resources implements ResMap.
func (m *resWrangler) Resources() []*resource.Resource {
tmp := make([]*resource.Resource, len(m.rList))
copy(tmp, m.rList)
return tmp
// Append implements ResMap.
func (m *resWrangler) Append(res *resource.Resource) error {
id := res.CurId()
if r := m.GetMatchingResourcesByCurrentId(id.Equals); len(r) > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf(
"may not add resource with an already registered id: %s", id)
return nil
// append appends without performing an Id check
func (m *resWrangler) append(res *resource.Resource) {
m.rList = append(m.rList, res)
// Remove implements ResMap.
func (m *resWrangler) Remove(adios resid.ResId) error {
var rList []*resource.Resource
for _, r := range m.rList {
if r.CurId() != adios {
rList = append(rList, r)
if len(rList) != m.Size()-1 {
return fmt.Errorf("id %s not found in removal", adios)
m.rList = rList
return nil
// Replace implements ResMap.
func (m *resWrangler) Replace(res *resource.Resource) (int, error) {
id := res.CurId()
i, err := m.GetIndexOfCurrentId(id)
if err != nil {
return -1, errors.Wrap(err, "in Replace")
if i < 0 {
return -1, fmt.Errorf("cannot find resource with id %s to replace", id)
m.rList[i] = res
return i, nil
// AllIds implements ResMap.
func (m *resWrangler) AllIds() (ids []resid.ResId) {
ids = make([]resid.ResId, m.Size())
for i, r := range m.rList {
ids[i] = r.CurId()
// Debug implements ResMap.
func (m *resWrangler) Debug(title string) {
fmt.Println("--------------------------- " + title)
firstObj := true
for i, r := range m.rList {
if firstObj {
firstObj = false
} else {
fmt.Printf("# %d %s\n%s\n", i, r.OrgId(), r.String())
type IdMatcher func(resid.ResId) bool
// GetByIndex implements ResMap.
func (m *resWrangler) GetByIndex(i int) *resource.Resource {
if i < 0 || i >= m.Size() {
return nil
return m.rList[i]
// GetIndexOfCurrentId implements ResMap.
func (m *resWrangler) GetIndexOfCurrentId(id resid.ResId) (int, error) {
count := 0
result := -1
for i, r := range m.rList {
if id.Equals(r.CurId()) {
result = i
if count > 1 {
return -1, fmt.Errorf("id matched %d resources", count)
return result, nil
type IdFromResource func(r *resource.Resource) resid.ResId
func GetCurrentId(r *resource.Resource) resid.ResId { return r.CurId() }
// GetMatchingResourcesByCurrentId implements ResMap.
func (m *resWrangler) GetMatchingResourcesByCurrentId(
matches IdMatcher) []*resource.Resource {
return m.filteredById(matches, GetCurrentId)
// GetMatchingResourcesByAnyId implements ResMap.
func (m *resWrangler) GetMatchingResourcesByAnyId(
matches IdMatcher) []*resource.Resource {
var result []*resource.Resource
for _, r := range m.rList {
for _, id := range append(r.PrevIds(), r.CurId()) {
if matches(id) {
result = append(result, r)
return result
func (m *resWrangler) filteredById(
matches IdMatcher, idGetter IdFromResource) []*resource.Resource {
var result []*resource.Resource
for _, r := range m.rList {
if matches(idGetter(r)) {
result = append(result, r)
return result
// GetByCurrentId implements ResMap.
func (m *resWrangler) GetByCurrentId(
id resid.ResId) (*resource.Resource, error) {
return demandOneMatch(m.GetMatchingResourcesByCurrentId, id, "Current")
// GetById implements ResMap.
func (m *resWrangler) GetById(
id resid.ResId) (*resource.Resource, error) {
r, err := demandOneMatch(m.GetMatchingResourcesByAnyId, id, "Id")
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(
"%s; failed to find unique target for patch %s",
err.Error(), id.GvknString())
return r, nil
type resFinder func(IdMatcher) []*resource.Resource
func demandOneMatch(
f resFinder, id resid.ResId, s string) (*resource.Resource, error) {
r := f(id.Equals)
if len(r) == 1 {
return r[0], nil
if len(r) > 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("multiple matches for %s %s", s, id)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no matches for %s %s", s, id)
// GroupedByCurrentNamespace implements ResMap.
func (m *resWrangler) GroupedByCurrentNamespace() map[string][]*resource.Resource {
items := m.groupedByCurrentNamespace()
delete(items, resid.TotallyNotANamespace)
return items
// ClusterScoped implements ResMap.
func (m *resWrangler) ClusterScoped() []*resource.Resource {
return m.groupedByCurrentNamespace()[resid.TotallyNotANamespace]
func (m *resWrangler) groupedByCurrentNamespace() map[string][]*resource.Resource {
byNamespace := make(map[string][]*resource.Resource)
for _, res := range m.rList {
namespace := res.CurId().EffectiveNamespace()
if _, found := byNamespace[namespace]; !found {
byNamespace[namespace] = []*resource.Resource{}
byNamespace[namespace] = append(byNamespace[namespace], res)
return byNamespace
// GroupedByOriginalNamespace implements ResMap.
func (m *resWrangler) GroupedByOriginalNamespace() map[string][]*resource.Resource {
items := m.groupedByOriginalNamespace()
delete(items, resid.TotallyNotANamespace)
return items
func (m *resWrangler) groupedByOriginalNamespace() map[string][]*resource.Resource {
byNamespace := make(map[string][]*resource.Resource)
for _, res := range m.rList {
namespace := res.OrgId().EffectiveNamespace()
if _, found := byNamespace[namespace]; !found {
byNamespace[namespace] = []*resource.Resource{}
byNamespace[namespace] = append(byNamespace[namespace], res)
return byNamespace
// AsYaml implements ResMap.
func (m *resWrangler) AsYaml() ([]byte, error) {
firstObj := true
var b []byte
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(b)
for _, res := range m.rList {
out, err := res.AsYAML()
if err != nil {
m, _ := res.Map()
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "%#v", m)
if firstObj {
firstObj = false
} else {
if _, err = buf.WriteString("---\n"); err != nil {
return nil, err
if _, err = buf.Write(out); err != nil {
return nil, err
return buf.Bytes(), nil
// ErrorIfNotEqualSets implements ResMap.
func (m *resWrangler) ErrorIfNotEqualSets(other ResMap) error {
m2, ok := other.(*resWrangler)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("bad cast to resWrangler 1")
if m.Size() != m2.Size() {
return fmt.Errorf(
"lists have different number of entries: %#v doesn't equal %#v",
m.rList, m2.rList)
seen := make(map[int]bool)
for _, r1 := range m.rList {
id := r1.CurId()
others := m2.GetMatchingResourcesByCurrentId(id.Equals)
if len(others) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf(
"id in self missing from other; id: %s", id)
if len(others) > 1 {
return fmt.Errorf(
"id in self matches %d in other; id: %s", len(others), id)
r2 := others[0]
if !reflect.DeepEqual(r1.RNode, r2.RNode) {
return fmt.Errorf(
"nodes unequal: \n -- %s,\n -- %s\n\n--\n%#v\n------\n%#v\n",
r1, r2, r1, r2)
seen[m2.indexOfResource(r2)] = true
if len(seen) != m.Size() {
return fmt.Errorf("counting problem %d != %d", len(seen), m.Size())
return nil
// ErrorIfNotEqualLists implements ResMap.
func (m *resWrangler) ErrorIfNotEqualLists(other ResMap) error {
m2, ok := other.(*resWrangler)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("bad cast to resWrangler 2")
if m.Size() != m2.Size() {
return fmt.Errorf(
"lists have different number of entries: %#v doesn't equal %#v",
m.rList, m2.rList)
for i, r1 := range m.rList {
r2 := m2.rList[i]
if err := r1.ErrIfNotEquals(r2); err != nil {
return err
return nil
type resCopier func(r *resource.Resource) *resource.Resource
// ShallowCopy implements ResMap.
func (m *resWrangler) ShallowCopy() ResMap {
return m.makeCopy(
func(r *resource.Resource) *resource.Resource {
return r
// DeepCopy implements ResMap.
func (m *resWrangler) DeepCopy() ResMap {
return m.makeCopy(
func(r *resource.Resource) *resource.Resource {
return r.DeepCopy()
// makeCopy copies the ResMap.
func (m *resWrangler) makeCopy(copier resCopier) ResMap {
result := &resWrangler{}
result.rList = make([]*resource.Resource, m.Size())
for i, r := range m.rList {
result.rList[i] = copier(r)
return result
// SubsetThatCouldBeReferencedByResource implements ResMap.
func (m *resWrangler) SubsetThatCouldBeReferencedByResource(
referrer *resource.Resource) ResMap {
referrerId := referrer.CurId()
if referrerId.IsClusterScoped() {
// A cluster scoped resource can refer to anything.
return m
result := newOne()
roleBindingNamespaces := getNamespacesForRoleBinding(referrer)
for _, possibleTarget := range m.rList {
id := possibleTarget.CurId()
if id.IsClusterScoped() {
// A cluster-scoped resource can be referred to by anything.
if id.IsNsEquals(referrerId) {
// The two objects are in the same namespace.
// The two objects are namespaced (not cluster-scoped), AND
// are in different namespaces.
// There's still a chance they can refer to each other.
if roleBindingNamespaces[possibleTarget.GetNamespace()] {
return result
// getNamespacesForRoleBinding returns referenced ServiceAccount namespaces
// if the resource is a RoleBinding
func getNamespacesForRoleBinding(r *resource.Resource) map[string]bool {
result := make(map[string]bool)
if r.GetKind() != "RoleBinding" {
return result
//nolint staticcheck
subjects, err := r.GetSlice("subjects")
if err != nil || subjects == nil {
return result
for _, s := range subjects {
subject := s.(map[string]interface{})
if ns, ok1 := subject["namespace"]; ok1 {
if kind, ok2 := subject["kind"]; ok2 {
if kind.(string) == "ServiceAccount" {
result[ns.(string)] = true
return result
// AppendAll implements ResMap.
func (m *resWrangler) AppendAll(other ResMap) error {
if other == nil {
return nil
m2, ok := other.(*resWrangler)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("bad cast to resWrangler 3")
return m.appendAll(m2.rList)
// appendAll appends all the resources, error on Id collision.
func (m *resWrangler) appendAll(list []*resource.Resource) error {
for _, res := range list {
if err := m.Append(res); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// AbsorbAll implements ResMap.
func (m *resWrangler) AbsorbAll(other ResMap) error {
if other == nil {
return nil
m2, ok := other.(*resWrangler)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("bad cast to resWrangler 4")
for _, r := range m2.rList {
err := m.appendReplaceOrMerge(r)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (m *resWrangler) appendReplaceOrMerge(res *resource.Resource) error {
id := res.CurId()
matches := m.GetMatchingResourcesByAnyId(id.Equals)
switch len(matches) {
case 0:
switch res.Behavior() {
case types.BehaviorMerge, types.BehaviorReplace:
return fmt.Errorf(
"id %#v does not exist; cannot merge or replace", id)
// presumably types.BehaviorCreate
return m.Append(res)
case 1:
old := matches[0]
if old == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("id lookup failure")
index := m.indexOfResource(old)
if index < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("indexing problem")
switch res.Behavior() {
case types.BehaviorReplace:
case types.BehaviorMerge:
return fmt.Errorf(
"id %#v exists; behavior must be merge or replace", id)
i, err := m.Replace(res)
if err != nil {
return err
if i != index {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected target index in replacement")
return nil
return fmt.Errorf(
"found multiple objects %v that could accept merge of %v",
matches, id)
// Select returns a list of resources that
// are selected by a Selector
func (m *resWrangler) Select(s types.Selector) ([]*resource.Resource, error) {
var result []*resource.Resource
sr, err := types.NewSelectorRegex(&s)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, r := range m.rList {
curId := r.CurId()
orgId := r.OrgId()
// It first tries to match with the original namespace
// then matches with the current namespace
if !sr.MatchNamespace(orgId.EffectiveNamespace()) &&
!sr.MatchNamespace(curId.EffectiveNamespace()) {
// It first tries to match with the original name
// then matches with the current name
if !sr.MatchName(orgId.Name) &&
!sr.MatchName(curId.Name) {
// matches the GVK
if !sr.MatchGvk(r.GetGvk()) {
// matches the label selector
matched, err := r.MatchesLabelSelector(s.LabelSelector)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !matched {
// matches the annotation selector
matched, err = r.MatchesAnnotationSelector(s.AnnotationSelector)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !matched {
result = append(result, r)
return result, nil
// ToRNodeSlice returns a copy of the resources as RNodes.
func (m *resWrangler) ToRNodeSlice() []*kyaml.RNode {
result := make([]*kyaml.RNode, len(m.rList))
for i := range m.rList {
result[i] = m.rList[i].Copy()
return result
// ApplySmPatch applies the patch, and errors on Id collisions.
func (m *resWrangler) ApplySmPatch(
selectedSet *resource.IdSet, patch *resource.Resource) error {
var list []*resource.Resource
for _, res := range m.rList {
if selectedSet.Contains(res.CurId()) {
patchCopy := patch.DeepCopy()
if err := res.ApplySmPatch(patchCopy); err != nil {
return err
if !res.IsNilOrEmpty() {
list = append(list, res)
return m.appendAll(list)
func (m *resWrangler) RemoveBuildAnnotations() {
for _, r := range m.rList {
// ApplyFilter implements ResMap.
func (m *resWrangler) ApplyFilter(f kio.Filter) error {
reverseLookup := make(map[*kyaml.RNode]*resource.Resource, len(m.rList))
nodes := make([]*kyaml.RNode, len(m.rList))
for i, r := range m.rList {
ptr := &(r.RNode)
nodes[i] = ptr
reverseLookup[ptr] = r
// The filter can modify nodes, but also delete and create them.
// The filtered list might be smaller or larger than the nodes list.
filtered, err := f.Filter(nodes)
if err != nil {
return err
// Rebuild the resmap from the filtered RNodes.
var nRList []*resource.Resource
for _, rn := range filtered {
if rn.IsNilOrEmpty() {
// A node might make it through the filter as an object,
// but still be empty. Drop such entries.
res, ok := reverseLookup[rn]
if !ok {
// A node was created; make a Resource to wrap it.
res = &resource.Resource{
RNode: *rn,
// Leave remaining fields empty.
// At at time of writing, seeking to eliminate those fields.
// Alternatively, could just return error on creation attempt
// until remaining fields eliminated.
nRList = append(nRList, res)
m.rList = nRList
return nil