
613 lines
15 KiB

package main
import (
var cmdSave = &Command{
Name: "save",
Args: "[-r] [-t] [packages]",
Short: "list and copy dependencies into Godeps",
Long: `
Save writes a list of the named packages and their dependencies along
with the exact source control revision of each package, and copies
their source code into a subdirectory. Packages inside "." are excluded
from the list to be copied.
The list is written to Godeps/Godeps.json, and source code for all
dependencies is copied into either Godeps/_workspace or, if the vendor
experiment is turned on, vendor/.
The dependency list is a JSON document with the following structure:
type Godeps struct {
ImportPath string
GoVersion string // Abridged output of 'go version'.
Packages []string // Arguments to godep save, if any.
Deps []struct {
ImportPath string
Comment string // Tag or description of commit.
Rev string // VCS-specific commit ID.
Any packages already present in the list will be left unchanged.
To update a dependency to a newer revision, use 'godep update'.
If -r is given, import statements will be rewritten to refer directly
to the copied source code. This is not compatible with the vendor
experiment. Note that this will not rewrite the statements in the
files outside the project.
If -t is given, test files (*_test.go files + testdata directories) are
also saved.
For more about specifying packages, see 'go help packages'.
Run: runSave,
OnlyInGOPATH: true,
var (
saveR, saveT bool
func init() {
cmdSave.Flag.BoolVar(&saveR, "r", false, "rewrite import paths")
cmdSave.Flag.BoolVar(&saveT, "t", false, "save test files")
func runSave(cmd *Command, args []string) {
if VendorExperiment && saveR {
log.Println("flag -r is incompatible with the vendoring experiment")
err := save(args)
if err != nil {
func dotPackage() (*build.Package, error) {
dir, err := filepath.Abs(".")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return build.ImportDir(dir, build.FindOnly)
func projectPackages(dDir string, a []*Package) []*Package {
var projPkgs []*Package
dotDir := fmt.Sprintf("%s%c", dDir, filepath.Separator)
for _, p := range a {
pkgDir := fmt.Sprintf("%s%c", p.Dir, filepath.Separator)
if strings.HasPrefix(pkgDir, dotDir) {
projPkgs = append(projPkgs, p)
return projPkgs
func save(pkgs []string) error {
var err error
dp, err := dotPackage()
if err != nil {
return err
debugln("dotPackageImportPath:", dp.ImportPath)
debugln("dotPackageDir:", dp.Dir)
cv, err := goVersion()
if err != nil {
return err
verboseln("Go Version:", cv)
gold, err := loadDefaultGodepsFile()
if err != nil {
if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return err
verboseln("No old Godeps.json found.")
gold.GoVersion = cv
if len(gold.GoVersion) == 0 {
gold.GoVersion = majorGoVersion
} else {
majorGoVersion, err = trimGoVersion(gold.GoVersion)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Unable to determine go major version from value specified in %s: %s\n", gold.file(), gold.GoVersion)
gnew := &Godeps{
ImportPath: dp.ImportPath,
GoVersion: gold.GoVersion,
switch len(pkgs) {
case 0:
pkgs = []string{"."}
gnew.Packages = pkgs
verboseln("Finding dependencies for", pkgs)
a, err := LoadPackages(pkgs...)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, p := range a {
verboseln("Found package:", p.ImportPath)
verboseln("\tDeps:", strings.Join(p.Deps, " "))
projA := projectPackages(dp.Dir, a)
debugln("Filtered projectPackages")
verboseln("Computing new Godeps.json file")
err = gnew.fill(a, dp.ImportPath)
if err != nil {
return err
debugln("New Godeps Filled")
if gnew.Deps == nil {
gnew.Deps = make([]Dependency, 0) // produce json [], not null
gdisk := gnew.copy()
err = carryVersions(&gold, gnew)
if err != nil {
return err
if gold.isOldFile {
// If we are migrating from an old format file,
// we require that the listed version of every
// dependency must be installed in GOPATH, so it's
// available to copy.
if !eqDeps(gnew.Deps, gdisk.Deps) {
return errors.New(strings.TrimSpace(needRestore))
gold = Godeps{}
os.Remove("Godeps") // remove regular file if present; ignore error
readme := filepath.Join("Godeps", "Readme")
err = writeFile(readme, strings.TrimSpace(Readme)+"\n")
if err != nil {
_, err = gnew.save()
if err != nil {
return err
verboseln("Computing diff between old and new deps")
// We use a name starting with "_" so the go tool
// ignores this directory when traversing packages
// starting at the project's root. For example,
// godep go list ./...
srcdir := filepath.FromSlash(strings.Trim(sep, "/"))
rem := subDeps(gold.Deps, gnew.Deps)
add := subDeps(gnew.Deps, gold.Deps)
if len(rem) > 0 {
verboseln("Deps to remove:")
for _, r := range rem {
verboseln("\t", r.ImportPath)
verboseln("Removing unused dependencies")
err = removeSrc(srcdir, rem)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(add) > 0 {
verboseln("Deps to add:")
for _, a := range add {
verboseln("\t", a.ImportPath)
verboseln("Adding new dependencies")
err = copySrc(srcdir, add)
if err != nil {
return err
if !VendorExperiment {
f, _ := filepath.Split(srcdir)
var rewritePaths []string
if saveR {
for _, dep := range gnew.Deps {
rewritePaths = append(rewritePaths, dep.ImportPath)
verboseln("Rewriting paths (if necessary)")
return rewrite(projA, dp.ImportPath, rewritePaths)
func printVersionWarnings(ov string) {
var warning bool
cv, err := goVersion()
if err != nil {
// Trim the old version because we may have saved it w/o trimming it
// cv is already trimmed by goVersion()
tov, err := trimGoVersion(ov)
if err != nil {
if tov != ov {
log.Printf("WARNING: Recorded go version (%s) with minor version string found.\n", ov)
warning = true
if cv != tov {
log.Printf("WARNING: Recorded major go version (%s) and in-use major go version (%s) differ.\n", tov, cv)
warning = true
if warning {
log.Println("To record current major go version run `godep update -goversion`.")
type revError struct {
ImportPath string
WantRev string
HavePath string
HaveRev string
func (v *revError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("cannot save %s at revision %s: already have %s at revision %s.\n"+
"Run `godep update %s' first.", v.ImportPath, v.WantRev, v.HavePath, v.HaveRev, v.HavePath)
// carryVersions copies Rev and Comment from a to b for
// each dependency with an identical ImportPath. For any
// dependency in b that appears to be from the same repo
// as one in a (for example, a parent or child directory),
// the Rev must already match - otherwise it is an error.
func carryVersions(a, b *Godeps) error {
for i := range b.Deps {
err := carryVersion(a, &b.Deps[i])
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func carryVersion(a *Godeps, db *Dependency) error {
// First see if this exact package is already in the list.
for _, da := range a.Deps {
if db.ImportPath == da.ImportPath {
db.Rev = da.Rev
db.Comment = da.Comment
return nil
// No exact match, check for child or sibling package.
// We can't handle mismatched versions for packages in
// the same repo, so report that as an error.
for _, da := range a.Deps {
if strings.HasPrefix(db.ImportPath, da.ImportPath+"/") ||
strings.HasPrefix(da.ImportPath, db.root+"/") {
if da.Rev != db.Rev {
return &revError{
ImportPath: db.ImportPath,
WantRev: db.Rev,
HavePath: da.ImportPath,
HaveRev: da.Rev,
// No related package in the list, must be a new repo.
return nil
// subDeps returns a - b, using ImportPath for equality.
func subDeps(a, b []Dependency) (diff []Dependency) {
for _, da := range a {
for _, db := range b {
if da.ImportPath == db.ImportPath {
continue Diff
diff = append(diff, da)
return diff
func removeSrc(srcdir string, deps []Dependency) error {
for _, dep := range deps {
path := filepath.FromSlash(dep.ImportPath)
err := os.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(srcdir, path))
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func copySrc(dir string, deps []Dependency) error {
// mapping to see if we visited a parent directory already
visited := make(map[string]bool)
ok := true
for _, dep := range deps {
debugln("copySrc for", dep.ImportPath)
srcdir := filepath.Join(dep.ws, "src")
rel, err := filepath.Rel(srcdir, dep.dir)
debugln("srcdir", srcdir)
debugln("rel", rel)
debugln("err", err)
if err != nil { // this should never happen
return err
dstpkgroot := filepath.Join(dir, rel)
err = os.RemoveAll(dstpkgroot)
if err != nil {
ok = false
// copy actual dependency
vf := dep.vcs.listFiles(dep.dir)
debugln("vf", vf)
w := fs.Walk(dep.dir)
for w.Step() {
err = copyPkgFile(vf, dir, srcdir, w)
if err != nil {
ok = false
// Look for legal files in root
// some packages are imports as a sub-package but license info
// is at root: exampleorg/common has license file in exampleorg
if dep.ImportPath == dep.root {
// we are already at root
// prevent copying twice This could happen if we have
// two subpackages listed someorg/common and
// someorg/anotherpack which has their license in
// the parent dir of someorg
rootdir := filepath.Join(srcdir, filepath.FromSlash(dep.root))
if visited[rootdir] {
visited[rootdir] = true
vf = dep.vcs.listFiles(rootdir)
w = fs.Walk(rootdir)
for w.Step() {
fname := filepath.Base(w.Path())
if IsLegalFile(fname) && !strings.Contains(w.Path(), sep) {
err = copyPkgFile(vf, dir, srcdir, w)
if err != nil {
ok = false
if !ok {
return errorCopyingSourceCode
return nil
func copyPkgFile(vf vcsFiles, dstroot, srcroot string, w *fs.Walker) error {
if w.Err() != nil {
return w.Err()
name := w.Stat().Name()
if w.Stat().IsDir() {
if name[0] == '.' || name[0] == '_' || (!saveT && name == "testdata") {
// Skip directories starting with '.' or '_' or
// 'testdata' (last is only skipped if saveT is false)
return nil
rel, err := filepath.Rel(srcroot, w.Path())
if err != nil { // this should never happen
return err
if !saveT && strings.HasSuffix(name, "_test.go") {
if verbose {
log.Printf("save: skipping test file: %s", w.Path())
return nil
if !vf.Contains(w.Path()) {
if verbose {
log.Printf("save: skipping untracked file: %s", w.Path())
return nil
return copyFile(filepath.Join(dstroot, rel), w.Path())
// copyFile copies a regular file from src to dst.
// dst is opened with os.Create.
// If the file name ends with .go,
// copyFile strips canonical import path annotations.
// These are comments of the form:
// package foo // import "bar/foo"
// package foo /* import "bar/foo" */
func copyFile(dst, src string) error {
err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(dst), 0777)
if err != nil {
return err
linkDst, err := os.Readlink(src)
if err == nil {
return os.Symlink(linkDst, dst)
si, err := stat(src)
if err != nil {
return err
r, err := os.Open(src)
if err != nil {
return err
defer r.Close()
w, err := os.Create(dst)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := os.Chmod(dst, si.Mode()); err != nil {
return err
if strings.HasSuffix(dst, ".go") {
debugln("Copy Without Import Comment", w, r)
err = copyWithoutImportComment(w, r)
} else {
debugln("Copy (plain)", w, r)
_, err = io.Copy(w, r)
err1 := w.Close()
if err == nil {
err = err1
return err
func copyWithoutImportComment(w io.Writer, r io.Reader) error {
b := bufio.NewReader(r)
for {
l, err := b.ReadBytes('\n')
eof := err == io.EOF
if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
return err
// If we have data then write it out...
if len(l) > 0 {
// Strip off \n if it exists because stripImportComment
_, err := w.Write(append(stripImportComment(bytes.TrimRight(l, "\n")), '\n'))
if err != nil {
return err
if eof {
return nil
const (
importAnnotation = `import\s+(?:"[^"]*"|` + "`[^`]*`" + `)`
importComment = `(?://\s*` + importAnnotation + `\s*$|/\*\s*` + importAnnotation + `\s*\*/)`
var (
importCommentRE = regexp.MustCompile(`^\s*(package\s+\w+)\s+` + importComment + `(.*)`)
pkgPrefix = []byte("package ")
// stripImportComment returns line with its import comment removed.
// If s is not a package statement containing an import comment,
// it is returned unaltered.
// FIXME: expects lines w/o a \n at the end
// See also http://golang.org/s/go14customimport.
func stripImportComment(line []byte) []byte {
if !bytes.HasPrefix(line, pkgPrefix) {
// Fast path; this will skip all but one line in the file.
// This assumes there is no whitespace before the keyword.
return line
if m := importCommentRE.FindSubmatch(line); m != nil {
return append(m[1], m[2]...)
return line
// Func writeVCSIgnore writes "ignore" files inside dir for known VCSs,
// so that dir/pkg and dir/bin don't accidentally get committed.
// It logs any errors it encounters.
func writeVCSIgnore(dir string) {
// Currently git is the only VCS for which we know how to do this.
// Mercurial and Bazaar have similar mechanisms, but they apparently
// require writing files outside of dir.
const ignore = "/pkg\n/bin\n"
name := filepath.Join(dir, ".gitignore")
err := writeFile(name, ignore)
if err != nil {
// writeFile is like ioutil.WriteFile but it creates
// intermediate directories with os.MkdirAll.
func writeFile(name, body string) error {
err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(name), 0777)
if err != nil {
return err
return ioutil.WriteFile(name, []byte(body), 0666)
const (
// Readme contains the README text.
Readme = `
This directory tree is generated automatically by godep.
Please do not edit.
See https://github.com/tools/godep for more information.
needRestore = `
mismatched versions while migrating
It looks like you are switching from the old Godeps format
(from flag -copy=false). The old format is just a file; it
doesn't contain source code. For this migration, godep needs
the appropriate version of each dependency to be installed in
GOPATH, so that the source code is available to copy.
To fix this, run 'godep restore'.