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Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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package network
import (
clientset "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes"
cloudprovider "k8s.io/cloud-provider"
gcecloud "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/cloudprovider/providers/gce"
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo"
. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
var _ = SIGDescribe("Firewall rule", func() {
var firewall_test_name = "firewall-test"
f := framework.NewDefaultFramework(firewall_test_name)
var cs clientset.Interface
var cloudConfig framework.CloudConfig
var gceCloud *gcecloud.Cloud
BeforeEach(func() {
var err error
cs = f.ClientSet
cloudConfig = framework.TestContext.CloudConfig
gceCloud, err = gce.GetGCECloud()
// This test takes around 6 minutes to run
It("[Slow] [Serial] should create valid firewall rules for LoadBalancer type service", func() {
ns := f.Namespace.Name
// This source ranges is just used to examine we have exact same things on LB firewall rules
firewallTestSourceRanges := []string{"", ""}
serviceName := "firewall-test-loadbalancer"
By("Getting cluster ID")
clusterID, err := gce.GetClusterID(cs)
framework.Logf("Got cluster ID: %v", clusterID)
jig := framework.NewServiceTestJig(cs, serviceName)
nodeList := jig.GetNodes(framework.MaxNodesForEndpointsTests)
nodesNames := jig.GetNodesNames(framework.MaxNodesForEndpointsTests)
if len(nodesNames) <= 0 {
framework.Failf("Expect at least 1 node, got: %v", nodesNames)
nodesSet := sets.NewString(nodesNames...)
By("Creating a LoadBalancer type service with ExternalTrafficPolicy=Global")
svc := jig.CreateLoadBalancerService(ns, serviceName, framework.LoadBalancerCreateTimeoutDefault, func(svc *v1.Service) {
svc.Spec.Ports = []v1.ServicePort{{Protocol: v1.ProtocolTCP, Port: gce.FirewallTestHttpPort}}
svc.Spec.LoadBalancerSourceRanges = firewallTestSourceRanges
defer func() {
jig.UpdateServiceOrFail(svc.Namespace, svc.Name, func(svc *v1.Service) {
svc.Spec.Type = v1.ServiceTypeNodePort
svc.Spec.LoadBalancerSourceRanges = nil
Expect(cs.CoreV1().Services(svc.Namespace).Delete(svc.Name, nil)).NotTo(HaveOccurred())
By("Waiting for the local traffic health check firewall rule to be deleted")
localHCFwName := gce.MakeHealthCheckFirewallNameForLBService(clusterID, cloudprovider.DefaultLoadBalancerName(svc), false)
_, err := gce.WaitForFirewallRule(gceCloud, localHCFwName, false, framework.LoadBalancerCleanupTimeout)
svcExternalIP := svc.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress[0].IP
By("Checking if service's firewall rule is correct")
lbFw := gce.ConstructFirewallForLBService(svc, cloudConfig.NodeTag)
fw, err := gceCloud.GetFirewall(lbFw.Name)
Expect(gce.VerifyFirewallRule(fw, lbFw, cloudConfig.Network, false)).NotTo(HaveOccurred())
By("Checking if service's nodes health check firewall rule is correct")
nodesHCFw := gce.ConstructHealthCheckFirewallForLBService(clusterID, svc, cloudConfig.NodeTag, true)
fw, err = gceCloud.GetFirewall(nodesHCFw.Name)
Expect(gce.VerifyFirewallRule(fw, nodesHCFw, cloudConfig.Network, false)).NotTo(HaveOccurred())
// OnlyLocal service is needed to examine which exact nodes the requests are being forwarded to by the Load Balancer on GCE
By("Updating LoadBalancer service to ExternalTrafficPolicy=Local")
svc = jig.UpdateServiceOrFail(svc.Namespace, svc.Name, func(svc *v1.Service) {
svc.Spec.ExternalTrafficPolicy = v1.ServiceExternalTrafficPolicyTypeLocal
By("Waiting for the nodes health check firewall rule to be deleted")
_, err = gce.WaitForFirewallRule(gceCloud, nodesHCFw.Name, false, framework.LoadBalancerCleanupTimeout)
By("Waiting for the correct local traffic health check firewall rule to be created")
localHCFw := gce.ConstructHealthCheckFirewallForLBService(clusterID, svc, cloudConfig.NodeTag, false)
fw, err = gce.WaitForFirewallRule(gceCloud, localHCFw.Name, true, framework.LoadBalancerCreateTimeoutDefault)
Expect(gce.VerifyFirewallRule(fw, localHCFw, cloudConfig.Network, false)).NotTo(HaveOccurred())
By(fmt.Sprintf("Creating netexec pods on at most %v nodes", framework.MaxNodesForEndpointsTests))
for i, nodeName := range nodesNames {
podName := fmt.Sprintf("netexec%v", i)
jig.LaunchNetexecPodOnNode(f, nodeName, podName, gce.FirewallTestHttpPort, gce.FirewallTestUdpPort, true)
defer func() {
framework.Logf("Cleaning up the netexec pod: %v", podName)
Expect(cs.CoreV1().Pods(ns).Delete(podName, nil)).NotTo(HaveOccurred())
// Send requests from outside of the cluster because internal traffic is whitelisted
By("Accessing the external service ip from outside, all non-master nodes should be reached")
Expect(framework.TestHitNodesFromOutside(svcExternalIP, gce.FirewallTestHttpPort, framework.LoadBalancerCreateTimeoutDefault, nodesSet)).NotTo(HaveOccurred())
// Check if there are overlapping tags on the firewall that extend beyond just the vms in our cluster
// by removing the tag on one vm and make sure it doesn't get any traffic. This is an imperfect
// simulation, we really want to check that traffic doesn't reach a vm outside the GKE cluster, but
// that's much harder to do in the current e2e framework.
By(fmt.Sprintf("Removing tags from one of the nodes: %v", nodesNames[0]))
// Instance could run in a different zone in multi-zone test. Figure out which zone
// it is in before proceeding.
zone := cloudConfig.Zone
if zoneInLabel, ok := nodeList.Items[0].Labels[v1.LabelZoneFailureDomain]; ok {
zone = zoneInLabel
removedTags := gce.SetInstanceTags(cloudConfig, nodesNames[0], zone, []string{})
defer func() {
By("Adding tags back to the node and wait till the traffic is recovered")
gce.SetInstanceTags(cloudConfig, nodesNames[0], zone, removedTags)
// Make sure traffic is recovered before exit
Expect(framework.TestHitNodesFromOutside(svcExternalIP, gce.FirewallTestHttpPort, framework.LoadBalancerCreateTimeoutDefault, nodesSet)).NotTo(HaveOccurred())
By("Accessing serivce through the external ip and examine got no response from the node without tags")
Expect(framework.TestHitNodesFromOutsideWithCount(svcExternalIP, gce.FirewallTestHttpPort, framework.LoadBalancerCreateTimeoutDefault, nodesSet, 15)).NotTo(HaveOccurred())
It("should have correct firewall rules for e2e cluster", func() {
nodes := framework.GetReadySchedulableNodesOrDie(cs)
if len(nodes.Items) <= 0 {
framework.Failf("Expect at least 1 node, got: %v", len(nodes.Items))
By("Checking if e2e firewall rules are correct")
for _, expFw := range gce.GetE2eFirewalls(cloudConfig.MasterName, cloudConfig.MasterTag, cloudConfig.NodeTag, cloudConfig.Network, cloudConfig.ClusterIPRange) {
fw, err := gceCloud.GetFirewall(expFw.Name)
Expect(gce.VerifyFirewallRule(fw, expFw, cloudConfig.Network, false)).NotTo(HaveOccurred())
By("Checking well known ports on master and nodes are not exposed externally")
nodeAddrs := framework.NodeAddresses(nodes, v1.NodeExternalIP)
if len(nodeAddrs) == 0 {
framework.Failf("did not find any node addresses")
masterAddresses := framework.GetAllMasterAddresses(cs)
for _, masterAddress := range masterAddresses {
assertNotReachableHTTPTimeout(masterAddress, ports.InsecureKubeControllerManagerPort, gce.FirewallTestTcpTimeout)
assertNotReachableHTTPTimeout(masterAddress, ports.InsecureSchedulerPort, gce.FirewallTestTcpTimeout)
assertNotReachableHTTPTimeout(nodeAddrs[0], ports.KubeletPort, gce.FirewallTestTcpTimeout)
assertNotReachableHTTPTimeout(nodeAddrs[0], ports.KubeletReadOnlyPort, gce.FirewallTestTcpTimeout)
assertNotReachableHTTPTimeout(nodeAddrs[0], ports.ProxyStatusPort, gce.FirewallTestTcpTimeout)
func assertNotReachableHTTPTimeout(ip string, port int, timeout time.Duration) {
result := framework.PokeHTTP(ip, port, "/", &framework.HTTPPokeParams{Timeout: timeout})
if result.Status == framework.HTTPError {
framework.Failf("Unexpected error checking for reachability of %s:%d: %v", ip, port, result.Error)
if result.Code != 0 {
framework.Failf("Was unexpectedly able to reach %s:%d", ip, port)