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// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package constant implements Values representing untyped
// Go constants and the corresponding operations. Values
// and operations may have arbitrary or unlimited precision.
// A special Unknown value may be used when a value
// is unknown due to an error. Operations on unknown
// values produce unknown values unless specified
// otherwise.
package constant
import (
// Kind specifies the kind of value represented by a Value.
type Kind int
// Implementation note: Kinds must be enumerated in
// order of increasing "complexity" (used by match).
const (
// unknown values
Unknown Kind = iota
// non-numeric values
// numeric values
// A Value represents a mathematically exact value of a given Kind.
type Value interface {
// Kind returns the value kind; it is always the smallest
// kind in which the value can be represented exactly.
Kind() Kind
// String returns a human-readable form of the value.
String() string
// Prevent external implementations.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Implementations
type (
unknownVal struct{}
boolVal bool
stringVal string
int64Val int64
intVal struct{ val *big.Int }
floatVal struct{ val *big.Rat }
complexVal struct{ re, im *big.Rat }
func (unknownVal) Kind() Kind { return Unknown }
func (boolVal) Kind() Kind { return Bool }
func (stringVal) Kind() Kind { return String }
func (int64Val) Kind() Kind { return Int }
func (intVal) Kind() Kind { return Int }
func (floatVal) Kind() Kind { return Float }
func (complexVal) Kind() Kind { return Complex }
func (unknownVal) String() string { return "unknown" }
func (x boolVal) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%v", bool(x)) }
func (x stringVal) String() string { return strconv.Quote(string(x)) }
func (x int64Val) String() string { return strconv.FormatInt(int64(x), 10) }
func (x intVal) String() string { return x.val.String() }
func (x floatVal) String() string { return x.val.String() }
func (x complexVal) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("(%s + %si)", x.re, x.im) }
func (unknownVal) implementsValue() {}
func (boolVal) implementsValue() {}
func (stringVal) implementsValue() {}
func (int64Val) implementsValue() {}
func (intVal) implementsValue() {}
func (floatVal) implementsValue() {}
func (complexVal) implementsValue() {}
// int64 bounds
var (
minInt64 = big.NewInt(-1 << 63)
maxInt64 = big.NewInt(1<<63 - 1)
func normInt(x *big.Int) Value {
if minInt64.Cmp(x) <= 0 && x.Cmp(maxInt64) <= 0 {
return int64Val(x.Int64())
return intVal{x}
func normFloat(x *big.Rat) Value {
if x.IsInt() {
return normInt(x.Num())
return floatVal{x}
func normComplex(re, im *big.Rat) Value {
if im.Sign() == 0 {
return normFloat(re)
return complexVal{re, im}
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Factories
// MakeUnknown returns the Unknown value.
func MakeUnknown() Value { return unknownVal{} }
// MakeBool returns the Bool value for x.
func MakeBool(b bool) Value { return boolVal(b) }
// MakeString returns the String value for x.
func MakeString(s string) Value { return stringVal(s) }
// MakeInt64 returns the Int value for x.
func MakeInt64(x int64) Value { return int64Val(x) }
// MakeUint64 returns the Int value for x.
func MakeUint64(x uint64) Value { return normInt(new(big.Int).SetUint64(x)) }
// MakeFloat64 returns the numeric value for x.
// If x is not finite, the result is unknown.
func MakeFloat64(x float64) Value {
if f := new(big.Rat).SetFloat64(x); f != nil {
return normFloat(f)
return unknownVal{}
// MakeFromLiteral returns the corresponding integer, floating-point,
// imaginary, character, or string value for a Go literal string.
// If prec > 0, prec specifies an upper limit for the precision of
// a numeric value. If the literal string is invalid, the result is
// nil.
// BUG(gri) Only prec == 0 is supported at the moment.
func MakeFromLiteral(lit string, tok token.Token, prec uint) Value {
if prec != 0 {
panic("limited precision not supported")
switch tok {
case token.INT:
if x, err := strconv.ParseInt(lit, 0, 64); err == nil {
return int64Val(x)
if x, ok := new(big.Int).SetString(lit, 0); ok {
return intVal{x}
case token.FLOAT:
if x, ok := new(big.Rat).SetString(lit); ok {
return normFloat(x)
case token.IMAG:
if n := len(lit); n > 0 && lit[n-1] == 'i' {
if im, ok := new(big.Rat).SetString(lit[0 : n-1]); ok {
return normComplex(big.NewRat(0, 1), im)
case token.CHAR:
if n := len(lit); n >= 2 {
if code, _, _, err := strconv.UnquoteChar(lit[1:n-1], '\''); err == nil {
return int64Val(code)
case token.STRING:
if s, err := strconv.Unquote(lit); err == nil {
return stringVal(s)
return nil
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Accessors
// For unknown arguments the result is the zero value for the respective
// accessor type, except for Sign, where the result is 1.
// BoolVal returns the Go boolean value of x, which must be a Bool or an Unknown.
// If x is Unknown, the result is false.
func BoolVal(x Value) bool {
switch x := x.(type) {
case boolVal:
return bool(x)
case unknownVal:
return false
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v not a Bool", x))
// StringVal returns the Go string value of x, which must be a String or an Unknown.
// If x is Unknown, the result is "".
func StringVal(x Value) string {
switch x := x.(type) {
case stringVal:
return string(x)
case unknownVal:
return ""
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v not a String", x))
// Int64Val returns the Go int64 value of x and whether the result is exact;
// x must be an Int or an Unknown. If the result is not exact, its value is undefined.
// If x is Unknown, the result is (0, false).
func Int64Val(x Value) (int64, bool) {
switch x := x.(type) {
case int64Val:
return int64(x), true
case intVal:
return x.val.Int64(), x.val.BitLen() <= 63
case unknownVal:
return 0, false
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v not an Int", x))
// Uint64Val returns the Go uint64 value of x and whether the result is exact;
// x must be an Int or an Unknown. If the result is not exact, its value is undefined.
// If x is Unknown, the result is (0, false).
func Uint64Val(x Value) (uint64, bool) {
switch x := x.(type) {
case int64Val:
return uint64(x), x >= 0
case intVal:
return x.val.Uint64(), x.val.Sign() >= 0 && x.val.BitLen() <= 64
case unknownVal:
return 0, false
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v not an Int", x))
// Float32Val is like Float64Val but for float32 instead of float64.
func Float32Val(x Value) (float32, bool) {
switch x := x.(type) {
case int64Val:
f := float32(x)
return f, int64Val(f) == x
case intVal:
return ratToFloat32(new(big.Rat).SetFrac(x.val, int1))
case floatVal:
return ratToFloat32(x.val)
case unknownVal:
return 0, false
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v not a Float", x))
// Float64Val returns the nearest Go float64 value of x and whether the result is exact;
// x must be numeric but not Complex, or Unknown. For values too small (too close to 0)
// to represent as float64, Float64Val silently underflows to 0. The result sign always
// matches the sign of x, even for 0.
// If x is Unknown, the result is (0, false).
func Float64Val(x Value) (float64, bool) {
switch x := x.(type) {
case int64Val:
f := float64(int64(x))
return f, int64Val(f) == x
case intVal:
return new(big.Rat).SetFrac(x.val, int1).Float64()
case floatVal:
return x.val.Float64()
case unknownVal:
return 0, false
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v not a Float", x))
// BitLen returns the number of bits required to represent
// the absolute value x in binary representation; x must be an Int or an Unknown.
// If x is Unknown, the result is 0.
func BitLen(x Value) int {
switch x := x.(type) {
case int64Val:
return new(big.Int).SetInt64(int64(x)).BitLen()
case intVal:
return x.val.BitLen()
case unknownVal:
return 0
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v not an Int", x))
// Sign returns -1, 0, or 1 depending on whether x < 0, x == 0, or x > 0;
// x must be numeric or Unknown. For complex values x, the sign is 0 if x == 0,
// otherwise it is != 0. If x is Unknown, the result is 1.
func Sign(x Value) int {
switch x := x.(type) {
case int64Val:
switch {
case x < 0:
return -1
case x > 0:
return 1
return 0
case intVal:
return x.val.Sign()
case floatVal:
return x.val.Sign()
case complexVal:
return x.re.Sign() | x.im.Sign()
case unknownVal:
return 1 // avoid spurious division by zero errors
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v not numeric", x))
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Support for serializing/deserializing integers
const (
// Compute the size of a Word in bytes.
_m = ^big.Word(0)
_log = _m>>8&1 + _m>>16&1 + _m>>32&1
wordSize = 1 << _log
// Bytes returns the bytes for the absolute value of x in little-
// endian binary representation; x must be an Int.
func Bytes(x Value) []byte {
var val *big.Int
switch x := x.(type) {
case int64Val:
val = new(big.Int).SetInt64(int64(x))
case intVal:
val = x.val
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v not an Int", x))
words := val.Bits()
bytes := make([]byte, len(words)*wordSize)
i := 0
for _, w := range words {
for j := 0; j < wordSize; j++ {
bytes[i] = byte(w)
w >>= 8
// remove leading 0's
for i > 0 && bytes[i-1] == 0 {
return bytes[:i]
// MakeFromBytes returns the Int value given the bytes of its little-endian
// binary representation. An empty byte slice argument represents 0.
func MakeFromBytes(bytes []byte) Value {
words := make([]big.Word, (len(bytes)+(wordSize-1))/wordSize)
i := 0
var w big.Word
var s uint
for _, b := range bytes {
w |= big.Word(b) << s
if s += 8; s == wordSize*8 {
words[i] = w
w = 0
s = 0
// store last word
if i < len(words) {
words[i] = w
// remove leading 0's
for i > 0 && words[i-1] == 0 {
return normInt(new(big.Int).SetBits(words[:i]))
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Support for disassembling fractions
// Num returns the numerator of x; x must be Int, Float, or Unknown.
// If x is Unknown, the result is Unknown, otherwise it is an Int
// with the same sign as x.
func Num(x Value) Value {
switch x := x.(type) {
case unknownVal, int64Val, intVal:
return x
case floatVal:
return normInt(x.val.Num())
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v not Int or Float", x))
// Denom returns the denominator of x; x must be Int, Float, or Unknown.
// If x is Unknown, the result is Unknown, otherwise it is an Int >= 1.
func Denom(x Value) Value {
switch x := x.(type) {
case unknownVal:
return x
case int64Val, intVal:
return int64Val(1)
case floatVal:
return normInt(x.val.Denom())
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v not Int or Float", x))
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Support for assembling/disassembling complex numbers
// MakeImag returns the numeric value x*i (possibly 0);
// x must be Int, Float, or Unknown.
// If x is Unknown, the result is Unknown.
func MakeImag(x Value) Value {
var im *big.Rat
switch x := x.(type) {
case unknownVal:
return x
case int64Val:
im = big.NewRat(int64(x), 1)
case intVal:
im = new(big.Rat).SetFrac(x.val, int1)
case floatVal:
im = x.val
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v not Int or Float", x))
return normComplex(rat0, im)
// Real returns the real part of x, which must be a numeric or unknown value.
// If x is Unknown, the result is Unknown.
func Real(x Value) Value {
switch x := x.(type) {
case unknownVal, int64Val, intVal, floatVal:
return x
case complexVal:
return normFloat(x.re)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v not numeric", x))
// Imag returns the imaginary part of x, which must be a numeric or unknown value.
// If x is Unknown, the result is Unknown.
func Imag(x Value) Value {
switch x := x.(type) {
case unknownVal:
return x
case int64Val, intVal, floatVal:
return int64Val(0)
case complexVal:
return normFloat(x.im)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v not numeric", x))
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Operations
// is32bit reports whether x can be represented using 32 bits.
func is32bit(x int64) bool {
const s = 32
return -1<<(s-1) <= x && x <= 1<<(s-1)-1
// is63bit reports whether x can be represented using 63 bits.
func is63bit(x int64) bool {
const s = 63
return -1<<(s-1) <= x && x <= 1<<(s-1)-1
// UnaryOp returns the result of the unary expression op y.
// The operation must be defined for the operand.
// If prec > 0 it specifies the ^ (xor) result size in bits.
// If y is Unknown, the result is Unknown.
func UnaryOp(op token.Token, y Value, prec uint) Value {
switch op {
case token.ADD:
switch y.(type) {
case unknownVal, int64Val, intVal, floatVal, complexVal:
return y
case token.SUB:
switch y := y.(type) {
case unknownVal:
return y
case int64Val:
if z := -y; z != y {
return z // no overflow
return normInt(new(big.Int).Neg(big.NewInt(int64(y))))
case intVal:
return normInt(new(big.Int).Neg(y.val))
case floatVal:
return normFloat(new(big.Rat).Neg(y.val))
case complexVal:
return normComplex(new(big.Rat).Neg(y.re), new(big.Rat).Neg(y.im))
case token.XOR:
var z big.Int
switch y := y.(type) {
case unknownVal:
return y
case int64Val:
case intVal:
goto Error
// For unsigned types, the result will be negative and
// thus "too large": We must limit the result precision
// to the type's precision.
if prec > 0 {
z.AndNot(&z, new(big.Int).Lsh(big.NewInt(-1), prec)) // z &^= (-1)<<prec
return normInt(&z)
case token.NOT:
switch y := y.(type) {
case unknownVal:
return y
case boolVal:
return !y
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid unary operation %s%v", op, y))
var (
int1 = big.NewInt(1)
rat0 = big.NewRat(0, 1)
func ord(x Value) int {
switch x.(type) {
return 0
case boolVal, stringVal:
return 1
case int64Val:
return 2
case intVal:
return 3
case floatVal:
return 4
case complexVal:
return 5
// match returns the matching representation (same type) with the
// smallest complexity for two values x and y. If one of them is
// numeric, both of them must be numeric. If one of them is Unknown,
// both results are Unknown.
func match(x, y Value) (_, _ Value) {
if ord(x) > ord(y) {
y, x = match(y, x)
return x, y
// ord(x) <= ord(y)
switch x := x.(type) {
case unknownVal:
return x, x
case boolVal, stringVal, complexVal:
return x, y
case int64Val:
switch y := y.(type) {
case int64Val:
return x, y
case intVal:
return intVal{big.NewInt(int64(x))}, y
case floatVal:
return floatVal{big.NewRat(int64(x), 1)}, y
case complexVal:
return complexVal{big.NewRat(int64(x), 1), rat0}, y
case intVal:
switch y := y.(type) {
case intVal:
return x, y
case floatVal:
return floatVal{new(big.Rat).SetFrac(x.val, int1)}, y
case complexVal:
return complexVal{new(big.Rat).SetFrac(x.val, int1), rat0}, y
case floatVal:
switch y := y.(type) {
case floatVal:
return x, y
case complexVal:
return complexVal{x.val, rat0}, y
// BinaryOp returns the result of the binary expression x op y.
// The operation must be defined for the operands. If one of the
// operands is Unknown, the result is Unknown.
// To force integer division of Int operands, use op == token.QUO_ASSIGN
// instead of token.QUO; the result is guaranteed to be Int in this case.
// Division by zero leads to a run-time panic.
func BinaryOp(x Value, op token.Token, y Value) Value {
x, y = match(x, y)
switch x := x.(type) {
case unknownVal:
return x
case boolVal:
y := y.(boolVal)
switch op {
case token.LAND:
return x && y
case token.LOR:
return x || y
case int64Val:
a := int64(x)
b := int64(y.(int64Val))
var c int64
switch op {
case token.ADD:
if !is63bit(a) || !is63bit(b) {
return normInt(new(big.Int).Add(big.NewInt(a), big.NewInt(b)))
c = a + b
case token.SUB:
if !is63bit(a) || !is63bit(b) {
return normInt(new(big.Int).Sub(big.NewInt(a), big.NewInt(b)))
c = a - b
case token.MUL:
if !is32bit(a) || !is32bit(b) {
return normInt(new(big.Int).Mul(big.NewInt(a), big.NewInt(b)))
c = a * b
case token.QUO:
return normFloat(new(big.Rat).SetFrac(big.NewInt(a), big.NewInt(b)))
case token.QUO_ASSIGN: // force integer division
c = a / b
case token.REM:
c = a % b
case token.AND:
c = a & b
case token.OR:
c = a | b
case token.XOR:
c = a ^ b
case token.AND_NOT:
c = a &^ b
goto Error
return int64Val(c)
case intVal:
a := x.val
b := y.(intVal).val
var c big.Int
switch op {
case token.ADD:
c.Add(a, b)
case token.SUB:
c.Sub(a, b)
case token.MUL:
c.Mul(a, b)
case token.QUO:
return normFloat(new(big.Rat).SetFrac(a, b))
case token.QUO_ASSIGN: // force integer division
c.Quo(a, b)
case token.REM:
c.Rem(a, b)
case token.AND:
c.And(a, b)
case token.OR:
c.Or(a, b)
case token.XOR:
c.Xor(a, b)
case token.AND_NOT:
c.AndNot(a, b)
goto Error
return normInt(&c)
case floatVal:
a := x.val
b := y.(floatVal).val
var c big.Rat
switch op {
case token.ADD:
c.Add(a, b)
case token.SUB:
c.Sub(a, b)
case token.MUL:
c.Mul(a, b)
case token.QUO:
c.Quo(a, b)
goto Error
return normFloat(&c)
case complexVal:
y := y.(complexVal)
a, b := x.re, x.im
c, d := y.re, y.im
var re, im big.Rat
switch op {
case token.ADD:
// (a+c) + i(b+d)
re.Add(a, c)
im.Add(b, d)
case token.SUB:
// (a-c) + i(b-d)
re.Sub(a, c)
im.Sub(b, d)
case token.MUL:
// (ac-bd) + i(bc+ad)
var ac, bd, bc, ad big.Rat
ac.Mul(a, c)
bd.Mul(b, d)
bc.Mul(b, c)
ad.Mul(a, d)
re.Sub(&ac, &bd)
im.Add(&bc, &ad)
case token.QUO:
// (ac+bd)/s + i(bc-ad)/s, with s = cc + dd
var ac, bd, bc, ad, s, cc, dd big.Rat
ac.Mul(a, c)
bd.Mul(b, d)
bc.Mul(b, c)
ad.Mul(a, d)
cc.Mul(c, c)
dd.Mul(d, d)
s.Add(&cc, &dd)
re.Add(&ac, &bd)
re.Quo(&re, &s)
im.Sub(&bc, &ad)
im.Quo(&im, &s)
goto Error
return normComplex(&re, &im)
case stringVal:
if op == token.ADD {
return x + y.(stringVal)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid binary operation %v %s %v", x, op, y))
// Shift returns the result of the shift expression x op s
// with op == token.SHL or token.SHR (<< or >>). x must be
// an Int or an Unknown. If x is Unknown, the result is x.
func Shift(x Value, op token.Token, s uint) Value {
switch x := x.(type) {
case unknownVal:
return x
case int64Val:
if s == 0 {
return x
switch op {
case token.SHL:
z := big.NewInt(int64(x))
return normInt(z.Lsh(z, s))
case token.SHR:
return x >> s
case intVal:
if s == 0 {
return x
var z big.Int
switch op {
case token.SHL:
return normInt(z.Lsh(x.val, s))
case token.SHR:
return normInt(z.Rsh(x.val, s))
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid shift %v %s %d", x, op, s))
func cmpZero(x int, op token.Token) bool {
switch op {
case token.EQL:
return x == 0
case token.NEQ:
return x != 0
case token.LSS:
return x < 0
case token.LEQ:
return x <= 0
case token.GTR:
return x > 0
case token.GEQ:
return x >= 0
// Compare returns the result of the comparison x op y.
// The comparison must be defined for the operands.
// If one of the operands is Unknown, the result is
// false.
func Compare(x Value, op token.Token, y Value) bool {
x, y = match(x, y)
switch x := x.(type) {
case unknownVal:
return false
case boolVal:
y := y.(boolVal)
switch op {
case token.EQL:
return x == y
case token.NEQ:
return x != y
case int64Val:
y := y.(int64Val)
switch op {
case token.EQL:
return x == y
case token.NEQ:
return x != y
case token.LSS:
return x < y
case token.LEQ:
return x <= y
case token.GTR:
return x > y
case token.GEQ:
return x >= y
case intVal:
return cmpZero(x.val.Cmp(y.(intVal).val), op)
case floatVal:
return cmpZero(x.val.Cmp(y.(floatVal).val), op)
case complexVal:
y := y.(complexVal)
re := x.re.Cmp(y.re)
im := x.im.Cmp(y.im)
switch op {
case token.EQL:
return re == 0 && im == 0
case token.NEQ:
return re != 0 || im != 0
case stringVal:
y := y.(stringVal)
switch op {
case token.EQL:
return x == y
case token.NEQ:
return x != y
case token.LSS:
return x < y
case token.LEQ:
return x <= y
case token.GTR:
return x > y
case token.GEQ:
return x >= y
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid comparison %v %s %v", x, op, y))