
486 lines
21 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import os
from shlex import split
from subprocess import call
from subprocess import check_call
from subprocess import check_output
from charms.docker.compose import Compose
from charms.reactive import hook
from charms.reactive import remove_state
from charms.reactive import set_state
from charms.reactive import when
from charms.reactive import when_any
from charms.reactive import when_not
from charmhelpers.core import hookenv
from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import is_leader
from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import leader_set
from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import leader_get
from charmhelpers.core.templating import render
from charmhelpers.core import unitdata
from charmhelpers.core.host import chdir
import tlslib
def i_am_leader():
'''The leader is the Kubernetes master node. '''
leader_set({'master-address': hookenv.unit_private_ip()})
def configure_easrsa():
'''Require the tls layer to generate certificates with "clientAuth". '''
# By default easyrsa generates the server certificates without clientAuth
# Setting this state before easyrsa is configured ensures the tls layer is
# configured to generate certificates with client authentication.
domain = hookenv.config().get('dns_domain')
cidr = hookenv.config().get('cidr')
sdn_ip = get_sdn_ip(cidr)
# Create extra sans that the tls layer will add to the server cert.
extra_sans = [
unitdata.kv().set('extra_sans', extra_sans)
def config_changed():
'''If the configuration values change, remove the available states.'''
config = hookenv.config()
if any(config.changed(key) for key in config.keys()):
hookenv.log('The configuration options have changed.')
# Use the Compose class that encapsulates the docker-compose commands.
compose = Compose('files/kubernetes')
if is_leader():
hookenv.log('Removing master container and kubelet.available state.') # noqa
# Stop and remove the Kubernetes kubelet container.
# Remove the state so the code can react to restarting kubelet.
hookenv.log('Removing kubelet container and kubelet.available state.') # noqa
# Stop and remove the Kubernetes kubelet container.
# Remove the state so the code can react to restarting kubelet.
hookenv.log('Removing proxy container and proxy.available state.')
# Stop and remove the Kubernetes proxy container.
# Remove the state so the code can react to restarting proxy.
if config.changed('version'):
hookenv.log('The version changed removing the states so the new '
'version of kubectl will be downloaded.')
@when('tls.server.certificate available')
@when_not('k8s.server.certificate available')
def server_cert():
'''When the server certificate is available, get the server certificate
from the charm unitdata and write it to the kubernetes directory. '''
server_cert = '/srv/kubernetes/server.crt'
server_key = '/srv/kubernetes/server.key'
# Save the server certificate from unit data to the destination.
tlslib.server_cert(None, server_cert, user='ubuntu', group='ubuntu')
# Copy the server key from the default location to the destination.
tlslib.server_key(None, server_key, user='ubuntu', group='ubuntu')
set_state('k8s.server.certificate available')
@when('tls.client.certificate available')
@when_not('k8s.client.certficate available')
def client_cert():
'''When the client certificate is available, get the client certificate
from the charm unitdata and write it to the kubernetes directory. '''
client_cert = '/srv/kubernetes/client.crt'
client_key = '/srv/kubernetes/client.key'
# Save the client certificate from the default location to the destination.
tlslib.client_cert(None, client_cert, user='ubuntu', group='ubuntu')
# Copy the client key from the default location to the destination.
tlslib.client_key(None, client_key, user='ubuntu', group='ubuntu')
set_state('k8s.client.certficate available')
@when('tls.certificate.authority available')
@when_not('k8s.certificate.authority available')
def ca():
'''When the Certificate Authority is available, copy the CA from the
default location to the /srv/kubernetes directory. '''
ca_crt = '/srv/kubernetes/ca.crt'
# Copy the Certificate Authority to the destination directory.
tlslib.ca(None, ca_crt, user='ubuntu', group='ubuntu')
set_state('k8s.certificate.authority available')
@when('kubelet.available', 'leadership.is_leader')
@when_not('kubedns.available', 'skydns.available')
def launch_dns():
'''Create the "kube-system" namespace, the kubedns resource controller,
and the kubedns service. '''
hookenv.log('Creating kubernetes kubedns on the master node.')
# Only launch and track this state on the leader.
# Launching duplicate kubeDNS rc will raise an error
# Run a command to check if the apiserver is responding.
return_code = call(split('kubectl cluster-info'))
if return_code != 0:
hookenv.log('kubectl command failed, waiting for apiserver to start.')
# Return without setting kubedns.available so this method will retry.
# Check for the "kube-system" namespace.
return_code = call(split('kubectl get namespace kube-system'))
if return_code != 0:
# Create the kube-system namespace that is used by the kubedns files.
check_call(split('kubectl create namespace kube-system'))
# Check for the kubedns replication controller.
return_code = call(split('kubectl get -f files/manifests/kubedns-controller.yaml'))
if return_code != 0:
# Create the kubedns replication controller from the rendered file.
check_call(split('kubectl create -f files/manifests/kubedns-controller.yaml'))
# Check for the kubedns service.
return_code = call(split('kubectl get -f files/manifests/kubedns-svc.yaml'))
if return_code != 0:
# Create the kubedns service from the rendered file.
check_call(split('kubectl create -f files/manifests/kubedns-svc.yaml'))
@when('skydns.available', 'leadership.is_leader')
def convert_to_kubedns():
'''Delete the skydns containers to make way for the kubedns containers.'''
hookenv.log('Deleteing the old skydns deployment.')
# Delete the skydns replication controller.
return_code = call(split('kubectl delete rc kube-dns-v11'))
# Delete the skydns service.
return_code = call(split('kubectl delete svc kube-dns'))
def relation_message():
'''Take over messaging to let the user know they are pending a relationship
to the ETCD cluster before going any further. '''
status_set('waiting', 'Waiting for relation to ETCD')
@when_not('kubelet.available', 'proxy.available')
def start_kubelet(etcd):
'''Run the hyperkube container that starts the kubernetes services.
When the leader, run the master services (apiserver, controller, scheduler,
using the master.json from the rendered manifest directory.
When a follower, start the node services (kubelet, and proxy). '''
# Use the Compose class that encapsulates the docker-compose commands.
compose = Compose('files/kubernetes')
status_set('maintenance', 'Starting the Kubernetes services.')
if is_leader():
# Open the secure port for api-server.
# Start the Kubernetes kubelet container using docker-compose.
# Start the Kubernetes proxy container using docker-compose.
status_set('active', 'Kubernetes services started')
def download_kubectl():
'''Download the kubectl binary to test and interact with the cluster.'''
status_set('maintenance', 'Downloading the kubectl binary')
version = hookenv.config()['version']
cmd = 'wget -nv -O /usr/local/bin/kubectl https://storage.googleapis.com' \
cmd = cmd.format(version, arch())
hookenv.log('Downloading kubelet: {0}'.format(cmd))
cmd = 'chmod +x /usr/local/bin/kubectl'
@when('kubectl.downloaded', 'leadership.is_leader', 'k8s.certificate.authority available', 'k8s.client.certficate available') # noqa
def master_kubeconfig():
'''Create the kubernetes configuration for the master unit. The master
should create a package with the client credentials so the user can
interact securely with the apiserver.'''
hookenv.log('Creating Kubernetes configuration for master node.')
directory = '/srv/kubernetes'
ca = '/srv/kubernetes/ca.crt'
key = '/srv/kubernetes/client.key'
cert = '/srv/kubernetes/client.crt'
# Get the public address of the apiserver so users can access the master.
server = 'https://{0}:{1}'.format(hookenv.unit_public_ip(), '6443')
# Create the client kubeconfig so users can access the master node.
create_kubeconfig(directory, server, ca, key, cert)
# Copy the kubectl binary to this directory.
cmd = 'cp -v /usr/local/bin/kubectl {0}'.format(directory)
# Use a context manager to run the tar command in a specific directory.
with chdir(directory):
# Create a package with kubectl and the files to use it externally.
cmd = 'tar -cvzf /home/ubuntu/kubectl_package.tar.gz ca.crt ' \
'client.key client.crt kubectl kubeconfig'
# This sets up the client workspace consistently on the leader and nodes.
@when('kubectl.downloaded', 'k8s.certificate.authority available', 'k8s.server.certificate available') # noqa
@when_not('kubeconfig.created', 'leadership.is_leader')
def node_kubeconfig():
'''Create the kubernetes configuration (kubeconfig) for this unit.
The the nodes will create a kubeconfig with the server credentials so
the services can interact securely with the apiserver.'''
hookenv.log('Creating Kubernetes configuration for worker node.')
directory = '/var/lib/kubelet'
ca = '/srv/kubernetes/ca.crt'
cert = '/srv/kubernetes/server.crt'
key = '/srv/kubernetes/server.key'
# Get the private address of the apiserver for communication between units.
server = 'https://{0}:{1}'.format(leader_get('master-address'), '6443')
# Create the kubeconfig for the other services.
kubeconfig = create_kubeconfig(directory, server, ca, key, cert)
# Install the kubeconfig in the root user's home directory.
install_kubeconfig(kubeconfig, '/root/.kube', 'root')
# Install the kubeconfig in the ubunut user's home directory.
install_kubeconfig(kubeconfig, '/home/ubuntu/.kube', 'ubuntu')
def start_cadvisor():
'''Start the cAdvisor container that gives metrics about the other
application containers on this system. '''
compose = Compose('files/kubernetes')
status_set('active', 'cadvisor running on port 8088')
@when('kubelet.available', 'kubeconfig.created')
@when_any('proxy.available', 'cadvisor.available', 'kubedns.available')
def final_message():
'''Issue some final messages when the services are started. '''
# TODO: Run a simple/quick health checks before issuing this message.
status_set('active', 'Kubernetes running.')
def gather_sdn_data():
'''Get the Software Defined Network (SDN) information and return it as a
dictionary. '''
sdn_data = {}
# The dictionary named 'pillar' is a construct of the k8s template files.
pillar = {}
# SDN Providers pass data via the unitdata.kv module
db = unitdata.kv()
# Ideally the DNS address should come from the sdn cidr.
subnet = db.get('sdn_subnet')
if subnet:
# Generate the DNS ip address on the SDN cidr (this is desired).
pillar['dns_server'] = get_dns_ip(subnet)
# There is no SDN cider fall back to the kubernetes config cidr option.
pillar['dns_server'] = get_dns_ip(hookenv.config().get('cidr'))
# The pillar['dns_domain'] value is used in the kubedns-controller.yaml
pillar['dns_domain'] = hookenv.config().get('dns_domain')
# Use a 'pillar' dictionary so we can reuse the upstream kubedns templates.
sdn_data['pillar'] = pillar
return sdn_data
def install_kubeconfig(kubeconfig, directory, user):
'''Copy the a file from the target to a new directory creating directories
if necessary. '''
# The file and directory must be owned by the correct user.
chown = 'chown {0}:{0} {1}'
if not os.path.isdir(directory):
# Change the ownership of the config file to the right user.
check_call(split(chown.format(user, directory)))
# kubectl looks for a file named "config" in the ~/.kube directory.
config = os.path.join(directory, 'config')
# Copy the kubeconfig file to the directory renaming it to "config".
cmd = 'cp -v {0} {1}'.format(kubeconfig, config)
# Change the ownership of the config file to the right user.
check_call(split(chown.format(user, config)))
def create_kubeconfig(directory, server, ca, key, cert, user='ubuntu'):
'''Create a configuration for kubernetes in a specific directory using
the supplied arguments, return the path to the file.'''
context = 'default-context'
cluster_name = 'kubernetes'
# Ensure the destination directory exists.
if not os.path.isdir(directory):
# The configuration file should be in this directory named kubeconfig.
kubeconfig = os.path.join(directory, 'kubeconfig')
# Create the config file with the address of the master server.
cmd = 'kubectl config set-cluster --kubeconfig={0} {1} ' \
'--server={2} --certificate-authority={3}'
check_call(split(cmd.format(kubeconfig, cluster_name, server, ca)))
# Create the credentials using the client flags.
cmd = 'kubectl config set-credentials --kubeconfig={0} {1} ' \
'--client-key={2} --client-certificate={3}'
check_call(split(cmd.format(kubeconfig, user, key, cert)))
# Create a default context with the cluster.
cmd = 'kubectl config set-context --kubeconfig={0} {1} ' \
'--cluster={2} --user={3}'
check_call(split(cmd.format(kubeconfig, context, cluster_name, user)))
# Make the config use this new context.
cmd = 'kubectl config use-context --kubeconfig={0} {1}'
check_call(split(cmd.format(kubeconfig, context)))
hookenv.log('kubectl configuration created at {0}.'.format(kubeconfig))
return kubeconfig
def get_dns_ip(cidr):
'''Get an IP address for the DNS server on the provided cidr.'''
# Remove the range from the cidr.
ip = cidr.split('/')[0]
# Take the last octet off the IP address and replace it with 10.
return '.'.join(ip.split('.')[0:-1]) + '.10'
def get_sdn_ip(cidr):
'''Get the IP address for the SDN gateway based on the provided cidr.'''
# Remove the range from the cidr.
ip = cidr.split('/')[0]
# Remove the last octet and replace it with 1.
return '.'.join(ip.split('.')[0:-1]) + '.1'
def render_files(reldata=None):
'''Use jinja templating to render the docker-compose.yml and master.json
file to contain the dynamic data for the configuration files.'''
context = {}
# Load the context data with SDN data.
# Add the charm configuration data to the context.
if reldata:
connection_string = reldata.get_connection_string()
# Define where the etcd tls files will be kept.
etcd_dir = '/etc/ssl/etcd'
# Create paths to the etcd client ca, key, and cert file locations.
ca = os.path.join(etcd_dir, 'client-ca.pem')
key = os.path.join(etcd_dir, 'client-key.pem')
cert = os.path.join(etcd_dir, 'client-cert.pem')
# Save the client credentials (in relation data) to the paths provided.
reldata.save_client_credentials(key, cert, ca)
# Update the context so the template has the etcd information.
context.update({'etcd_dir': etcd_dir,
'connection_string': connection_string,
'etcd_ca': ca,
'etcd_key': key,
'etcd_cert': cert})
charm_dir = hookenv.charm_dir()
rendered_kube_dir = os.path.join(charm_dir, 'files/kubernetes')
if not os.path.exists(rendered_kube_dir):
rendered_manifest_dir = os.path.join(charm_dir, 'files/manifests')
if not os.path.exists(rendered_manifest_dir):
# Update the context with extra values, arch, manifest dir, and private IP.
context.update({'arch': arch(),
'master_address': leader_get('master-address'),
'manifest_directory': rendered_manifest_dir,
'public_address': hookenv.unit_get('public-address'),
'private_address': hookenv.unit_get('private-address')})
# Adapted from: http://kubernetes.io/docs/getting-started-guides/docker/
target = os.path.join(rendered_kube_dir, 'docker-compose.yml')
# Render the files/kubernetes/docker-compose.yml file that contains the
# definition for kubelet and proxy.
render('docker-compose.yml', target, context)
if is_leader():
# Source: https://github.com/kubernetes/...master/cluster/images/hyperkube # noqa
target = os.path.join(rendered_manifest_dir, 'master.json')
# Render the files/manifests/master.json that contains parameters for
# the apiserver, controller, and controller-manager
render('master.json', target, context)
# Source: ...cluster/addons/dns/kubedns-svc.yaml.in
target = os.path.join(rendered_manifest_dir, 'kubedns-svc.yaml')
# Render files/kubernetes/kubedns-svc.yaml for the DNS service.
render('kubedns-svc.yaml', target, context)
# Source: ...cluster/addons/dns/kubedns-controller.yaml.in
target = os.path.join(rendered_manifest_dir, 'kubedns-controller.yaml')
# Render files/kubernetes/kubedns-controller.yaml for the DNS pod.
render('kubedns-controller.yaml', target, context)
def status_set(level, message):
'''Output status message with leadership information.'''
if is_leader():
message = '{0} (master) '.format(message)
hookenv.status_set(level, message)
def arch():
'''Return the package architecture as a string. Raise an exception if the
architecture is not supported by kubernetes.'''
# Get the package architecture for this system.
architecture = check_output(['dpkg', '--print-architecture']).rstrip()
# Convert the binary result into a string.
architecture = architecture.decode('utf-8')
# Validate the architecture is supported by kubernetes.
if architecture not in ['amd64', 'arm', 'arm64', 'ppc64le', 's390x']:
message = 'Unsupported machine architecture: {0}'.format(architecture)
status_set('blocked', message)
raise Exception(message)
return architecture