
490 lines
15 KiB

Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
// utility functions to setup rbd volume
// mainly implement diskManager interface
package rbd
import (
volutil "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/volume/util"
const (
imageWatcherStr = "watcher="
kubeLockMagic = "kubelet_lock_magic_"
rbdCmdErr = "executable file not found in $PATH"
// search /sys/bus for rbd device that matches given pool and image
func getDevFromImageAndPool(pool, image string) (string, bool) {
// /sys/bus/rbd/devices/X/name and /sys/bus/rbd/devices/X/pool
sys_path := "/sys/bus/rbd/devices"
if dirs, err := ioutil.ReadDir(sys_path); err == nil {
for _, f := range dirs {
// pool and name format:
// see rbd_pool_show() and rbd_name_show() at
// https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/drivers/block/rbd.c
name := f.Name()
// first match pool, then match name
poolFile := path.Join(sys_path, name, "pool")
poolBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(poolFile)
if err != nil {
glog.V(4).Infof("Error reading %s: %v", poolFile, err)
if strings.TrimSpace(string(poolBytes)) != pool {
glog.V(4).Infof("Device %s is not %q: %q", name, pool, string(poolBytes))
imgFile := path.Join(sys_path, name, "name")
imgBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(imgFile)
if err != nil {
glog.V(4).Infof("Error reading %s: %v", imgFile, err)
if strings.TrimSpace(string(imgBytes)) != image {
glog.V(4).Infof("Device %s is not %q: %q", name, image, string(imgBytes))
// found a match, check if device exists
devicePath := "/dev/rbd" + name
if _, err := os.Lstat(devicePath); err == nil {
return devicePath, true
return "", false
// stat a path, if not exists, retry maxRetries times
func waitForPath(pool, image string, maxRetries int) (string, bool) {
for i := 0; i < maxRetries; i++ {
devicePath, found := getDevFromImageAndPool(pool, image)
if found {
return devicePath, true
if i == maxRetries-1 {
return "", false
// make a directory like /var/lib/kubelet/plugins/kubernetes.io/pod/rbd/pool-image-image
func makePDNameInternal(host volume.VolumeHost, pool string, image string) string {
return path.Join(host.GetPluginDir(rbdPluginName), "rbd", pool+"-image-"+image)
// RBDUtil implements diskManager interface.
type RBDUtil struct{}
var _ diskManager = &RBDUtil{}
func (util *RBDUtil) MakeGlobalPDName(rbd rbd) string {
return makePDNameInternal(rbd.plugin.host, rbd.Pool, rbd.Image)
func rbdErrors(runErr, resultErr error) error {
if runErr.Error() == rbdCmdErr {
return fmt.Errorf("rbd: rbd cmd not found")
return resultErr
// rbdLock acquires a lock on image if lock is true, otherwise releases if a
// lock is found on image.
func (util *RBDUtil) rbdLock(b rbdMounter, lock bool) error {
var err error
var output, locker string
var cmd []byte
var secret_opt []string
if b.Secret != "" {
secret_opt = []string{"--key=" + b.Secret}
} else {
secret_opt = []string{"-k", b.Keyring}
if len(b.adminId) == 0 {
b.adminId = b.Id
if len(b.adminSecret) == 0 {
b.adminSecret = b.Secret
// construct lock id using host name and a magic prefix
lock_id := kubeLockMagic + node.GetHostname("")
l := len(b.Mon)
// avoid mount storm, pick a host randomly
start := rand.Int() % l
// iterate all hosts until mount succeeds.
for i := start; i < start+l; i++ {
mon := b.Mon[i%l]
// cmd "rbd lock list" serves two purposes:
// for fencing, check if lock already held for this host
// this edge case happens if host crashes in the middle of acquiring lock and mounting rbd
// for defencing, get the locker name, something like "client.1234"
args := []string{"lock", "list", b.Image, "--pool", b.Pool, "--id", b.Id, "-m", mon}
args = append(args, secret_opt...)
cmd, err = b.exec.Run("rbd", args...)
output = string(cmd)
glog.Infof("lock list output %q", output)
if err != nil {
if lock {
// check if lock is already held for this host by matching lock_id and rbd lock id
if strings.Contains(output, lock_id) {
// this host already holds the lock, exit
glog.V(1).Infof("rbd: lock already held for %s", lock_id)
return nil
// clean up orphaned lock if no watcher on the image
used, statusErr := util.rbdStatus(&b)
if statusErr == nil && !used {
re := regexp.MustCompile("client.* " + kubeLockMagic + ".*")
locks := re.FindAllStringSubmatch(output, -1)
for _, v := range locks {
if len(v) > 0 {
lockInfo := strings.Split(v[0], " ")
if len(lockInfo) > 2 {
args := []string{"lock", "remove", b.Image, lockInfo[1], lockInfo[0], "--pool", b.Pool, "--id", b.Id, "-m", mon}
args = append(args, secret_opt...)
cmd, err = b.exec.Run("rbd", args...)
glog.Infof("remove orphaned locker %s from client %s: err %v, output: %s", lockInfo[1], lockInfo[0], err, string(cmd))
// hold a lock: rbd lock add
args := []string{"lock", "add", b.Image, lock_id, "--pool", b.Pool, "--id", b.Id, "-m", mon}
args = append(args, secret_opt...)
cmd, err = b.exec.Run("rbd", args...)
if err == nil {
glog.V(4).Infof("rbd: successfully add lock (locker_id: %s) on image: %s/%s with id %s mon %s", lock_id, b.Pool, b.Image, b.Id, mon)
} else {
// defencing, find locker name
ind := strings.LastIndex(output, lock_id) - 1
for i := ind; i >= 0; i-- {
if output[i] == '\n' {
locker = output[(i + 1):ind]
// remove a lock if found: rbd lock remove
if len(locker) > 0 {
args := []string{"lock", "remove", b.Image, lock_id, locker, "--pool", b.Pool, "--id", b.Id, "-m", mon}
args = append(args, secret_opt...)
cmd, err = b.exec.Run("rbd", args...)
if err == nil {
glog.V(4).Infof("rbd: successfully remove lock (locker_id: %s) on image: %s/%s with id %s mon %s", lock_id, b.Pool, b.Image, b.Id, mon)
if err == nil {
// break if operation succeeds
return err
func (util *RBDUtil) persistRBD(rbd rbdMounter, mnt string) error {
file := path.Join(mnt, "rbd.json")
fp, err := os.Create(file)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("rbd: create err %s/%s", file, err)
defer fp.Close()
encoder := json.NewEncoder(fp)
if err = encoder.Encode(rbd); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("rbd: encode err: %v.", err)
return nil
func (util *RBDUtil) loadRBD(mounter *rbdMounter, mnt string) error {
file := path.Join(mnt, "rbd.json")
fp, err := os.Open(file)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("rbd: open err %s/%s", file, err)
defer fp.Close()
decoder := json.NewDecoder(fp)
if err = decoder.Decode(mounter); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("rbd: decode err: %v.", err)
return nil
func (util *RBDUtil) fencing(b rbdMounter) error {
// no need to fence readOnly
if (&b).GetAttributes().ReadOnly {
return nil
return util.rbdLock(b, true)
// AttachDisk attaches the disk on the node.
// If Volume is not read-only, acquire a lock on image first.
func (util *RBDUtil) AttachDisk(b rbdMounter) (string, error) {
var err error
var output []byte
globalPDPath := util.MakeGlobalPDName(*b.rbd)
if pathExists, pathErr := volutil.PathExists(globalPDPath); pathErr != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Error checking if path exists: %v", pathErr)
} else if !pathExists {
if err := os.MkdirAll(globalPDPath, 0750); err != nil {
return "", err
devicePath, found := waitForPath(b.Pool, b.Image, 1)
if !found {
_, err = b.exec.Run("modprobe", "rbd")
if err != nil {
glog.Warningf("rbd: failed to load rbd kernel module:%v", err)
// fence off other mappers
if err = util.fencing(b); err != nil {
return "", rbdErrors(err, fmt.Errorf("rbd: failed to lock image %s (maybe locked by other nodes), error %v", b.Image, err))
// rbd lock remove needs ceph and image config
// but kubelet doesn't get them from apiserver during teardown
// so persit rbd config so upon disk detach, rbd lock can be removed
// since rbd json is persisted in the same local directory that is used as rbd mountpoint later,
// the json file remains invisible during rbd mount and thus won't be removed accidentally.
util.persistRBD(b, globalPDPath)
// rbd map
l := len(b.Mon)
// avoid mount storm, pick a host randomly
start := rand.Int() % l
// iterate all hosts until mount succeeds.
for i := start; i < start+l; i++ {
mon := b.Mon[i%l]
glog.V(1).Infof("rbd: map mon %s", mon)
if b.Secret != "" {
output, err = b.exec.Run("rbd",
"map", b.Image, "--pool", b.Pool, "--id", b.Id, "-m", mon, "--key="+b.Secret)
} else {
output, err = b.exec.Run("rbd",
"map", b.Image, "--pool", b.Pool, "--id", b.Id, "-m", mon, "-k", b.Keyring)
if err == nil {
glog.V(1).Infof("rbd: map error %v %s", err, string(output))
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("rbd: map failed %v %s", err, string(output))
devicePath, found = waitForPath(b.Pool, b.Image, 10)
if !found {
return "", errors.New("Could not map image: Timeout after 10s")
return devicePath, err
// DetachDisk detaches the disk from the node.
// It detaches device from the node if device is provided, and removes the lock
// if there is persisted RBD info under deviceMountPath.
func (util *RBDUtil) DetachDisk(plugin *rbdPlugin, deviceMountPath string, device string) error {
var err error
if len(device) > 0 {
// rbd unmap
_, err = plugin.exec.Run("rbd", "unmap", device)
if err != nil {
return rbdErrors(err, fmt.Errorf("rbd: failed to unmap device %s:Error: %v", device, err))
glog.V(3).Infof("rbd: successfully unmap device %s", device)
// load ceph and image/pool info to remove fencing
mounter := &rbdMounter{
// util.rbdLock needs it to run command.
rbd: newRBD("", "", "", "", false, plugin, util),
err = util.loadRBD(mounter, deviceMountPath)
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("failed to load rbd info from %s: %v", deviceMountPath, err)
return err
// remove rbd lock if found
// the disk is not attached to this node anymore, so the lock on image
// for this node can be removed safely
return util.rbdLock(*mounter, false)
func (util *RBDUtil) CreateImage(p *rbdVolumeProvisioner) (r *v1.RBDPersistentVolumeSource, size int, err error) {
var output []byte
capacity := p.options.PVC.Spec.Resources.Requests[v1.ResourceName(v1.ResourceStorage)]
volSizeBytes := capacity.Value()
// convert to MB that rbd defaults on
sz := int(volume.RoundUpSize(volSizeBytes, 1024*1024))
volSz := fmt.Sprintf("%d", sz)
// rbd create
l := len(p.rbdMounter.Mon)
// pick a mon randomly
start := rand.Int() % l
// iterate all monitors until create succeeds.
for i := start; i < start+l; i++ {
mon := p.Mon[i%l]
if p.rbdMounter.imageFormat == rbdImageFormat2 {
glog.V(4).Infof("rbd: create %s size %s format %s (features: %s) using mon %s, pool %s id %s key %s", p.rbdMounter.Image, volSz, p.rbdMounter.imageFormat, p.rbdMounter.imageFeatures, mon, p.rbdMounter.Pool, p.rbdMounter.adminId, p.rbdMounter.adminSecret)
} else {
glog.V(4).Infof("rbd: create %s size %s format %s using mon %s, pool %s id %s key %s", p.rbdMounter.Image, volSz, p.rbdMounter.imageFormat, mon, p.rbdMounter.Pool, p.rbdMounter.adminId, p.rbdMounter.adminSecret)
args := []string{"create", p.rbdMounter.Image, "--size", volSz, "--pool", p.rbdMounter.Pool, "--id", p.rbdMounter.adminId, "-m", mon, "--key=" + p.rbdMounter.adminSecret, "--image-format", p.rbdMounter.imageFormat}
if p.rbdMounter.imageFormat == rbdImageFormat2 {
// if no image features is provided, it results in empty string
// which disable all RBD image format 2 features as we expected
features := strings.Join(p.rbdMounter.imageFeatures, ",")
args = append(args, "--image-feature", features)
output, err = p.exec.Run("rbd", args...)
if err == nil {
} else {
glog.Warningf("failed to create rbd image, output %v", string(output))
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, fmt.Errorf("failed to create rbd image: %v, command output: %s", err, string(output))
return &v1.RBDPersistentVolumeSource{
CephMonitors: p.rbdMounter.Mon,
RBDImage: p.rbdMounter.Image,
RBDPool: p.rbdMounter.Pool,
}, sz, nil
func (util *RBDUtil) DeleteImage(p *rbdVolumeDeleter) error {
var output []byte
found, err := util.rbdStatus(p.rbdMounter)
if err != nil {
return err
if found {
glog.Info("rbd is still being used ", p.rbdMounter.Image)
return fmt.Errorf("rbd %s is still being used", p.rbdMounter.Image)
// rbd rm
l := len(p.rbdMounter.Mon)
// pick a mon randomly
start := rand.Int() % l
// iterate all monitors until rm succeeds.
for i := start; i < start+l; i++ {
mon := p.rbdMounter.Mon[i%l]
glog.V(4).Infof("rbd: rm %s using mon %s, pool %s id %s key %s", p.rbdMounter.Image, mon, p.rbdMounter.Pool, p.rbdMounter.adminId, p.rbdMounter.adminSecret)
output, err = p.exec.Run("rbd",
"rm", p.rbdMounter.Image, "--pool", p.rbdMounter.Pool, "--id", p.rbdMounter.adminId, "-m", mon, "--key="+p.rbdMounter.adminSecret)
if err == nil {
return nil
} else {
glog.Errorf("failed to delete rbd image: %v, command output: %s", err, string(output))
return err
// rbdStatus runs `rbd status` command to check if there is watcher on the image.
func (util *RBDUtil) rbdStatus(b *rbdMounter) (bool, error) {
var err error
var output string
var cmd []byte
l := len(b.Mon)
start := rand.Int() % l
// iterate all hosts until rbd command succeeds.
for i := start; i < start+l; i++ {
mon := b.Mon[i%l]
// cmd "rbd status" list the rbd client watch with the following output:
// # there is a watcher (exit=0)
// Watchers:
// watcher= client.14163 cookie=1
// # there is no watcher (exit=0)
// Watchers: none
// Otherwise, exit is non-zero, for example:
// # image does not exist (exit=2)
// rbd: error opening image kubernetes-dynamic-pvc-<UUID>: (2) No such file or directory
glog.V(4).Infof("rbd: status %s using mon %s, pool %s id %s key %s", b.Image, mon, b.Pool, b.adminId, b.adminSecret)
cmd, err = b.exec.Run("rbd",
"status", b.Image, "--pool", b.Pool, "-m", mon, "--id", b.adminId, "--key="+b.adminSecret)
output = string(cmd)
// break if command succeeds
if err == nil {
if err.Error() == rbdCmdErr {
glog.Errorf("rbd cmd not found")
// fail fast if command not found
return false, err
// If command never succeed, returns its last error.
if err != nil {
return false, err
if strings.Contains(output, imageWatcherStr) {
glog.V(4).Infof("rbd: watchers on %s: %s", b.Image, output)
return true, nil
} else {
glog.Warningf("rbd: no watchers on %s", b.Image)
return false, nil