mirror of https://github.com/k3s-io/k3s
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Copyright 2018 The Kubernetes Authors.
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package workloads
import (
corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
kubeletconfig "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/apis/config"
// tfWideDeepWorkload defines a workload to run
// https://github.com/tensorflow/models/tree/master/official/wide_deep.
type tfWideDeepWorkload struct{}
// Ensure tfWideDeepWorkload implemets NodePerfWorkload interface.
var _ NodePerfWorkload = &tfWideDeepWorkload{}
func (w tfWideDeepWorkload) Name() string {
return "tensorflow-wide-deep"
func (w tfWideDeepWorkload) PodSpec() corev1.PodSpec {
var containers []corev1.Container
ctn := corev1.Container{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("%s-ctn", w.Name()),
Image: "gcr.io/kubernetes-e2e-test-images/node-perf/tf-wide-deep-amd64:1.0",
Resources: corev1.ResourceRequirements{
Requests: corev1.ResourceList{
corev1.ResourceName(corev1.ResourceCPU): resource.MustParse("15000m"),
corev1.ResourceName(corev1.ResourceMemory): resource.MustParse("16Gi"),
Limits: corev1.ResourceList{
corev1.ResourceName(corev1.ResourceCPU): resource.MustParse("15000m"),
corev1.ResourceName(corev1.ResourceMemory): resource.MustParse("16Gi"),
Command: []string{"/bin/sh"},
Args: []string{"-c", "python ./data_download.py && time -p python ./wide_deep.py --model_type=wide_deep --train_epochs=300 --epochs_between_evals=300 --batch_size=32561"},
containers = append(containers, ctn)
return corev1.PodSpec{
RestartPolicy: corev1.RestartPolicyNever,
Containers: containers,
func (w tfWideDeepWorkload) Timeout() time.Duration {
return 15 * time.Minute
func (w tfWideDeepWorkload) KubeletConfig(oldCfg *kubeletconfig.KubeletConfiguration) (newCfg *kubeletconfig.KubeletConfiguration, err error) {
// Enable CPU Manager in Kubelet with static policy.
newCfg = oldCfg.DeepCopy()
// Set the CPU Manager policy to static.
newCfg.CPUManagerPolicy = string(cpumanager.PolicyStatic)
// Set the CPU Manager reconcile period to 10 second.
newCfg.CPUManagerReconcilePeriod = metav1.Duration{Duration: 10 * time.Second}
// The Kubelet panics if either kube-reserved or system-reserved is not set
// when static CPU Manager is enabled. Set cpu in kube-reserved > 0 so that
// kubelet doesn't panic.
if newCfg.KubeReserved == nil {
newCfg.KubeReserved = map[string]string{}
if _, ok := newCfg.KubeReserved["cpu"]; !ok {
newCfg.KubeReserved["cpu"] = "200m"
return newCfg, nil
func (w tfWideDeepWorkload) PreTestExec() error {
cmd := "/bin/sh"
args := []string{"-c", "rm -f /var/lib/kubelet/cpu_manager_state"}
err := runCmd(cmd, args)
return err
func (w tfWideDeepWorkload) PostTestExec() error {
cmd := "/bin/sh"
args := []string{"-c", "rm -f /var/lib/kubelet/cpu_manager_state"}
err := runCmd(cmd, args)
return err
func (w tfWideDeepWorkload) ExtractPerformanceFromLogs(logs string) (perf time.Duration, err error) {
perfLine, err := getMatchingLineFromLog(logs, "real")
if err != nil {
return perf, err
perfString := fmt.Sprintf("%ss", strings.TrimSpace(strings.TrimPrefix(perfLine, "real")))
perf, err = time.ParseDuration(perfString)
return perf, err