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package e2e
import (
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo"
. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
var _ = Describe("SSH", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
var err error
c, err = loadClient()
It("should SSH to all nodes and run commands", func() {
// When adding more providers here, also implement their functionality
// in util.go's getSigner(...).
provider := testContext.Provider
if !providerIs("gce", "gke") {
By(fmt.Sprintf("Skipping SSH test, which is not implemented for %s", provider))
// Get all nodes' external IPs.
By("Getting all nodes' SSH-able IP addresses")
nodelist, err := c.Nodes().List(labels.Everything(), fields.Everything())
if err != nil {
Failf("Error getting nodes: %v", err)
hosts := make([]string, 0, len(nodelist.Items))
for _, n := range nodelist.Items {
for _, addr := range n.Status.Addresses {
// Use the first external IP address we find on the node, and
// use at most one per node.
// NOTE: Until #7412 is fixed this will repeatedly ssh into the
// master node and not check any of the minions.
if addr.Type == api.NodeExternalIP {
hosts = append(hosts, addr.Address+":22")
// Fail if any node didn't have an external IP.
if len(hosts) != len(nodelist.Items) {
Failf("Only found %d external IPs on nodes, but found %d nodes. Nodelist: %v",
len(hosts), len(nodelist.Items), nodelist)
testCases := []struct {
cmd string
checkStdout bool
expectedStdout string
expectedStderr string
expectedCode int
expectedError error
{`echo "Hello"`, true, "Hello", "", 0, nil},
// Same as previous, but useful for test output diagnostics.
{`echo "Hello from $(whoami)@$(hostname)"`, false, "", "", 0, nil},
{`echo "foo" | grep "bar"`, true, "", "", 1, nil},
{`echo "Out" && echo "Error" >&2 && exit 7`, true, "Out", "Error", 7, nil},
// Run commands on all nodes via SSH.
for _, testCase := range testCases {
By(fmt.Sprintf("SSH'ing to all nodes and running %s", testCase.cmd))
for _, host := range hosts {
stdout, stderr, code, err := SSH(testCase.cmd, host, provider)
stdout, stderr = strings.TrimSpace(stdout), strings.TrimSpace(stderr)
if err != testCase.expectedError {
Failf("Ran %s on %s, got error %v, expected %v", testCase.cmd, host, err, testCase.expectedError)
if testCase.checkStdout && stdout != testCase.expectedStdout {
Failf("Ran %s on %s, got stdout '%s', expected '%s'", testCase.cmd, host, stdout, testCase.expectedStdout)
if stderr != testCase.expectedStderr {
Failf("Ran %s on %s, got stderr '%s', expected '%s'", testCase.cmd, host, stderr, testCase.expectedStderr)
if code != testCase.expectedCode {
Failf("Ran %s on %s, got exit code %d, expected %d", testCase.cmd, host, code, testCase.expectedCode)
// Show stdout, stderr for logging purposes.
if len(stdout) > 0 {
Logf("Got stdout from %s: %s", host, strings.TrimSpace(stdout))
if len(stderr) > 0 {
Logf("Got stderr from %s: %s", host, strings.TrimSpace(stderr))
// Quickly test that SSH itself errors correctly.
By("SSH'ing to a nonexistent host")
if _, _, _, err = SSH(`echo "hello"`, "i.do.not.exist", provider); err == nil {
Failf("Expected error trying to SSH to nonexistent host.")