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// Copyright ©2015 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package gonum
import (
// Dpocon estimates the reciprocal of the condition number of a positive-definite
// matrix A given the Cholesky decomposition of A. The condition number computed
// is based on the 1-norm and the ∞-norm.
// anorm is the 1-norm and the ∞-norm of the original matrix A.
// work is a temporary data slice of length at least 3*n and Dpocon will panic otherwise.
// iwork is a temporary data slice of length at least n and Dpocon will panic otherwise.
func (impl Implementation) Dpocon(uplo blas.Uplo, n int, a []float64, lda int, anorm float64, work []float64, iwork []int) float64 {
checkMatrix(n, n, a, lda)
if uplo != blas.Upper && uplo != blas.Lower {
if len(work) < 3*n {
if len(iwork) < n {
var rcond float64
if n == 0 {
return 1
if anorm == 0 {
return rcond
bi := blas64.Implementation()
var ainvnm float64
smlnum := dlamchS
upper := uplo == blas.Upper
var kase int
var normin bool
isave := new([3]int)
var sl, su float64
for {
ainvnm, kase = impl.Dlacn2(n, work[n:], work, iwork, ainvnm, kase, isave)
if kase == 0 {
if ainvnm != 0 {
rcond = (1 / ainvnm) / anorm
return rcond
if upper {
sl = impl.Dlatrs(blas.Upper, blas.Trans, blas.NonUnit, normin, n, a, lda, work, work[2*n:])
normin = true
su = impl.Dlatrs(blas.Upper, blas.NoTrans, blas.NonUnit, normin, n, a, lda, work, work[2*n:])
} else {
sl = impl.Dlatrs(blas.Lower, blas.NoTrans, blas.NonUnit, normin, n, a, lda, work, work[2*n:])
normin = true
su = impl.Dlatrs(blas.Lower, blas.Trans, blas.NonUnit, normin, n, a, lda, work, work[2*n:])
scale := sl * su
if scale != 1 {
ix := bi.Idamax(n, work, 1)
if scale == 0 || scale < math.Abs(work[ix])*smlnum {
return rcond
impl.Drscl(n, scale, work, 1)