mirror of https://github.com/k3s-io/k3s
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Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package daemon
import (
client "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned"
var (
simpleDaemonSetLabel = map[string]string{"name": "simple-daemon", "type": "production"}
simpleDaemonSetLabel2 = map[string]string{"name": "simple-daemon", "type": "test"}
simpleNodeLabel = map[string]string{"color": "blue", "speed": "fast"}
simpleNodeLabel2 = map[string]string{"color": "red", "speed": "fast"}
alwaysReady = func() bool { return true }
func init() {
api.ForTesting_ReferencesAllowBlankSelfLinks = true
func getKey(ds *experimental.DaemonSet, t *testing.T) string {
if key, err := controller.KeyFunc(ds); err != nil {
t.Errorf("Unexpected error getting key for ds %v: %v", ds.Name, err)
return ""
} else {
return key
func newDaemonSet(name string) *experimental.DaemonSet {
return &experimental.DaemonSet{
TypeMeta: unversioned.TypeMeta{APIVersion: testapi.Experimental.Version()},
ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{
Name: name,
Namespace: api.NamespaceDefault,
Spec: experimental.DaemonSetSpec{
Selector: simpleDaemonSetLabel,
Template: &api.PodTemplateSpec{
ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{
Labels: simpleDaemonSetLabel,
Spec: api.PodSpec{
Containers: []api.Container{
Image: "foo/bar",
TerminationMessagePath: api.TerminationMessagePathDefault,
ImagePullPolicy: api.PullIfNotPresent,
SecurityContext: securitycontext.ValidSecurityContextWithContainerDefaults(),
DNSPolicy: api.DNSDefault,
func newNode(name string, label map[string]string) *api.Node {
return &api.Node{
TypeMeta: unversioned.TypeMeta{APIVersion: testapi.Default.Version()},
ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{
Name: name,
Labels: label,
Namespace: api.NamespaceDefault,
func addNodes(nodeStore cache.Store, startIndex, numNodes int, label map[string]string) {
for i := startIndex; i < startIndex+numNodes; i++ {
nodeStore.Add(newNode(fmt.Sprintf("node-%d", i), label))
func newPod(podName string, nodeName string, label map[string]string) *api.Pod {
pod := &api.Pod{
TypeMeta: unversioned.TypeMeta{APIVersion: testapi.Default.Version()},
ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{
GenerateName: podName,
Labels: label,
Namespace: api.NamespaceDefault,
Spec: api.PodSpec{
NodeName: nodeName,
Containers: []api.Container{
Image: "foo/bar",
TerminationMessagePath: api.TerminationMessagePathDefault,
ImagePullPolicy: api.PullIfNotPresent,
SecurityContext: securitycontext.ValidSecurityContextWithContainerDefaults(),
DNSPolicy: api.DNSDefault,
api.GenerateName(api.SimpleNameGenerator, &pod.ObjectMeta)
return pod
func addPods(podStore cache.Store, nodeName string, label map[string]string, number int) {
for i := 0; i < number; i++ {
podStore.Add(newPod(fmt.Sprintf("%s-", nodeName), nodeName, label))
func newTestController() (*DaemonSetsController, *controller.FakePodControl) {
client := client.NewOrDie(&client.Config{Host: "", Version: testapi.Default.GroupAndVersion()})
manager := NewDaemonSetsController(client, controller.NoResyncPeriodFunc)
manager.podStoreSynced = alwaysReady
podControl := &controller.FakePodControl{}
manager.podControl = podControl
return manager, podControl
func validateSyncDaemonSets(t *testing.T, fakePodControl *controller.FakePodControl, expectedCreates, expectedDeletes int) {
if len(fakePodControl.Templates) != expectedCreates {
t.Errorf("Unexpected number of creates. Expected %d, saw %d\n", expectedCreates, len(fakePodControl.Templates))
if len(fakePodControl.DeletePodName) != expectedDeletes {
t.Errorf("Unexpected number of deletes. Expected %d, saw %d\n", expectedDeletes, len(fakePodControl.DeletePodName))
func syncAndValidateDaemonSets(t *testing.T, manager *DaemonSetsController, ds *experimental.DaemonSet, podControl *controller.FakePodControl, expectedCreates, expectedDeletes int) {
key, err := controller.KeyFunc(ds)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Could not get key for daemon.")
validateSyncDaemonSets(t, podControl, expectedCreates, expectedDeletes)
// DaemonSets without node selectors should launch pods on every node.
func TestSimpleDaemonSetLaunchesPods(t *testing.T) {
manager, podControl := newTestController()
addNodes(manager.nodeStore.Store, 0, 5, nil)
ds := newDaemonSet("foo")
syncAndValidateDaemonSets(t, manager, ds, podControl, 5, 0)
// DaemonSets without node selectors should launch pods on every node.
func TestNoNodesDoesNothing(t *testing.T) {
manager, podControl := newTestController()
ds := newDaemonSet("foo")
syncAndValidateDaemonSets(t, manager, ds, podControl, 0, 0)
// DaemonSets without node selectors should launch pods on every node.
func TestOneNodeDaemonLaunchesPod(t *testing.T) {
manager, podControl := newTestController()
manager.nodeStore.Add(newNode("only-node", nil))
ds := newDaemonSet("foo")
syncAndValidateDaemonSets(t, manager, ds, podControl, 1, 0)
// Controller should not create pods on nodes which have daemon pods, and should remove excess pods from nodes that have extra pods.
func TestDealsWithExistingPods(t *testing.T) {
manager, podControl := newTestController()
addNodes(manager.nodeStore.Store, 0, 5, nil)
addPods(manager.podStore.Store, "node-1", simpleDaemonSetLabel, 1)
addPods(manager.podStore.Store, "node-2", simpleDaemonSetLabel, 2)
addPods(manager.podStore.Store, "node-3", simpleDaemonSetLabel, 5)
addPods(manager.podStore.Store, "node-4", simpleDaemonSetLabel2, 2)
ds := newDaemonSet("foo")
syncAndValidateDaemonSets(t, manager, ds, podControl, 2, 5)
// Daemon with node selector should launch pods on nodes matching selector.
func TestSelectorDaemonLaunchesPods(t *testing.T) {
manager, podControl := newTestController()
addNodes(manager.nodeStore.Store, 0, 4, nil)
addNodes(manager.nodeStore.Store, 4, 3, simpleNodeLabel)
daemon := newDaemonSet("foo")
daemon.Spec.Template.Spec.NodeSelector = simpleNodeLabel
syncAndValidateDaemonSets(t, manager, daemon, podControl, 3, 0)
// Daemon with node selector should delete pods from nodes that do not satisfy selector.
func TestSelectorDaemonDeletesUnselectedPods(t *testing.T) {
manager, podControl := newTestController()
addNodes(manager.nodeStore.Store, 0, 5, nil)
addNodes(manager.nodeStore.Store, 5, 5, simpleNodeLabel)
addPods(manager.podStore.Store, "node-0", simpleDaemonSetLabel2, 2)
addPods(manager.podStore.Store, "node-1", simpleDaemonSetLabel, 3)
addPods(manager.podStore.Store, "node-1", simpleDaemonSetLabel2, 1)
addPods(manager.podStore.Store, "node-4", simpleDaemonSetLabel, 1)
daemon := newDaemonSet("foo")
daemon.Spec.Template.Spec.NodeSelector = simpleNodeLabel
syncAndValidateDaemonSets(t, manager, daemon, podControl, 5, 4)
// DaemonSet with node selector should launch pods on nodes matching selector, but also deal with existing pods on nodes.
func TestSelectorDaemonDealsWithExistingPods(t *testing.T) {
manager, podControl := newTestController()
addNodes(manager.nodeStore.Store, 0, 5, nil)
addNodes(manager.nodeStore.Store, 5, 5, simpleNodeLabel)
addPods(manager.podStore.Store, "node-0", simpleDaemonSetLabel, 1)
addPods(manager.podStore.Store, "node-1", simpleDaemonSetLabel, 3)
addPods(manager.podStore.Store, "node-1", simpleDaemonSetLabel2, 2)
addPods(manager.podStore.Store, "node-2", simpleDaemonSetLabel, 4)
addPods(manager.podStore.Store, "node-6", simpleDaemonSetLabel, 13)
addPods(manager.podStore.Store, "node-7", simpleDaemonSetLabel2, 4)
addPods(manager.podStore.Store, "node-9", simpleDaemonSetLabel, 1)
addPods(manager.podStore.Store, "node-9", simpleDaemonSetLabel2, 1)
ds := newDaemonSet("foo")
ds.Spec.Template.Spec.NodeSelector = simpleNodeLabel
syncAndValidateDaemonSets(t, manager, ds, podControl, 3, 20)
// DaemonSet with node selector which does not match any node labels should not launch pods.
func TestBadSelectorDaemonDoesNothing(t *testing.T) {
manager, podControl := newTestController()
addNodes(manager.nodeStore.Store, 0, 4, nil)
addNodes(manager.nodeStore.Store, 4, 3, simpleNodeLabel)
ds := newDaemonSet("foo")
ds.Spec.Template.Spec.NodeSelector = simpleNodeLabel2
syncAndValidateDaemonSets(t, manager, ds, podControl, 0, 0)
// DaemonSet with node name should launch pod on node with corresponding name.
func TestNameDaemonSetLaunchesPods(t *testing.T) {
manager, podControl := newTestController()
addNodes(manager.nodeStore.Store, 0, 5, nil)
ds := newDaemonSet("foo")
ds.Spec.Template.Spec.NodeName = "node-0"
syncAndValidateDaemonSets(t, manager, ds, podControl, 1, 0)
// DaemonSet with node name that does not exist should not launch pods.
func TestBadNameDaemonSetDoesNothing(t *testing.T) {
manager, podControl := newTestController()
addNodes(manager.nodeStore.Store, 0, 5, nil)
ds := newDaemonSet("foo")
ds.Spec.Template.Spec.NodeName = "node-10"
syncAndValidateDaemonSets(t, manager, ds, podControl, 0, 0)
// DaemonSet with node selector, and node name, matching a node, should launch a pod on the node.
func TestNameAndSelectorDaemonSetLaunchesPods(t *testing.T) {
manager, podControl := newTestController()
addNodes(manager.nodeStore.Store, 0, 4, nil)
addNodes(manager.nodeStore.Store, 4, 3, simpleNodeLabel)
ds := newDaemonSet("foo")
ds.Spec.Template.Spec.NodeSelector = simpleNodeLabel
ds.Spec.Template.Spec.NodeName = "node-6"
syncAndValidateDaemonSets(t, manager, ds, podControl, 1, 0)
// DaemonSet with node selector that matches some nodes, and node name that matches a different node, should do nothing.
func TestInconsistentNameSelectorDaemonSetDoesNothing(t *testing.T) {
manager, podControl := newTestController()
addNodes(manager.nodeStore.Store, 0, 4, nil)
addNodes(manager.nodeStore.Store, 4, 3, simpleNodeLabel)
ds := newDaemonSet("foo")
ds.Spec.Template.Spec.NodeSelector = simpleNodeLabel
ds.Spec.Template.Spec.NodeName = "node-0"
syncAndValidateDaemonSets(t, manager, ds, podControl, 0, 0)
func TestDSManagerNotReady(t *testing.T) {
manager, podControl := newTestController()
manager.podStoreSynced = func() bool { return false }
addNodes(manager.nodeStore.Store, 0, 1, nil)
// Simulates the ds reflector running before the pod reflector. We don't
// want to end up creating daemon pods in this case until the pod reflector
// has synced, so the ds manager should just requeue the ds.
ds := newDaemonSet("foo")
dsKey := getKey(ds, t)
syncAndValidateDaemonSets(t, manager, ds, podControl, 0, 0)
queueDS, _ := manager.queue.Get()
if queueDS != dsKey {
t.Fatalf("Expected to find key %v in queue, found %v", dsKey, queueDS)
manager.podStoreSynced = alwaysReady
syncAndValidateDaemonSets(t, manager, ds, podControl, 1, 0)