
686 lines
25 KiB

// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package metrics
import (
info "github.com/google/cadvisor/info/v1"
// infoProvider will usually be manager.Manager, but can be swapped out for testing.
type infoProvider interface {
// SubcontainersInfo provides information about all subcontainers of the
// specified container including itself.
SubcontainersInfo(containerName string, query *info.ContainerInfoRequest) ([]*info.ContainerInfo, error)
// GetVersionInfo provides information about the version.
GetVersionInfo() (*info.VersionInfo, error)
// GetMachineInfo provides information about the machine.
GetMachineInfo() (*info.MachineInfo, error)
// metricValue describes a single metric value for a given set of label values
// within a parent containerMetric.
type metricValue struct {
value float64
labels []string
type metricValues []metricValue
// fsValues is a helper method for assembling per-filesystem stats.
func fsValues(fsStats []info.FsStats, valueFn func(*info.FsStats) float64) metricValues {
values := make(metricValues, 0, len(fsStats))
for _, stat := range fsStats {
values = append(values, metricValue{
value: valueFn(&stat),
labels: []string{stat.Device},
return values
// containerMetric describes a multi-dimensional metric used for exposing a
// certain type of container statistic.
type containerMetric struct {
name string
help string
valueType prometheus.ValueType
extraLabels []string
condition func(s info.ContainerSpec) bool
getValues func(s *info.ContainerStats) metricValues
func (cm *containerMetric) desc(baseLabels []string) *prometheus.Desc {
return prometheus.NewDesc(cm.name, cm.help, append(baseLabels, cm.extraLabels...), nil)
// ContainerLabelsFunc defines all base labels and their values attached to
// each metric exported by cAdvisor.
type ContainerLabelsFunc func(*info.ContainerInfo) map[string]string
// PrometheusCollector implements prometheus.Collector.
type PrometheusCollector struct {
infoProvider infoProvider
errors prometheus.Gauge
containerMetrics []containerMetric
containerLabelsFunc ContainerLabelsFunc
// NewPrometheusCollector returns a new PrometheusCollector. The passed
// ContainerLabelsFunc specifies which base labels will be attached to all
// exported metrics. If left to nil, the DefaultContainerLabels function
// will be used instead.
func NewPrometheusCollector(i infoProvider, f ContainerLabelsFunc) *PrometheusCollector {
if f == nil {
f = DefaultContainerLabels
c := &PrometheusCollector{
infoProvider: i,
containerLabelsFunc: f,
errors: prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
Namespace: "container",
Name: "scrape_error",
Help: "1 if there was an error while getting container metrics, 0 otherwise",
containerMetrics: []containerMetric{
name: "container_last_seen",
help: "Last time a container was seen by the exporter",
valueType: prometheus.GaugeValue,
getValues: func(s *info.ContainerStats) metricValues {
return metricValues{{value: float64(time.Now().Unix())}}
}, {
name: "container_cpu_user_seconds_total",
help: "Cumulative user cpu time consumed in seconds.",
valueType: prometheus.CounterValue,
getValues: func(s *info.ContainerStats) metricValues {
return metricValues{{value: float64(s.Cpu.Usage.User) / float64(time.Second)}}
}, {
name: "container_cpu_system_seconds_total",
help: "Cumulative system cpu time consumed in seconds.",
valueType: prometheus.CounterValue,
getValues: func(s *info.ContainerStats) metricValues {
return metricValues{{value: float64(s.Cpu.Usage.System) / float64(time.Second)}}
}, {
name: "container_cpu_usage_seconds_total",
help: "Cumulative cpu time consumed per cpu in seconds.",
valueType: prometheus.CounterValue,
extraLabels: []string{"cpu"},
getValues: func(s *info.ContainerStats) metricValues {
values := make(metricValues, 0, len(s.Cpu.Usage.PerCpu))
for i, value := range s.Cpu.Usage.PerCpu {
values = append(values, metricValue{
value: float64(value) / float64(time.Second),
labels: []string{fmt.Sprintf("cpu%02d", i)},
return values
}, {
name: "container_cpu_cfs_periods_total",
help: "Number of elapsed enforcement period intervals.",
valueType: prometheus.CounterValue,
condition: func(s info.ContainerSpec) bool { return s.Cpu.Quota != 0 },
getValues: func(s *info.ContainerStats) metricValues {
return metricValues{{value: float64(s.Cpu.CFS.Periods)}}
}, {
name: "container_cpu_cfs_throttled_periods_total",
help: "Number of throttled period intervals.",
valueType: prometheus.CounterValue,
condition: func(s info.ContainerSpec) bool { return s.Cpu.Quota != 0 },
getValues: func(s *info.ContainerStats) metricValues {
return metricValues{{value: float64(s.Cpu.CFS.ThrottledPeriods)}}
}, {
name: "container_cpu_cfs_throttled_seconds_total",
help: "Total time duration the container has been throttled.",
valueType: prometheus.CounterValue,
condition: func(s info.ContainerSpec) bool { return s.Cpu.Quota != 0 },
getValues: func(s *info.ContainerStats) metricValues {
return metricValues{{value: float64(s.Cpu.CFS.ThrottledTime) / float64(time.Second)}}
}, {
name: "container_memory_cache",
help: "Number of bytes of page cache memory.",
valueType: prometheus.GaugeValue,
getValues: func(s *info.ContainerStats) metricValues {
return metricValues{{value: float64(s.Memory.Cache)}}
}, {
name: "container_memory_rss",
help: "Size of RSS in bytes.",
valueType: prometheus.GaugeValue,
getValues: func(s *info.ContainerStats) metricValues {
return metricValues{{value: float64(s.Memory.RSS)}}
}, {
name: "container_memory_swap",
help: "Container swap usage in bytes.",
valueType: prometheus.GaugeValue,
getValues: func(s *info.ContainerStats) metricValues {
return metricValues{{value: float64(s.Memory.Swap)}}
}, {
name: "container_memory_failcnt",
help: "Number of memory usage hits limits",
valueType: prometheus.CounterValue,
getValues: func(s *info.ContainerStats) metricValues {
return metricValues{{value: float64(s.Memory.Failcnt)}}
}, {
name: "container_memory_usage_bytes",
help: "Current memory usage in bytes.",
valueType: prometheus.GaugeValue,
getValues: func(s *info.ContainerStats) metricValues {
return metricValues{{value: float64(s.Memory.Usage)}}
}, {
name: "container_memory_working_set_bytes",
help: "Current working set in bytes.",
valueType: prometheus.GaugeValue,
getValues: func(s *info.ContainerStats) metricValues {
return metricValues{{value: float64(s.Memory.WorkingSet)}}
}, {
name: "container_memory_failures_total",
help: "Cumulative count of memory allocation failures.",
valueType: prometheus.CounterValue,
extraLabels: []string{"type", "scope"},
getValues: func(s *info.ContainerStats) metricValues {
return metricValues{
value: float64(s.Memory.ContainerData.Pgfault),
labels: []string{"pgfault", "container"},
value: float64(s.Memory.ContainerData.Pgmajfault),
labels: []string{"pgmajfault", "container"},
value: float64(s.Memory.HierarchicalData.Pgfault),
labels: []string{"pgfault", "hierarchy"},
value: float64(s.Memory.HierarchicalData.Pgmajfault),
labels: []string{"pgmajfault", "hierarchy"},
}, {
name: "container_fs_inodes_free",
help: "Number of available Inodes",
valueType: prometheus.GaugeValue,
extraLabels: []string{"device"},
getValues: func(s *info.ContainerStats) metricValues {
return fsValues(s.Filesystem, func(fs *info.FsStats) float64 {
return float64(fs.InodesFree)
}, {
name: "container_fs_inodes_total",
help: "Number of Inodes",
valueType: prometheus.GaugeValue,
extraLabels: []string{"device"},
getValues: func(s *info.ContainerStats) metricValues {
return fsValues(s.Filesystem, func(fs *info.FsStats) float64 {
return float64(fs.Inodes)
}, {
name: "container_fs_limit_bytes",
help: "Number of bytes that can be consumed by the container on this filesystem.",
valueType: prometheus.GaugeValue,
extraLabels: []string{"device"},
getValues: func(s *info.ContainerStats) metricValues {
return fsValues(s.Filesystem, func(fs *info.FsStats) float64 {
return float64(fs.Limit)
}, {
name: "container_fs_usage_bytes",
help: "Number of bytes that are consumed by the container on this filesystem.",
valueType: prometheus.GaugeValue,
extraLabels: []string{"device"},
getValues: func(s *info.ContainerStats) metricValues {
return fsValues(s.Filesystem, func(fs *info.FsStats) float64 {
return float64(fs.Usage)
}, {
name: "container_fs_reads_total",
help: "Cumulative count of reads completed",
valueType: prometheus.CounterValue,
extraLabels: []string{"device"},
getValues: func(s *info.ContainerStats) metricValues {
return fsValues(s.Filesystem, func(fs *info.FsStats) float64 {
return float64(fs.ReadsCompleted)
}, {
name: "container_fs_sector_reads_total",
help: "Cumulative count of sector reads completed",
valueType: prometheus.CounterValue,
extraLabels: []string{"device"},
getValues: func(s *info.ContainerStats) metricValues {
return fsValues(s.Filesystem, func(fs *info.FsStats) float64 {
return float64(fs.SectorsRead)
}, {
name: "container_fs_reads_merged_total",
help: "Cumulative count of reads merged",
valueType: prometheus.CounterValue,
extraLabels: []string{"device"},
getValues: func(s *info.ContainerStats) metricValues {
return fsValues(s.Filesystem, func(fs *info.FsStats) float64 {
return float64(fs.ReadsMerged)
}, {
name: "container_fs_read_seconds_total",
help: "Cumulative count of seconds spent reading",
valueType: prometheus.CounterValue,
extraLabels: []string{"device"},
getValues: func(s *info.ContainerStats) metricValues {
return fsValues(s.Filesystem, func(fs *info.FsStats) float64 {
return float64(fs.ReadTime) / float64(time.Second)
}, {
name: "container_fs_writes_total",
help: "Cumulative count of writes completed",
valueType: prometheus.CounterValue,
extraLabels: []string{"device"},
getValues: func(s *info.ContainerStats) metricValues {
return fsValues(s.Filesystem, func(fs *info.FsStats) float64 {
return float64(fs.WritesCompleted)
}, {
name: "container_fs_sector_writes_total",
help: "Cumulative count of sector writes completed",
valueType: prometheus.CounterValue,
extraLabels: []string{"device"},
getValues: func(s *info.ContainerStats) metricValues {
return fsValues(s.Filesystem, func(fs *info.FsStats) float64 {
return float64(fs.SectorsWritten)
}, {
name: "container_fs_writes_merged_total",
help: "Cumulative count of writes merged",
valueType: prometheus.CounterValue,
extraLabels: []string{"device"},
getValues: func(s *info.ContainerStats) metricValues {
return fsValues(s.Filesystem, func(fs *info.FsStats) float64 {
return float64(fs.WritesMerged)
}, {
name: "container_fs_write_seconds_total",
help: "Cumulative count of seconds spent writing",
valueType: prometheus.CounterValue,
extraLabels: []string{"device"},
getValues: func(s *info.ContainerStats) metricValues {
return fsValues(s.Filesystem, func(fs *info.FsStats) float64 {
return float64(fs.WriteTime) / float64(time.Second)
}, {
name: "container_fs_io_current",
help: "Number of I/Os currently in progress",
valueType: prometheus.GaugeValue,
extraLabels: []string{"device"},
getValues: func(s *info.ContainerStats) metricValues {
return fsValues(s.Filesystem, func(fs *info.FsStats) float64 {
return float64(fs.IoInProgress)
}, {
name: "container_fs_io_time_seconds_total",
help: "Cumulative count of seconds spent doing I/Os",
valueType: prometheus.CounterValue,
extraLabels: []string{"device"},
getValues: func(s *info.ContainerStats) metricValues {
return fsValues(s.Filesystem, func(fs *info.FsStats) float64 {
return float64(float64(fs.IoTime) / float64(time.Second))
}, {
name: "container_fs_io_time_weighted_seconds_total",
help: "Cumulative weighted I/O time in seconds",
valueType: prometheus.CounterValue,
extraLabels: []string{"device"},
getValues: func(s *info.ContainerStats) metricValues {
return fsValues(s.Filesystem, func(fs *info.FsStats) float64 {
return float64(fs.WeightedIoTime) / float64(time.Second)
}, {
name: "container_network_receive_bytes_total",
help: "Cumulative count of bytes received",
valueType: prometheus.CounterValue,
extraLabels: []string{"interface"},
getValues: func(s *info.ContainerStats) metricValues {
values := make(metricValues, 0, len(s.Network.Interfaces))
for _, value := range s.Network.Interfaces {
values = append(values, metricValue{
value: float64(value.RxBytes),
labels: []string{value.Name},
return values
}, {
name: "container_network_receive_packets_total",
help: "Cumulative count of packets received",
valueType: prometheus.CounterValue,
extraLabels: []string{"interface"},
getValues: func(s *info.ContainerStats) metricValues {
values := make(metricValues, 0, len(s.Network.Interfaces))
for _, value := range s.Network.Interfaces {
values = append(values, metricValue{
value: float64(value.RxPackets),
labels: []string{value.Name},
return values
}, {
name: "container_network_receive_packets_dropped_total",
help: "Cumulative count of packets dropped while receiving",
valueType: prometheus.CounterValue,
extraLabels: []string{"interface"},
getValues: func(s *info.ContainerStats) metricValues {
values := make(metricValues, 0, len(s.Network.Interfaces))
for _, value := range s.Network.Interfaces {
values = append(values, metricValue{
value: float64(value.RxDropped),
labels: []string{value.Name},
return values
}, {
name: "container_network_receive_errors_total",
help: "Cumulative count of errors encountered while receiving",
valueType: prometheus.CounterValue,
extraLabels: []string{"interface"},
getValues: func(s *info.ContainerStats) metricValues {
values := make(metricValues, 0, len(s.Network.Interfaces))
for _, value := range s.Network.Interfaces {
values = append(values, metricValue{
value: float64(value.RxErrors),
labels: []string{value.Name},
return values
}, {
name: "container_network_transmit_bytes_total",
help: "Cumulative count of bytes transmitted",
valueType: prometheus.CounterValue,
extraLabels: []string{"interface"},
getValues: func(s *info.ContainerStats) metricValues {
values := make(metricValues, 0, len(s.Network.Interfaces))
for _, value := range s.Network.Interfaces {
values = append(values, metricValue{
value: float64(value.TxBytes),
labels: []string{value.Name},
return values
}, {
name: "container_network_transmit_packets_total",
help: "Cumulative count of packets transmitted",
valueType: prometheus.CounterValue,
extraLabels: []string{"interface"},
getValues: func(s *info.ContainerStats) metricValues {
values := make(metricValues, 0, len(s.Network.Interfaces))
for _, value := range s.Network.Interfaces {
values = append(values, metricValue{
value: float64(value.TxPackets),
labels: []string{value.Name},
return values
}, {
name: "container_network_transmit_packets_dropped_total",
help: "Cumulative count of packets dropped while transmitting",
valueType: prometheus.CounterValue,
extraLabels: []string{"interface"},
getValues: func(s *info.ContainerStats) metricValues {
values := make(metricValues, 0, len(s.Network.Interfaces))
for _, value := range s.Network.Interfaces {
values = append(values, metricValue{
value: float64(value.TxDropped),
labels: []string{value.Name},
return values
}, {
name: "container_network_transmit_errors_total",
help: "Cumulative count of errors encountered while transmitting",
valueType: prometheus.CounterValue,
extraLabels: []string{"interface"},
getValues: func(s *info.ContainerStats) metricValues {
values := make(metricValues, 0, len(s.Network.Interfaces))
for _, value := range s.Network.Interfaces {
values = append(values, metricValue{
value: float64(value.TxErrors),
labels: []string{value.Name},
return values
}, {
name: "container_tasks_state",
help: "Number of tasks in given state",
extraLabels: []string{"state"},
valueType: prometheus.GaugeValue,
getValues: func(s *info.ContainerStats) metricValues {
return metricValues{
value: float64(s.TaskStats.NrSleeping),
labels: []string{"sleeping"},
value: float64(s.TaskStats.NrRunning),
labels: []string{"running"},
value: float64(s.TaskStats.NrStopped),
labels: []string{"stopped"},
value: float64(s.TaskStats.NrUninterruptible),
labels: []string{"uninterruptible"},
value: float64(s.TaskStats.NrIoWait),
labels: []string{"iowaiting"},
return c
var (
versionInfoDesc = prometheus.NewDesc("cadvisor_version_info", "A metric with a constant '1' value labeled by kernel version, OS version, docker version, cadvisor version & cadvisor revision.", []string{"kernelVersion", "osVersion", "dockerVersion", "cadvisorVersion", "cadvisorRevision"}, nil)
machineInfoCoresDesc = prometheus.NewDesc("machine_cpu_cores", "Number of CPU cores on the machine.", nil, nil)
machineInfoMemoryDesc = prometheus.NewDesc("machine_memory_bytes", "Amount of memory installed on the machine.", nil, nil)
// Describe describes all the metrics ever exported by cadvisor. It
// implements prometheus.PrometheusCollector.
func (c *PrometheusCollector) Describe(ch chan<- *prometheus.Desc) {
for _, cm := range c.containerMetrics {
ch <- cm.desc([]string{})
ch <- versionInfoDesc
ch <- machineInfoCoresDesc
ch <- machineInfoMemoryDesc
// Collect fetches the stats from all containers and delivers them as
// Prometheus metrics. It implements prometheus.PrometheusCollector.
func (c *PrometheusCollector) Collect(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric) {
const (
// ContainerLabelPrefix is the prefix added to all container labels.
ContainerLabelPrefix = "container_label_"
// ContainerEnvPrefix is the prefix added to all env variable labels.
ContainerEnvPrefix = "container_env_"
// LabelID is the name of the id label.
LabelID = "id"
// LabelName is the name of the name label.
LabelName = "name"
// LabelImage is the name of the image label.
LabelImage = "image"
// DefaultContainerLabels implements ContainerLabelsFunc. It exports the
// container name, first alias, image name as well as all its env and label
// values.
func DefaultContainerLabels(container *info.ContainerInfo) map[string]string {
set := map[string]string{LabelID: container.Name}
if len(container.Aliases) > 0 {
set[LabelName] = container.Aliases[0]
if image := container.Spec.Image; len(image) > 0 {
set[LabelImage] = image
for k, v := range container.Spec.Labels {
set[ContainerLabelPrefix+k] = v
for k, v := range container.Spec.Envs {
set[ContainerEnvPrefix+k] = v
return set
func (c *PrometheusCollector) collectContainersInfo(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric) {
containers, err := c.infoProvider.SubcontainersInfo("/", &info.ContainerInfoRequest{NumStats: 1})
if err != nil {
glog.Warningf("Couldn't get containers: %s", err)
for _, container := range containers {
labels, values := []string{}, []string{}
for l, v := range c.containerLabelsFunc(container) {
labels = append(labels, sanitizeLabelName(l))
values = append(values, v)
// Container spec
desc := prometheus.NewDesc("container_start_time_seconds", "Start time of the container since unix epoch in seconds.", labels, nil)
ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(desc, prometheus.GaugeValue, float64(container.Spec.CreationTime.Unix()), values...)
if container.Spec.HasCpu {
desc = prometheus.NewDesc("container_spec_cpu_period", "CPU period of the container.", labels, nil)
ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(desc, prometheus.GaugeValue, float64(container.Spec.Cpu.Period), values...)
if container.Spec.Cpu.Quota != 0 {
desc = prometheus.NewDesc("container_spec_cpu_quota", "CPU quota of the container.", labels, nil)
ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(desc, prometheus.GaugeValue, float64(container.Spec.Cpu.Quota), values...)
desc := prometheus.NewDesc("container_spec_cpu_shares", "CPU share of the container.", labels, nil)
ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(desc, prometheus.GaugeValue, float64(container.Spec.Cpu.Limit), values...)
if container.Spec.HasMemory {
desc := prometheus.NewDesc("container_spec_memory_limit_bytes", "Memory limit for the container.", labels, nil)
ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(desc, prometheus.GaugeValue, specMemoryValue(container.Spec.Memory.Limit), values...)
desc = prometheus.NewDesc("container_spec_memory_swap_limit_bytes", "Memory swap limit for the container.", labels, nil)
ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(desc, prometheus.GaugeValue, specMemoryValue(container.Spec.Memory.SwapLimit), values...)
// Now for the actual metrics
stats := container.Stats[0]
for _, cm := range c.containerMetrics {
if cm.condition != nil && !cm.condition(container.Spec) {
desc := cm.desc(labels)
for _, metricValue := range cm.getValues(stats) {
ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(desc, cm.valueType, float64(metricValue.value), append(values, metricValue.labels...)...)
func (c *PrometheusCollector) collectVersionInfo(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric) {
versionInfo, err := c.infoProvider.GetVersionInfo()
if err != nil {
glog.Warningf("Couldn't get version info: %s", err)
ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(versionInfoDesc, prometheus.GaugeValue, 1, []string{versionInfo.KernelVersion, versionInfo.ContainerOsVersion, versionInfo.DockerVersion, versionInfo.CadvisorVersion, versionInfo.CadvisorRevision}...)
func (c *PrometheusCollector) collectMachineInfo(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric) {
machineInfo, err := c.infoProvider.GetMachineInfo()
if err != nil {
glog.Warningf("Couldn't get machine info: %s", err)
ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(machineInfoCoresDesc, prometheus.GaugeValue, float64(machineInfo.NumCores))
ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(machineInfoMemoryDesc, prometheus.GaugeValue, float64(machineInfo.MemoryCapacity))
// Size after which we consider memory to be "unlimited". This is not
// MaxInt64 due to rounding by the kernel.
const maxMemorySize = uint64(1 << 62)
func specMemoryValue(v uint64) float64 {
if v > maxMemorySize {
return 0
return float64(v)
var invalidLabelCharRE = regexp.MustCompile(`[^a-zA-Z0-9_]`)
// sanitizeLabelName replaces anything that doesn't match
// client_label.LabelNameRE with an underscore.
func sanitizeLabelName(name string) string {
return invalidLabelCharRE.ReplaceAllString(name, "_")