mirror of https://github.com/k3s-io/k3s
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783 lines
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Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package aws
import (
const TestClusterId = "clusterid.test"
func TestReadAWSCloudConfig(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
name string
reader io.Reader
aws AWSServices
expectError bool
zone string
"No config reader",
nil, nil,
true, "",
"Empty config, no metadata",
strings.NewReader(""), nil,
true, "",
"No zone in config, no metadata",
strings.NewReader("[global]\n"), nil,
true, "",
"Zone in config, no metadata",
strings.NewReader("[global]\nzone = eu-west-1a"), nil,
false, "eu-west-1a",
"No zone in config, metadata does not have zone",
strings.NewReader("[global]\n"), NewFakeAWSServices().withAz(""),
true, "",
"No zone in config, metadata has zone",
strings.NewReader("[global]\n"), NewFakeAWSServices(),
false, "us-east-1a",
"Zone in config should take precedence over metadata",
strings.NewReader("[global]\nzone = eu-west-1a"), NewFakeAWSServices(),
false, "eu-west-1a",
for _, test := range tests {
t.Logf("Running test case %s", test.name)
var metadata EC2Metadata
if test.aws != nil {
metadata, _ = test.aws.Metadata()
cfg, err := readAWSCloudConfig(test.reader, metadata)
if test.expectError {
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("Should error for case %s (cfg=%v)", test.name, cfg)
} else {
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Should succeed for case: %s", test.name)
if cfg.Global.Zone != test.zone {
t.Errorf("Incorrect zone value (%s vs %s) for case: %s",
cfg.Global.Zone, test.zone, test.name)
type FakeAWSServices struct {
availabilityZone string
instances []*ec2.Instance
instanceId string
privateDnsName string
networkInterfacesMacs []string
networkInterfacesVpcIDs []string
ec2 *FakeEC2
elb *FakeELB
asg *FakeASG
metadata *FakeMetadata
func NewFakeAWSServices() *FakeAWSServices {
s := &FakeAWSServices{}
s.availabilityZone = "us-east-1a"
s.ec2 = &FakeEC2{aws: s}
s.elb = &FakeELB{aws: s}
s.asg = &FakeASG{aws: s}
s.metadata = &FakeMetadata{aws: s}
s.networkInterfacesMacs = []string{"aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:00", "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:01"}
s.networkInterfacesVpcIDs = []string{"vpc-mac0", "vpc-mac1"}
s.instanceId = "i-self"
s.privateDnsName = "ip-172-20-0-100.ec2.internal"
var selfInstance ec2.Instance
selfInstance.InstanceId = &s.instanceId
selfInstance.PrivateDnsName = &s.privateDnsName
s.instances = []*ec2.Instance{&selfInstance}
var tag ec2.Tag
tag.Key = aws.String(TagNameKubernetesCluster)
tag.Value = aws.String(TestClusterId)
selfInstance.Tags = []*ec2.Tag{&tag}
return s
func (s *FakeAWSServices) withAz(az string) *FakeAWSServices {
s.availabilityZone = az
return s
func (s *FakeAWSServices) withInstances(instances []*ec2.Instance) *FakeAWSServices {
s.instances = instances
return s
func (s *FakeAWSServices) Compute(region string) (EC2, error) {
return s.ec2, nil
func (s *FakeAWSServices) LoadBalancing(region string) (ELB, error) {
return s.elb, nil
func (s *FakeAWSServices) Autoscaling(region string) (ASG, error) {
return s.asg, nil
func (s *FakeAWSServices) Metadata() (EC2Metadata, error) {
return s.metadata, nil
func TestFilterTags(t *testing.T) {
awsServices := NewFakeAWSServices()
c, err := newAWSCloud(strings.NewReader("[global]"), awsServices)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Error building aws cloud: %v", err)
if len(c.filterTags) != 1 {
t.Errorf("unexpected filter tags: %v", c.filterTags)
if c.filterTags[TagNameKubernetesCluster] != TestClusterId {
t.Errorf("unexpected filter tags: %v", c.filterTags)
func TestNewAWSCloud(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
name string
reader io.Reader
awsServices AWSServices
expectError bool
zone string
"No config reader",
nil, NewFakeAWSServices().withAz(""),
true, "",
"Config specified invalid zone",
strings.NewReader("[global]\nzone = blahonga"), NewFakeAWSServices(),
true, "",
"Config specifies valid zone",
strings.NewReader("[global]\nzone = eu-west-1a"), NewFakeAWSServices(),
false, "eu-west-1a",
"Gets zone from metadata when not in config",
false, "us-east-1a",
"No zone in config or metadata",
true, "",
for _, test := range tests {
t.Logf("Running test case %s", test.name)
c, err := newAWSCloud(test.reader, test.awsServices)
if test.expectError {
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("Should error for case %s", test.name)
} else {
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Should succeed for case: %s, got %v", test.name, err)
} else if c.availabilityZone != test.zone {
t.Errorf("Incorrect zone value (%s vs %s) for case: %s",
c.availabilityZone, test.zone, test.name)
type FakeEC2 struct {
aws *FakeAWSServices
Subnets []*ec2.Subnet
DescribeSubnetsInput *ec2.DescribeSubnetsInput
func contains(haystack []*string, needle string) bool {
for _, s := range haystack {
// (deliberately panic if s == nil)
if needle == *s {
return true
return false
func instanceMatchesFilter(instance *ec2.Instance, filter *ec2.Filter) bool {
name := *filter.Name
if name == "private-dns-name" {
if instance.PrivateDnsName == nil {
return false
return contains(filter.Values, *instance.PrivateDnsName)
panic("Unknown filter name: " + name)
func (self *FakeEC2) DescribeInstances(request *ec2.DescribeInstancesInput) ([]*ec2.Instance, error) {
matches := []*ec2.Instance{}
for _, instance := range self.aws.instances {
if request.InstanceIds != nil {
if instance.InstanceId == nil {
glog.Warning("Instance with no instance id: ", instance)
found := false
for _, instanceId := range request.InstanceIds {
if *instanceId == *instance.InstanceId {
found = true
if !found {
if request.Filters != nil {
allMatch := true
for _, filter := range request.Filters {
if !instanceMatchesFilter(instance, filter) {
allMatch = false
if !allMatch {
matches = append(matches, instance)
return matches, nil
type FakeMetadata struct {
aws *FakeAWSServices
func (self *FakeMetadata) GetMetadata(key string) (string, error) {
networkInterfacesPrefix := "network/interfaces/macs/"
if key == "placement/availability-zone" {
return self.aws.availabilityZone, nil
} else if key == "instance-id" {
return self.aws.instanceId, nil
} else if key == "local-hostname" {
return self.aws.privateDnsName, nil
} else if strings.HasPrefix(key, networkInterfacesPrefix) {
if key == networkInterfacesPrefix {
return strings.Join(self.aws.networkInterfacesMacs, "/\n") + "/\n", nil
} else {
keySplit := strings.Split(key, "/")
macParam := keySplit[3]
if len(keySplit) == 5 && keySplit[4] == "vpc-id" {
for i, macElem := range self.aws.networkInterfacesMacs {
if macParam == macElem {
return self.aws.networkInterfacesVpcIDs[i], nil
return "", nil
} else {
return "", nil
func (ec2 *FakeEC2) AttachVolume(volumeID, instanceId, mountDevice string) (resp *ec2.VolumeAttachment, err error) {
panic("Not implemented")
func (ec2 *FakeEC2) DetachVolume(request *ec2.DetachVolumeInput) (resp *ec2.VolumeAttachment, err error) {
panic("Not implemented")
func (ec2 *FakeEC2) DescribeVolumes(request *ec2.DescribeVolumesInput) ([]*ec2.Volume, error) {
panic("Not implemented")
func (ec2 *FakeEC2) CreateVolume(request *ec2.CreateVolumeInput) (resp *ec2.Volume, err error) {
panic("Not implemented")
func (ec2 *FakeEC2) DeleteVolume(volumeID string) (resp *ec2.DeleteVolumeOutput, err error) {
panic("Not implemented")
func (ec2 *FakeEC2) DescribeSecurityGroups(request *ec2.DescribeSecurityGroupsInput) ([]*ec2.SecurityGroup, error) {
panic("Not implemented")
func (ec2 *FakeEC2) CreateSecurityGroup(*ec2.CreateSecurityGroupInput) (*ec2.CreateSecurityGroupOutput, error) {
panic("Not implemented")
func (ec2 *FakeEC2) DeleteSecurityGroup(*ec2.DeleteSecurityGroupInput) (*ec2.DeleteSecurityGroupOutput, error) {
panic("Not implemented")
func (ec2 *FakeEC2) AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress(*ec2.AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressInput) (*ec2.AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressOutput, error) {
panic("Not implemented")
func (ec2 *FakeEC2) RevokeSecurityGroupIngress(*ec2.RevokeSecurityGroupIngressInput) (*ec2.RevokeSecurityGroupIngressOutput, error) {
panic("Not implemented")
func (ec2 *FakeEC2) DescribeSubnets(request *ec2.DescribeSubnetsInput) ([]*ec2.Subnet, error) {
ec2.DescribeSubnetsInput = request
return ec2.Subnets, nil
func (ec2 *FakeEC2) CreateTags(*ec2.CreateTagsInput) (*ec2.CreateTagsOutput, error) {
panic("Not implemented")
func (s *FakeEC2) DescribeRouteTables(request *ec2.DescribeRouteTablesInput) ([]*ec2.RouteTable, error) {
panic("Not implemented")
func (s *FakeEC2) CreateRoute(request *ec2.CreateRouteInput) (*ec2.CreateRouteOutput, error) {
panic("Not implemented")
func (s *FakeEC2) DeleteRoute(request *ec2.DeleteRouteInput) (*ec2.DeleteRouteOutput, error) {
panic("Not implemented")
func (s *FakeEC2) ModifyInstanceAttribute(request *ec2.ModifyInstanceAttributeInput) (*ec2.ModifyInstanceAttributeOutput, error) {
panic("Not implemented")
type FakeELB struct {
aws *FakeAWSServices
func (ec2 *FakeELB) CreateLoadBalancer(*elb.CreateLoadBalancerInput) (*elb.CreateLoadBalancerOutput, error) {
panic("Not implemented")
func (ec2 *FakeELB) DeleteLoadBalancer(*elb.DeleteLoadBalancerInput) (*elb.DeleteLoadBalancerOutput, error) {
panic("Not implemented")
func (ec2 *FakeELB) DescribeLoadBalancers(*elb.DescribeLoadBalancersInput) (*elb.DescribeLoadBalancersOutput, error) {
panic("Not implemented")
func (ec2 *FakeELB) RegisterInstancesWithLoadBalancer(*elb.RegisterInstancesWithLoadBalancerInput) (*elb.RegisterInstancesWithLoadBalancerOutput, error) {
panic("Not implemented")
func (ec2 *FakeELB) DeregisterInstancesFromLoadBalancer(*elb.DeregisterInstancesFromLoadBalancerInput) (*elb.DeregisterInstancesFromLoadBalancerOutput, error) {
panic("Not implemented")
func (ec2 *FakeELB) DetachLoadBalancerFromSubnets(*elb.DetachLoadBalancerFromSubnetsInput) (*elb.DetachLoadBalancerFromSubnetsOutput, error) {
panic("Not implemented")
func (ec2 *FakeELB) AttachLoadBalancerToSubnets(*elb.AttachLoadBalancerToSubnetsInput) (*elb.AttachLoadBalancerToSubnetsOutput, error) {
panic("Not implemented")
func (ec2 *FakeELB) CreateLoadBalancerListeners(*elb.CreateLoadBalancerListenersInput) (*elb.CreateLoadBalancerListenersOutput, error) {
panic("Not implemented")
func (ec2 *FakeELB) DeleteLoadBalancerListeners(*elb.DeleteLoadBalancerListenersInput) (*elb.DeleteLoadBalancerListenersOutput, error) {
panic("Not implemented")
func (ec2 *FakeELB) ApplySecurityGroupsToLoadBalancer(*elb.ApplySecurityGroupsToLoadBalancerInput) (*elb.ApplySecurityGroupsToLoadBalancerOutput, error) {
panic("Not implemented")
func (elb *FakeELB) ConfigureHealthCheck(*elb.ConfigureHealthCheckInput) (*elb.ConfigureHealthCheckOutput, error) {
panic("Not implemented")
type FakeASG struct {
aws *FakeAWSServices
func (a *FakeASG) UpdateAutoScalingGroup(*autoscaling.UpdateAutoScalingGroupInput) (*autoscaling.UpdateAutoScalingGroupOutput, error) {
panic("Not implemented")
func (a *FakeASG) DescribeAutoScalingGroups(*autoscaling.DescribeAutoScalingGroupsInput) (*autoscaling.DescribeAutoScalingGroupsOutput, error) {
panic("Not implemented")
func mockInstancesResp(instances []*ec2.Instance) *AWSCloud {
awsServices := NewFakeAWSServices().withInstances(instances)
return &AWSCloud{
ec2: awsServices.ec2,
availabilityZone: awsServices.availabilityZone,
func mockAvailabilityZone(region string, availabilityZone string) *AWSCloud {
awsServices := NewFakeAWSServices().withAz(availabilityZone)
return &AWSCloud{
ec2: awsServices.ec2,
availabilityZone: awsServices.availabilityZone,
region: region,
func TestList(t *testing.T) {
// TODO this setup is not very clean and could probably be improved
var instance0 ec2.Instance
var instance1 ec2.Instance
var instance2 ec2.Instance
var instance3 ec2.Instance
tag0 := ec2.Tag{
Key: aws.String("Name"),
Value: aws.String("foo"),
instance0.Tags = []*ec2.Tag{&tag0}
instance0.InstanceId = aws.String("instance0")
instance0.PrivateDnsName = aws.String("instance0.ec2.internal")
state0 := ec2.InstanceState{
Name: aws.String("running"),
instance0.State = &state0
tag1 := ec2.Tag{
Key: aws.String("Name"),
Value: aws.String("bar"),
instance1.Tags = []*ec2.Tag{&tag1}
instance1.InstanceId = aws.String("instance1")
instance1.PrivateDnsName = aws.String("instance1.ec2.internal")
state1 := ec2.InstanceState{
Name: aws.String("running"),
instance1.State = &state1
tag2 := ec2.Tag{
Key: aws.String("Name"),
Value: aws.String("baz"),
instance2.Tags = []*ec2.Tag{&tag2}
instance2.InstanceId = aws.String("instance2")
instance2.PrivateDnsName = aws.String("instance2.ec2.internal")
state2 := ec2.InstanceState{
Name: aws.String("running"),
instance2.State = &state2
tag3 := ec2.Tag{
Key: aws.String("Name"),
Value: aws.String("quux"),
instance3.Tags = []*ec2.Tag{&tag3}
instance3.InstanceId = aws.String("instance3")
instance3.PrivateDnsName = aws.String("instance3.ec2.internal")
state3 := ec2.InstanceState{
Name: aws.String("running"),
instance3.State = &state3
instances := []*ec2.Instance{&instance0, &instance1, &instance2, &instance3}
aws := mockInstancesResp(instances)
table := []struct {
input string
expect []string
{"blahonga", []string{}},
{"quux", []string{"instance3.ec2.internal"}},
{"a", []string{"instance1.ec2.internal", "instance2.ec2.internal"}},
for _, item := range table {
result, err := aws.List(item.input)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Expected call with %v to succeed, failed with %s", item.input, err)
if e, a := item.expect, result; !reflect.DeepEqual(e, a) {
t.Errorf("Expected %v, got %v", e, a)
func testHasNodeAddress(t *testing.T, addrs []api.NodeAddress, addressType api.NodeAddressType, address string) {
for _, addr := range addrs {
if addr.Type == addressType && addr.Address == address {
t.Errorf("Did not find expected address: %s:%s in %v", addressType, address, addrs)
func TestNodeAddresses(t *testing.T) {
// Note these instances have the same name
// (we test that this produces an error)
var instance0 ec2.Instance
var instance1 ec2.Instance
instance0.InstanceId = aws.String("instance-same")
instance0.PrivateDnsName = aws.String("instance-same.ec2.internal")
instance0.PrivateIpAddress = aws.String("")
instance0.PublicIpAddress = aws.String("")
instance0.InstanceType = aws.String("c3.large")
state0 := ec2.InstanceState{
Name: aws.String("running"),
instance0.State = &state0
instance1.InstanceId = aws.String("instance-same")
instance1.PrivateDnsName = aws.String("instance-same.ec2.internal")
instance1.PrivateIpAddress = aws.String("")
instance1.InstanceType = aws.String("c3.large")
state1 := ec2.InstanceState{
Name: aws.String("running"),
instance1.State = &state1
instances := []*ec2.Instance{&instance0, &instance1}
aws1 := mockInstancesResp([]*ec2.Instance{})
_, err1 := aws1.NodeAddresses("instance-mismatch.ec2.internal")
if err1 == nil {
t.Errorf("Should error when no instance found")
aws2 := mockInstancesResp(instances)
_, err2 := aws2.NodeAddresses("instance-same.ec2.internal")
if err2 == nil {
t.Errorf("Should error when multiple instances found")
aws3 := mockInstancesResp(instances[0:1])
addrs3, err3 := aws3.NodeAddresses("instance-same.ec2.internal")
if err3 != nil {
t.Errorf("Should not error when instance found")
if len(addrs3) != 3 {
t.Errorf("Should return exactly 3 NodeAddresses")
testHasNodeAddress(t, addrs3, api.NodeInternalIP, "")
testHasNodeAddress(t, addrs3, api.NodeLegacyHostIP, "")
testHasNodeAddress(t, addrs3, api.NodeExternalIP, "")
func TestGetRegion(t *testing.T) {
aws := mockAvailabilityZone("us-west-2", "us-west-2e")
zones, ok := aws.Zones()
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected missing zones impl")
zone, err := zones.GetZone()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error %v", err)
if zone.Region != "us-west-2" {
t.Errorf("Unexpected region: %s", zone.Region)
if zone.FailureDomain != "us-west-2e" {
t.Errorf("Unexpected FailureDomain: %s", zone.FailureDomain)
func TestFindVPCID(t *testing.T) {
awsServices := NewFakeAWSServices()
c, err := newAWSCloud(strings.NewReader("[global]"), awsServices)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Error building aws cloud: %v", err)
vpcID, err := c.findVPCID()
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Unexpected error:", err)
if vpcID != "vpc-mac0" {
t.Errorf("Unexpected vpcID: %s", vpcID)
func TestLoadBalancerMatchesClusterRegion(t *testing.T) {
awsServices := NewFakeAWSServices()
c, err := newAWSCloud(strings.NewReader("[global]"), awsServices)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Error building aws cloud: %v", err)
badELBRegion := "bad-elb-region"
errorMessage := fmt.Sprintf("requested load balancer region '%s' does not match cluster region '%s'", badELBRegion, c.region)
_, _, err = c.GetTCPLoadBalancer("elb-name", badELBRegion)
if err == nil || err.Error() != errorMessage {
t.Errorf("Expected GetTCPLoadBalancer region mismatch error.")
_, err = c.EnsureTCPLoadBalancer("elb-name", badELBRegion, nil, nil, nil, api.ServiceAffinityNone)
if err == nil || err.Error() != errorMessage {
t.Errorf("Expected EnsureTCPLoadBalancer region mismatch error.")
err = c.EnsureTCPLoadBalancerDeleted("elb-name", badELBRegion)
if err == nil || err.Error() != errorMessage {
t.Errorf("Expected EnsureTCPLoadBalancerDeleted region mismatch error.")
err = c.UpdateTCPLoadBalancer("elb-name", badELBRegion, nil)
if err == nil || err.Error() != errorMessage {
t.Errorf("Expected UpdateTCPLoadBalancer region mismatch error.")
func constructSubnets(subnetsIn map[int]map[string]string) (subnetsOut []*ec2.Subnet) {
for i := range subnetsIn {
subnetsOut = append(
func constructSubnet(id string, az string) *ec2.Subnet {
return &ec2.Subnet{
SubnetId: &id,
AvailabilityZone: &az,
func TestSubnetIDsinVPC(t *testing.T) {
awsServices := NewFakeAWSServices()
c, err := newAWSCloud(strings.NewReader("[global]"), awsServices)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Error building aws cloud: %v", err)
vpcID := "vpc-deadbeef"
// test with 3 subnets from 3 different AZs
subnets := make(map[int]map[string]string)
subnets[0] = make(map[string]string)
subnets[0]["id"] = "subnet-a0000001"
subnets[0]["az"] = "af-south-1a"
subnets[1] = make(map[string]string)
subnets[1]["id"] = "subnet-b0000001"
subnets[1]["az"] = "af-south-1b"
subnets[2] = make(map[string]string)
subnets[2]["id"] = "subnet-c0000001"
subnets[2]["az"] = "af-south-1c"
awsServices.ec2.Subnets = constructSubnets(subnets)
result, err := c.listSubnetIDsinVPC(vpcID)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Error listing subnets: %v", err)
if len(result) != 3 {
t.Errorf("Expected 3 subnets but got %d", len(result))
result_set := make(map[string]bool)
for _, v := range result {
result_set[v] = true
for i := range subnets {
if !result_set[subnets[i]["id"]] {
t.Errorf("Expected subnet%d '%s' in result: %v", i, subnets[i]["id"], result)
// test with 4 subnets from 3 different AZs
// add duplicate az subnet
subnets[3] = make(map[string]string)
subnets[3]["id"] = "subnet-c0000002"
subnets[3]["az"] = "af-south-1c"
awsServices.ec2.Subnets = constructSubnets(subnets)
result, err = c.listSubnetIDsinVPC(vpcID)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Error listing subnets: %v", err)
if len(result) != 3 {
t.Errorf("Expected 3 subnets but got %d", len(result))