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package e2e
import (
compute "google.golang.org/api/compute/v1"
client "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned"
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo"
. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
// Before enabling this test you must make sure the associated project has
// enough quota. At the time of this writing GCE projects are allowed 3
// backend services by default. This test requires at least 5.
// This test exercises the GCE L7 loadbalancer controller cluster-addon. It
// will fail if the addon isn't running, or doesn't send traffic to the expected
// backend. Common failure modes include:
// * GCE L7 took too long to spin up
// * GCE L7 took too long to health check a backend
// * Repeated 404:
// - L7 is sending traffic to the default backend of the addon.
// - Backend is receiving /foo when it expects /bar.
// * Repeated 5xx:
// - Out of quota (describe ing should show you if this is the case)
// - Mismatched service/container port, or endpoints are dead.
var (
appPrefix = "foo-app-"
pathPrefix = "foo"
testImage = "gcr.io/google_containers/n-way-http:1.0"
httpContainerPort = 8080
expectedLBCreationTime = 7 * time.Minute
expectedLBHealthCheckTime = 7 * time.Minute
// Name of the loadbalancer controller within the cluster addon
lbContainerName = "l7-lb-controller"
// If set, the test tries to perform an HTTP GET on each url endpoint of
// the Ingress. Only set to false to short-circuit test runs in debugging.
verifyHTTPGET = true
// On average it takes ~6 minutes for a single backend to come online.
// We *don't* expect this poll to consistently take 15 minutes for every
// Ingress as GCE is creating/checking backends in parallel, but at the
// same time, we're not testing GCE startup latency. So give it enough
// time, and fail if the average is too high.
lbPollTimeout = 15 * time.Minute
lbPollInterval = 30 * time.Second
// One can scale this test by tweaking numApps and numIng, the former will
// create more RCs/Services and add them to a single Ingress, while the latter
// will create smaller, more fragmented Ingresses. The numbers 4, 2 are chosen
// arbitrarity, we want to test more than a single Ingress, and it should have
// more than 1 url endpoint going to a service.
numApps = 4
numIng = 2
// timeSlice allows sorting of time.Duration
type timeSlice []time.Duration
func (p timeSlice) Len() int {
return len(p)
func (p timeSlice) Less(i, j int) bool {
return p[i] < p[j]
func (p timeSlice) Swap(i, j int) {
p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i]
// ruleByIndex returns an IngressRule for the given index.
func ruleByIndex(i int) extensions.IngressRule {
return extensions.IngressRule{
Host: fmt.Sprintf("foo%d.bar.com", i),
IngressRuleValue: extensions.IngressRuleValue{
HTTP: &extensions.HTTPIngressRuleValue{
Paths: []extensions.HTTPIngressPath{
Path: fmt.Sprintf("/%v%d", pathPrefix, i),
Backend: extensions.IngressBackend{
ServiceName: fmt.Sprintf("%v%d", appPrefix, i),
ServicePort: intstr.FromInt(httpContainerPort),
// createIngress creates an Ingress with num rules. Eg:
// start = 1 num = 2 will given you a single Ingress with 2 rules:
// Ingress {
// foo1.bar.com: /foo1
// foo2.bar.com: /foo2
// }
func createIngress(c *client.Client, ns string, start, num int) extensions.Ingress {
ing := extensions.Ingress{
ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("%v%d", appPrefix, start),
Namespace: ns,
Spec: extensions.IngressSpec{
Backend: &extensions.IngressBackend{
ServiceName: fmt.Sprintf("%v%d", appPrefix, start),
ServicePort: intstr.FromInt(httpContainerPort),
Rules: []extensions.IngressRule{},
for i := start; i < start+num; i++ {
ing.Spec.Rules = append(ing.Spec.Rules, ruleByIndex(i))
Logf("Creating ingress %v", start)
_, err := c.Extensions().Ingress(ns).Create(&ing)
return ing
// createApp will create a single RC and Svc. The Svc will match pods of the
// RC using the selector: 'name'=<name arg>
func createApp(c *client.Client, ns string, i int) {
name := fmt.Sprintf("%v%d", appPrefix, i)
l := map[string]string{}
Logf("Creating svc %v", name)
svc := svcByName(name, httpContainerPort)
svc.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeNodePort
_, err := c.Services(ns).Create(svc)
Logf("Creating rc %v", name)
rc := rcByNamePort(name, 1, testImage, httpContainerPort, l)
rc.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers[0].Args = []string{
fmt.Sprintf("--start=%d", i),
fmt.Sprintf("--prefix=%v", pathPrefix),
fmt.Sprintf("--port=%d", httpContainerPort),
_, err = c.ReplicationControllers(ns).Create(rc)
// gcloudUnmarshal unmarshals json output of gcloud into given out interface.
func gcloudUnmarshal(resource, regex string, out interface{}) {
output, err := exec.Command("gcloud", "compute", resource, "list",
fmt.Sprintf("--regex=%v", regex),
fmt.Sprintf("--project=%v", testContext.CloudConfig.ProjectID),
"-q", "--format=json").CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
Failf("Error unmarshalling gcloud output: %v", err)
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(output), out); err != nil {
Failf("Error unmarshalling gcloud output: %v", err)
func checkLeakedResources() error {
msg := ""
// Check all resources #16636.
beList := []compute.BackendService{}
gcloudUnmarshal("backend-services", "k8s-be-[0-9]+", &beList)
if len(beList) != 0 {
for _, b := range beList {
msg += fmt.Sprintf("%v\n", b.Name)
return fmt.Errorf("Found backend services:\n%v", msg)
fwList := []compute.ForwardingRule{}
gcloudUnmarshal("forwarding-rules", "k8s-fw-.*", &fwList)
if len(fwList) != 0 {
for _, f := range fwList {
msg += fmt.Sprintf("%v\n", f.Name)
return fmt.Errorf("Found forwarding rules:\n%v", msg)
return nil
// kubectlLogLBController logs kubectl debug output for the L7 controller pod.
func kubectlLogLBController(c *client.Client) {
selector := labels.SelectorFromSet(labels.Set(map[string]string{"name": "glbc"}))
podList, err := c.Pods(api.NamespaceAll).List(selector, fields.Everything())
if err != nil {
Logf("Cannot log L7 controller output, error listing pods %v", err)
if len(podList.Items) == 0 {
Logf("Loadbalancer controller pod not found")
for _, p := range podList.Items {
Logf("\nLast 100 log lines of %v\n", p.Name)
l, _ := runKubectl("logs", p.Name, fmt.Sprintf("--namespace=%v", api.NamespaceSystem), "-c", lbContainerName, "--tail=100")
var _ = Describe("GCE L7 LoadBalancer Controller", func() {
// These variables are initialized after framework's beforeEach.
var ns string
var client *client.Client
var responseTimes, creationTimes []time.Duration
framework := Framework{BaseName: "glbc"}
BeforeEach(func() {
// This test requires a GCE/GKE only cluster-addon
SkipUnlessProviderIs("gce", "gke")
client = framework.Client
ns = framework.Namespace.Name
Expect(waitForRCPodsRunning(client, "kube-system", "glbc")).NotTo(HaveOccurred())
responseTimes = []time.Duration{}
creationTimes = []time.Duration{}
AfterEach(func() {
if CurrentGinkgoTestDescription().Failed {
Logf("\nOutput of kubectl describe ing:\n")
desc, _ := runKubectl("describe", "ing", fmt.Sprintf("--namespace=%v", ns))
err := wait.Poll(lbPollInterval, lbPollTimeout, func() (bool, error) {
if err := checkLeakedResources(); err != nil {
Logf("Still waiting for glbc to cleanup: %v", err)
return false, nil
return true, nil
Logf("Average creation time %+v, health check time %+v", creationTimes, responseTimes)
if err != nil {
Failf("Failed to cleanup GCE L7 resources.")
Logf("Successfully verified GCE L7 loadbalancer via Ingress.")
It("should create GCE L7 loadbalancers and verify Ingress", func() {
// Create numApps apps, exposed via numIng Ingress each with 2 paths.
// Eg with numApp=10, numIng=5:
// apps: {foo-app-(0-10)}
// ingress: {foo-app-(0, 2, 4, 6, 8)}
// paths:
// ingress foo-app-0:
// default1.bar.com
// foo0.bar.com: /foo0
// foo1.bar.com: /foo1
if numApps < numIng {
Failf("Need more apps than Ingress")
appsPerIngress := numApps / numIng
By(fmt.Sprintf("Creating %d rcs + svc, and %d apps per Ingress", numApps, appsPerIngress))
for appID := 0; appID < numApps; appID = appID + appsPerIngress {
// Creates appsPerIngress apps, then creates one Ingress with paths to all the apps.
for j := appID; j < appID+appsPerIngress; j++ {
createApp(client, ns, j)
createIngress(client, ns, appID, appsPerIngress)
ings, err := client.Extensions().Ingress(ns).List(
labels.Everything(), fields.Everything())
for _, ing := range ings.Items {
// Wait for the loadbalancer IP.
start := time.Now()
address, err := waitForIngressAddress(client, ing.Namespace, ing.Name, lbPollTimeout)
if err != nil {
Failf("Ingress failed to acquire an IP address within %v", lbPollTimeout)
By(fmt.Sprintf("Found address %v for ingress %v, took %v to come online",
address, ing.Name, time.Since(start)))
creationTimes = append(creationTimes, time.Since(start))
if !verifyHTTPGET {
// Check that all rules respond to a simple GET.
for _, rules := range ing.Spec.Rules {
// As of Kubernetes 1.1 we only support HTTP Ingress.
if rules.IngressRuleValue.HTTP == nil {
for _, p := range rules.IngressRuleValue.HTTP.Paths {
route := fmt.Sprintf("http://%v%v", address, p.Path)
Logf("Testing route %v host %v with simple GET", route, rules.Host)
GETStart := time.Now()
var lastBody string
pollErr := wait.Poll(lbPollInterval, lbPollTimeout, func() (bool, error) {
var err error
lastBody, err = simpleGET(http.DefaultClient, route, rules.Host)
if err != nil {
Logf("host %v path %v: %v", rules.Host, route, err)
return false, nil
return true, nil
if pollErr != nil {
Failf("Failed to execute a successful GET within %v, Last response body for %v, host %v:\n%v\n\n%v",
lbPollTimeout, route, rules.Host, lastBody, pollErr)
rt := time.Since(GETStart)
By(fmt.Sprintf("Route %v host %v took %v to respond", route, rules.Host, rt))
responseTimes = append(responseTimes, rt)
// In most cases slow loadbalancer creation/startup translates directly to
// GCE api sluggishness. However this might be because of something the
// controller is doing, eg: maxing out QPS by repeated polling.
perc50 := creationTimes[len(creationTimes)/2]
if perc50 > expectedLBCreationTime {
Failf("Average creation time is too high: %+v", creationTimes)
if !verifyHTTPGET {
perc50 = responseTimes[len(responseTimes)/2]
if perc50 > expectedLBHealthCheckTime {
Failf("Average startup time is too high: %+v", responseTimes)