mirror of https://github.com/k3s-io/k3s
785 lines
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785 lines
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Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package main
import (
bzl "github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/build"
const (
vendorPath = "vendor/"
automanagedTag = "automanaged"
var (
root = flag.String("root", ".", "root of go source")
dryRun = flag.Bool("dry-run", false, "run in dry mode")
printDiff = flag.Bool("print-diff", false, "print diff to stdout")
validate = flag.Bool("validate", false, "run in dry mode and exit nonzero if any BUILD files need to be updated")
cfgPath = flag.String("cfg-path", ".kazelcfg.json", "path to kazel config (relative paths interpreted relative to -repo.")
func main() {
flag.Set("alsologtostderr", "true")
if *root == "" {
glog.Fatalf("-root argument is required")
if *validate {
*dryRun = true
v, err := newVendorer(*root, *cfgPath, *dryRun)
if err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("unable to build vendorer: %v", err)
if err = os.Chdir(v.root); err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("cannot chdir into root %q: %v", v.root, err)
if v.cfg.ManageGoRules {
if err = v.walkVendor(); err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("err walking vendor: %v", err)
if err = v.walkRepo(); err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("err walking repo: %v", err)
if err = v.walkGenerated(); err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("err walking generated: %v", err)
if _, err = v.walkSource("."); err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("err walking source: %v", err)
written := 0
if written, err = v.reconcileAllRules(); err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("err reconciling rules: %v", err)
if *validate && written > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\n%d BUILD files not up-to-date.\n", written)
// Vendorer collects context, configuration, and cache while walking the tree.
type Vendorer struct {
ctx *build.Context
icache map[icacheKey]icacheVal
skippedPaths []*regexp.Regexp
dryRun bool
root string
cfg *Cfg
newRules map[string][]*bzl.Rule // package path -> list of rules to add or update
managedAttrs []string
func newVendorer(root, cfgPath string, dryRun bool) (*Vendorer, error) {
absRoot, err := filepath.Abs(root)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not get absolute path: %v", err)
if !filepath.IsAbs(cfgPath) {
cfgPath = filepath.Join(absRoot, cfgPath)
cfg, err := ReadCfg(cfgPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
v := Vendorer{
ctx: context(),
dryRun: dryRun,
root: absRoot,
icache: map[icacheKey]icacheVal{},
cfg: cfg,
newRules: make(map[string][]*bzl.Rule),
managedAttrs: []string{"srcs", "deps", "library"},
for _, sp := range cfg.SkippedPaths {
r, err := regexp.Compile(sp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
v.skippedPaths = append(v.skippedPaths, r)
for _, builtinSkip := range []string{
} {
v.skippedPaths = append(v.skippedPaths, regexp.MustCompile(builtinSkip))
return &v, nil
type icacheKey struct {
path, srcDir string
type icacheVal struct {
pkg *build.Package
err error
func (v *Vendorer) importPkg(path string, srcDir string) (*build.Package, error) {
k := icacheKey{path: path, srcDir: srcDir}
if val, ok := v.icache[k]; ok {
return val.pkg, val.err
// cache miss
pkg, err := v.ctx.Import(path, srcDir, build.ImportComment)
v.icache[k] = icacheVal{pkg: pkg, err: err}
return pkg, err
func writeHeaders(file *bzl.File) {
pkgRule := bzl.Rule{
Call: &bzl.CallExpr{
X: &bzl.LiteralExpr{Token: "package"},
pkgRule.SetAttr("default_visibility", asExpr([]string{"//visibility:public"}))
file.Stmt = append(file.Stmt,
X: &bzl.LiteralExpr{Token: "load"},
List: asExpr([]string{
func writeRules(file *bzl.File, rules []*bzl.Rule) {
for _, rule := range rules {
file.Stmt = append(file.Stmt, rule.Call)
func (v *Vendorer) resolve(ipath string) Label {
if ipath == v.cfg.GoPrefix {
return Label{
tag: "go_default_library",
} else if strings.HasPrefix(ipath, v.cfg.GoPrefix) {
return Label{
pkg: strings.TrimPrefix(ipath, v.cfg.GoPrefix+"/"),
tag: "go_default_library",
if v.cfg.VendorMultipleBuildFiles {
return Label{
pkg: "vendor/" + ipath,
tag: "go_default_library",
return Label{
pkg: "vendor",
tag: ipath,
func (v *Vendorer) walk(root string, f func(path, ipath string, pkg *build.Package) error) error {
skipVendor := true
if root == vendorPath {
skipVendor = false
return filepath.Walk(root, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
if !info.IsDir() {
return nil
if skipVendor && strings.HasPrefix(path, vendorPath) {
return filepath.SkipDir
for _, r := range v.skippedPaths {
if r.MatchString(path) {
return filepath.SkipDir
ipath, err := filepath.Rel(root, path)
if err != nil {
return err
pkg, err := v.importPkg(".", filepath.Join(v.root, path))
if err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(*build.NoGoError); err != nil && ok {
return nil
return err
return f(path, ipath, pkg)
func (v *Vendorer) walkRepo() error {
for _, root := range v.cfg.SrcDirs {
if err := v.walk(root, v.updatePkg); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (v *Vendorer) updateSinglePkg(path string) error {
pkg, err := v.importPkg(".", "./"+path)
if err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(*build.NoGoError); err != nil && ok {
return nil
return err
return v.updatePkg(path, "", pkg)
type ruleType int
// The RuleType* constants enumerate the bazel rules supported by this tool.
const (
RuleTypeGoBinary ruleType = iota
// RuleKind converts a value of the RuleType* enum into the BUILD string.
func (rt ruleType) RuleKind() string {
switch rt {
case RuleTypeGoBinary:
return "go_binary"
case RuleTypeGoLibrary:
return "go_library"
case RuleTypeGoTest:
return "go_test"
case RuleTypeGoXTest:
return "go_test"
case RuleTypeCGoGenrule:
return "cgo_genrule"
case RuleTypeFileGroup:
return "filegroup"
case RuleTypeOpenAPILibrary:
return "openapi_library"
// NamerFunc is a function that returns the appropriate name for the rule for the provided RuleType.
type NamerFunc func(ruleType) string
func (v *Vendorer) updatePkg(path, _ string, pkg *build.Package) error {
srcNameMap := func(srcs ...[]string) *bzl.ListExpr {
return asExpr(merge(srcs...)).(*bzl.ListExpr)
srcs := srcNameMap(pkg.GoFiles, pkg.SFiles)
cgoSrcs := srcNameMap(pkg.CgoFiles, pkg.CFiles, pkg.CXXFiles, pkg.HFiles)
testSrcs := srcNameMap(pkg.TestGoFiles)
xtestSrcs := srcNameMap(pkg.XTestGoFiles)
v.addRules(path, v.emit(srcs, cgoSrcs, testSrcs, xtestSrcs, pkg, func(rt ruleType) string {
switch rt {
case RuleTypeGoBinary:
return filepath.Base(pkg.Dir)
case RuleTypeGoLibrary:
return "go_default_library"
case RuleTypeGoTest:
return "go_default_test"
case RuleTypeGoXTest:
return "go_default_xtest"
case RuleTypeCGoGenrule:
return "cgo_codegen"
return nil
func (v *Vendorer) emit(srcs, cgoSrcs, testSrcs, xtestSrcs *bzl.ListExpr, pkg *build.Package, namer NamerFunc) []*bzl.Rule {
var goLibAttrs = make(Attrs)
var rules []*bzl.Rule
deps := v.extractDeps(pkg.Imports)
if len(srcs.List) >= 0 {
goLibAttrs.Set("srcs", srcs)
} else if len(cgoSrcs.List) == 0 {
return nil
if len(deps.List) > 0 {
goLibAttrs.SetList("deps", deps)
if pkg.IsCommand() {
rules = append(rules, newRule(RuleTypeGoBinary, namer, map[string]bzl.Expr{
"library": asExpr(":" + namer(RuleTypeGoLibrary)),
addGoDefaultLibrary := len(cgoSrcs.List) > 0 || len(srcs.List) > 0
if len(cgoSrcs.List) != 0 {
cgoRuleAttrs := make(Attrs)
cgoRuleAttrs.SetList("srcs", cgoSrcs)
cgoRuleAttrs.SetList("clinkopts", asExpr([]string{"-lz", "-lm", "-lpthread", "-ldl"}).(*bzl.ListExpr))
rules = append(rules, newRule(RuleTypeCGoGenrule, namer, cgoRuleAttrs))
goLibAttrs.Set("library", asExpr(":"+namer(RuleTypeCGoGenrule)))
if len(testSrcs.List) != 0 {
testRuleAttrs := make(Attrs)
testRuleAttrs.SetList("srcs", testSrcs)
testRuleAttrs.SetList("deps", v.extractDeps(pkg.TestImports))
if addGoDefaultLibrary {
testRuleAttrs.Set("library", asExpr(":"+namer(RuleTypeGoLibrary)))
rules = append(rules, newRule(RuleTypeGoTest, namer, testRuleAttrs))
if addGoDefaultLibrary {
rules = append(rules, newRule(RuleTypeGoLibrary, namer, goLibAttrs))
if len(xtestSrcs.List) != 0 {
xtestRuleAttrs := make(Attrs)
xtestRuleAttrs.SetList("srcs", xtestSrcs)
xtestRuleAttrs.SetList("deps", v.extractDeps(pkg.XTestImports))
rules = append(rules, newRule(RuleTypeGoXTest, namer, xtestRuleAttrs))
return rules
func (v *Vendorer) addRules(pkgPath string, rules []*bzl.Rule) {
cleanPath := filepath.Clean(pkgPath)
v.newRules[cleanPath] = append(v.newRules[cleanPath], rules...)
func (v *Vendorer) walkVendor() error {
var rules []*bzl.Rule
updateFunc := func(path, ipath string, pkg *build.Package) error {
srcNameMap := func(srcs ...[]string) *bzl.ListExpr {
return asExpr(
mapper(func(s string) string {
return strings.TrimPrefix(filepath.Join(path, s), "vendor/")
srcs := srcNameMap(pkg.GoFiles, pkg.SFiles)
cgoSrcs := srcNameMap(pkg.CgoFiles, pkg.CFiles, pkg.CXXFiles, pkg.HFiles)
testSrcs := srcNameMap(pkg.TestGoFiles)
xtestSrcs := srcNameMap(pkg.XTestGoFiles)
tagBase := v.resolve(ipath).tag
rules = append(rules, v.emit(srcs, cgoSrcs, testSrcs, xtestSrcs, pkg, func(rt ruleType) string {
switch rt {
case RuleTypeGoBinary:
return tagBase + "_bin"
case RuleTypeGoLibrary:
return tagBase
case RuleTypeGoTest:
return tagBase + "_test"
case RuleTypeGoXTest:
return tagBase + "_xtest"
case RuleTypeCGoGenrule:
return tagBase + "_cgo"
return nil
if v.cfg.VendorMultipleBuildFiles {
updateFunc = v.updatePkg
if err := v.walk(vendorPath, updateFunc); err != nil {
return err
v.addRules(vendorPath, rules)
return nil
func (v *Vendorer) extractDeps(deps []string) *bzl.ListExpr {
return asExpr(
filterer(func(s string) bool {
pkg, err := v.importPkg(s, v.root)
if err != nil {
if strings.Contains(err.Error(), `cannot find package "C"`) ||
// added in go1.7
strings.Contains(err.Error(), `cannot find package "context"`) ||
strings.Contains(err.Error(), `cannot find package "net/http/httptrace"`) {
return false
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "extract err: %v\n", err)
return false
if pkg.Goroot {
return false
return true
mapper(func(s string) string {
return v.resolve(s).String()
func (v *Vendorer) reconcileAllRules() (int, error) {
var paths []string
for path := range v.newRules {
paths = append(paths, path)
written := 0
for _, path := range paths {
w, err := ReconcileRules(path, v.newRules[path], v.managedAttrs, v.dryRun, v.cfg.ManageGoRules)
if w {
if err != nil {
return written, err
return written, nil
// Attrs collects the attributes for a rule.
type Attrs map[string]bzl.Expr
// Set sets the named attribute to the provided bazel expression.
func (a Attrs) Set(name string, expr bzl.Expr) {
a[name] = expr
// SetList sets the named attribute to the provided bazel expression list.
func (a Attrs) SetList(name string, expr *bzl.ListExpr) {
if len(expr.List) == 0 {
a[name] = expr
// Label defines a bazel label.
type Label struct {
pkg, tag string
func (l Label) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("//%v:%v", l.pkg, l.tag)
func asExpr(e interface{}) bzl.Expr {
rv := reflect.ValueOf(e)
switch rv.Kind() {
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64,
reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
return &bzl.LiteralExpr{Token: fmt.Sprintf("%d", e)}
case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
return &bzl.LiteralExpr{Token: fmt.Sprintf("%f", e)}
case reflect.String:
return &bzl.StringExpr{Value: e.(string)}
case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array:
var list []bzl.Expr
for i := 0; i < rv.Len(); i++ {
list = append(list, asExpr(rv.Index(i).Interface()))
return &bzl.ListExpr{List: list}
glog.Fatalf("Uh oh")
return nil
type sed func(s []string) []string
func mapString(in []string, f func(string) string) []string {
var out []string
for _, s := range in {
out = append(out, f(s))
return out
func mapper(f func(string) string) sed {
return func(in []string) []string {
return mapString(in, f)
func filterString(in []string, f func(string) bool) []string {
var out []string
for _, s := range in {
if f(s) {
out = append(out, s)
return out
func filterer(f func(string) bool) sed {
return func(in []string) []string {
return filterString(in, f)
func apply(stream []string, seds ...sed) []string {
for _, sed := range seds {
stream = sed(stream)
return stream
func merge(streams ...[]string) []string {
var out []string
for _, stream := range streams {
out = append(out, stream...)
return out
func newRule(rt ruleType, namer NamerFunc, attrs map[string]bzl.Expr) *bzl.Rule {
rule := &bzl.Rule{
Call: &bzl.CallExpr{
X: &bzl.LiteralExpr{Token: rt.RuleKind()},
rule.SetAttr("name", asExpr(namer(rt)))
for k, v := range attrs {
rule.SetAttr(k, v)
rule.SetAttr("tags", asExpr([]string{automanagedTag}))
return rule
// findBuildFile determines the name of a preexisting BUILD file, returning
// a default if no such file exists.
func findBuildFile(pkgPath string) (bool, string) {
options := []string{"BUILD.bazel", "BUILD"}
for _, b := range options {
path := filepath.Join(pkgPath, b)
info, err := os.Stat(path)
if err == nil && !info.IsDir() {
return true, path
return false, filepath.Join(pkgPath, "BUILD")
// ReconcileRules reconciles, simplifies, and writes the rules for the specified package, adding
// additional dependency rules as needed.
func ReconcileRules(pkgPath string, rules []*bzl.Rule, managedAttrs []string, dryRun bool, manageGoRules bool) (bool, error) {
_, path := findBuildFile(pkgPath)
info, err := os.Stat(path)
if err != nil && os.IsNotExist(err) {
f := &bzl.File{}
if manageGoRules {
reconcileLoad(f, rules)
writeRules(f, rules)
return writeFile(path, f, false, dryRun)
} else if err != nil {
return false, err
if info.IsDir() {
return false, fmt.Errorf("%q cannot be a directory", path)
b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return false, err
f, err := bzl.Parse(path, b)
if err != nil {
return false, err
oldRules := make(map[string]*bzl.Rule)
for _, r := range f.Rules("") {
oldRules[r.Name()] = r
for _, r := range rules {
o, ok := oldRules[r.Name()]
if !ok {
f.Stmt = append(f.Stmt, r.Call)
if !RuleIsManaged(o, manageGoRules) {
reconcileAttr := func(o, n *bzl.Rule, name string) {
if e := n.Attr(name); e != nil {
o.SetAttr(name, e)
} else {
for _, attr := range managedAttrs {
reconcileAttr(o, r, attr)
delete(oldRules, r.Name())
for _, r := range oldRules {
if !RuleIsManaged(r, manageGoRules) {
f.DelRules(r.Kind(), r.Name())
if manageGoRules {
reconcileLoad(f, f.Rules(""))
return writeFile(path, f, true, dryRun)
func reconcileLoad(f *bzl.File, rules []*bzl.Rule) {
usedRuleKindsMap := map[string]bool{}
for _, r := range rules {
// Select only the Go rules we need to import, excluding builtins like filegroup.
// TODO: make less fragile
switch r.Kind() {
case "go_prefix", "go_library", "go_binary", "go_test", "go_proto_library", "cgo_genrule", "cgo_library":
usedRuleKindsMap[r.Kind()] = true
usedRuleKindsList := []string{}
for k := range usedRuleKindsMap {
usedRuleKindsList = append(usedRuleKindsList, k)
for _, r := range f.Rules("load") {
const goRulesLabel = "@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl"
args := bzl.Strings(&bzl.ListExpr{List: r.Call.List})
if len(args) == 0 {
if args[0] != goRulesLabel {
if len(usedRuleKindsList) == 0 {
f.DelRules(r.Kind(), r.Name())
r.Call.List = asExpr(append(
[]string{goRulesLabel}, usedRuleKindsList...,
// RuleIsManaged returns whether the provided rule is managed by this tool,
// based on the tags set on the rule.
func RuleIsManaged(r *bzl.Rule, manageGoRules bool) bool {
var automanaged bool
if !manageGoRules && (strings.HasPrefix(r.Kind(), "go_") || strings.HasPrefix(r.Kind(), "cgo_")) {
return false
for _, tag := range r.AttrStrings("tags") {
if tag == automanagedTag {
automanaged = true
return automanaged
func writeFile(path string, f *bzl.File, exists, dryRun bool) (bool, error) {
var info bzl.RewriteInfo
bzl.Rewrite(f, &info)
out := bzl.Format(f)
if exists {
orig, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if bytes.Compare(orig, out) == 0 {
return false, nil
if *printDiff {
Diff(orig, out)
if dryRun {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "DRY-RUN: wrote %q\n", path)
return true, nil
werr := ioutil.WriteFile(path, out, 0644)
if werr == nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "wrote %q\n", path)
return werr == nil, werr
func context() *build.Context {
return &build.Context{
GOARCH: "amd64",
GOOS: "linux",
GOROOT: build.Default.GOROOT,
GOPATH: build.Default.GOPATH,
ReleaseTags: []string{"go1.1", "go1.2", "go1.3", "go1.4", "go1.5", "go1.6", "go1.7", "go1.8"},
Compiler: runtime.Compiler,
CgoEnabled: true,
func walk(root string, walkFn filepath.WalkFunc) error {
return nil