
176 lines
5.9 KiB

// +build !windows
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package master
import (
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
aestransformer "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/storage/value/encrypt/aes"
kmsapi "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/storage/value/encrypt/envelope/v1beta1"
const (
kmsPrefix = "k8s:enc:kms:v1:grpc-kms-provider:"
dekKeySizeLen = 2
kmsConfigYAML = `
kind: EncryptionConfiguration
apiVersion: apiserver.config.k8s.io/v1
- resources:
- secrets
- kms:
name: grpc-kms-provider
cachesize: 1000
endpoint: unix:///@kms-provider.sock
// rawDEKKEKSecret provides operations for working with secrets transformed with Data Encryption Key(DEK) Key Encryption Kye(KEK) envelop.
type rawDEKKEKSecret []byte
func (r rawDEKKEKSecret) getDEKLen() int {
// DEK's length is stored in the two bytes that follow the prefix.
return int(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(r[len(kmsPrefix) : len(kmsPrefix)+dekKeySizeLen]))
func (r rawDEKKEKSecret) getDEK() []byte {
return r[len(kmsPrefix)+dekKeySizeLen : len(kmsPrefix)+dekKeySizeLen+r.getDEKLen()]
func (r rawDEKKEKSecret) getStartOfPayload() int {
return len(kmsPrefix) + dekKeySizeLen + r.getDEKLen()
func (r rawDEKKEKSecret) getPayload() []byte {
return r[r.getStartOfPayload():]
// TestKMSProvider is an integration test between KubeAPI, ETCD and KMS Plugin
// Concretely, this test verifies the following integration contracts:
// 1. Raw records in ETCD that were processed by KMS Provider should be prefixed with k8s:enc:kms:v1:grpc-kms-provider-name:
// 2. Data Encryption Key (DEK) should be generated by envelopeTransformer and passed to KMS gRPC Plugin
// 3. KMS gRPC Plugin should encrypt the DEK with a Key Encryption Key (KEK) and pass it back to envelopeTransformer
// 4. The payload (ex. Secret) should be encrypted via AES CBC transform
// 5. Prefix-EncryptedDEK-EncryptedPayload structure should be deposited to ETCD
func TestKMSProvider(t *testing.T) {
pluginMock, err := newBase64Plugin()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to create mock of KMS Plugin: %v", err)
defer pluginMock.cleanUp()
serveErr := make(chan error, 1)
go func() {
serveErr <- pluginMock.grpcServer.Serve(pluginMock.listener)
test, err := newTransformTest(t, kmsConfigYAML)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to start KUBE API Server with encryptionConfig\n %s", kmsConfigYAML)
defer test.cleanUp()
// As part of newTransformTest a new secret was created, so KMS Mock should have been exercised by this point.
if len(serveErr) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("KMSPlugin failed while serving requests: %v", <-serveErr)
secretETCDPath := test.getETCDPath()
var rawSecretAsSeenByETCD rawDEKKEKSecret
rawSecretAsSeenByETCD, err = test.getRawSecretFromETCD()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to read %s from etcd: %v", secretETCDPath, err)
if !bytes.HasPrefix(rawSecretAsSeenByETCD, []byte(kmsPrefix)) {
t.Fatalf("expected secret to be prefixed with %s, but got %s", kmsPrefix, rawSecretAsSeenByETCD)
// Since Data Encryption Key (DEK) is randomly generated (per encryption operation), we need to ask KMS Mock for it.
dekPlainAsSeenByKMS, err := getDEKFromKMSPlugin(pluginMock)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to get DEK from KMS: %v", err)
decryptResponse, err := pluginMock.Decrypt(context.Background(),
&kmsapi.DecryptRequest{Version: kmsAPIVersion, Cipher: rawSecretAsSeenByETCD.getDEK()})
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to decrypt DEK, %v", err)
dekPlainAsWouldBeSeenByETCD := decryptResponse.Plain
if !bytes.Equal(dekPlainAsSeenByKMS, dekPlainAsWouldBeSeenByETCD) {
t.Fatalf("expected dekPlainAsSeenByKMS %v to be passed to KMS Plugin, but got %s",
dekPlainAsSeenByKMS, dekPlainAsWouldBeSeenByETCD)
plainSecret, err := decryptPayload(dekPlainAsWouldBeSeenByETCD, rawSecretAsSeenByETCD, secretETCDPath)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to transform from storage via AESCBC, err: %v", err)
if !strings.Contains(string(plainSecret), secretVal) {
t.Fatalf("expected %q after decryption, but got %q", secretVal, string(plainSecret))
// Secrets should be un-enveloped on direct reads from Kube API Server.
s, err := test.restClient.CoreV1().Secrets(testNamespace).Get(testSecret, metav1.GetOptions{})
if secretVal != string(s.Data[secretKey]) {
t.Fatalf("expected %s from KubeAPI, but got %s", secretVal, string(s.Data[secretKey]))
func getDEKFromKMSPlugin(pluginMock *base64Plugin) ([]byte, error) {
// We expect KMS to already have seen an encryptRequest. Hence non-blocking call.
e, ok := <-pluginMock.encryptRequest
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to sense encryptRequest from KMS Plugin Mock")
return e.Plain, nil
func decryptPayload(key []byte, secret rawDEKKEKSecret, secretETCDPath string) ([]byte, error) {
block, err := aes.NewCipher(key)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to initialize AES Cipher: %v", err)
// etcd path of the key is used as the authenticated context - need to pass it to decrypt
ctx := value.DefaultContext([]byte(secretETCDPath))
aescbcTransformer := aestransformer.NewCBCTransformer(block)
plainSecret, _, err := aescbcTransformer.TransformFromStorage(secret.getPayload(), ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to transform from storage via AESCBC, err: %v", err)
return plainSecret, nil