
433 lines
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# Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# It's necessary to set this because some docker images don't make sh -> bash.
SHELL := /bin/bash
# We don't need make's built-in rules.
MAKEFLAGS += --no-builtin-rules --warn-undefined-variables
# Old-skool build tools.
# Targets (see each target for more information):
# all: Build code.
# check: Run tests.
# test: Run tests.
# clean: Clean up.
OUT_DIR ?= _output
BIN_DIR := $(OUT_DIR)/bin
PRJ_SRC_PATH := k8s.io/kubernetes
GENERATED_FILE_PREFIX := zz_generated.
# Build code.
# Args:
# WHAT: Directory names to build. If any of these directories has a 'main'
# package, the build will produce executable files under $(OUT_DIR)/go/bin.
# If not specified, "everything" will be built.
# GOFLAGS: Extra flags to pass to 'go' when building.
# GOLDFLAGS: Extra linking flags to pass to 'go' when building.
# Example:
# make
# make all
# make all WHAT=cmd/kubelet GOFLAGS=-v
# TODO: It's a not ideal that we build the tools on every invocation.
all: gen_deepcopy gen_conversion build
.PHONY: all
# Build ginkgo
# Example:
# make ginkgo
hack/make-rules/build.sh vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/ginkgo
.PHONY: ginkgo
# This is a helper to break circular dependencies with recursive `make` calls.
@hack/make-rules/build.sh $(WHAT)
.PHONY: build
# Runs all the presubmission verifications.
# Args:
# BRANCH: Branch to be passed to hack/verify-godeps.sh script.
# Example:
# make verify
# make verify BRANCH=branch_x
@KUBE_VERIFY_GIT_BRANCH=$(BRANCH) hack/make-rules/verify.sh -v
.PHONY: verify
# Build and run tests.
# Args:
# WHAT: Directory names to test. All *_test.go files under these
# directories will be run. If not specified, "everything" will be tested.
# TESTS: Same as WHAT.
# GOFLAGS: Extra flags to pass to 'go' when building.
# GOLDFLAGS: Extra linking flags to pass to 'go' when building.
# Example:
# make check
# make test
# make check WHAT=pkg/kubelet GOFLAGS=-v
check test: gen_deepcopy gen_conversion
@hack/make-rules/test.sh $(WHAT) $(TESTS)
.PHONY: check test
# Build and run integration tests.
# Example:
# make test-integration
test-integration: gen_deepcopy gen_conversion
.PHONY: test-integration
# Build and run end-to-end tests.
# Example:
# make test-e2e
test-e2e: ginkgo gen_deepcopy gen_conversion
@go run hack/e2e.go -v --build --up --test --down
.PHONY: test-e2e
# Build and run node end-to-end tests.
# Args:
# FOCUS: regexp that matches the tests to be run. Defaults to "".
# SKIP: regexp that matches the tests that needs to be skipped. Defaults to "".
# RUN_UNTIL_FAILURE: Ff true, pass --untilItFails to ginkgo so tests are run repeatedly until they fail. Defaults to false.
# REMOTE: If true, run the tests on a remote host instance on GCE. Defaults to false.
# IMAGES: for REMOTE=true only. Comma delimited list of images for creating remote hosts to run tests against. Defaults to "e2e-node-containervm-v20160321-image".
# LIST_IMAGES: If true, don't run tests. Just output the list of available images for testing. Defaults to false.
# HOSTS: for REMOTE=true only. Comma delimited list of running gce hosts to run tests against. Defaults to "".
# DELETE_INSTANCES: for REMOTE=true only. Delete any instances created as part of this test run. Defaults to false.
# ARTIFACTS: for REMOTE=true only. Local directory to scp test artifacts into from the remote hosts. Defaults to ""/tmp/_artifacts".
# REPORT: for REMOTE=false only. Local directory to write juntil xml results to. Defaults to "/tmp/".
# CLEANUP: for REMOTE=true only. If false, do not stop processes or delete test files on remote hosts. Defaults to true.
# IMAGE_PROJECT: for REMOTE=true only. Project containing images provided to IMAGES. Defaults to "kubernetes-node-e2e-images".
# INSTANCE_PREFIX: for REMOTE=true only. Instances created from images will have the name "${INSTANCE_PREFIX}-${IMAGE_NAME}". Defaults to "test"/
# Example:
# make test-e2e-node FOCUS=kubelet SKIP=container
# make test-e2e-node REMOTE=true DELETE_INSTANCES=true
# Build and run tests.
test-e2e_node: ginkgo gen_deepcopy gen_conversion
.PHONY: test-e2e_node
# Build and run cmdline tests.
# Example:
# make test-cmd
.PHONY: test-cmd
# Remove all build artifacts.
# Example:
# make clean
clean: clean_generated clean_meta
rm -rf $(OUT_DIR)
rm -rf Godeps/_workspace # Just until we are sure it is gone
.PHONY: clean
# Remove make-related metadata files.
# Example:
# make clean_meta
find . -type f -name $(MAKE_METAFILE_PREFIX)\* | xargs rm -f
.PHONE: clean_meta
# Remove all auto-generated artifacts.
# Example:
# make clean_generated
find . -type f -name $(GENERATED_FILE_PREFIX)\* | xargs rm -f
.PHONY: clean_generated
# Run 'go vet'.
# Args:
# WHAT: Directory names to vet. All *.go files under these
# directories will be vetted. If not specified, "everything" will be
# vetted.
# Example:
# make vet
# make vet WHAT=pkg/kubelet
@hack/make-rules/vet.sh $(WHAT)
.PHONY: vet
# Build a release
# Example:
# make release
release: gen_deepcopy gen_conversion
.PHONY: release
# Build a release, but skip tests
# Example:
# make release-skip-tests
release-skip-tests quick-release: gen_deepcopy gen_conversion
.PHONY: release-skip-tests quick-release
# Code-generation logic.
# This variable holds a list of every directory that contains Go files in this
# project. Other rules and variables can use this as a starting point to
# reduce filesystem accesses.
ALL_GO_DIRS := $(shell \
find . \
-not \( \
\( \
-path ./vendor -o \
-path ./_\* -o \
-path ./.\* \
\) -prune \
\) \
-type f -name \*.go \
| sed 's|^./||' \
| xargs dirname \
| sort -u \
# The name of the make metadata file listing Go files.
# Establish a dependency between the deps file and the dir. Whenever a dir
# changes (files added or removed) the deps file will be considered stale.
# This is looser than we really need (e.g. we don't really care about non *.go
# files or even *_test.go files), but this is much easier to represent.
# Because we 'sinclude' the deps file, it is considered for rebuilding, as part
# of make's normal evaluation.
# The '$(eval)' is needed because this has a different RHS for each LHS, and
# would otherwise produce results that make can't parse.
$(foreach dir, $(ALL_GO_DIRS), $(eval \
$(dir)/$(GOFILES_METAFILE): $(dir) \
# How to rebuild a deps file. When make determines that the deps file is stale
# (see above), it executes this rule, and then re-loads the deps file.
# This is looser than we really need (e.g. we don't really care about test
# files), but this is MUCH faster than calling `go list`.
$(foreach dir, $(ALL_GO_DIRS), $(dir)/$(GOFILES_METAFILE)):
@FILES=$$(ls $(@D)/*.go | grep -v $(GENERATED_FILE_PREFIX)); \
echo "gofiles__$(@D) := $$(echo $${FILES})" >$@
# Include any deps files as additional Makefile rules. This triggers make to
# consider the deps files for rebuild, which makes the whole
# dependency-management logic work. 'sinclude' is "silent include" which does
# not fail if the file does not exist.
$(foreach dir, $(ALL_GO_DIRS), $(eval sinclude $(dir)/$(GOFILES_METAFILE)))
# Generate a list of all files that have a `+k8s:` comment-tag. This will be
# used to derive lists of files/dirs for generation tools.
ALL_K8S_TAG_FILES := $(shell \
find $(ALL_GO_DIRS) -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \*.go \
| xargs grep -l '^// *+k8s:' \
# Deep-copy generation
# Any package that wants deep-copy functions generated must include a
# comment-tag in column 0 of one file of the form:
# // +k8s:deepcopy-gen=<VALUE>
# The <VALUE> may be one of:
# generate: generate deep-copy functions into the package
# register: generate deep-copy functions and register them with a
# scheme
# Find all the directories that request deep-copy generation.
DEEP_COPY_DIRS := $(shell \
grep -l '+k8s:deepcopy-gen=' $(ALL_K8S_TAG_FILES) \
| xargs dirname \
| sort -u \
# The result file, in each pkg, of deep-copy generation.
# Unfortunately there's not a good way to use Go's build tools to check
# if a binary needs to be rebuilt. We just have to try it.
@$(MAKE) -s build WHAT=cmd/libs/go2idl/deepcopy-gen
@$(MAKE) -s $(addsuffix /$(DEEP_COPY_FILENAME), $(DEEP_COPY_DIRS))
# For each dir in DEEP_COPY_DIRS, this generates a statement of the form:
# path/to/dir/$(DEEP_COPY_FILENAME): <all files in dir, except generated ones>
# Note that this is a deps-only statement, not a full rule (see below).
# This has to be done in a distinct step because wildcards don't seem to work
# in static pattern rules.
# The '$(eval)' is needed because this has a different RHS for each LHS, and
# would otherwise produce results that make can't parse.
$(foreach dir, $(DEEP_COPY_DIRS), $(eval \
$(gofiles__$(dir)) \
# For each dir in DEEP_COPY_DIRS, handle deep-copy generation.
# This has to be done in two steps because wildcards don't seem to work in
# static pattern rules.
$(BIN_DIR)/deepcopy-gen \
-i $(PRJ_SRC_PATH)/$$(dirname $@) \
--bounding-dirs $(PRJ_SRC_PATH) \
# Conversion generation
# Any package that wants conversion functions generated must include one or
# more comment-tags in any .go file, in column 0, of the form:
# // +k8s:conversion-gen=<CONVERSION_TARGET_DIR>
# The CONVERSION_TARGET_DIR is a project-local path to another directory which
# should be considered when evaluating peer types for conversions. Types which
# are found in the source package (where conversions are being generated)
# but do not have a peer in one of the target directories will not have
# conversions generated.
# TODO: it might be better in the long term to make peer-types explicit in the
# IDL.
# All directories that request any form of conversion generation.
CONVERSION_DIRS := $(shell \
grep '^// *+k8s:conversion-gen=' $(ALL_K8S_TAG_FILES) \
| cut -f1 -d: \
| xargs dirname \
| sort -u \
# The result file, in each pkg, of conversion generation.
# The name of the make metadata file controlling conversions.
# Unfortunately there's not a good way to use Go's build tools to check
# if a binary needs to be rebuilt. We just have to try it.
@$(MAKE) -s build WHAT=cmd/libs/go2idl/conversion-gen
# Establish a dependency between the deps file and the dir. Whenever a dir
# changes (files added or removed) the deps file will be considered stale.
# This is looser than we really need (e.g. we don't really care about non *.go
# files or even *_test.go files), but this is much easier to represent.
# Because we 'sinclude' the deps file, it is considered for rebuilding, as part
# of make's normal evaluation.
# The '$(eval)' is needed because this has a different RHS for each LHS, and
# would otherwise produce results that make can't parse.
$(foreach dir, $(CONVERSION_DIRS), $(eval $(dir)/$(CONVERSIONS_METAFILE): $(dir)))
# How to rebuild a deps file. When make determines that the deps file is stale
# (see above), it executes this rule, and then re-loads the deps file.
# This is looser than we really need (e.g. we don't really care about test
# files), but this is MUCH faster than calling `go list`.
$(foreach dir, $(CONVERSION_DIRS), $(dir)/$(CONVERSIONS_METAFILE)):
@TAGS=$$(grep -h '^// *+k8s:conversion-gen=' $(@D)/*.go \
| cut -f2- -d= \
| sed 's|$(PRJ_SRC_PATH)/||'); \
echo "conversions__$(@D) := $$(echo $${TAGS})" >$@
# Include any deps files as additional Makefile rules. This triggers make to
# consider the deps files for rebuild, which makes the whole
# dependency-management logic work. 'sinclude' is "silent include" which does
# not fail if the file does not exist.
$(foreach dir, $(CONVERSION_DIRS), $(eval sinclude $(dir)/$(CONVERSIONS_METAFILE)))
# For each dir in CONVERSION_DIRS, this generates a statement of the form:
# path/to/dir/$(CONVERSION_FILENAME): path/to/dir/$(GOFILES_METAFILE) \
# $(gofiles__path/to/dir)
# The variable value was set in $(GOFILES_METAFILE) and included as part of the
# dependency management logic.
# Note that this is a deps-only statement, not a full rule (see below).
# This has to be done in a distinct step because wildcards don't seem to work
# in static pattern rules.
# The '$(eval)' is needed because this has a different RHS for each LHS, and
# would otherwise produce results that make can't parse.
$(foreach dir, $(CONVERSION_DIRS), $(eval \
$(gofiles__$(dir)) \
# For each dir in CONVERSION_DIRS, for each target in $(conversions__$(dir)),
# this generates a statement of the form:
# path/to/dir/$(CONVERSION_FILENAME): /path/to/target/$(GOFILES_METAFILE) \
# $(gofiles__path/to/target/)
# The variable value was set in $(GOFILES_METAFILE) and included as part of the
# dependency management logic.
# Note that this is a deps-only statement, not a full rule (see below).
# This has to be done in a distinct step because wildcards don't seem to work
# in static pattern rules.
# The '$(eval)' is needed because this has a different RHS for each LHS, and
# would otherwise produce results that make can't parse.
$(foreach dir, $(CONVERSION_DIRS), \
$(foreach tgt, $(conversions__$(dir)), $(eval \
$(gofiles__$(tgt)) \
)) \
# For each dir in CONVERSION_DIRS, this generates a rule to auto-generate
# conversion code. Dependencies of the target have been populated above.
@$(BIN_DIR)/conversion-gen \
-i $(PRJ_SRC_PATH)/$(@D) \