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// Copyright ©2014 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package gonum
import (
// Dgemm performs one of the matrix-matrix operations
// C = alpha * A * B + beta * C
// C = alpha * A^T * B + beta * C
// C = alpha * A * B^T + beta * C
// C = alpha * A^T * B^T + beta * C
// where A is an m×k or k×m dense matrix, B is an n×k or k×n dense matrix, C is
// an m×n matrix, and alpha and beta are scalars. tA and tB specify whether A or
// B are transposed.
func (Implementation) Dgemm(tA, tB blas.Transpose, m, n, k int, alpha float64, a []float64, lda int, b []float64, ldb int, beta float64, c []float64, ldc int) {
switch tA {
case blas.NoTrans, blas.Trans, blas.ConjTrans:
switch tB {
case blas.NoTrans, blas.Trans, blas.ConjTrans:
if m < 0 {
if n < 0 {
if k < 0 {
aTrans := tA == blas.Trans || tA == blas.ConjTrans
if aTrans {
if lda < max(1, m) {
} else {
if lda < max(1, k) {
bTrans := tB == blas.Trans || tB == blas.ConjTrans
if bTrans {
if ldb < max(1, k) {
} else {
if ldb < max(1, n) {
if ldc < max(1, n) {
// Quick return if possible.
if m == 0 || n == 0 {
// For zero matrix size the following slice length checks are trivially satisfied.
if aTrans {
if len(a) < (k-1)*lda+m {
} else {
if len(a) < (m-1)*lda+k {
if bTrans {
if len(b) < (n-1)*ldb+k {
} else {
if len(b) < (k-1)*ldb+n {
if len(c) < (m-1)*ldc+n {
// Quick return if possible.
if (alpha == 0 || k == 0) && beta == 1 {
// scale c
if beta != 1 {
if beta == 0 {
for i := 0; i < m; i++ {
ctmp := c[i*ldc : i*ldc+n]
for j := range ctmp {
ctmp[j] = 0
} else {
for i := 0; i < m; i++ {
ctmp := c[i*ldc : i*ldc+n]
for j := range ctmp {
ctmp[j] *= beta
dgemmParallel(aTrans, bTrans, m, n, k, a, lda, b, ldb, c, ldc, alpha)
func dgemmParallel(aTrans, bTrans bool, m, n, k int, a []float64, lda int, b []float64, ldb int, c []float64, ldc int, alpha float64) {
// dgemmParallel computes a parallel matrix multiplication by partitioning
// a and b into sub-blocks, and updating c with the multiplication of the sub-block
// In all cases,
// A = [ A_11 A_12 ... A_1j
// A_21 A_22 ... A_2j
// ...
// A_i1 A_i2 ... A_ij]
// and same for B. All of the submatrix sizes are blockSize×blockSize except
// at the edges.
// In all cases, there is one dimension for each matrix along which
// C must be updated sequentially.
// Cij = \sum_k Aik Bki, (A * B)
// Cij = \sum_k Aki Bkj, (A^T * B)
// Cij = \sum_k Aik Bjk, (A * B^T)
// Cij = \sum_k Aki Bjk, (A^T * B^T)
// This code computes one {i, j} block sequentially along the k dimension,
// and computes all of the {i, j} blocks concurrently. This
// partitioning allows Cij to be updated in-place without race-conditions.
// Instead of launching a goroutine for each possible concurrent computation,
// a number of worker goroutines are created and channels are used to pass
// available and completed cases.
// http://alexkr.com/docs/matrixmult.pdf is a good reference on matrix-matrix
// multiplies, though this code does not copy matrices to attempt to eliminate
// cache misses.
maxKLen := k
parBlocks := blocks(m, blockSize) * blocks(n, blockSize)
if parBlocks < minParBlock {
// The matrix multiplication is small in the dimensions where it can be
// computed concurrently. Just do it in serial.
dgemmSerial(aTrans, bTrans, m, n, k, a, lda, b, ldb, c, ldc, alpha)
nWorkers := runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0)
if parBlocks < nWorkers {
nWorkers = parBlocks
// There is a tradeoff between the workers having to wait for work
// and a large buffer making operations slow.
buf := buffMul * nWorkers
if buf > parBlocks {
buf = parBlocks
sendChan := make(chan subMul, buf)
// Launch workers. A worker receives an {i, j} submatrix of c, and computes
// A_ik B_ki (or the transposed version) storing the result in c_ij. When the
// channel is finally closed, it signals to the waitgroup that it has finished
// computing.
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i := 0; i < nWorkers; i++ {
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
for sub := range sendChan {
i := sub.i
j := sub.j
leni := blockSize
if i+leni > m {
leni = m - i
lenj := blockSize
if j+lenj > n {
lenj = n - j
cSub := sliceView64(c, ldc, i, j, leni, lenj)
// Compute A_ik B_kj for all k
for k := 0; k < maxKLen; k += blockSize {
lenk := blockSize
if k+lenk > maxKLen {
lenk = maxKLen - k
var aSub, bSub []float64
if aTrans {
aSub = sliceView64(a, lda, k, i, lenk, leni)
} else {
aSub = sliceView64(a, lda, i, k, leni, lenk)
if bTrans {
bSub = sliceView64(b, ldb, j, k, lenj, lenk)
} else {
bSub = sliceView64(b, ldb, k, j, lenk, lenj)
dgemmSerial(aTrans, bTrans, leni, lenj, lenk, aSub, lda, bSub, ldb, cSub, ldc, alpha)
// Send out all of the {i, j} subblocks for computation.
for i := 0; i < m; i += blockSize {
for j := 0; j < n; j += blockSize {
sendChan <- subMul{
i: i,
j: j,
// dgemmSerial is serial matrix multiply
func dgemmSerial(aTrans, bTrans bool, m, n, k int, a []float64, lda int, b []float64, ldb int, c []float64, ldc int, alpha float64) {
switch {
case !aTrans && !bTrans:
dgemmSerialNotNot(m, n, k, a, lda, b, ldb, c, ldc, alpha)
case aTrans && !bTrans:
dgemmSerialTransNot(m, n, k, a, lda, b, ldb, c, ldc, alpha)
case !aTrans && bTrans:
dgemmSerialNotTrans(m, n, k, a, lda, b, ldb, c, ldc, alpha)
case aTrans && bTrans:
dgemmSerialTransTrans(m, n, k, a, lda, b, ldb, c, ldc, alpha)
// dgemmSerial where neither a nor b are transposed
func dgemmSerialNotNot(m, n, k int, a []float64, lda int, b []float64, ldb int, c []float64, ldc int, alpha float64) {
// This style is used instead of the literal [i*stride +j]) is used because
// approximately 5 times faster as of go 1.3.
for i := 0; i < m; i++ {
ctmp := c[i*ldc : i*ldc+n]
for l, v := range a[i*lda : i*lda+k] {
tmp := alpha * v
if tmp != 0 {
f64.AxpyUnitary(tmp, b[l*ldb:l*ldb+n], ctmp)
// dgemmSerial where neither a is transposed and b is not
func dgemmSerialTransNot(m, n, k int, a []float64, lda int, b []float64, ldb int, c []float64, ldc int, alpha float64) {
// This style is used instead of the literal [i*stride +j]) is used because
// approximately 5 times faster as of go 1.3.
for l := 0; l < k; l++ {
btmp := b[l*ldb : l*ldb+n]
for i, v := range a[l*lda : l*lda+m] {
tmp := alpha * v
if tmp != 0 {
ctmp := c[i*ldc : i*ldc+n]
f64.AxpyUnitary(tmp, btmp, ctmp)
// dgemmSerial where neither a is not transposed and b is
func dgemmSerialNotTrans(m, n, k int, a []float64, lda int, b []float64, ldb int, c []float64, ldc int, alpha float64) {
// This style is used instead of the literal [i*stride +j]) is used because
// approximately 5 times faster as of go 1.3.
for i := 0; i < m; i++ {
atmp := a[i*lda : i*lda+k]
ctmp := c[i*ldc : i*ldc+n]
for j := 0; j < n; j++ {
ctmp[j] += alpha * f64.DotUnitary(atmp, b[j*ldb:j*ldb+k])
// dgemmSerial where both are transposed
func dgemmSerialTransTrans(m, n, k int, a []float64, lda int, b []float64, ldb int, c []float64, ldc int, alpha float64) {
// This style is used instead of the literal [i*stride +j]) is used because
// approximately 5 times faster as of go 1.3.
for l := 0; l < k; l++ {
for i, v := range a[l*lda : l*lda+m] {
tmp := alpha * v
if tmp != 0 {
ctmp := c[i*ldc : i*ldc+n]
f64.AxpyInc(tmp, b[l:], ctmp, uintptr(n), uintptr(ldb), 1, 0, 0)
func sliceView64(a []float64, lda, i, j, r, c int) []float64 {
return a[i*lda+j : (i+r-1)*lda+j+c]