
275 lines
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Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package set
import (
utilerrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/errors"
cmdutil "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubectl/cmd/util"
// ImageOptions is the start of the data required to perform the operation. As new fields are added, add them here instead of
// referencing the cmd.Flags()
type ImageOptions struct {
Mapper meta.RESTMapper
Typer runtime.ObjectTyper
Infos []*resource.Info
Encoder runtime.Encoder
Selector string
Out io.Writer
Err io.Writer
DryRun bool
ShortOutput bool
All bool
Record bool
Output string
ChangeCause string
Local bool
Cmd *cobra.Command
ResolveImage func(in string) (string, error)
PrintObject func(cmd *cobra.Command, isLocal bool, mapper meta.RESTMapper, obj runtime.Object, out io.Writer) error
UpdatePodSpecForObject func(obj runtime.Object, fn func(*api.PodSpec) error) (bool, error)
Resources []string
ContainerImages map[string]string
var (
image_resources = `
pod (po), replicationcontroller (rc), deployment (deploy), daemonset (ds), job, replicaset (rs)`
image_long = templates.LongDesc(`
Update existing container image(s) of resources.
Possible resources include (case insensitive):
` + image_resources)
image_example = templates.Examples(`
# Set a deployment's nginx container image to 'nginx:1.9.1', and its busybox container image to 'busybox'.
kubectl set image deployment/nginx busybox=busybox nginx=nginx:1.9.1
# Update all deployments' and rc's nginx container's image to 'nginx:1.9.1'
kubectl set image deployments,rc nginx=nginx:1.9.1 --all
# Update image of all containers of daemonset abc to 'nginx:1.9.1'
kubectl set image daemonset abc *=nginx:1.9.1
# Print result (in yaml format) of updating nginx container image from local file, without hitting the server
kubectl set image -f path/to/file.yaml nginx=nginx:1.9.1 --local -o yaml`)
func NewCmdImage(f cmdutil.Factory, out, err io.Writer) *cobra.Command {
options := &ImageOptions{
Out: out,
Err: err,
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Short: i18n.T("Update image of a pod template"),
Long: image_long,
Example: image_example,
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
cmdutil.CheckErr(options.Complete(f, cmd, args))
usage := "identifying the resource to get from a server."
cmdutil.AddFilenameOptionFlags(cmd, &options.FilenameOptions, usage)
cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&options.All, "all", false, "Select all resources in the namespace of the specified resource types")
cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&options.Selector, "selector", "l", "", "Selector (label query) to filter on, supports '=', '==', and '!='.")
cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&options.Local, "local", false, "If true, set image will NOT contact api-server but run locally.")
return cmd
func (o *ImageOptions) Complete(f cmdutil.Factory, cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
o.Mapper, o.Typer = f.Object()
o.UpdatePodSpecForObject = f.UpdatePodSpecForObject
o.Encoder = f.JSONEncoder()
o.ShortOutput = cmdutil.GetFlagString(cmd, "output") == "name"
o.Record = cmdutil.GetRecordFlag(cmd)
o.ChangeCause = f.Command(cmd, false)
o.PrintObject = f.PrintObject
o.Local = cmdutil.GetFlagBool(cmd, "local")
o.DryRun = cmdutil.GetDryRunFlag(cmd)
o.Output = cmdutil.GetFlagString(cmd, "output")
o.ResolveImage = f.ResolveImage
o.Cmd = cmd
cmdNamespace, enforceNamespace, err := f.DefaultNamespace()
if err != nil {
return err
o.Resources, o.ContainerImages, err = getResourcesAndImages(args)
if err != nil {
return err
builder := f.NewBuilder(!o.Local).
FilenameParam(enforceNamespace, &o.FilenameOptions).
if !o.Local {
builder = builder.
ResourceTypeOrNameArgs(o.All, o.Resources...).
o.Infos, err = builder.Do().Infos()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (o *ImageOptions) Validate() error {
errors := []error{}
if len(o.Resources) < 1 && cmdutil.IsFilenameSliceEmpty(o.Filenames) {
errors = append(errors, fmt.Errorf("one or more resources must be specified as <resource> <name> or <resource>/<name>"))
if len(o.ContainerImages) < 1 {
errors = append(errors, fmt.Errorf("at least one image update is required"))
} else if len(o.ContainerImages) > 1 && hasWildcardKey(o.ContainerImages) {
errors = append(errors, fmt.Errorf("all containers are already specified by *, but saw more than one container_name=container_image pairs"))
return utilerrors.NewAggregate(errors)
func (o *ImageOptions) Run() error {
allErrs := []error{}
patches := CalculatePatches(o.Infos, o.Encoder, func(info *resource.Info) ([]byte, error) {
transformed := false
_, err := o.UpdatePodSpecForObject(info.Object, func(spec *api.PodSpec) error {
for name, image := range o.ContainerImages {
var (
containerFound bool
err error
resolved string
// Find the container to update, and update its image
for i, c := range spec.Containers {
if c.Name == name || name == "*" {
containerFound = true
if len(resolved) == 0 {
if resolved, err = o.ResolveImage(image); err != nil {
allErrs = append(allErrs, fmt.Errorf("error: unable to resolve image %q for container %q: %v", image, name, err))
// Do not loop again if the image resolving failed for wildcard case as we
// will report the same error again for the next container.
if name == "*" {
spec.Containers[i].Image = resolved
// Perform updates
transformed = true
// Add a new container if not found
if !containerFound {
allErrs = append(allErrs, fmt.Errorf("error: unable to find container named %q", name))
return nil
if transformed && err == nil {
return runtime.Encode(o.Encoder, info.Object)
return nil, err
for _, patch := range patches {
info := patch.Info
if patch.Err != nil {
allErrs = append(allErrs, fmt.Errorf("error: %s/%s %v\n", info.Mapping.Resource, info.Name, patch.Err))
// no changes
if string(patch.Patch) == "{}" || len(patch.Patch) == 0 {
if o.PrintObject != nil && (o.Local || o.DryRun) {
return o.PrintObject(o.Cmd, o.Local, o.Mapper, info.Object, o.Out)
// patch the change
obj, err := resource.NewHelper(info.Client, info.Mapping).Patch(info.Namespace, info.Name, types.StrategicMergePatchType, patch.Patch)
if err != nil {
allErrs = append(allErrs, fmt.Errorf("failed to patch image update to pod template: %v\n", err))
info.Refresh(obj, true)
// record this change (for rollout history)
if o.Record || cmdutil.ContainsChangeCause(info) {
if patch, patchType, err := cmdutil.ChangeResourcePatch(info, o.ChangeCause); err == nil {
if obj, err = resource.NewHelper(info.Client, info.Mapping).Patch(info.Namespace, info.Name, patchType, patch); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(o.Err, "WARNING: changes to %s/%s can't be recorded: %v\n", info.Mapping.Resource, info.Name, err)
info.Refresh(obj, true)
if len(o.Output) > 0 {
return o.PrintObject(o.Cmd, o.Local, o.Mapper, obj, o.Out)
cmdutil.PrintSuccess(o.Mapper, o.ShortOutput, o.Out, info.Mapping.Resource, info.Name, o.DryRun, "image updated")
return utilerrors.NewAggregate(allErrs)
// getResourcesAndImages retrieves resources and container name:images pair from given args
func getResourcesAndImages(args []string) (resources []string, containerImages map[string]string, err error) {
pairType := "image"
resources, imageArgs, err := cmdutil.GetResourcesAndPairs(args, pairType)
if err != nil {
containerImages, _, err = cmdutil.ParsePairs(imageArgs, pairType, false)
func hasWildcardKey(containerImages map[string]string) bool {
_, ok := containerImages["*"]
return ok