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// Copyright ©2019 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package gonum
import (
// Dlatbs solves a triangular banded system of equations
// A * x = s*b if trans == blas.NoTrans
// Aᵀ * x = s*b if trans == blas.Trans or blas.ConjTrans
// where A is an upper or lower triangular band matrix, x and b are n-element
// vectors, and s is a scaling factor chosen so that the components of x will be
// less than the overflow threshold.
// On entry, x contains the right-hand side b of the triangular system.
// On return, x is overwritten by the solution vector x.
// normin specifies whether the cnorm parameter contains the column norms of A on
// entry. If it is true, cnorm[j] contains the norm of the off-diagonal part of
// the j-th column of A. If it is false, the norms will be computed and stored
// in cnorm.
// Dlatbs returns the scaling factor s for the triangular system. If the matrix
// A is singular (A[j,j]==0 for some j), then scale is set to 0 and a
// non-trivial solution to A*x = 0 is returned.
// Dlatbs is an internal routine. It is exported for testing purposes.
func (Implementation) Dlatbs(uplo blas.Uplo, trans blas.Transpose, diag blas.Diag, normin bool, n, kd int, ab []float64, ldab int, x, cnorm []float64) (scale float64) {
noTran := trans == blas.NoTrans
switch {
case uplo != blas.Upper && uplo != blas.Lower:
case !noTran && trans != blas.Trans && trans != blas.ConjTrans:
case diag != blas.NonUnit && diag != blas.Unit:
case n < 0:
case kd < 0:
case ldab < kd+1:
// Quick return if possible.
if n == 0 {
return 0
switch {
case len(ab) < (n-1)*ldab+kd+1:
case len(x) < n:
case len(cnorm) < n:
// Parameters to control overflow.
smlnum := dlamchS / dlamchP
bignum := 1 / smlnum
bi := blas64.Implementation()
kld := max(1, ldab-1)
if !normin {
// Compute the 1-norm of each column, not including the diagonal.
if uplo == blas.Upper {
for j := 0; j < n; j++ {
jlen := min(j, kd)
if jlen > 0 {
cnorm[j] = bi.Dasum(jlen, ab[(j-jlen)*ldab+jlen:], kld)
} else {
cnorm[j] = 0
} else {
for j := 0; j < n; j++ {
jlen := min(n-j-1, kd)
if jlen > 0 {
cnorm[j] = bi.Dasum(jlen, ab[(j+1)*ldab+kd-1:], kld)
} else {
cnorm[j] = 0
// Set up indices and increments for loops below.
var (
jFirst, jLast, jInc int
maind int
if noTran {
if uplo == blas.Upper {
jFirst = n - 1
jLast = -1
jInc = -1
maind = 0
} else {
jFirst = 0
jLast = n
jInc = 1
maind = kd
} else {
if uplo == blas.Upper {
jFirst = 0
jLast = n
jInc = 1
maind = 0
} else {
jFirst = n - 1
jLast = -1
jInc = -1
maind = kd
// Scale the column norms by tscal if the maximum element in cnorm is
// greater than bignum.
tmax := cnorm[bi.Idamax(n, cnorm, 1)]
tscal := 1.0
if tmax > bignum {
tscal = 1 / (smlnum * tmax)
bi.Dscal(n, tscal, cnorm, 1)
// Compute a bound on the computed solution vector to see if the Level 2
// BLAS routine Dtbsv can be used.
xMax := math.Abs(x[bi.Idamax(n, x, 1)])
xBnd := xMax
grow := 0.0
// Compute the growth only if the maximum element in cnorm is NOT greater
// than bignum.
if tscal != 1 {
goto skipComputeGrow
if noTran {
// Compute the growth in A * x = b.
if diag == blas.NonUnit {
// A is non-unit triangular.
// Compute grow = 1/G_j and xBnd = 1/M_j.
// Initially, G_0 = max{x(i), i=1,...,n}.
grow = 1 / math.Max(xBnd, smlnum)
xBnd = grow
for j := jFirst; j != jLast; j += jInc {
if grow <= smlnum {
// Exit the loop because the growth factor is too small.
goto skipComputeGrow
// M_j = G_{j-1} / abs(A[j,j])
tjj := math.Abs(ab[j*ldab+maind])
xBnd = math.Min(xBnd, math.Min(1, tjj)*grow)
if tjj+cnorm[j] >= smlnum {
// G_j = G_{j-1}*( 1 + cnorm[j] / abs(A[j,j]) )
grow *= tjj / (tjj + cnorm[j])
} else {
// G_j could overflow, set grow to 0.
grow = 0
grow = xBnd
} else {
// A is unit triangular.
// Compute grow = 1/G_j, where G_0 = max{x(i), i=1,...,n}.
grow = math.Min(1, 1/math.Max(xBnd, smlnum))
for j := jFirst; j != jLast; j += jInc {
if grow <= smlnum {
// Exit the loop because the growth factor is too small.
goto skipComputeGrow
// G_j = G_{j-1}*( 1 + cnorm[j] )
grow /= 1 + cnorm[j]
} else {
// Compute the growth in Aᵀ * x = b.
if diag == blas.NonUnit {
// A is non-unit triangular.
// Compute grow = 1/G_j and xBnd = 1/M_j.
// Initially, G_0 = max{x(i), i=1,...,n}.
grow = 1 / math.Max(xBnd, smlnum)
xBnd = grow
for j := jFirst; j != jLast; j += jInc {
if grow <= smlnum {
// Exit the loop because the growth factor is too small.
goto skipComputeGrow
// G_j = max( G_{j-1}, M_{j-1}*( 1 + cnorm[j] ) )
xj := 1 + cnorm[j]
grow = math.Min(grow, xBnd/xj)
// M_j = M_{j-1}*( 1 + cnorm[j] ) / abs(A[j,j])
tjj := math.Abs(ab[j*ldab+maind])
if xj > tjj {
xBnd *= tjj / xj
grow = math.Min(grow, xBnd)
} else {
// A is unit triangular.
// Compute grow = 1/G_j, where G_0 = max{x(i), i=1,...,n}.
grow = math.Min(1, 1/math.Max(xBnd, smlnum))
for j := jFirst; j != jLast; j += jInc {
if grow <= smlnum {
// Exit the loop because the growth factor is too small.
goto skipComputeGrow
// G_j = G_{j-1}*( 1 + cnorm[j] )
grow /= 1 + cnorm[j]
if grow*tscal > smlnum {
// The reciprocal of the bound on elements of X is not too small, use
// the Level 2 BLAS solve.
bi.Dtbsv(uplo, trans, diag, n, kd, ab, ldab, x, 1)
// Scale the column norms by 1/tscal for return.
if tscal != 1 {
bi.Dscal(n, 1/tscal, cnorm, 1)
return 1
// Use a Level 1 BLAS solve, scaling intermediate results.
scale = 1
if xMax > bignum {
// Scale x so that its components are less than or equal to bignum in
// absolute value.
scale = bignum / xMax
bi.Dscal(n, scale, x, 1)
xMax = bignum
if noTran {
// Solve A * x = b.
for j := jFirst; j != jLast; j += jInc {
// Compute x[j] = b[j] / A[j,j], scaling x if necessary.
xj := math.Abs(x[j])
tjjs := tscal
if diag == blas.NonUnit {
tjjs *= ab[j*ldab+maind]
tjj := math.Abs(tjjs)
switch {
case tjj > smlnum:
// smlnum < abs(A[j,j])
if tjj < 1 && xj > tjj*bignum {
// Scale x by 1/b[j].
rec := 1 / xj
bi.Dscal(n, rec, x, 1)
scale *= rec
xMax *= rec
x[j] /= tjjs
xj = math.Abs(x[j])
case tjj > 0:
// 0 < abs(A[j,j]) <= smlnum
if xj > tjj*bignum {
// Scale x by (1/abs(x[j]))*abs(A[j,j])*bignum to avoid
// overflow when dividing by A[j,j].
rec := tjj * bignum / xj
if cnorm[j] > 1 {
// Scale by 1/cnorm[j] to avoid overflow when
// multiplying x[j] times column j.
rec /= cnorm[j]
bi.Dscal(n, rec, x, 1)
scale *= rec
xMax *= rec
x[j] /= tjjs
xj = math.Abs(x[j])
// A[j,j] == 0: Set x[0:n] = 0, x[j] = 1, and scale = 0, and
// compute a solution to A*x = 0.
for i := range x[:n] {
x[i] = 0
x[j] = 1
xj = 1
scale = 0
xMax = 0
// Scale x if necessary to avoid overflow when adding a multiple of
// column j of A.
switch {
case xj > 1:
rec := 1 / xj
if cnorm[j] > (bignum-xMax)*rec {
// Scale x by 1/(2*abs(x[j])).
rec *= 0.5
bi.Dscal(n, rec, x, 1)
scale *= rec
case xj*cnorm[j] > bignum-xMax:
// Scale x by 1/2.
bi.Dscal(n, 0.5, x, 1)
scale *= 0.5
if uplo == blas.Upper {
if j > 0 {
// Compute the update
// x[max(0,j-kd):j] := x[max(0,j-kd):j] - x[j] * A[max(0,j-kd):j,j]
jlen := min(j, kd)
if jlen > 0 {
bi.Daxpy(jlen, -x[j]*tscal, ab[(j-jlen)*ldab+jlen:], kld, x[j-jlen:], 1)
i := bi.Idamax(j, x, 1)
xMax = math.Abs(x[i])
} else if j < n-1 {
// Compute the update
// x[j+1:min(j+kd,n)] := x[j+1:min(j+kd,n)] - x[j] * A[j+1:min(j+kd,n),j]
jlen := min(kd, n-j-1)
if jlen > 0 {
bi.Daxpy(jlen, -x[j]*tscal, ab[(j+1)*ldab+kd-1:], kld, x[j+1:], 1)
i := j + 1 + bi.Idamax(n-j-1, x[j+1:], 1)
xMax = math.Abs(x[i])
} else {
// Solve Aᵀ * x = b.
for j := jFirst; j != jLast; j += jInc {
// Compute x[j] = b[j] - sum A[k,j]*x[k].
// k!=j
xj := math.Abs(x[j])
tjjs := tscal
if diag == blas.NonUnit {
tjjs *= ab[j*ldab+maind]
tjj := math.Abs(tjjs)
rec := 1 / math.Max(1, xMax)
uscal := tscal
if cnorm[j] > (bignum-xj)*rec {
// If x[j] could overflow, scale x by 1/(2*xMax).
rec *= 0.5
if tjj > 1 {
// Divide by A[j,j] when scaling x if A[j,j] > 1.
rec = math.Min(1, rec*tjj)
uscal /= tjjs
if rec < 1 {
bi.Dscal(n, rec, x, 1)
scale *= rec
xMax *= rec
var sumj float64
if uscal == 1 {
// If the scaling needed for A in the dot product is 1, call
// Ddot to perform the dot product...
if uplo == blas.Upper {
jlen := min(j, kd)
if jlen > 0 {
sumj = bi.Ddot(jlen, ab[(j-jlen)*ldab+jlen:], kld, x[j-jlen:], 1)
} else {
jlen := min(n-j-1, kd)
if jlen > 0 {
sumj = bi.Ddot(jlen, ab[(j+1)*ldab+kd-1:], kld, x[j+1:], 1)
} else {
// ...otherwise, use in-line code for the dot product.
if uplo == blas.Upper {
jlen := min(j, kd)
for i := 0; i < jlen; i++ {
sumj += (ab[(j-jlen+i)*ldab+jlen-i] * uscal) * x[j-jlen+i]
} else {
jlen := min(n-j-1, kd)
for i := 0; i < jlen; i++ {
sumj += (ab[(j+1+i)*ldab+kd-1-i] * uscal) * x[j+i+1]
if uscal == tscal {
// Compute x[j] := ( x[j] - sumj ) / A[j,j]
// if 1/A[j,j] was not used to scale the dot product.
x[j] -= sumj
xj = math.Abs(x[j])
// Compute x[j] = x[j] / A[j,j], scaling if necessary.
// Note: the reference implementation skips this step for blas.Unit matrices
// when tscal is equal to 1 but it complicates the logic and only saves
// the comparison and division in the first switch-case. Not skipping it
// is also consistent with the NoTrans case above.
switch {
case tjj > smlnum:
// smlnum < abs(A[j,j]):
if tjj < 1 && xj > tjj*bignum {
// Scale x by 1/abs(x[j]).
rec := 1 / xj
bi.Dscal(n, rec, x, 1)
scale *= rec
xMax *= rec
x[j] /= tjjs
case tjj > 0:
// 0 < abs(A[j,j]) <= smlnum:
if xj > tjj*bignum {
// Scale x by (1/abs(x[j]))*abs(A[j,j])*bignum.
rec := (tjj * bignum) / xj
bi.Dscal(n, rec, x, 1)
scale *= rec
xMax *= rec
x[j] /= tjjs
// A[j,j] == 0: Set x[0:n] = 0, x[j] = 1, and scale = 0, and
// compute a solution Aᵀ * x = 0.
for i := range x[:n] {
x[i] = 0
x[j] = 1
scale = 0
xMax = 0
} else {
// Compute x[j] := x[j] / A[j,j] - sumj
// if the dot product has already been divided by 1/A[j,j].
x[j] = x[j]/tjjs - sumj
xMax = math.Max(xMax, math.Abs(x[j]))
scale /= tscal
// Scale the column norms by 1/tscal for return.
if tscal != 1 {
bi.Dscal(n, 1/tscal, cnorm, 1)
return scale