mirror of https://github.com/k3s-io/k3s
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552 lines
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package cmds
import (
const (
defaultSnapshotRentention = 5
defaultSnapshotIntervalHours = 12
type StartupHookArgs struct {
APIServerReady <-chan struct{}
KubeConfigAdmin string
Skips map[string]bool
Disables map[string]bool
type StartupHook func(context.Context, *sync.WaitGroup, StartupHookArgs) error
type Server struct {
ClusterCIDR cli.StringSlice
AgentToken string
AgentTokenFile string
Token string
TokenFile string
ClusterSecret string
ServiceCIDR cli.StringSlice
ServiceNodePortRange string
ClusterDNS cli.StringSlice
ClusterDomain string
// The port which kubectl clients can access k8s
HTTPSPort int
// The port which custom k3s API runs on
SupervisorPort int
// The port which kube-apiserver runs on
APIServerPort int
APIServerBindAddress string
DataDir string
DisableAgent bool
KubeConfigOutput string
KubeConfigMode string
TLSSan cli.StringSlice
BindAddress string
EnablePProf bool
ExtraAPIArgs cli.StringSlice
ExtraEtcdArgs cli.StringSlice
ExtraSchedulerArgs cli.StringSlice
ExtraControllerArgs cli.StringSlice
ExtraCloudControllerArgs cli.StringSlice
Rootless bool
DatastoreEndpoint string
DatastoreCAFile string
DatastoreCertFile string
DatastoreKeyFile string
AdvertiseIP string
AdvertisePort int
DisableScheduler bool
ServerURL string
FlannelBackend string
FlannelIPv6Masq bool
FlannelExternalIP bool
EgressSelectorMode string
DefaultLocalStoragePath string
DisableCCM bool
DisableNPC bool
DisableHelmController bool
DisableKubeProxy bool
DisableAPIServer bool
DisableControllerManager bool
DisableETCD bool
ClusterInit bool
ClusterReset bool
ClusterResetRestorePath string
EncryptSecrets bool
EncryptForce bool
EncryptOutput string
EncryptSkip bool
SystemDefaultRegistry string
StartupHooks []StartupHook
EtcdSnapshotName string
EtcdDisableSnapshots bool
EtcdExposeMetrics bool
EtcdSnapshotDir string
EtcdSnapshotCron string
EtcdSnapshotRetention int
EtcdSnapshotCompress bool
EtcdListFormat string
EtcdS3 bool
EtcdS3Endpoint string
EtcdS3EndpointCA string
EtcdS3SkipSSLVerify bool
EtcdS3AccessKey string
EtcdS3SecretKey string
EtcdS3BucketName string
EtcdS3Region string
EtcdS3Folder string
EtcdS3Timeout time.Duration
EtcdS3Insecure bool
ServiceLBNamespace string
var (
ServerConfig Server
DataDirFlag = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "data-dir,d",
Usage: "(data) Folder to hold state default /var/lib/rancher/" + version.Program + " or ${HOME}/.rancher/" + version.Program + " if not root",
Destination: &ServerConfig.DataDir,
ServerToken = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "token,t",
Usage: "(cluster) Shared secret used to join a server or agent to a cluster",
Destination: &ServerConfig.Token,
EnvVar: version.ProgramUpper + "_TOKEN",
ClusterCIDR = &cli.StringSliceFlag{
Name: "cluster-cidr",
Usage: "(networking) IPv4/IPv6 network CIDRs to use for pod IPs (default:",
Value: &ServerConfig.ClusterCIDR,
ServiceCIDR = &cli.StringSliceFlag{
Name: "service-cidr",
Usage: "(networking) IPv4/IPv6 network CIDRs to use for service IPs (default:",
Value: &ServerConfig.ServiceCIDR,
ServiceNodePortRange = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "service-node-port-range",
Usage: "(networking) Port range to reserve for services with NodePort visibility",
Destination: &ServerConfig.ServiceNodePortRange,
Value: "30000-32767",
ClusterDNS = &cli.StringSliceFlag{
Name: "cluster-dns",
Usage: "(networking) IPv4 Cluster IP for coredns service. Should be in your service-cidr range (default:",
Value: &ServerConfig.ClusterDNS,
ClusterDomain = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "cluster-domain",
Usage: "(networking) Cluster Domain",
Destination: &ServerConfig.ClusterDomain,
Value: "cluster.local",
ExtraAPIArgs = &cli.StringSliceFlag{
Name: "kube-apiserver-arg",
Usage: "(flags) Customized flag for kube-apiserver process",
Value: &ServerConfig.ExtraAPIArgs,
ExtraEtcdArgs = &cli.StringSliceFlag{
Name: "etcd-arg",
Usage: "(flags) Customized flag for etcd process",
Value: &ServerConfig.ExtraEtcdArgs,
ExtraSchedulerArgs = &cli.StringSliceFlag{
Name: "kube-scheduler-arg",
Usage: "(flags) Customized flag for kube-scheduler process",
Value: &ServerConfig.ExtraSchedulerArgs,
ExtraControllerArgs = &cli.StringSliceFlag{
Name: "kube-controller-manager-arg",
Usage: "(flags) Customized flag for kube-controller-manager process",
Value: &ServerConfig.ExtraControllerArgs,
var ServerFlags = []cli.Flag{
Name: "bind-address",
Usage: "(listener) " + version.Program + " bind address (default:",
Destination: &ServerConfig.BindAddress,
Name: "https-listen-port",
Usage: "(listener) HTTPS listen port",
Value: 6443,
Destination: &ServerConfig.HTTPSPort,
Name: "advertise-address",
Usage: "(listener) IPv4 address that apiserver uses to advertise to members of the cluster (default: node-external-ip/node-ip)",
Destination: &ServerConfig.AdvertiseIP,
Name: "advertise-port",
Usage: "(listener) Port that apiserver uses to advertise to members of the cluster (default: listen-port)",
Destination: &ServerConfig.AdvertisePort,
Name: "tls-san",
Usage: "(listener) Add additional hostnames or IPv4/IPv6 addresses as Subject Alternative Names on the server TLS cert",
Value: &ServerConfig.TLSSan,
Name: "flannel-backend",
Usage: "(networking) backend<=option1=val1,option2=val2> where backend is one of 'none', 'vxlan', 'ipsec' (deprecated), 'host-gw', 'wireguard-native', 'wireguard' (deprecated)",
Destination: &ServerConfig.FlannelBackend,
Value: "vxlan",
Name: "flannel-ipv6-masq",
Usage: "(networking) Enable IPv6 masquerading for pod",
Destination: &ServerConfig.FlannelIPv6Masq,
Name: "flannel-external-ip",
Usage: "(networking) Use node external IP addresses for Flannel traffic",
Destination: &ServerConfig.FlannelExternalIP,
Name: "egress-selector-mode",
Usage: "(networking) One of 'agent', 'cluster', 'pod', 'disabled'",
Destination: &ServerConfig.EgressSelectorMode,
Value: "agent",
Name: "servicelb-namespace",
Usage: "(networking) Namespace of the pods for the servicelb component",
Destination: &ServerConfig.ServiceLBNamespace,
Value: "kube-system",
Name: "write-kubeconfig,o",
Usage: "(client) Write kubeconfig for admin client to this file",
Destination: &ServerConfig.KubeConfigOutput,
EnvVar: version.ProgramUpper + "_KUBECONFIG_OUTPUT",
Name: "write-kubeconfig-mode",
Usage: "(client) Write kubeconfig with this mode",
Destination: &ServerConfig.KubeConfigMode,
EnvVar: version.ProgramUpper + "_KUBECONFIG_MODE",
Name: "token-file",
Usage: "(cluster) File containing the token",
Destination: &ServerConfig.TokenFile,
EnvVar: version.ProgramUpper + "_TOKEN_FILE",
Name: "agent-token",
Usage: "(cluster) Shared secret used to join agents to the cluster, but not servers",
Destination: &ServerConfig.AgentToken,
EnvVar: version.ProgramUpper + "_AGENT_TOKEN",
Name: "agent-token-file",
Usage: "(cluster) File containing the agent secret",
Destination: &ServerConfig.AgentTokenFile,
EnvVar: version.ProgramUpper + "_AGENT_TOKEN_FILE",
Name: "server,s",
Usage: "(cluster) Server to connect to, used to join a cluster",
EnvVar: version.ProgramUpper + "_URL",
Destination: &ServerConfig.ServerURL,
Name: "cluster-init",
Usage: "(cluster) Initialize a new cluster using embedded Etcd",
EnvVar: version.ProgramUpper + "_CLUSTER_INIT",
Destination: &ServerConfig.ClusterInit,
Name: "cluster-reset",
Usage: "(cluster) Forget all peers and become sole member of a new cluster",
EnvVar: version.ProgramUpper + "_CLUSTER_RESET",
Destination: &ServerConfig.ClusterReset,
Name: "cluster-reset-restore-path",
Usage: "(db) Path to snapshot file to be restored",
Destination: &ServerConfig.ClusterResetRestorePath,
Name: "kube-cloud-controller-manager-arg",
Usage: "(flags) Customized flag for kube-cloud-controller-manager process",
Value: &ServerConfig.ExtraCloudControllerArgs,
Name: "datastore-endpoint",
Usage: "(db) Specify etcd, Mysql, Postgres, or Sqlite (default) data source name",
Destination: &ServerConfig.DatastoreEndpoint,
EnvVar: version.ProgramUpper + "_DATASTORE_ENDPOINT",
Name: "datastore-cafile",
Usage: "(db) TLS Certificate Authority file used to secure datastore backend communication",
Destination: &ServerConfig.DatastoreCAFile,
EnvVar: version.ProgramUpper + "_DATASTORE_CAFILE",
Name: "datastore-certfile",
Usage: "(db) TLS certification file used to secure datastore backend communication",
Destination: &ServerConfig.DatastoreCertFile,
EnvVar: version.ProgramUpper + "_DATASTORE_CERTFILE",
Name: "datastore-keyfile",
Usage: "(db) TLS key file used to secure datastore backend communication",
Destination: &ServerConfig.DatastoreKeyFile,
EnvVar: version.ProgramUpper + "_DATASTORE_KEYFILE",
Name: "etcd-expose-metrics",
Usage: "(db) Expose etcd metrics to client interface. (default: false)",
Destination: &ServerConfig.EtcdExposeMetrics,
Name: "etcd-disable-snapshots",
Usage: "(db) Disable automatic etcd snapshots",
Destination: &ServerConfig.EtcdDisableSnapshots,
Name: "etcd-snapshot-name",
Usage: "(db) Set the base name of etcd snapshots (default: etcd-snapshot-<unix-timestamp>)",
Destination: &ServerConfig.EtcdSnapshotName,
Value: "etcd-snapshot",
Name: "etcd-snapshot-schedule-cron",
Usage: "(db) Snapshot interval time in cron spec. eg. every 5 hours '0 */5 * * *'",
Destination: &ServerConfig.EtcdSnapshotCron,
Value: "0 */12 * * *",
Name: "etcd-snapshot-retention",
Usage: "(db) Number of snapshots to retain",
Destination: &ServerConfig.EtcdSnapshotRetention,
Value: defaultSnapshotRentention,
Name: "etcd-snapshot-dir",
Usage: "(db) Directory to save db snapshots. (default: ${data-dir}/db/snapshots)",
Destination: &ServerConfig.EtcdSnapshotDir,
Name: "etcd-snapshot-compress",
Usage: "(db) Compress etcd snapshot",
Destination: &ServerConfig.EtcdSnapshotCompress,
Name: "etcd-s3",
Usage: "(db) Enable backup to S3",
Destination: &ServerConfig.EtcdS3,
Name: "etcd-s3-endpoint",
Usage: "(db) S3 endpoint url",
Destination: &ServerConfig.EtcdS3Endpoint,
Value: "s3.amazonaws.com",
Name: "etcd-s3-endpoint-ca",
Usage: "(db) S3 custom CA cert to connect to S3 endpoint",
Destination: &ServerConfig.EtcdS3EndpointCA,
Name: "etcd-s3-skip-ssl-verify",
Usage: "(db) Disables S3 SSL certificate validation",
Destination: &ServerConfig.EtcdS3SkipSSLVerify,
Name: "etcd-s3-access-key",
Usage: "(db) S3 access key",
Destination: &ServerConfig.EtcdS3AccessKey,
Name: "etcd-s3-secret-key",
Usage: "(db) S3 secret key",
Destination: &ServerConfig.EtcdS3SecretKey,
Name: "etcd-s3-bucket",
Usage: "(db) S3 bucket name",
Destination: &ServerConfig.EtcdS3BucketName,
Name: "etcd-s3-region",
Usage: "(db) S3 region / bucket location (optional)",
Destination: &ServerConfig.EtcdS3Region,
Value: "us-east-1",
Name: "etcd-s3-folder",
Usage: "(db) S3 folder",
Destination: &ServerConfig.EtcdS3Folder,
Name: "etcd-s3-insecure",
Usage: "(db) Disables S3 over HTTPS",
Destination: &ServerConfig.EtcdS3Insecure,
Name: "etcd-s3-timeout",
Usage: "(db) S3 timeout",
Destination: &ServerConfig.EtcdS3Timeout,
Value: 5 * time.Minute,
Name: "default-local-storage-path",
Usage: "(storage) Default local storage path for local provisioner storage class",
Destination: &ServerConfig.DefaultLocalStoragePath,
Name: "disable",
Usage: "(components) Do not deploy packaged components and delete any deployed components (valid items: " + DisableItems + ")",
Name: "disable-scheduler",
Usage: "(components) Disable Kubernetes default scheduler",
Destination: &ServerConfig.DisableScheduler,
Name: "disable-cloud-controller",
Usage: "(components) Disable " + version.Program + " default cloud controller manager",
Destination: &ServerConfig.DisableCCM,
Name: "disable-kube-proxy",
Usage: "(components) Disable running kube-proxy",
Destination: &ServerConfig.DisableKubeProxy,
Name: "disable-network-policy",
Usage: "(components) Disable " + version.Program + " default network policy controller",
Destination: &ServerConfig.DisableNPC,
Name: "disable-helm-controller",
Usage: "(components) Disable Helm controller",
Destination: &ServerConfig.DisableHelmController,
Name: "disable-apiserver",
Hidden: true,
Usage: "(experimental/components) Disable running api server",
Destination: &ServerConfig.DisableAPIServer,
Name: "disable-controller-manager",
Hidden: true,
Usage: "(experimental/components) Disable running kube-controller-manager",
Destination: &ServerConfig.DisableControllerManager,
Name: "disable-etcd",
Hidden: true,
Usage: "(experimental/components) Disable running etcd",
Destination: &ServerConfig.DisableETCD,
Name: "system-default-registry",
Usage: "(agent/runtime) Private registry to be used for all system images",
EnvVar: version.ProgramUpper + "_SYSTEM_DEFAULT_REGISTRY",
Destination: &ServerConfig.SystemDefaultRegistry,
Name: "secrets-encryption",
Usage: "Enable secret encryption at rest",
Destination: &ServerConfig.EncryptSecrets,
// Experimental flags
Name: "enable-pprof",
Usage: "(experimental) Enable pprof endpoint on supervisor port",
Destination: &ServerConfig.EnablePProf,
Name: "rootless",
Usage: "(experimental) Run rootless",
Destination: &ServerConfig.Rootless,
// Hidden/Deprecated flags below
Name: "disable-agent",
Usage: "Do not run a local agent and register a local kubelet",
Hidden: true,
Destination: &ServerConfig.DisableAgent,
Hidden: true,
Name: "kube-controller-arg",
Usage: "(flags) Customized flag for kube-controller-manager process",
Value: &ServerConfig.ExtraControllerArgs,
Hidden: true,
Name: "kube-cloud-controller-arg",
Usage: "(flags) Customized flag for kube-cloud-controller-manager process",
Value: &ServerConfig.ExtraCloudControllerArgs,
func NewServerCommand(action func(*cli.Context) error) cli.Command {
return cli.Command{
Name: "server",
Usage: "Run management server",
UsageText: appName + " server [OPTIONS]",
Action: action,
Flags: ServerFlags,