
178 lines
6.8 KiB

{% set cluster_name = "" -%}
{% set cluster_cidr = "" -%}
{% set allocate_node_cidrs = "" -%}
{% set service_cluster_ip_range = "" %}
{% set terminated_pod_gc = "" -%}
{% if pillar['instance_prefix'] is defined -%}
{% set cluster_name = "--cluster-name=" + pillar['instance_prefix'] -%}
{% endif -%}
{% if pillar['cluster_cidr'] is defined and pillar['cluster_cidr'] != "" -%}
{% set cluster_cidr = "--cluster-cidr=" + pillar['cluster_cidr'] -%}
{% endif -%}
{% if pillar['service_cluster_ip_range'] is defined and pillar['service_cluster_ip_range'] != "" -%}
{% set service_cluster_ip_range = "--service_cluster_ip_range=" + pillar['service_cluster_ip_range'] -%}
{% endif -%}
{% if pillar.get('network_provider', '').lower() == 'kubenet' %}
{% set allocate_node_cidrs = "--allocate-node-cidrs=true" -%}
{% elif pillar['allocate_node_cidrs'] is defined -%}
{% set allocate_node_cidrs = "--allocate-node-cidrs=" + pillar['allocate_node_cidrs'] -%}
{% endif -%}
{% if pillar['terminated_pod_gc_threshold'] is defined -%}
{% set terminated_pod_gc = "--terminated-pod-gc-threshold=" + pillar['terminated_pod_gc_threshold'] -%}
{% endif -%}
{% set enable_garbage_collector = "" -%}
{% if pillar['enable_garbage_collector'] is defined -%}
{% set enable_garbage_collector = "--enable-garbage-collector=" + pillar['enable_garbage_collector'] -%}
{% endif -%}
{% set cloud_provider = "" -%}
{% set cloud_config = "" -%}
{% set cloud_config_mount = "" -%}
{% set cloud_config_volume = "" -%}
{% set additional_cloud_config_mount = "{\"name\": \"usrsharessl\",\"mountPath\": \"/usr/share/ssl\", \"readOnly\": true}, {\"name\": \"usrssl\",\"mountPath\": \"/usr/ssl\", \"readOnly\": true}, {\"name\": \"usrlibssl\",\"mountPath\": \"/usr/lib/ssl\", \"readOnly\": true}, {\"name\": \"usrlocalopenssl\",\"mountPath\": \"/usr/local/openssl\", \"readOnly\": true}," -%}
{% set additional_cloud_config_volume = "{\"name\": \"usrsharessl\",\"hostPath\": {\"path\": \"/usr/share/ssl\"}}, {\"name\": \"usrssl\",\"hostPath\": {\"path\": \"/usr/ssl\"}}, {\"name\": \"usrlibssl\",\"hostPath\": {\"path\": \"/usr/lib/ssl\"}}, {\"name\": \"usrlocalopenssl\",\"hostPath\": {\"path\": \"/usr/local/openssl\"}}," -%}
{% set srv_kube_path = "/srv/kubernetes" -%}
{% if grains.cloud is defined -%}
{% if grains.cloud not in ['vagrant', 'photon-controller', 'azure-legacy'] -%}
{% set cloud_provider = "--cloud-provider=" + grains.cloud -%}
{% endif -%}
{% set service_account_key = "--service-account-private-key-file=/srv/kubernetes/server.key" -%}
{% if grains.cloud in [ 'openstack' ] and grains.cloud_config is defined -%}
{% set cloud_config = "--cloud-config=" + grains.cloud_config -%}
{% endif -%}
{% if grains.cloud in [ 'vsphere', 'aws', 'gce' ] and grains.cloud_config is defined -%}
{% set cloud_config = "--cloud-config=" + grains.cloud_config -%}
{% set cloud_config_mount = "{\"name\": \"cloudconfigmount\",\"mountPath\": \"" + grains.cloud_config + "\", \"readOnly\": true}," -%}
{% set cloud_config_volume = "{\"name\": \"cloudconfigmount\",\"hostPath\": {\"path\": \"" + grains.cloud_config + "\"}}," -%}
{% endif -%}
{% if grains.cloud in ['openstack'] -%}
{% set cloud_config_mount = "{\"name\": \"instanceid\",\"mountPath\": \"/var/lib/cloud/data/instance-id\",\"readOnly\": true}," -%}
{% set cloud_config_volume = "{\"name\": \"instanceid\",\"hostPath\": {\"path\": \"/var/lib/cloud/data/instance-id\"}}," -%}
{% endif -%}
{% endif -%}
{% set root_ca_file = "" -%}
{% if grains['cloud'] is defined and grains.cloud in [ 'aws', 'gce', 'vagrant', 'vsphere', 'photon-controller', 'openstack', 'azure-legacy'] %}
{% set root_ca_file = "--root-ca-file=/srv/kubernetes/ca.crt" -%}
{% endif -%}
{% set log_level = pillar['log_level'] -%}
{% if pillar['controller_manager_test_log_level'] is defined -%}
{% set log_level = pillar['controller_manager_test_log_level'] -%}
{% endif -%}
{% set feature_gates = "" -%}
{% if grains.feature_gates is defined -%}
{% set feature_gates = "--feature-gates=" + grains.feature_gates -%}
{% endif -%}
{% set params = "--master=" + " " + cluster_name + " " + cluster_cidr + " " + allocate_node_cidrs + " " + service_cluster_ip_range + " " + terminated_pod_gc + " " + enable_garbage_collector + " " + cloud_provider + " " + cloud_config + " " + service_account_key + " " + log_level + " " + root_ca_file -%}
{% set params = params + " " + feature_gates -%}
{% if pillar.get('enable_hostpath_provisioner', '').lower() == 'true' -%}
{% set params = params + " --enable-hostpath-provisioner" %}
{% endif -%}
# test_args has to be kept at the end, so they'll overwrite any prior configuration
{% if pillar['controller_manager_test_args'] is defined -%}
{% set params = params + " " + pillar['controller_manager_test_args'] -%}
{% endif -%}
"apiVersion": "v1",
"kind": "Pod",
"metadata": {
"namespace": "kube-system",
"labels": {
"tier": "control-plane",
"component": "kube-controller-manager"
"hostNetwork": true,
"name": "kube-controller-manager",
"image": "{{pillar['kube_docker_registry']}}/kube-controller-manager:{{pillar['kube-controller-manager_docker_tag']}}",
"resources": {
"requests": {
"cpu": "200m"
"command": [
"/usr/local/bin/kube-controller-manager {{params}} 1>>/var/log/kube-controller-manager.log 2>&1"
"livenessProbe": {
"httpGet": {
"host": "",
"port": 10252,
"path": "/healthz"
"initialDelaySeconds": 15,
"timeoutSeconds": 15
"volumeMounts": [
{ "name": "srvkube",
"mountPath": "{{srv_kube_path}}",
"readOnly": true},
{ "name": "logfile",
"mountPath": "/var/log/kube-controller-manager.log",
"readOnly": false},
{ "name": "etcssl",
"mountPath": "/etc/ssl",
"readOnly": true},
{ "name": "varssl",
"mountPath": "/var/ssl",
"readOnly": true},
{ "name": "etcopenssl",
"mountPath": "/etc/openssl",
"readOnly": true},
{ "name": "etcpki",
"mountPath": "/etc/pki",
"readOnly": true}
{ "name": "srvkube",
"hostPath": {
"path": "{{srv_kube_path}}"}
{ "name": "logfile",
"hostPath": {
"path": "/var/log/kube-controller-manager.log"}
{ "name": "etcssl",
"hostPath": {
"path": "/etc/ssl"}
{ "name": "varssl",
"hostPath": {
"path": "/var/ssl"}
{ "name": "etcopenssl",
"hostPath": {
"path": "/etc/openssl"}
{ "name": "etcpki",
"hostPath": {
"path": "/etc/pki"}