
274 lines
7.8 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Ugorji Nwoke. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license found in the LICENSE file.
// codecgen generates codec.Selfer implementations for a set of types.
package main
import (
const genCodecPkg = "codec1978" // keep this in sync with codec.genCodecPkg
const genFrunMainTmpl = `//+build ignore
package main
{{ if .Types }}import "{{ .ImportPath }}"{{ end }}
func main() {
{{ $.PackageName }}.CodecGenTempWrite{{ .RandString }}()
// const genFrunPkgTmpl = `//+build codecgen
const genFrunPkgTmpl = `
package {{ $.PackageName }}
import (
{{ if not .CodecPkgFiles }}{{ .CodecPkgName }} "{{ .CodecImportPath }}"{{ end }}
func CodecGenTempWrite{{ .RandString }}() {
fout, err := os.Create("{{ .OutFile }}")
if err != nil {
defer fout.Close()
var out bytes.Buffer
var typs []reflect.Type
{{ range $index, $element := .Types }}
var t{{ $index }} {{ . }}
typs = append(typs, reflect.TypeOf(t{{ $index }}))
{{ end }}
{{ if not .CodecPkgFiles }}{{ .CodecPkgName }}.{{ end }}Gen(&out, "{{ .BuildTag }}", "{{ .PackageName }}", "{{ .RandString }}", {{ .UseUnsafe }}, {{ if not .CodecPkgFiles }}{{ .CodecPkgName }}.{{ end }}NewTypeInfos(strings.Split("{{ .StructTags }}", ",")), typs...)
bout, err := format.Source(out.Bytes())
if err != nil {
// Generate is given a list of *.go files to parse, and an output file (fout).
// It finds all types T in the files, and it creates 2 tmp files (frun).
// - main package file passed to 'go run'
// - package level file which calls *genRunner.Selfer to write Selfer impls for each T.
// We use a package level file so that it can reference unexported types in the package being worked on.
// Tool then executes: "go run __frun__" which creates fout.
// fout contains Codec(En|De)codeSelf implementations for every type T.
func Generate(outfile, buildTag, codecPkgPath string, uid int64, useUnsafe bool, goRunTag string,
st string, regexName *regexp.Regexp, deleteTempFile bool, infiles ...string) (err error) {
// For each file, grab AST, find each type, and write a call to it.
if len(infiles) == 0 {
if outfile == "" || codecPkgPath == "" {
err = errors.New("outfile and codec package path cannot be blank")
if uid < 0 {
uid = -uid
if uid == 0 {
rr := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
uid = 101 + rr.Int63n(9777)
// We have to parse dir for package, before opening the temp file for writing (else ImportDir fails).
// Also, ImportDir(...) must take an absolute path.
lastdir := filepath.Dir(outfile)
absdir, err := filepath.Abs(lastdir)
if err != nil {
pkg, err := build.Default.ImportDir(absdir, build.AllowBinary)
if err != nil {
type tmplT struct {
CodecPkgName string
CodecImportPath string
ImportPath string
OutFile string
PackageName string
RandString string
BuildTag string
StructTags string
Types []string
CodecPkgFiles bool
UseUnsafe bool
tv := tmplT{
CodecPkgName: genCodecPkg,
OutFile: outfile,
CodecImportPath: codecPkgPath,
BuildTag: buildTag,
UseUnsafe: useUnsafe,
RandString: strconv.FormatInt(uid, 10),
StructTags: st,
tv.ImportPath = pkg.ImportPath
if tv.ImportPath == tv.CodecImportPath {
tv.CodecPkgFiles = true
tv.CodecPkgName = "codec"
astfiles := make([]*ast.File, len(infiles))
for i, infile := range infiles {
if filepath.Dir(infile) != lastdir {
err = errors.New("in files must all be in same directory as outfile")
fset := token.NewFileSet()
astfiles[i], err = parser.ParseFile(fset, infile, nil, 0)
if err != nil {
if i == 0 {
tv.PackageName = astfiles[i].Name.Name
if tv.PackageName == "main" {
// codecgen cannot be run on types in the 'main' package.
// A temporary 'main' package must be created, and should reference the fully built
// package containing the types.
// Also, the temporary main package will conflict with the main package which already has a main method.
err = errors.New("codecgen cannot be run on types in the 'main' package")
for _, f := range astfiles {
for _, d := range f.Decls {
if gd, ok := d.(*ast.GenDecl); ok {
for _, dd := range gd.Specs {
if td, ok := dd.(*ast.TypeSpec); ok {
// if len(td.Name.Name) == 0 || td.Name.Name[0] > 'Z' || td.Name.Name[0] < 'A' {
if len(td.Name.Name) == 0 {
// only generate for:
// struct: StructType
// primitives (numbers, bool, string): Ident
// map: MapType
// slice, array: ArrayType
// chan: ChanType
// do not generate:
// FuncType, InterfaceType, StarExpr (ptr), etc
switch td.Type.(type) {
case *ast.StructType, *ast.Ident, *ast.MapType, *ast.ArrayType, *ast.ChanType:
if regexName.FindStringIndex(td.Name.Name) != nil {
tv.Types = append(tv.Types, td.Name.Name)
if len(tv.Types) == 0 {
// we cannot use ioutil.TempFile, because we cannot guarantee the file suffix (.go).
// Also, we cannot create file in temp directory,
// because go run will not work (as it needs to see the types here).
// Consequently, create the temp file in the current directory, and remove when done.
// frun, err = ioutil.TempFile("", "codecgen-")
// frunName := filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), "codecgen-"+strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().UnixNano(), 10)+".go")
frunMainName := "codecgen-main-" + tv.RandString + ".generated.go"
frunPkgName := "codecgen-pkg-" + tv.RandString + ".generated.go"
if deleteTempFile {
defer os.Remove(frunMainName)
defer os.Remove(frunPkgName)
// var frunMain, frunPkg *os.File
if _, err = gen1(frunMainName, genFrunMainTmpl, &tv); err != nil {
if _, err = gen1(frunPkgName, genFrunPkgTmpl, &tv); err != nil {
// remove outfile, so "go run ..." will not think that types in outfile already exist.
// execute go run frun
cmd := exec.Command("go", "run", "-tags="+goRunTag, frunMainName) //, frunPkg.Name())
var buf bytes.Buffer
cmd.Stdout = &buf
cmd.Stderr = &buf
if err = cmd.Run(); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("error running 'go run %s': %v, console: %s",
frunMainName, err, buf.Bytes())
func gen1(frunName, tmplStr string, tv interface{}) (frun *os.File, err error) {
if frun, err = os.Create(frunName); err != nil {
defer frun.Close()
t := template.New("")
if t, err = t.Parse(tmplStr); err != nil {
bw := bufio.NewWriter(frun)
if err = t.Execute(bw, tv); err != nil {
if err = bw.Flush(); err != nil {
func main() {
o := flag.String("o", "", "out file")
c := flag.String("c", genCodecPath, "codec path")
t := flag.String("t", "", "build tag to put in file")
r := flag.String("r", ".*", "regex for type name to match")
rt := flag.String("rt", "", "tags for go run")
st := flag.String("st", "codec,json", "struct tag keys to introspect")
x := flag.Bool("x", false, "keep temp file")
u := flag.Bool("u", false, "Use unsafe, e.g. to avoid unnecessary allocation on []byte->string")
d := flag.Int64("d", 0, "random identifier for use in generated code")
if err := Generate(*o, *t, *c, *d, *u, *rt, *st,
regexp.MustCompile(*r), !*x, flag.Args()...); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "codecgen error: %v\n", err)