mirror of https://github.com/k3s-io/k3s
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// +build !providerless
Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors.
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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package azure
import (
// AccountOptions contains the fields which are used to create storage account.
type AccountOptions struct {
Name, Type, Kind, ResourceGroup, Location string
EnableHTTPSTrafficOnly bool
Tags map[string]string
type accountWithLocation struct {
Name, StorageType, Location string
// getStorageAccounts gets name, type, location of all storage accounts in a resource group which matches matchingAccountType, matchingLocation
func (az *Cloud) getStorageAccounts(matchingAccountType, matchingAccountKind, resourceGroup, matchingLocation string) ([]accountWithLocation, error) {
ctx, cancel := getContextWithCancel()
defer cancel()
result, rerr := az.StorageAccountClient.ListByResourceGroup(ctx, resourceGroup)
if rerr != nil {
return nil, rerr.Error()
accounts := []accountWithLocation{}
for _, acct := range result {
if acct.Name != nil && acct.Location != nil && acct.Sku != nil {
storageType := string((*acct.Sku).Name)
if matchingAccountType != "" && !strings.EqualFold(matchingAccountType, storageType) {
if matchingAccountKind != "" && !strings.EqualFold(matchingAccountKind, string(acct.Kind)) {
location := *acct.Location
if matchingLocation != "" && !strings.EqualFold(matchingLocation, location) {
accounts = append(accounts, accountWithLocation{Name: *acct.Name, StorageType: storageType, Location: location})
return accounts, nil
// GetStorageAccesskey gets the storage account access key
func (az *Cloud) GetStorageAccesskey(account, resourceGroup string) (string, error) {
ctx, cancel := getContextWithCancel()
defer cancel()
result, rerr := az.StorageAccountClient.ListKeys(ctx, resourceGroup, account)
if rerr != nil {
return "", rerr.Error()
if result.Keys == nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("empty keys")
for _, k := range *result.Keys {
if k.Value != nil && *k.Value != "" {
v := *k.Value
if ind := strings.LastIndex(v, " "); ind >= 0 {
v = v[(ind + 1):]
return v, nil
return "", fmt.Errorf("no valid keys")
// EnsureStorageAccount search storage account, create one storage account(with genAccountNamePrefix) if not found, return accountName, accountKey
func (az *Cloud) EnsureStorageAccount(accountOptions *AccountOptions, genAccountNamePrefix string) (string, string, error) {
if accountOptions == nil {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("account options is nil")
accountName := accountOptions.Name
accountType := accountOptions.Type
accountKind := accountOptions.Kind
resourceGroup := accountOptions.ResourceGroup
location := accountOptions.Location
enableHTTPSTrafficOnly := accountOptions.EnableHTTPSTrafficOnly
if len(accountName) == 0 {
// find a storage account that matches accountType
accounts, err := az.getStorageAccounts(accountType, accountKind, resourceGroup, location)
if err != nil {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("could not list storage accounts for account type %s: %v", accountType, err)
if len(accounts) > 0 {
accountName = accounts[0].Name
klog.V(4).Infof("found a matching account %s type %s location %s", accounts[0].Name, accounts[0].StorageType, accounts[0].Location)
if len(accountName) == 0 {
// not found a matching account, now create a new account in current resource group
accountName = generateStorageAccountName(genAccountNamePrefix)
if location == "" {
location = az.Location
if accountType == "" {
accountType = defaultStorageAccountType
// use StorageV2 by default per https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/common/storage-account-options
kind := defaultStorageAccountKind
if accountKind != "" {
kind = storage.Kind(accountKind)
if len(accountOptions.Tags) == 0 {
accountOptions.Tags = make(map[string]string)
accountOptions.Tags["created-by"] = "azure"
tags := convertMaptoMapPointer(accountOptions.Tags)
klog.V(2).Infof("azure - no matching account found, begin to create a new account %s in resource group %s, location: %s, accountType: %s, accountKind: %s, tags: %+v",
accountName, resourceGroup, location, accountType, kind, accountOptions.Tags)
cp := storage.AccountCreateParameters{
Sku: &storage.Sku{Name: storage.SkuName(accountType)},
Kind: kind,
AccountPropertiesCreateParameters: &storage.AccountPropertiesCreateParameters{EnableHTTPSTrafficOnly: &enableHTTPSTrafficOnly},
Tags: tags,
Location: &location}
ctx, cancel := getContextWithCancel()
defer cancel()
rerr := az.StorageAccountClient.Create(ctx, resourceGroup, accountName, cp)
if rerr != nil {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to create storage account %s, error: %v", accountName, rerr))
// find the access key with this account
accountKey, err := az.GetStorageAccesskey(accountName, resourceGroup)
if err != nil {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("could not get storage key for storage account %s: %v", accountName, err)
return accountName, accountKey, nil