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Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package scheduling
import (
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo"
. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
_ "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
clientset "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes"
v1qos "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/core/v1/helper/qos"
priorityutil "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/scheduler/algorithm/priorities/util"
testutils "k8s.io/kubernetes/test/utils"
imageutils "k8s.io/kubernetes/test/utils/image"
type Resource struct {
MilliCPU int64
Memory int64
var balancePodLabel map[string]string = map[string]string{"name": "priority-balanced-memory"}
var podRequestedResource *v1.ResourceRequirements = &v1.ResourceRequirements{
Limits: v1.ResourceList{
v1.ResourceMemory: resource.MustParse("100Mi"),
v1.ResourceCPU: resource.MustParse("100m"),
Requests: v1.ResourceList{
v1.ResourceMemory: resource.MustParse("100Mi"),
v1.ResourceCPU: resource.MustParse("100m"),
// This test suite is used to verifies scheduler priority functions based on the default provider
var _ = SIGDescribe("SchedulerPriorities [Serial]", func() {
var cs clientset.Interface
var nodeList *v1.NodeList
var systemPodsNo int
var ns string
f := framework.NewDefaultFramework("sched-priority")
AfterEach(func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
cs = f.ClientSet
ns = f.Namespace.Name
nodeList = &v1.NodeList{}
framework.WaitForAllNodesHealthy(cs, time.Minute)
_, nodeList = framework.GetMasterAndWorkerNodesOrDie(cs)
err := framework.CheckTestingNSDeletedExcept(cs, ns)
err = framework.WaitForPodsRunningReady(cs, metav1.NamespaceSystem, int32(systemPodsNo), 0, framework.PodReadyBeforeTimeout, map[string]string{})
It("Pod should be scheduled to node that don't match the PodAntiAffinity terms", func() {
By("Trying to launch a pod with a label to get a node which can launch it.")
pod := runPausePod(f, pausePodConfig{
Name: "pod-with-label-security-s1",
Labels: map[string]string{"security": "S1"},
nodeName := pod.Spec.NodeName
By("Trying to apply a label on the found node.")
k := fmt.Sprintf("kubernetes.io/e2e-%s", "node-topologyKey")
v := "topologyvalue"
framework.AddOrUpdateLabelOnNode(cs, nodeName, k, v)
framework.ExpectNodeHasLabel(cs, nodeName, k, v)
defer framework.RemoveLabelOffNode(cs, nodeName, k)
// make the nodes have balanced cpu,mem usage
err := createBalancedPodForNodes(f, cs, ns, nodeList.Items, podRequestedResource, 0.6)
By("Trying to launch the pod with podAntiAffinity.")
labelPodName := "pod-with-pod-antiaffinity"
pod = createPausePod(f, pausePodConfig{
Resources: podRequestedResource,
Name: labelPodName,
Affinity: &v1.Affinity{
PodAntiAffinity: &v1.PodAntiAffinity{
PreferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: []v1.WeightedPodAffinityTerm{
PodAffinityTerm: v1.PodAffinityTerm{
LabelSelector: &metav1.LabelSelector{
MatchExpressions: []metav1.LabelSelectorRequirement{
Key: "security",
Operator: metav1.LabelSelectorOpIn,
Values: []string{"S1", "value2"},
Key: "security",
Operator: metav1.LabelSelectorOpNotIn,
Values: []string{"S2"},
}, {
Key: "security",
Operator: metav1.LabelSelectorOpExists,
TopologyKey: k,
Namespaces: []string{ns},
Weight: 10,
By("Wait the pod becomes running")
labelPod, err := cs.CoreV1().Pods(ns).Get(labelPodName, metav1.GetOptions{})
By("Verify the pod was scheduled to the expected node.")
It("Pod should avoid nodes that have avoidPod annotation", func() {
nodeName := nodeList.Items[0].Name
// make the nodes have balanced cpu,mem usage
err := createBalancedPodForNodes(f, cs, ns, nodeList.Items, podRequestedResource, 0.5)
By("Create a RC, with 0 replicas")
rc := createRC(ns, "scheduler-priority-avoid-pod", int32(0), map[string]string{"name": "scheduler-priority-avoid-pod"}, f, podRequestedResource)
// Cleanup the replication controller when we are done.
defer func() {
// Resize the replication controller to zero to get rid of pods.
if err := framework.DeleteRCAndWaitForGC(f.ClientSet, f.Namespace.Name, rc.Name); err != nil {
framework.Logf("Failed to cleanup replication controller %v: %v.", rc.Name, err)
By("Trying to apply avoidPod annotations on the first node.")
avoidPod := v1.AvoidPods{
PreferAvoidPods: []v1.PreferAvoidPodsEntry{
PodSignature: v1.PodSignature{
PodController: &metav1.OwnerReference{
APIVersion: "v1",
Kind: "ReplicationController",
Name: rc.Name,
UID: rc.UID,
Controller: func() *bool { b := true; return &b }(),
Reason: "some reson",
Message: "some message",
action := func() error {
framework.AddOrUpdateAvoidPodOnNode(cs, nodeName, avoidPod)
return nil
predicate := func(node *v1.Node) bool {
val, err := json.Marshal(avoidPod)
if err != nil {
return false
return node.Annotations[v1.PreferAvoidPodsAnnotationKey] == string(val)
success, err := common.ObserveNodeUpdateAfterAction(f, nodeName, predicate, action)
defer framework.RemoveAvoidPodsOffNode(cs, nodeName)
By(fmt.Sprintf("Scale the RC: %s to len(nodeList.Item)-1 : %v.", rc.Name, len(nodeList.Items)-1))
framework.ScaleRC(f.ClientSet, f.ScalesGetter, ns, rc.Name, uint(len(nodeList.Items)-1), true)
testPods, err := cs.CoreV1().Pods(ns).List(metav1.ListOptions{
LabelSelector: "name=scheduler-priority-avoid-pod",
By(fmt.Sprintf("Verify the pods should not scheduled to the node: %s", nodeName))
for _, pod := range testPods.Items {
It("Pod should be preferably scheduled to nodes pod can tolerate", func() {
// make the nodes have balanced cpu,mem usage ratio
err := createBalancedPodForNodes(f, cs, ns, nodeList.Items, podRequestedResource, 0.5)
//we need apply more taints on a node, because one match toleration only count 1
By("Trying to apply 10 taint on the nodes except first one.")
nodeName := nodeList.Items[0].Name
for index, node := range nodeList.Items {
if index == 0 {
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
testTaint := addRandomTaitToNode(cs, node.Name)
defer framework.RemoveTaintOffNode(cs, node.Name, *testTaint)
By("Create a pod without any tolerations")
tolerationPodName := "without-tolerations"
pod := createPausePod(f, pausePodConfig{
Name: tolerationPodName,
By("Pod should prefer scheduled to the node don't have the taint.")
tolePod, err := cs.CoreV1().Pods(ns).Get(tolerationPodName, metav1.GetOptions{})
By("Trying to apply 10 taint on the first node.")
var tolerations []v1.Toleration
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
testTaint := addRandomTaitToNode(cs, nodeName)
tolerations = append(tolerations, v1.Toleration{Key: testTaint.Key, Value: testTaint.Value, Effect: testTaint.Effect})
defer framework.RemoveTaintOffNode(cs, nodeName, *testTaint)
tolerationPodName = "with-tolerations"
By("Create a pod that tolerates all the taints of the first node.")
pod = createPausePod(f, pausePodConfig{
Name: tolerationPodName,
Tolerations: tolerations,
By("Pod should prefer scheduled to the node that pod can tolerate.")
tolePod, err = cs.CoreV1().Pods(ns).Get(tolerationPodName, metav1.GetOptions{})
// createBalancedPodForNodes creates a pod per node that asks for enough resources to make all nodes have the same mem/cpu usage ratio.
func createBalancedPodForNodes(f *framework.Framework, cs clientset.Interface, ns string, nodes []v1.Node, requestedResource *v1.ResourceRequirements, ratio float64) error {
// find the max, if the node has the max,use the one, if not,use the ratio parameter
var maxCPUFraction, maxMemFraction float64 = ratio, ratio
var cpuFractionMap = make(map[string]float64)
var memFractionMap = make(map[string]float64)
for _, node := range nodes {
cpuFraction, memFraction := computeCpuMemFraction(cs, node, requestedResource)
cpuFractionMap[node.Name] = cpuFraction
memFractionMap[node.Name] = memFraction
if cpuFraction > maxCPUFraction {
maxCPUFraction = cpuFraction
if memFraction > maxMemFraction {
maxMemFraction = memFraction
// we need the max one to keep the same cpu/mem use rate
ratio = math.Max(maxCPUFraction, maxMemFraction)
for _, node := range nodes {
memAllocatable, found := node.Status.Allocatable[v1.ResourceMemory]
memAllocatableVal := memAllocatable.Value()
cpuAllocatable, found := node.Status.Allocatable[v1.ResourceCPU]
cpuAllocatableMil := cpuAllocatable.MilliValue()
needCreateResource := v1.ResourceList{}
cpuFraction := cpuFractionMap[node.Name]
memFraction := memFractionMap[node.Name]
needCreateResource[v1.ResourceCPU] = *resource.NewMilliQuantity(int64((ratio-cpuFraction)*float64(cpuAllocatableMil)), resource.DecimalSI)
needCreateResource[v1.ResourceMemory] = *resource.NewQuantity(int64((ratio-memFraction)*float64(memAllocatableVal)), resource.BinarySI)
err := testutils.StartPods(cs, 1, ns, string(uuid.NewUUID()),
*initPausePod(f, pausePodConfig{
Name: "",
Labels: balancePodLabel,
Resources: &v1.ResourceRequirements{
Limits: needCreateResource,
Requests: needCreateResource,
NodeName: node.Name,
}), true, framework.Logf)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, node := range nodes {
By("Compute Cpu, Mem Fraction after create balanced pods.")
computeCpuMemFraction(cs, node, requestedResource)
return nil
func computeCpuMemFraction(cs clientset.Interface, node v1.Node, resource *v1.ResourceRequirements) (float64, float64) {
framework.Logf("ComputeCpuMemFraction for node: %v", node.Name)
totalRequestedCpuResource := resource.Requests.Cpu().MilliValue()
totalRequestedMemResource := resource.Requests.Memory().Value()
allpods, err := cs.CoreV1().Pods(metav1.NamespaceAll).List(metav1.ListOptions{})
if err != nil {
framework.Failf("Expect error of invalid, got : %v", err)
for _, pod := range allpods.Items {
if pod.Spec.NodeName == node.Name {
framework.Logf("Pod for on the node: %v, Cpu: %v, Mem: %v", pod.Name, getNonZeroRequests(&pod).MilliCPU, getNonZeroRequests(&pod).Memory)
// Ignore best effort pods while computing fractions as they won't be taken in account by scheduler.
if v1qos.GetPodQOS(&pod) == v1.PodQOSBestEffort {
totalRequestedCpuResource += getNonZeroRequests(&pod).MilliCPU
totalRequestedMemResource += getNonZeroRequests(&pod).Memory
cpuAllocatable, found := node.Status.Allocatable[v1.ResourceCPU]
cpuAllocatableMil := cpuAllocatable.MilliValue()
floatOne := float64(1)
cpuFraction := float64(totalRequestedCpuResource) / float64(cpuAllocatableMil)
if cpuFraction > floatOne {
cpuFraction = floatOne
memAllocatable, found := node.Status.Allocatable[v1.ResourceMemory]
memAllocatableVal := memAllocatable.Value()
memFraction := float64(totalRequestedMemResource) / float64(memAllocatableVal)
if memFraction > floatOne {
memFraction = floatOne
framework.Logf("Node: %v, totalRequestedCpuResource: %v, cpuAllocatableMil: %v, cpuFraction: %v", node.Name, totalRequestedCpuResource, cpuAllocatableMil, cpuFraction)
framework.Logf("Node: %v, totalRequestedMemResource: %v, memAllocatableVal: %v, memFraction: %v", node.Name, totalRequestedMemResource, memAllocatableVal, memFraction)
return cpuFraction, memFraction
func getNonZeroRequests(pod *v1.Pod) Resource {
result := Resource{}
for i := range pod.Spec.Containers {
container := &pod.Spec.Containers[i]
cpu, memory := priorityutil.GetNonzeroRequests(&container.Resources.Requests)
result.MilliCPU += cpu
result.Memory += memory
return result
func createRC(ns, rsName string, replicas int32, rcPodLabels map[string]string, f *framework.Framework, resource *v1.ResourceRequirements) *v1.ReplicationController {
rc := &v1.ReplicationController{
TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{
Kind: "ReplicationController",
APIVersion: "v1",
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: rsName,
Spec: v1.ReplicationControllerSpec{
Replicas: &replicas,
Template: &v1.PodTemplateSpec{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Labels: rcPodLabels,
Spec: v1.PodSpec{
Containers: []v1.Container{
Name: rsName,
Image: imageutils.GetPauseImageName(),
Resources: *resource,
rc, err := f.ClientSet.CoreV1().ReplicationControllers(ns).Create(rc)
return rc
func addRandomTaitToNode(cs clientset.Interface, nodeName string) *v1.Taint {
testTaint := v1.Taint{
Key: fmt.Sprintf("kubernetes.io/e2e-taint-key-%s", string(uuid.NewUUID())),
Value: fmt.Sprintf("testing-taint-value-%s", string(uuid.NewUUID())),
Effect: v1.TaintEffectPreferNoSchedule,
framework.AddOrUpdateTaintOnNode(cs, nodeName, testTaint)
framework.ExpectNodeHasTaint(cs, nodeName, &testTaint)
return &testTaint