
170 lines
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# Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Sourcable SSL functions
set -o errexit
set -o nounset
set -o pipefail
set -o errtrace
bin="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE}")" && pwd -P)"
source "${bin}/util-temp-dir.sh"
function cluster::mesos::docker::find_openssl_config {
for candidate in "/etc/ssl/openssl.cnf" "/System/Library/OpenSSL/openssl.cnf"; do
if [ -f "${candidate}" ]; then
echo "${candidate}"
return 0
echo "ERROR: cannot find openssl.cnf" 1>&2
return 1
function cluster::mesos::docker::create_root_certificate_authority {
local out_dir="$1"
# TODO(karlkfi): extract config
local subject="/C=GB/ST=London/L=London/O=example/OU=IT/CN=example.com"
echo "Creating private key" 1>&2
openssl genrsa -out "${out_dir}/root-ca.key" 2048
echo "Creating certificate sign request" 1>&2
openssl req -nodes -new -utf8 \
-key "${out_dir}/root-ca.key" \
-out "${out_dir}/root-ca.csr" \
-subj "${subject}"
echo "Signing new certificate with private key" 1>&2
openssl x509 -req -days 3650 \
-in "${out_dir}/root-ca.csr" \
-out "${out_dir}/root-ca.crt" \
-signkey "${out_dir}/root-ca.key"
echo "Key: ${out_dir}/root-ca.key" 1>&2
echo "Cert: ${out_dir}/root-ca.crt" 1>&2
# Creates an apiserver key and certificate with the given IPs & kubernetes.* domain names.
# Uses the current dir for scratch work.
function cluster::mesos::docker::create_apiserver_cert_inner {
local in_dir="$1"
local out_dir="$2"
local apiserver_ip="$3"
local service_ip="$4"
local workspace="$(pwd)"
if [ ! -f "${in_dir}/root-ca.key" ]; then
echo "Signing key not found: ${in_dir}/root-ca.key"
return 1
if [ ! -f "${in_dir}/root-ca.crt" ]; then
echo "Root certificate not found: ${in_dir}/root-ca.key"
return 1
mkdir -p "${out_dir}"
local openssl_cnf=$(cluster::mesos::docker::find_openssl_config)
# TODO(karlkfi): extract config
local subject="/C=GB/ST=London/L=London/O=example/OU=IT/CN=example.com"
local cluster_domain="cluster.local"
local service_name="kubernetes"
local service_namespace="default"
local subject_alt_name="IP:${apiserver_ip},IP:${service_ip},DNS:${service_name},DNS:${service_name}.${service_namespace},DNS:${service_name}.${service_namespace}.svc,DNS:${service_name}.${service_namespace}.svc.${cluster_domain}"
echo "Creating private key" 1>&2
openssl genrsa -out "${workspace}/apiserver.key" 2048
echo "Creating certificate sign request" 1>&2
openssl req -nodes -new -utf8 \
-key "${workspace}/apiserver.key" \
-out "${workspace}/apiserver.csr" \
-reqexts SAN \
-config <(cat "${openssl_cnf}"; echo -e "[SAN]\nsubjectAltName=${subject_alt_name}") \
-subj "${subject}"
echo "Validating certificate sign request" 1>&2
openssl req -text -noout -in "${workspace}/apiserver.csr" | grep -q "${service_name}.${service_namespace}.svc.${cluster_domain}"
echo "Signing new certificate with root certificate authority key" 1>&2
mkdir -p "${workspace}/demoCA/newcerts"
touch "${workspace}/demoCA/index.txt"
echo 1000 > "${workspace}/demoCA/serial"
openssl ca -batch \
-days 3650 \
-in "${workspace}/apiserver.csr" \
-cert "${in_dir}/root-ca.crt" \
-keyfile "${in_dir}/root-ca.key" \
-config <(sed 's/.*\(copy_extensions = copy\)/\1/' ${openssl_cnf})
echo "Validating signed certificate" 1>&2
openssl x509 -in "${workspace}/demoCA/newcerts/1000.pem" -text -noout | grep -q "${service_name}.${service_namespace}.svc.${cluster_domain}"
echo "Key: ${out_dir}/apiserver.key" 1>&2
cp "${workspace}/apiserver.key" "${out_dir}/apiserver.key"
echo "Cert: ${out_dir}/apiserver.crt" 1>&2
cp "${workspace}/demoCA/newcerts/1000.pem" "${out_dir}/apiserver.crt"
# Creates an apiserver key and certificate with the given IPs & kubernetes.* domain names.
function cluster::mesos::docker::create_apiserver_cert {
local in_dir="$1" # must contain root-ca.crt & root-ca.key
local out_dir="$2"
local apiserver_ip="$3"
local service_ip="$4"
cluster::mesos::docker::run_in_temp_dir "k8sm-certs" \
"cluster::mesos::docker::create_apiserver_cert_inner" \
"${in_dir}" "${out_dir}" "${apiserver_ip}" "${service_ip}"
# Creates an rsa key (for signing service accounts).
function cluster::mesos::docker::create_rsa_key {
local key_file_path="$1"
# buffer output until failure
local output=$((
openssl genrsa -out "${key_file_path}" 2048 || exit $?
) 2>&1)
local exit_status="$?"
if [ "${exit_status}" != 0 ]; then
echo "${output}" 1>&2
return "${exit_status}"
echo "Key: ${key_file_path}" 1>&2
# Creates a k8s token auth user file.
# See /docs/admin/authentication.md
function cluster::mesos::docker::create_token_user {
local user_name="$1"
echo "$(openssl rand -hex 32),${user_name},${user_name}"
# Creates a k8s basic auth user file.
# See /docs/admin/authentication.md
function cluster::mesos::docker::create_basic_user {
local user_name="$1"
local password="$2"
echo "${password},${user_name},${user_name}"