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// Package equivalence defines Pod equivalence classes and the equivalence class
// cache.
package equivalence
import (
schedulercache "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/scheduler/cache"
hashutil "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/util/hash"
// Cache saves and reuses the output of predicate functions. Use RunPredicate to
// get or update the cached results. An appropriate Invalidate* function should
// be called when some predicate results are no longer valid.
// Internally, results are keyed by node name, predicate name, and "equivalence
// class". (Equivalence class is defined in the `Class` type.) Saved results
// will be reused until an appropriate invalidation function is called.
type Cache struct {
mu sync.RWMutex
cache nodeMap
// NewCache returns an empty Cache.
func NewCache() *Cache {
return &Cache{
cache: make(nodeMap),
// Class represents a set of pods which are equivalent from the perspective of
// the scheduler. i.e. the scheduler would make the same decision for any pod
// from the same class.
type Class struct {
// Equivalence hash
hash uint64
// NewClass returns the equivalence class for a given Pod. The returned Class
// objects will be equal for two Pods in the same class. nil values should not
// be considered equal to each other.
// NOTE: Make sure to compare types of Class and not *Class.
// TODO(misterikkit): Return error instead of nil *Class.
func NewClass(pod *v1.Pod) *Class {
equivalencePod := getEquivalencePod(pod)
if equivalencePod != nil {
hash := fnv.New32a()
hashutil.DeepHashObject(hash, equivalencePod)
return &Class{
hash: uint64(hash.Sum32()),
return nil
// nodeMap stores PredicateCaches with node name as the key.
type nodeMap map[string]predicateMap
// predicateMap stores resultMaps with predicate name as the key.
type predicateMap map[string]resultMap
// resultMap stores PredicateResult with pod equivalence hash as the key.
type resultMap map[uint64]predicateResult
// predicateResult stores the output of a FitPredicate.
type predicateResult struct {
Fit bool
FailReasons []algorithm.PredicateFailureReason
// RunPredicate returns a cached predicate result. In case of a cache miss, the predicate will be
// run and its results cached for the next call.
// NOTE: RunPredicate will not update the equivalence cache if the given NodeInfo is stale.
func (c *Cache) RunPredicate(
pred algorithm.FitPredicate,
predicateKey string,
pod *v1.Pod,
meta algorithm.PredicateMetadata,
nodeInfo *schedulercache.NodeInfo,
equivClass *Class,
cache schedulercache.Cache,
) (bool, []algorithm.PredicateFailureReason, error) {
if nodeInfo == nil || nodeInfo.Node() == nil {
// This may happen during tests.
return false, []algorithm.PredicateFailureReason{}, fmt.Errorf("nodeInfo is nil or node is invalid")
result, ok := c.lookupResult(pod.GetName(), nodeInfo.Node().GetName(), predicateKey, equivClass.hash)
if ok {
return result.Fit, result.FailReasons, nil
fit, reasons, err := pred(pod, meta, nodeInfo)
if err != nil {
return fit, reasons, err
if cache != nil {
c.updateResult(pod.GetName(), predicateKey, fit, reasons, equivClass.hash, cache, nodeInfo)
return fit, reasons, nil
// updateResult updates the cached result of a predicate.
func (c *Cache) updateResult(
podName, predicateKey string,
fit bool,
reasons []algorithm.PredicateFailureReason,
equivalenceHash uint64,
cache schedulercache.Cache,
nodeInfo *schedulercache.NodeInfo,
) {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
if nodeInfo == nil || nodeInfo.Node() == nil {
// This may happen during tests.
// Skip update if NodeInfo is stale.
if !cache.IsUpToDate(nodeInfo) {
nodeName := nodeInfo.Node().GetName()
if _, exist := c.cache[nodeName]; !exist {
c.cache[nodeName] = make(predicateMap)
predicateItem := predicateResult{
Fit: fit,
FailReasons: reasons,
// if cached predicate map already exists, just update the predicate by key
if predicates, ok := c.cache[nodeName][predicateKey]; ok {
// maps in golang are references, no need to add them back
predicates[equivalenceHash] = predicateItem
} else {
c.cache[nodeName][predicateKey] =
equivalenceHash: predicateItem,
glog.V(5).Infof("Cache update: node=%s,predicate=%s,pod=%s,value=%v", nodeName, predicateKey, podName, predicateItem)
// lookupResult returns cached predicate results and a bool saying whether a
// cache entry was found.
func (c *Cache) lookupResult(
podName, nodeName, predicateKey string,
equivalenceHash uint64,
) (value predicateResult, ok bool) {
defer c.mu.RUnlock()
glog.V(5).Infof("Cache lookup: node=%s,predicate=%s,pod=%s", nodeName, predicateKey, podName)
value, ok = c.cache[nodeName][predicateKey][equivalenceHash]
return value, ok
// InvalidatePredicates clears all cached results for the given predicates.
func (c *Cache) InvalidatePredicates(predicateKeys sets.String) {
if len(predicateKeys) == 0 {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
// c.cache uses nodeName as key, so we just iterate it and invalid given predicates
for _, predicates := range c.cache {
for predicateKey := range predicateKeys {
delete(predicates, predicateKey)
glog.V(5).Infof("Cache invalidation: node=*,predicates=%v", predicateKeys)
// InvalidatePredicatesOnNode clears cached results for the given predicates on one node.
func (c *Cache) InvalidatePredicatesOnNode(nodeName string, predicateKeys sets.String) {
if len(predicateKeys) == 0 {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
for predicateKey := range predicateKeys {
delete(c.cache[nodeName], predicateKey)
glog.V(5).Infof("Cache invalidation: node=%s,predicates=%v", nodeName, predicateKeys)
// InvalidateAllPredicatesOnNode clears all cached results for one node.
func (c *Cache) InvalidateAllPredicatesOnNode(nodeName string) {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
delete(c.cache, nodeName)
glog.V(5).Infof("Cache invalidation: node=%s,predicates=*", nodeName)
// InvalidateCachedPredicateItemForPodAdd is a wrapper of
// InvalidateCachedPredicateItem for pod add case
// TODO: This does not belong with the equivalence cache implementation.
func (c *Cache) InvalidateCachedPredicateItemForPodAdd(pod *v1.Pod, nodeName string) {
// MatchInterPodAffinity: we assume scheduler can make sure newly bound pod
// will not break the existing inter pod affinity. So we does not need to
// invalidate MatchInterPodAffinity when pod added.
// But when a pod is deleted, existing inter pod affinity may become invalid.
// (e.g. this pod was preferred by some else, or vice versa)
// NOTE: assumptions above will not stand when we implemented features like
// RequiredDuringSchedulingRequiredDuringExecution.
// NoDiskConflict: the newly scheduled pod fits to existing pods on this node,
// it will also fits to equivalence class of existing pods
// GeneralPredicates: will always be affected by adding a new pod
invalidPredicates := sets.NewString(predicates.GeneralPred)
// MaxPDVolumeCountPredicate: we check the volumes of pod to make decision.
for _, vol := range pod.Spec.Volumes {
if vol.PersistentVolumeClaim != nil {
invalidPredicates.Insert(predicates.MaxEBSVolumeCountPred, predicates.MaxGCEPDVolumeCountPred, predicates.MaxAzureDiskVolumeCountPred)
} else {
if vol.AWSElasticBlockStore != nil {
if vol.GCEPersistentDisk != nil {
if vol.AzureDisk != nil {
c.InvalidatePredicatesOnNode(nodeName, invalidPredicates)
// equivalencePod is the set of pod attributes which must match for two pods to
// be considered equivalent for scheduling purposes. For correctness, this must
// include any Pod field which is used by a FitPredicate.
// NOTE: For equivalence hash to be formally correct, lists and maps in the
// equivalencePod should be normalized. (e.g. by sorting them) However, the vast
// majority of equivalent pod classes are expected to be created from a single
// pod template, so they will all have the same ordering.
type equivalencePod struct {
Namespace *string
Labels map[string]string
Affinity *v1.Affinity
Containers []v1.Container // See note about ordering
InitContainers []v1.Container // See note about ordering
NodeName *string
NodeSelector map[string]string
Tolerations []v1.Toleration
Volumes []v1.Volume // See note about ordering
// getEquivalencePod returns a normalized representation of a pod so that two
// "equivalent" pods will hash to the same value.
func getEquivalencePod(pod *v1.Pod) *equivalencePod {
ep := &equivalencePod{
Namespace: &pod.Namespace,
Labels: pod.Labels,
Affinity: pod.Spec.Affinity,
Containers: pod.Spec.Containers,
InitContainers: pod.Spec.InitContainers,
NodeName: &pod.Spec.NodeName,
NodeSelector: pod.Spec.NodeSelector,
Tolerations: pod.Spec.Tolerations,
Volumes: pod.Spec.Volumes,
// DeepHashObject considers nil and empty slices to be different. Normalize them.
if len(ep.Containers) == 0 {
ep.Containers = nil
if len(ep.InitContainers) == 0 {
ep.InitContainers = nil
if len(ep.Tolerations) == 0 {
ep.Tolerations = nil
if len(ep.Volumes) == 0 {
ep.Volumes = nil
// Normalize empty maps also.
if len(ep.Labels) == 0 {
ep.Labels = nil
if len(ep.NodeSelector) == 0 {
ep.NodeSelector = nil
// TODO(misterikkit): Also normalize nested maps and slices.
return ep