mirror of https://github.com/k3s-io/k3s
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526 lines
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Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package dockertools
import (
kubecontainer "github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/container"
docker "github.com/fsouza/go-dockerclient"
const (
PodInfraContainerName = leaky.PodInfraContainerName
DockerPrefix = "docker://"
PodInfraContainerImage = "gcr.io/google_containers/pause:0.8.0"
const (
// Taken from lmctfy https://github.com/google/lmctfy/blob/master/lmctfy/controllers/cpu_controller.cc
minShares = 2
sharesPerCPU = 1024
milliCPUToCPU = 1000
// DockerInterface is an abstract interface for testability. It abstracts the interface of docker.Client.
type DockerInterface interface {
ListContainers(options docker.ListContainersOptions) ([]docker.APIContainers, error)
InspectContainer(id string) (*docker.Container, error)
CreateContainer(docker.CreateContainerOptions) (*docker.Container, error)
StartContainer(id string, hostConfig *docker.HostConfig) error
StopContainer(id string, timeout uint) error
RemoveContainer(opts docker.RemoveContainerOptions) error
InspectImage(image string) (*docker.Image, error)
ListImages(opts docker.ListImagesOptions) ([]docker.APIImages, error)
PullImage(opts docker.PullImageOptions, auth docker.AuthConfiguration) error
RemoveImage(image string) error
Logs(opts docker.LogsOptions) error
Version() (*docker.Env, error)
CreateExec(docker.CreateExecOptions) (*docker.Exec, error)
StartExec(string, docker.StartExecOptions) error
// DockerID is an ID of docker container. It is a type to make it clear when we're working with docker container Ids
type DockerID string
type KubeletContainerName struct {
PodFullName string
PodUID types.UID
ContainerName string
// DockerPuller is an abstract interface for testability. It abstracts image pull operations.
type DockerPuller interface {
Pull(image string) error
IsImagePresent(image string) (bool, error)
// dockerPuller is the default implementation of DockerPuller.
type dockerPuller struct {
client DockerInterface
keyring credentialprovider.DockerKeyring
type throttledDockerPuller struct {
puller dockerPuller
limiter util.RateLimiter
// newDockerPuller creates a new instance of the default implementation of DockerPuller.
func newDockerPuller(client DockerInterface, qps float32, burst int) DockerPuller {
dp := dockerPuller{
client: client,
keyring: credentialprovider.NewDockerKeyring(),
if qps == 0.0 {
return dp
return &throttledDockerPuller{
puller: dp,
limiter: util.NewTokenBucketRateLimiter(qps, burst),
type dockerContainerCommandRunner struct {
client DockerInterface
// The first version of docker that supports exec natively is 1.3.0 == API 1.15
var dockerAPIVersionWithExec, _ = docker.NewAPIVersion("1.15")
// Returns the major and minor version numbers of docker server.
func (d *dockerContainerCommandRunner) GetDockerServerVersion() (docker.APIVersion, error) {
env, err := d.client.Version()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get docker server version - %v", err)
apiVersion := env.Get("ApiVersion")
version, err := docker.NewAPIVersion(apiVersion)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse docker server version %q: %v", apiVersion, err)
return version, nil
func (d *dockerContainerCommandRunner) nativeExecSupportExists() (bool, error) {
version, err := d.GetDockerServerVersion()
if err != nil {
return false, err
return version.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(dockerAPIVersionWithExec), nil
func (d *dockerContainerCommandRunner) getRunInContainerCommand(containerID string, cmd []string) (*exec.Cmd, error) {
args := append([]string{"exec"}, cmd...)
command := exec.Command("/usr/sbin/nsinit", args...)
command.Dir = fmt.Sprintf("/var/lib/docker/execdriver/native/%s", containerID)
return command, nil
func (d *dockerContainerCommandRunner) runInContainerUsingNsinit(containerID string, cmd []string) ([]byte, error) {
c, err := d.getRunInContainerCommand(containerID, cmd)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return c.CombinedOutput()
// RunInContainer uses nsinit to run the command inside the container identified by containerID
// TODO(yifan): Use strong type for containerID.
func (d *dockerContainerCommandRunner) RunInContainer(containerID string, cmd []string) ([]byte, error) {
// If native exec support does not exist in the local docker daemon use nsinit.
useNativeExec, err := d.nativeExecSupportExists()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !useNativeExec {
return d.runInContainerUsingNsinit(containerID, cmd)
createOpts := docker.CreateExecOptions{
Container: containerID,
Cmd: cmd,
AttachStdin: false,
AttachStdout: true,
AttachStderr: true,
Tty: false,
execObj, err := d.client.CreateExec(createOpts)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to run in container - Exec setup failed - %v", err)
var buf bytes.Buffer
wrBuf := bufio.NewWriter(&buf)
startOpts := docker.StartExecOptions{
Detach: false,
Tty: false,
OutputStream: wrBuf,
ErrorStream: wrBuf,
RawTerminal: false,
errChan := make(chan error, 1)
go func() {
errChan <- d.client.StartExec(execObj.ID, startOpts)
return buf.Bytes(), <-errChan
// ExecInContainer uses nsenter to run the command inside the container identified by containerID.
// TODO:
// - match cgroups of container
// - should we support `docker exec`?
// - should we support nsenter in a container, running with elevated privs and --pid=host?
// - use strong type for containerId
func (d *dockerContainerCommandRunner) ExecInContainer(containerId string, cmd []string, stdin io.Reader, stdout, stderr io.WriteCloser, tty bool) error {
nsenter, err := exec.LookPath("nsenter")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("exec unavailable - unable to locate nsenter")
container, err := d.client.InspectContainer(containerId)
if err != nil {
return err
if !container.State.Running {
return fmt.Errorf("container not running (%s)", container)
containerPid := container.State.Pid
// TODO what if the container doesn't have `env`???
args := []string{"-t", fmt.Sprintf("%d", containerPid), "-m", "-i", "-u", "-n", "-p", "--", "env", "-i"}
args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("HOSTNAME=%s", container.Config.Hostname))
args = append(args, container.Config.Env...)
args = append(args, cmd...)
command := exec.Command(nsenter, args...)
if tty {
p, err := StartPty(command)
if err != nil {
return err
defer p.Close()
// make sure to close the stdout stream
defer stdout.Close()
if stdin != nil {
go io.Copy(p, stdin)
if stdout != nil {
go io.Copy(stdout, p)
return command.Wait()
} else {
if stdin != nil {
// Use an os.Pipe here as it returns true *os.File objects.
// This way, if you run 'kubectl exec -p <pod> -i bash' (no tty) and type 'exit',
// the call below to command.Run() can unblock because its Stdin is the read half
// of the pipe.
r, w, err := os.Pipe()
if err != nil {
return err
go io.Copy(w, stdin)
command.Stdin = r
if stdout != nil {
command.Stdout = stdout
if stderr != nil {
command.Stderr = stderr
return command.Run()
// PortForward executes socat in the pod's network namespace and copies
// data between stream (representing the user's local connection on their
// computer) and the specified port in the container.
// TODO:
// - match cgroups of container
// - should we support nsenter + socat on the host? (current impl)
// - should we support nsenter + socat in a container, running with elevated privs and --pid=host?
func (d *dockerContainerCommandRunner) PortForward(pod *kubecontainer.Pod, port uint16, stream io.ReadWriteCloser) error {
podInfraContainer := pod.FindContainerByName(PodInfraContainerName)
if podInfraContainer == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot find pod infra container in pod %q", kubecontainer.BuildPodFullName(pod.Name, pod.Namespace))
container, err := d.client.InspectContainer(string(podInfraContainer.ID))
if err != nil {
return err
if !container.State.Running {
return fmt.Errorf("container not running (%s)", container)
containerPid := container.State.Pid
// TODO use exec.LookPath for socat / what if the host doesn't have it???
args := []string{"-t", fmt.Sprintf("%d", containerPid), "-n", "socat", "-", fmt.Sprintf("TCP4:localhost:%d", port)}
// TODO use exec.LookPath
command := exec.Command("nsenter", args...)
command.Stdin = stream
command.Stdout = stream
return command.Run()
// NewDockerContainerCommandRunner creates a ContainerCommandRunner which uses nsinit to run a command
// inside a container.
func NewDockerContainerCommandRunner(client DockerInterface) ContainerCommandRunner {
return &dockerContainerCommandRunner{client: client}
func parseImageName(image string) (string, string) {
return parsers.ParseRepositoryTag(image)
func (p dockerPuller) Pull(image string) error {
repoToPull, tag := parseImageName(image)
// If no tag was specified, use the default "latest".
if len(tag) == 0 {
tag = "latest"
opts := docker.PullImageOptions{
Repository: repoToPull,
Tag: tag,
creds, ok := p.keyring.Lookup(repoToPull)
if !ok {
glog.V(1).Infof("Pulling image %s without credentials", image)
err := p.client.PullImage(opts, creds)
// If there was no error, or we had credentials, just return the error.
if err == nil || ok {
return err
// Image spec: [<registry>/]<repository>/<image>[:<version] so we count '/'
explicitRegistry := (strings.Count(image, "/") == 2)
// Hack, look for a private registry, and decorate the error with the lack of
// credentials. This is heuristic, and really probably could be done better
// by talking to the registry API directly from the kubelet here.
if explicitRegistry {
return fmt.Errorf("image pull failed for %s, this may be because there are no credentials on this request. details: (%v)", image, err)
return err
func (p throttledDockerPuller) Pull(image string) error {
if p.limiter.CanAccept() {
return p.puller.Pull(image)
return fmt.Errorf("pull QPS exceeded.")
func (p dockerPuller) IsImagePresent(image string) (bool, error) {
_, err := p.client.InspectImage(image)
if err == nil {
return true, nil
// This is super brittle, but its the best we got.
// TODO: Land code in the docker client to use docker.Error here instead.
if err.Error() == "no such image" {
return false, nil
return false, err
func (p throttledDockerPuller) IsImagePresent(name string) (bool, error) {
return p.puller.IsImagePresent(name)
// DockerContainers is a map of containers
type DockerContainers map[DockerID]*docker.APIContainers
func (c DockerContainers) FindPodContainer(podFullName string, uid types.UID, containerName string) (*docker.APIContainers, bool, uint64) {
for _, dockerContainer := range c {
if len(dockerContainer.Names) == 0 {
// TODO(proppy): build the docker container name and do a map lookup instead?
dockerName, hash, err := ParseDockerName(dockerContainer.Names[0])
if err != nil {
if dockerName.PodFullName == podFullName &&
(uid == "" || dockerName.PodUID == uid) &&
dockerName.ContainerName == containerName {
return dockerContainer, true, hash
return nil, false, 0
const containerNamePrefix = "k8s"
func HashContainer(container *api.Container) uint64 {
hash := adler32.New()
util.DeepHashObject(hash, *container)
return uint64(hash.Sum32())
// Creates a name which can be reversed to identify both full pod name and container name.
func BuildDockerName(dockerName KubeletContainerName, container *api.Container) string {
containerName := dockerName.ContainerName + "." + strconv.FormatUint(HashContainer(container), 16)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s_%s_%s_%08x",
// Unpacks a container name, returning the pod full name and container name we would have used to
// construct the docker name. If we are unable to parse the name, an error is returned.
func ParseDockerName(name string) (dockerName *KubeletContainerName, hash uint64, err error) {
// For some reason docker appears to be appending '/' to names.
// If it's there, strip it.
name = strings.TrimPrefix(name, "/")
parts := strings.Split(name, "_")
if len(parts) == 0 || parts[0] != containerNamePrefix {
err = fmt.Errorf("failed to parse Docker container name %q into parts", name)
return nil, 0, err
if len(parts) < 6 {
// We have at least 5 fields. We may have more in the future.
// Anything with less fields than this is not something we can
// manage.
glog.Warningf("found a container with the %q prefix, but too few fields (%d): %q", containerNamePrefix, len(parts), name)
err = fmt.Errorf("Docker container name %q has less parts than expected %v", name, parts)
return nil, 0, err
nameParts := strings.Split(parts[1], ".")
containerName := nameParts[0]
if len(nameParts) > 1 {
hash, err = strconv.ParseUint(nameParts[1], 16, 32)
if err != nil {
glog.Warningf("invalid container hash %q in container %q", nameParts[1], name)
podFullName := parts[2] + "_" + parts[3]
podUID := types.UID(parts[4])
return &KubeletContainerName{podFullName, podUID, containerName}, hash, nil
// Get a docker endpoint, either from the string passed in, or $DOCKER_HOST environment variables
func getDockerEndpoint(dockerEndpoint string) string {
var endpoint string
if len(dockerEndpoint) > 0 {
endpoint = dockerEndpoint
} else if len(os.Getenv("DOCKER_HOST")) > 0 {
endpoint = os.Getenv("DOCKER_HOST")
} else {
endpoint = "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"
glog.Infof("Connecting to docker on %s", endpoint)
return endpoint
func ConnectToDockerOrDie(dockerEndpoint string) DockerInterface {
if dockerEndpoint == "fake://" {
return &FakeDockerClient{
VersionInfo: []string{"apiVersion=1.16"},
client, err := docker.NewClient(getDockerEndpoint(dockerEndpoint))
if err != nil {
glog.Fatal("Couldn't connect to docker.")
return client
// TODO(yifan): Move this to container.Runtime.
type ContainerCommandRunner interface {
RunInContainer(containerID string, cmd []string) ([]byte, error)
GetDockerServerVersion() (docker.APIVersion, error)
ExecInContainer(containerID string, cmd []string, in io.Reader, out, err io.WriteCloser, tty bool) error
PortForward(pod *kubecontainer.Pod, port uint16, stream io.ReadWriteCloser) error
func milliCPUToShares(milliCPU int64) int64 {
if milliCPU == 0 {
// zero milliCPU means unset. Use kernel default.
return 0
// Conceptually (milliCPU / milliCPUToCPU) * sharesPerCPU, but factored to improve rounding.
shares := (milliCPU * sharesPerCPU) / milliCPUToCPU
if shares < minShares {
return minShares
return shares
// GetKubeletDockerContainers lists all container or just the running ones.
// Returns a map of docker containers that we manage, keyed by container ID.
// TODO: Move this function with dockerCache to DockerManager.
func GetKubeletDockerContainers(client DockerInterface, allContainers bool) (DockerContainers, error) {
result := make(DockerContainers)
containers, err := client.ListContainers(docker.ListContainersOptions{All: allContainers})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for i := range containers {
container := &containers[i]
if len(container.Names) == 0 {
// Skip containers that we didn't create to allow users to manually
// spin up their own containers if they want.
// TODO(dchen1107): Remove the old separator "--" by end of Oct
if !strings.HasPrefix(container.Names[0], "/"+containerNamePrefix+"_") &&
!strings.HasPrefix(container.Names[0], "/"+containerNamePrefix+"--") {
glog.V(3).Infof("Docker Container: %s is not managed by kubelet.", container.Names[0])
result[DockerID(container.ID)] = container
return result, nil