#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # A library of helper functions and constant for the local config. # Use the config file specified in $KUBE_CONFIG_FILE, or default to # config-default.sh. KUBE_ROOT=$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE}")/../.. source "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/azure/${KUBE_CONFIG_FILE-"config-default.sh"}" source "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/common.sh" function azure_call { local -a params=() local param # the '... in "$@"' is implicit on a for, so doesn't need to be stated. for param; do params+=("${param}") done local rc=0 local stderr local count=0 while [[ count -lt 10 ]]; do stderr=$(azure "${params[@]}" 2>&1 >&3) && break rc=$? if [[ "${stderr}" != *"getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND"* ]]; then break fi count=$(($count + 1)) done 3>&1 if [[ "${rc}" -ne 0 ]]; then echo "${stderr}" >&2 return "${rc}" fi } function json_val () { python -c 'import json,sys;obj=json.load(sys.stdin);print obj'$1''; } # Verify prereqs function verify-prereqs { if [[ -z "$(which azure)" ]]; then echo "Couldn't find azure in PATH" echo " please install with 'npm install azure-cli'" exit 1 fi if [[ -z "$(azure_call account list | grep true)" ]]; then echo "Default azure account not set" echo " please set with 'azure account set'" exit 1 fi account=$(azure_call account list | grep true) if which md5 > /dev/null 2>&1; then AZ_HSH=$(md5 -q -s "$account") else AZ_HSH=$(echo -n "$account" | md5sum) fi AZ_HSH=${AZ_HSH:0:7} AZ_STG=kube$AZ_HSH echo "==> AZ_STG: $AZ_STG" AZ_CS="$AZ_CS_PREFIX-$AZ_HSH" echo "==> AZ_CS: $AZ_CS" CONTAINER=kube-$TAG echo "==> CONTAINER: $CONTAINER" } # Create a temp dir that'll be deleted at the end of this bash session. # # Vars set: # KUBE_TEMP function ensure-temp-dir { if [[ -z ${KUBE_TEMP-} ]]; then KUBE_TEMP=$(mktemp -d -t kubernetes.XXXXXX) trap 'rm -rf "${KUBE_TEMP}"' EXIT fi } # Verify and find the various tar files that we are going to use on the server. # # Vars set: # SERVER_BINARY_TAR # SALT_TAR function find-release-tars { SERVER_BINARY_TAR="${KUBE_ROOT}/server/kubernetes-server-linux-amd64.tar.gz" if [[ ! -f "$SERVER_BINARY_TAR" ]]; then SERVER_BINARY_TAR="${KUBE_ROOT}/_output/release-tars/kubernetes-server-linux-amd64.tar.gz" fi if [[ ! -f "$SERVER_BINARY_TAR" ]]; then echo "!!! Cannot find kubernetes-server-linux-amd64.tar.gz" exit 1 fi SALT_TAR="${KUBE_ROOT}/server/kubernetes-salt.tar.gz" if [[ ! -f "$SALT_TAR" ]]; then SALT_TAR="${KUBE_ROOT}/_output/release-tars/kubernetes-salt.tar.gz" fi if [[ ! -f "$SALT_TAR" ]]; then echo "!!! Cannot find kubernetes-salt.tar.gz" exit 1 fi } # Take the local tar files and upload them to Azure Storage. They will then be # downloaded by the master as part of the start up script for the master. # # Assumed vars: # SERVER_BINARY_TAR # SALT_TAR # Vars set: # SERVER_BINARY_TAR_URL # SALT_TAR_URL function upload-server-tars() { SERVER_BINARY_TAR_URL= SALT_TAR_URL= echo "==> SERVER_BINARY_TAR: $SERVER_BINARY_TAR" echo "==> SALT_TAR: $SALT_TAR" echo "+++ Staging server tars to Azure Storage: $AZ_STG" local server_binary_url="${SERVER_BINARY_TAR##*/}" local salt_url="${SALT_TAR##*/}" SERVER_BINARY_TAR_URL="https://${AZ_STG}.blob.core.windows.net/$CONTAINER/$server_binary_url" SALT_TAR_URL="https://${AZ_STG}.blob.core.windows.net/$CONTAINER/$salt_url" echo "==> SERVER_BINARY_TAR_URL: $SERVER_BINARY_TAR_URL" echo "==> SALT_TAR_URL: $SALT_TAR_URL" echo "--> Checking storage exists..." if [[ -z "$(azure_call storage account show $AZ_STG 2>/dev/null | \ grep data)" ]]; then echo "--> Creating storage..." azure_call storage account create -l "$AZ_LOCATION" $AZ_STG fi echo "--> Getting storage key..." stg_key=$(azure_call storage account keys list $AZ_STG --json | \ json_val '["primaryKey"]') echo "--> Checking storage container exists..." if [[ -z "$(azure_call storage container show -a $AZ_STG -k "$stg_key" \ $CONTAINER 2>/dev/null | grep data)" ]]; then echo "--> Creating storage container..." azure_call storage container create \ -a $AZ_STG \ -k "$stg_key" \ -p Blob \ $CONTAINER fi echo "--> Checking server binary exists in the container..." if [[ -n "$(azure_call storage blob show -a $AZ_STG -k "$stg_key" \ $CONTAINER $server_binary_url 2>/dev/null | grep data)" ]]; then echo "--> Deleting server binary in the container..." azure_call storage blob delete \ -a $AZ_STG \ -k "$stg_key" \ $CONTAINER \ $server_binary_url fi echo "--> Uploading server binary to the container..." azure_call storage blob upload \ -a $AZ_STG \ -k "$stg_key" \ $SERVER_BINARY_TAR \ $CONTAINER \ $server_binary_url echo "--> Checking salt data exists in the container..." if [[ -n "$(azure_call storage blob show -a $AZ_STG -k "$stg_key" \ $CONTAINER $salt_url 2>/dev/null | grep data)" ]]; then echo "--> Deleting salt data in the container..." azure_call storage blob delete \ -a $AZ_STG \ -k "$stg_key" \ $CONTAINER \ $salt_url fi echo "--> Uploading salt data to the container..." azure_call storage blob upload \ -a $AZ_STG \ -k "$stg_key" \ $SALT_TAR \ $CONTAINER \ $salt_url } # Detect the information about the minions # # Assumed vars: # MINION_NAMES # ZONE # Vars set: # function detect-minions () { if [[ -z "$AZ_CS" ]]; then verify-prereqs fi ssh_ports=($(eval echo "2200{1..$NUM_MINIONS}")) for (( i=0; i<${#MINION_NAMES[@]}; i++)); do MINION_NAMES[$i]=$(ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i $AZ_SSH_KEY -p ${ssh_ports[$i]} $AZ_CS.cloudapp.net hostname -f) done } # Detect the IP for the master # # Assumed vars: # MASTER_NAME # ZONE # Vars set: # KUBE_MASTER # KUBE_MASTER_IP function detect-master () { if [[ -z "$AZ_CS" ]]; then verify-prereqs fi KUBE_MASTER=${MASTER_NAME} KUBE_MASTER_IP="${AZ_CS}.cloudapp.net" echo "Using master: $KUBE_MASTER (external IP: $KUBE_MASTER_IP)" } # Ensure that we have a password created for validating to the master. Will # read from kubeconfig current-context if available. # # Vars set: # KUBE_USER # KUBE_PASSWORD function get-password { get-kubeconfig-basicauth if [[ -z "${KUBE_USER}" || -z "${KUBE_PASSWORD}" ]]; then KUBE_USER=admin KUBE_PASSWORD=$(python -c 'import string,random; print "".join(random.SystemRandom().choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for _ in range(16))') fi } # Instantiate a kubernetes cluster # # Assumed vars # KUBE_ROOT # function kube-up { # Make sure we have the tar files staged on Azure Storage find-release-tars upload-server-tars ensure-temp-dir get-password python "${KUBE_ROOT}/third_party/htpasswd/htpasswd.py" \ -b -c "${KUBE_TEMP}/htpasswd" "$KUBE_USER" "$KUBE_PASSWORD" local htpasswd htpasswd=$(cat "${KUBE_TEMP}/htpasswd") # Generate openvpn certs echo "--> Generating openvpn certs" echo 01 > ${KUBE_TEMP}/ca.srl openssl genrsa -out ${KUBE_TEMP}/ca.key openssl req -new -x509 -days 1095 \ -key ${KUBE_TEMP}/ca.key \ -out ${KUBE_TEMP}/ca.crt \ -subj "/CN=openvpn-ca" openssl genrsa -out ${KUBE_TEMP}/server.key openssl req -new \ -key ${KUBE_TEMP}/server.key \ -out ${KUBE_TEMP}/server.csr \ -subj "/CN=server" openssl x509 -req -days 1095 \ -in ${KUBE_TEMP}/server.csr \ -CA ${KUBE_TEMP}/ca.crt \ -CAkey ${KUBE_TEMP}/ca.key \ -CAserial ${KUBE_TEMP}/ca.srl \ -out ${KUBE_TEMP}/server.crt for (( i=0; i<${#MINION_NAMES[@]}; i++)); do openssl genrsa -out ${KUBE_TEMP}/${MINION_NAMES[$i]}.key openssl req -new \ -key ${KUBE_TEMP}/${MINION_NAMES[$i]}.key \ -out ${KUBE_TEMP}/${MINION_NAMES[$i]}.csr \ -subj "/CN=${MINION_NAMES[$i]}" openssl x509 -req -days 1095 \ -in ${KUBE_TEMP}/${MINION_NAMES[$i]}.csr \ -CA ${KUBE_TEMP}/ca.crt \ -CAkey ${KUBE_TEMP}/ca.key \ -CAserial ${KUBE_TEMP}/ca.srl \ -out ${KUBE_TEMP}/${MINION_NAMES[$i]}.crt done # Build up start up script for master echo "--> Building up start up script for master" ( echo "#!/bin/bash" echo "CA_CRT=\"$(cat ${KUBE_TEMP}/ca.crt)\"" echo "SERVER_CRT=\"$(cat ${KUBE_TEMP}/server.crt)\"" echo "SERVER_KEY=\"$(cat ${KUBE_TEMP}/server.key)\"" echo "mkdir -p /var/cache/kubernetes-install" echo "cd /var/cache/kubernetes-install" echo "readonly MASTER_NAME='${MASTER_NAME}'" echo "readonly INSTANCE_PREFIX='${INSTANCE_PREFIX}'" echo "readonly NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX='${INSTANCE_PREFIX}-minion'" echo "readonly SERVER_BINARY_TAR_URL='${SERVER_BINARY_TAR_URL}'" echo "readonly SALT_TAR_URL='${SALT_TAR_URL}'" echo "readonly MASTER_HTPASSWD='${htpasswd}'" echo "readonly SERVICE_CLUSTER_IP_RANGE='${SERVICE_CLUSTER_IP_RANGE}'" echo "readonly ADMISSION_CONTROL='${ADMISSION_CONTROL:-}'" grep -v "^#" "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/azure/templates/common.sh" grep -v "^#" "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/azure/templates/create-dynamic-salt-files.sh" grep -v "^#" "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/azure/templates/download-release.sh" grep -v "^#" "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/azure/templates/salt-master.sh" ) > "${KUBE_TEMP}/master-start.sh" if [[ ! -f $AZ_SSH_KEY ]]; then ssh-keygen -f $AZ_SSH_KEY -N '' fi if [[ ! -f $AZ_SSH_CERT ]]; then openssl req -new -x509 -days 1095 -key $AZ_SSH_KEY -out $AZ_SSH_CERT \ -subj "/CN=azure-ssh-key" fi if [[ -z "$(azure_call network vnet show "$AZ_VNET" 2>/dev/null | grep data)" ]]; then echo error create vnet $AZ_VNET with subnet $AZ_SUBNET exit 1 fi echo "--> Starting VM" azure_call vm create \ -w "$AZ_VNET" \ -n $MASTER_NAME \ -l "$AZ_LOCATION" \ -t $AZ_SSH_CERT \ -e 22000 -P \ -d ${KUBE_TEMP}/master-start.sh \ -b $AZ_SUBNET \ $AZ_CS $AZ_IMAGE $USER ssh_ports=($(eval echo "2200{1..$NUM_MINIONS}")) #Build up start up script for minions echo "--> Building up start up script for minions" for (( i=0; i<${#MINION_NAMES[@]}; i++)); do ( echo "#!/bin/bash" echo "MASTER_NAME='${MASTER_NAME}'" echo "CA_CRT=\"$(cat ${KUBE_TEMP}/ca.crt)\"" echo "CLIENT_CRT=\"$(cat ${KUBE_TEMP}/${MINION_NAMES[$i]}.crt)\"" echo "CLIENT_KEY=\"$(cat ${KUBE_TEMP}/${MINION_NAMES[$i]}.key)\"" echo "MINION_IP_RANGE='${MINION_IP_RANGES[$i]}'" grep -v "^#" "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/azure/templates/common.sh" grep -v "^#" "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/azure/templates/salt-minion.sh" ) > "${KUBE_TEMP}/minion-start-${i}.sh" echo "--> Starting VM" azure_call vm create \ -c -w "$AZ_VNET" \ -n ${MINION_NAMES[$i]} \ -l "$AZ_LOCATION" \ -t $AZ_SSH_CERT \ -e ${ssh_ports[$i]} -P \ -d ${KUBE_TEMP}/minion-start-${i}.sh \ -b $AZ_SUBNET \ $AZ_CS $AZ_IMAGE $USER done echo "--> Creating endpoint" azure_call vm endpoint create $MASTER_NAME 443 detect-master > /dev/null echo "==> KUBE_MASTER_IP: ${KUBE_MASTER_IP}" echo "Waiting for cluster initialization." echo echo " This will continually check to see if the API for kubernetes is reachable." echo " This might loop forever if there was some uncaught error during start" echo " up." echo until curl --insecure --user "${KUBE_USER}:${KUBE_PASSWORD}" --max-time 5 \ --fail --output /dev/null --silent "https://${KUBE_MASTER_IP}/healthz"; do printf "." sleep 2 done printf "\n" echo "Kubernetes cluster created." export KUBE_CERT="/tmp/$RANDOM-kubecfg.crt" export KUBE_KEY="/tmp/$RANDOM-kubecfg.key" export CA_CERT="/tmp/$RANDOM-kubernetes.ca.crt" export CONTEXT="azure_${INSTANCE_PREFIX}" # TODO: generate ADMIN (and KUBELET) tokens and put those in the master's # config file. Distribute the same way the htpasswd is done. (umask 077 ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i $AZ_SSH_KEY -p 22000 $AZ_CS.cloudapp.net \ sudo cat /srv/kubernetes/kubecfg.crt >"${KUBE_CERT}" 2>/dev/null ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i $AZ_SSH_KEY -p 22000 $AZ_CS.cloudapp.net \ sudo cat /srv/kubernetes/kubecfg.key >"${KUBE_KEY}" 2>/dev/null ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i $AZ_SSH_KEY -p 22000 $AZ_CS.cloudapp.net \ sudo cat /srv/kubernetes/ca.crt >"${CA_CERT}" 2>/dev/null create-kubeconfig ) echo "Sanity checking cluster..." echo echo " This will continually check the minions to ensure docker is" echo " installed. This is usually a good indicator that salt has" echo " successfully provisioned. This might loop forever if there was" echo " some uncaught error during start up." echo # Basic sanity checking for (( i=0; i<${#MINION_NAMES[@]}; i++)); do # Make sure docker is installed echo "--> Making sure docker is installed on ${MINION_NAMES[$i]}." until ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i $AZ_SSH_KEY -p ${ssh_ports[$i]} \ $AZ_CS.cloudapp.net which docker > /dev/null 2>&1; do printf "." sleep 2 done done echo echo "Kubernetes cluster is running. The master is running at:" echo echo " https://${KUBE_MASTER_IP}" echo echo "The user name and password to use is located in ${KUBECONFIG}." echo } # Delete a kubernetes cluster function kube-down { echo "Bringing down cluster" set +e azure_call vm delete $MASTER_NAME -b -q for (( i=0; i<${#MINION_NAMES[@]}; i++)); do azure_call vm delete ${MINION_NAMES[$i]} -b -q done wait } # Update a kubernetes cluster with latest source #function kube-push { # detect-project # detect-master # Make sure we have the tar files staged on Azure Storage # find-release-tars # upload-server-tars # ( # echo "#! /bin/bash" # echo "mkdir -p /var/cache/kubernetes-install" # echo "cd /var/cache/kubernetes-install" # echo "readonly SERVER_BINARY_TAR_URL='${SERVER_BINARY_TAR_URL}'" # echo "readonly SALT_TAR_URL='${SALT_TAR_URL}'" # grep -v "^#" "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/azure/templates/common.sh" # grep -v "^#" "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/azure/templates/download-release.sh" # echo "echo Executing configuration" # echo "sudo salt '*' mine.update" # echo "sudo salt --force-color '*' state.highstate" # ) | gcutil ssh --project "$PROJECT" --zone "$ZONE" "$KUBE_MASTER" sudo bash # get-password # echo # echo "Kubernetes cluster is running. The master is running at:" # echo # echo " https://${KUBE_MASTER_IP}" # echo # echo "The user name and password to use is located in ~/.kubernetes_auth." # echo #} # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Cluster specific test helpers used from hack/e2e-test.sh # Execute prior to running tests to build a release if required for env. # # Assumed Vars: # KUBE_ROOT function test-build-release { # Make a release "${KUBE_ROOT}/build/release.sh" } # SSH to a node by name ($1) and run a command ($2). function ssh-to-node { local node="$1" local cmd="$2" ssh --ssh_arg "-o LogLevel=quiet" "${node}" "${cmd}" } # Restart the kube-proxy on a node ($1) function restart-kube-proxy { ssh-to-node "$1" "sudo /etc/init.d/kube-proxy restart" } # Restart the kube-proxy on the master ($1) function restart-apiserver { ssh-to-node "$1" "sudo /etc/init.d/kube-apiserver restart" }