# git-blog-demo This demo shows how to use the `git-sync` sidekick container along side `volumes` and `volumeMounts` to create a markdown powered blog. ## How it works The pod is composed of 3 containers that share directories using 2 volumes: - The `git-sync` container clones a git repo into the `markdown` volume - The `hugo` container read from the `markdown` volume and render it into the `html` volume. - The `nginx` container serve the content from the `html` volume. ## Usage Build the demo containers, and push them to a registry ``` docker build -t /git-sync .. docker build -t /hugo hugo/ docker push /hugo /git-sync ``` Create the pod and the service for the blog ``` kubectl pods create config/pod.html kubectl services create config/pod.html ``` Open the service external ip in your browser [![Analytics](https://kubernetes-site.appspot.com/UA-36037335-10/GitHub/contrib/git-sync/demo/README.md?pixel)]()