/* Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package autoscaling import ( "context" "math" "time" gcm "google.golang.org/api/monitoring/v3" as "k8s.io/api/autoscaling/v2beta1" corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1" extensions "k8s.io/api/extensions/v1beta1" "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/resource" metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1" "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/wait" clientset "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes" "k8s.io/kubernetes/test/e2e/framework" "k8s.io/kubernetes/test/e2e/instrumentation/monitoring" . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo" "golang.org/x/oauth2/google" ) const ( stackdriverExporterDeployment = "stackdriver-exporter-deployment" dummyDeploymentName = "dummy-deployment" stackdriverExporterPod = "stackdriver-exporter-pod" externalMetricValue = int64(85) ) var _ = SIGDescribe("[HPA] Horizontal pod autoscaling (scale resource: Custom Metrics from Stackdriver)", func() { BeforeEach(func() { framework.SkipUnlessProviderIs("gce", "gke") }) f := framework.NewDefaultFramework("horizontal-pod-autoscaling") It("should scale down with Custom Metric of type Pod from Stackdriver [Feature:CustomMetricsAutoscaling]", func() { initialReplicas := 2 // metric should cause scale down metricValue := int64(100) metricTarget := 2 * metricValue tc := CustomMetricTestCase{ framework: f, kubeClient: f.ClientSet, initialReplicas: initialReplicas, scaledReplicas: 1, deployment: monitoring.SimpleStackdriverExporterDeployment(stackdriverExporterDeployment, f.Namespace.ObjectMeta.Name, int32(initialReplicas), metricValue), hpa: simplePodsHPA(f.Namespace.ObjectMeta.Name, metricTarget)} tc.Run() }) It("should scale down with Custom Metric of type Object from Stackdriver [Feature:CustomMetricsAutoscaling]", func() { initialReplicas := 2 // metric should cause scale down metricValue := int64(100) metricTarget := 2 * metricValue tc := CustomMetricTestCase{ framework: f, kubeClient: f.ClientSet, initialReplicas: initialReplicas, scaledReplicas: 1, // Metric exported by deployment is ignored deployment: monitoring.SimpleStackdriverExporterDeployment(dummyDeploymentName, f.Namespace.ObjectMeta.Name, int32(initialReplicas), 0 /* ignored */), pod: monitoring.StackdriverExporterPod(stackdriverExporterPod, f.Namespace.Name, stackdriverExporterPod, monitoring.CustomMetricName, metricValue), hpa: objectHPA(f.Namespace.ObjectMeta.Name, metricTarget)} tc.Run() }) It("should scale down with External Metric with target value from Stackdriver [Feature:CustomMetricsAutoscaling]", func() { initialReplicas := 2 // metric should cause scale down metricValue := externalMetricValue metricTarget := 3 * metricValue metricTargets := map[string]externalMetricTarget{ "target": { value: metricTarget, isAverage: false, }, } tc := CustomMetricTestCase{ framework: f, kubeClient: f.ClientSet, initialReplicas: initialReplicas, scaledReplicas: 1, // Metric exported by deployment is ignored deployment: monitoring.SimpleStackdriverExporterDeployment(dummyDeploymentName, f.Namespace.ObjectMeta.Name, int32(initialReplicas), 0 /* ignored */), pod: monitoring.StackdriverExporterPod(stackdriverExporterPod, f.Namespace.Name, stackdriverExporterPod, "target", metricValue), hpa: externalHPA(f.Namespace.ObjectMeta.Name, metricTargets)} tc.Run() }) It("should scale down with External Metric with target average value from Stackdriver [Feature:CustomMetricsAutoscaling]", func() { initialReplicas := 2 // metric should cause scale down metricValue := externalMetricValue metricAverageTarget := 3 * metricValue metricTargets := map[string]externalMetricTarget{ "target_average": { value: metricAverageTarget, isAverage: true, }, } tc := CustomMetricTestCase{ framework: f, kubeClient: f.ClientSet, initialReplicas: initialReplicas, scaledReplicas: 1, // Metric exported by deployment is ignored deployment: monitoring.SimpleStackdriverExporterDeployment(dummyDeploymentName, f.Namespace.ObjectMeta.Name, int32(initialReplicas), 0 /* ignored */), pod: monitoring.StackdriverExporterPod(stackdriverExporterPod, f.Namespace.Name, stackdriverExporterPod, "target_average", externalMetricValue), hpa: externalHPA(f.Namespace.ObjectMeta.Name, metricTargets)} tc.Run() }) It("should scale down with Custom Metric of type Pod from Stackdriver with Prometheus [Feature:CustomMetricsAutoscaling]", func() { initialReplicas := 2 // metric should cause scale down metricValue := int64(100) metricTarget := 2 * metricValue tc := CustomMetricTestCase{ framework: f, kubeClient: f.ClientSet, initialReplicas: initialReplicas, scaledReplicas: 1, deployment: monitoring.PrometheusExporterDeployment(stackdriverExporterDeployment, f.Namespace.ObjectMeta.Name, int32(initialReplicas), metricValue), hpa: simplePodsHPA(f.Namespace.ObjectMeta.Name, metricTarget)} tc.Run() }) It("should scale up with two metrics of type Pod from Stackdriver [Feature:CustomMetricsAutoscaling]", func() { initialReplicas := 1 // metric 1 would cause a scale down, if not for metric 2 metric1Value := int64(100) metric1Target := 2 * metric1Value // metric2 should cause a scale up metric2Value := int64(200) metric2Target := int64(0.5 * float64(metric2Value)) containers := []monitoring.CustomMetricContainerSpec{ { Name: "stackdriver-exporter-metric1", MetricName: "metric1", MetricValue: metric1Value, }, { Name: "stackdriver-exporter-metric2", MetricName: "metric2", MetricValue: metric2Value, }, } metricTargets := map[string]int64{"metric1": metric1Target, "metric2": metric2Target} tc := CustomMetricTestCase{ framework: f, kubeClient: f.ClientSet, initialReplicas: initialReplicas, scaledReplicas: 3, deployment: monitoring.StackdriverExporterDeployment(stackdriverExporterDeployment, f.Namespace.ObjectMeta.Name, int32(initialReplicas), containers), hpa: podsHPA(f.Namespace.ObjectMeta.Name, stackdriverExporterDeployment, metricTargets)} tc.Run() }) It("should scale up with two External metrics from Stackdriver [Feature:CustomMetricsAutoscaling]", func() { initialReplicas := 1 // metric 1 would cause a scale down, if not for metric 2 metric1Value := externalMetricValue metric1Target := 2 * metric1Value // metric2 should cause a scale up metric2Value := externalMetricValue metric2Target := int64(math.Ceil(0.5 * float64(metric2Value))) metricTargets := map[string]externalMetricTarget{ "external_metric_1": { value: metric1Target, isAverage: false, }, "external_metric_2": { value: metric2Target, isAverage: false, }, } containers := []monitoring.CustomMetricContainerSpec{ { Name: "stackdriver-exporter-metric1", MetricName: "external_metric_1", MetricValue: metric1Value, }, { Name: "stackdriver-exporter-metric2", MetricName: "external_metric_2", MetricValue: metric2Value, }, } tc := CustomMetricTestCase{ framework: f, kubeClient: f.ClientSet, initialReplicas: initialReplicas, scaledReplicas: 3, deployment: monitoring.StackdriverExporterDeployment(dummyDeploymentName, f.Namespace.ObjectMeta.Name, int32(initialReplicas), containers), hpa: externalHPA(f.Namespace.ObjectMeta.Name, metricTargets)} tc.Run() }) }) type CustomMetricTestCase struct { framework *framework.Framework hpa *as.HorizontalPodAutoscaler kubeClient clientset.Interface deployment *extensions.Deployment pod *corev1.Pod initialReplicas int scaledReplicas int } func (tc *CustomMetricTestCase) Run() { projectId := framework.TestContext.CloudConfig.ProjectID ctx := context.Background() client, err := google.DefaultClient(ctx, gcm.CloudPlatformScope) // Hack for running tests locally, needed to authenticate in Stackdriver // If this is your use case, create application default credentials: // $ gcloud auth application-default login // and uncomment following lines: /* ts, err := google.DefaultTokenSource(oauth2.NoContext) framework.Logf("Couldn't get application default credentials, %v", err) if err != nil { framework.Failf("Error accessing application default credentials, %v", err) } client := oauth2.NewClient(oauth2.NoContext, ts) */ gcmService, err := gcm.New(client) if err != nil { framework.Failf("Failed to create gcm service, %v", err) } // Set up a cluster: create a custom metric and set up k8s-sd adapter err = monitoring.CreateDescriptors(gcmService, projectId) if err != nil { framework.Failf("Failed to create metric descriptor: %v", err) } defer monitoring.CleanupDescriptors(gcmService, projectId) err = monitoring.CreateAdapter(monitoring.AdapterDefault) if err != nil { framework.Failf("Failed to set up: %v", err) } defer monitoring.CleanupAdapter(monitoring.AdapterDefault) // Run application that exports the metric err = createDeploymentToScale(tc.framework, tc.kubeClient, tc.deployment, tc.pod) if err != nil { framework.Failf("Failed to create stackdriver-exporter pod: %v", err) } defer cleanupDeploymentsToScale(tc.framework, tc.kubeClient, tc.deployment, tc.pod) // Wait for the deployment to run waitForReplicas(tc.deployment.ObjectMeta.Name, tc.framework.Namespace.ObjectMeta.Name, tc.kubeClient, 15*time.Minute, tc.initialReplicas) // Autoscale the deployment _, err = tc.kubeClient.AutoscalingV2beta1().HorizontalPodAutoscalers(tc.framework.Namespace.ObjectMeta.Name).Create(tc.hpa) if err != nil { framework.Failf("Failed to create HPA: %v", err) } defer tc.kubeClient.AutoscalingV2beta1().HorizontalPodAutoscalers(tc.framework.Namespace.ObjectMeta.Name).Delete(tc.hpa.ObjectMeta.Name, &metav1.DeleteOptions{}) waitForReplicas(tc.deployment.ObjectMeta.Name, tc.framework.Namespace.ObjectMeta.Name, tc.kubeClient, 15*time.Minute, tc.scaledReplicas) } func createDeploymentToScale(f *framework.Framework, cs clientset.Interface, deployment *extensions.Deployment, pod *corev1.Pod) error { if deployment != nil { _, err := cs.Extensions().Deployments(f.Namespace.ObjectMeta.Name).Create(deployment) if err != nil { return err } } if pod != nil { _, err := cs.CoreV1().Pods(f.Namespace.ObjectMeta.Name).Create(pod) if err != nil { return err } } return nil } func cleanupDeploymentsToScale(f *framework.Framework, cs clientset.Interface, deployment *extensions.Deployment, pod *corev1.Pod) { if deployment != nil { _ = cs.Extensions().Deployments(f.Namespace.ObjectMeta.Name).Delete(deployment.ObjectMeta.Name, &metav1.DeleteOptions{}) } if pod != nil { _ = cs.CoreV1().Pods(f.Namespace.ObjectMeta.Name).Delete(pod.ObjectMeta.Name, &metav1.DeleteOptions{}) } } func simplePodsHPA(namespace string, metricTarget int64) *as.HorizontalPodAutoscaler { return podsHPA(namespace, stackdriverExporterDeployment, map[string]int64{monitoring.CustomMetricName: metricTarget}) } func podsHPA(namespace string, deploymentName string, metricTargets map[string]int64) *as.HorizontalPodAutoscaler { var minReplicas int32 = 1 metrics := []as.MetricSpec{} for metric, target := range metricTargets { metrics = append(metrics, as.MetricSpec{ Type: as.PodsMetricSourceType, Pods: &as.PodsMetricSource{ MetricName: metric, TargetAverageValue: *resource.NewQuantity(target, resource.DecimalSI), }, }) } return &as.HorizontalPodAutoscaler{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "custom-metrics-pods-hpa", Namespace: namespace, }, Spec: as.HorizontalPodAutoscalerSpec{ Metrics: metrics, MaxReplicas: 3, MinReplicas: &minReplicas, ScaleTargetRef: as.CrossVersionObjectReference{ APIVersion: "extensions/v1beta1", Kind: "Deployment", Name: deploymentName, }, }, } } func objectHPA(namespace string, metricTarget int64) *as.HorizontalPodAutoscaler { var minReplicas int32 = 1 return &as.HorizontalPodAutoscaler{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "custom-metrics-objects-hpa", Namespace: namespace, }, Spec: as.HorizontalPodAutoscalerSpec{ Metrics: []as.MetricSpec{ { Type: as.ObjectMetricSourceType, Object: &as.ObjectMetricSource{ MetricName: monitoring.CustomMetricName, Target: as.CrossVersionObjectReference{ Kind: "Pod", Name: stackdriverExporterPod, }, TargetValue: *resource.NewQuantity(metricTarget, resource.DecimalSI), }, }, }, MaxReplicas: 3, MinReplicas: &minReplicas, ScaleTargetRef: as.CrossVersionObjectReference{ APIVersion: "extensions/v1beta1", Kind: "Deployment", Name: dummyDeploymentName, }, }, } } type externalMetricTarget struct { value int64 isAverage bool } func externalHPA(namespace string, metricTargets map[string]externalMetricTarget) *as.HorizontalPodAutoscaler { var minReplicas int32 = 1 metricSpecs := []as.MetricSpec{} selector := &metav1.LabelSelector{ MatchLabels: map[string]string{"resource.type": "gke_container"}, MatchExpressions: []metav1.LabelSelectorRequirement{ { Key: "resource.labels.namespace_id", Operator: metav1.LabelSelectorOpIn, // TODO(bskiba): change default to real namespace name once it is available // from Stackdriver. Values: []string{"default", "dummy"}, }, { Key: "resource.labels.pod_id", Operator: metav1.LabelSelectorOpExists, Values: []string{}, }, }, } for metric, target := range metricTargets { var metricSpec as.MetricSpec metricSpec = as.MetricSpec{ Type: as.ExternalMetricSourceType, External: &as.ExternalMetricSource{ MetricName: "custom.googleapis.com|" + metric, MetricSelector: selector, }, } if target.isAverage { metricSpec.External.TargetAverageValue = resource.NewQuantity(target.value, resource.DecimalSI) } else { metricSpec.External.TargetValue = resource.NewQuantity(target.value, resource.DecimalSI) } metricSpecs = append(metricSpecs, metricSpec) } hpa := &as.HorizontalPodAutoscaler{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "custom-metrics-external-hpa", Namespace: namespace, }, Spec: as.HorizontalPodAutoscalerSpec{ Metrics: metricSpecs, MaxReplicas: 3, MinReplicas: &minReplicas, ScaleTargetRef: as.CrossVersionObjectReference{ APIVersion: "extensions/v1beta1", Kind: "Deployment", Name: dummyDeploymentName, }, }, } return hpa } func waitForReplicas(deploymentName, namespace string, cs clientset.Interface, timeout time.Duration, desiredReplicas int) { interval := 20 * time.Second err := wait.PollImmediate(interval, timeout, func() (bool, error) { deployment, err := cs.ExtensionsV1beta1().Deployments(namespace).Get(deploymentName, metav1.GetOptions{}) if err != nil { framework.Failf("Failed to get replication controller %s: %v", deployment, err) } replicas := int(deployment.Status.ReadyReplicas) framework.Logf("waiting for %d replicas (current: %d)", desiredReplicas, replicas) return replicas == desiredReplicas, nil // Expected number of replicas found. Exit. }) if err != nil { framework.Failf("Timeout waiting %v for %v replicas", timeout, desiredReplicas) } }